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I-DLV-sr is a logic-based system for reasoning over data streams, which relies on a tight, fine-tuned interaction between the Apache Flink Stream Processor and the I2-DLV system.

The architecture allows to take advantage from both the powerful distributed stream processing capabilities of Apache Flink and the incremental reasoning capabilities of I2-DLV, based on overgrounding techniques.


Francesco Calimeri, Marco Manna, Elena Mastria, Maria Concetta Morelli, Simona Perri, Jessica Zangari: I-DLV-sr: A Stream Reasoning System based on I-DLV, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 2021


The latest release of I-DLV-sr for Linux x86-64 is available here.

Requirements include:

  • Java 11
  • Python 3.8
  • Graphviz (optional)


I-DLV-sr can run in two different modes: socket-based and file-based.


I-DLV-sr reads the input stream from a source socket. Once running, it waits for input events until the socket is open.

In the socket-based mode, one should:

  1. Start up the service providing the input stream. For instance, one can run netcat from a command line to start a socket based-service: nc -l <ip_address> <port_number>.
  2. Start up I-DLV-sr as follows:
java -jar I-DLV-sr.jar --program=<path_to_the_program> --hostname=<ip_address> --port-number=<port_number>

The port number and the IP address can change at will.

Note that the port number and the IP address of the socket-based service and I-DLV-sr must coincide. By default, in I-DLV-sr hostname=localhost and port=9000.


I-DLV-sr reads the input stream from a log file. Once running, it reads all input events up to the end of the file.

In the file-based mode, one should just execute:

java -jar I-DLV-sr.jar --program=<path_to_the_program> --log=<path_to_the_input_stream_file>

Input Language


I-DLV-sr accepts as input programs whose syntax extends ASP-Core-2 with so-called streaming literals.

An I-DLV-sr program contains rules of one out of the three forms:

  1. α : - l1, ... , lb.
  2. #temp α : - l1, . . . , lb.
  3. #trigger_frequency(f) α : - l1, . . . , lb.


  • α is a predicate atom of the form p(t1,...,tn) as in ASP-Core-2
  • l1, ... , lb is a conjunction of streaming literals
  • f indicates the frequency according to which the rule has to be evaluated. It can be expressed in terms of milliseconds, seconds, minutes or hours by simply indicating msec, sec, min and hrs respectively.

Let α be a predicate atom, t be a variable or a constant s.t. t ∈ N+, and D={d1, ... , dm} be a set of natural numbers. The I-DLV-sr language includes three types of streaming atoms:

  • α at least t in {d1, ... , dm}: intuitively, it holds if α is true at least t times within the time points identified by {d1, ... , dm}. If t is a variable, it must be safe (see below);
  • α always in {d1, ... , dm}: intuitively, it holds if α is always true within within the time points identified by {d1, ... , dm};
  • α count t in {d1, ... , dm}: intuitively, it counts how many time α is true within the time points identified by {d1, ... , dm}. When t is a constant greater than 0, it holds if α is true exactly t times. When t is a variable, it assigns to t the number of times α is true.

Let s be a streaming atom of any type and te be the time evaluation time point, the set of natural numbers D={d1, ... , dm} defines how we have to look back starting from te when evaluating s: s will be evaluated within the time points defined by {te-d1, ... ,te-dm}.

For instance, if s = α always in {0, 1, 2, 3} and te=10, then s will be evaluated over the time points {10, 9, 8, 7}.

If D = {n ∈ N s.t. 0 ≤ n ≤ w ∧ w > 0} we indicate it simply as [w]; e.g., we write α always in [3] instead of α always in {0, 1, 2, 3}.

When s is a streaming atom, a streaming literal can be either the positive literal (s) or the negative literal (not s); not denotes negation as failure.

Moreover, the following shortcuts are admitted:

  • α in {d1, ... , dm} in place of α at least 1 in {d1, ... , dm};
  • α in place of α at least 1 in {0} (this is called “degenerate” form of a streaming literal);
  • α at most c in {d1, ... , dm} in place of not α at least c' in {d1, ... , dm} where c'=c+1.

Note: given a rule r, a variable is safe in r if it appears at least once in the positive body of r excluding the counting terms of other at least and at most operators.

By default, the time unit is second. In order to change this setting, one can:

  1. use the option --window-unit=unit: I-DLV-sr will globally set up the time unit to unit for all streaming atoms that do not have an explicit time unit.
  2. specify the time unit within windows: I-DLV-sr will locally set up the time unit for the streaming atom that contains it; this means that each window can have their own time unit if locally specified. Currently, the accepted time units are: msec, sec, min and hrs (resp., milliseconds, seconds, minutes and hours).

I-DLV-sr also supports the following linguistic constructs in rule bodies:

  • built-atoms and aggregate literals as defined in ASP-Core-2; currently, the only restriction is that aggregate elements cannot feature (non-degenerate) streaming literals.
  • external atoms that can be used to call external sources of computation via Python3 (see the I-DLV wiki for additional details)
  • the @now term: a special term that, at each evaluation time point te, is automatically assigned with the value of te either in numeric or string format. The former is used to export te in seconds, minutes or hours, the latter in the datetime format according to the pattern: “yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS”, where milliseconds (.SSS) can be omitted if time points are expressed in larger time units. By default, the @now value is in second (see Section Command-line Options for instructions on how to change the default behaviour).

Input Stream Log

When referring to time in a program (for example in windows), one can refer to different notions of time:

  • processing time: is to the system time of the machine that is evaluating the program;
  • event time: is the time at which each event occurred in the source.

I-DLV-sr relies on the event time notion. It requires that the input stream consists of a log chronologically ordered elements of the form:

timestamp p_1; ... p_n;

where timestamp indicates a time point and p_1; ... p_n; is a list of ground predicate atoms (i.e., ASP-Core-2 facts) true at that time point. timestamp can have one of the following formats:

  • Textual: a datetime string formatted according to the pattern: “yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS”, where milliseconds (.SSS) can be omitted.
  • Numeric: an integer number indicating a timestamp in milliseconds, seconds, minutes or hours.

By default, the system accepts time points in seconds expressed using the first format. See the section Command-line Options below for instruction on how to change the time unit of the time points (option --t-unit) as well as their format (option --t-format).

Note: once the system is running, it accepts only timestamp having the same format, an execution error is raised otherwise.

Handling Duplicate Timestamps

The system can be set to collect fragmented inputs for a time point i.e., the source can send the events of a given time point using several consecutive messages; the only restriction is that each message must contain the timestamp of the relative time point.

In order to enable the system with this capability, the option --t-duplicate must be used. In this case, it will evaluate the input program at an evaluation time point te only when it is certain that all the events of te have been read. Specifically, the evaluation of te is triggered when it has been received at least one event for the time point te+i with te+i>=te, or if the source communicates the end of the messages having te as timestamp by appending the special event @end; within the last message.

2020-05-26T12:16:18 a; 
2020-05-26T12:16:18 b; @end;
2020-05-26T12:16:19 a;
2020-05-26T12:16:19 c;
2020-05-26T12:16:24 b;
2020-05-26T12:16:24 @end;

In this example the time point 2020-05-26T12:16:18 is evaluated as soon as the message "2020-05-26T12:16:18 b; @end;" is received, while the time point 2020-05-26T12:16:19 is evaluated only after the message "2020-05-26T12:16:24 b;" is received.

A Modeling Example

Let us imagine we want to build a monitoring system for the underground trains in the city of Milan. Given a station, passengers expect to see a train stopping every 3–6 minutes, during the rush hours.

The following I-DLV-sr program models a simple control system that warns passengers when this regularity is broken to several extents (i.e., mild/grave irregularity).

irregular :- not train_pass in [6].
irregular :- train_pass, train_pass count X in {1,2}, X>0.
#temp numanomalies(X) :- irregular count X in [30].
mildalert :- numanomalies(X), X>2, X<=5.
severealert :-numanomalies(X), X>5.

A possible input stream log could be the following:

2020-05-26T12:16:18 train_pass; 
2020-05-26T12:16:23 train_pass; 
2020-05-26T12:16:25 train_pass; 

Let us assume to be at the time point 2020-05-26T12:16:25. An irregularity is detected thanks to the second rule of the program: irregular is inferred because all the streaming atoms within its body hold. In particular:

  • train_pass (shortcut for train_pass at least 1 in {0}) holds because the predicate atom train_pass is given as input at the time point 2020-05-26T12:16:25;
  • train_pass count X in {1,2} counts how many times train_pass is true within the time points {2020-05-26T12:16:24, 2020-05-26T12:16:23} (i.e., {2020-05-26T12:16:25 - 1sec, 2020-05-26T12:16:25 - 2sec}), then it assigns then it assigns 1 to X because because train_pass is true only at time point 2020-05-26T12:16:23;
  • X>0 holds because 1>0.

Note that numanomalies(1) is also inferred since when evaluating irregular count X in [30] the count amounts to 1 within a window of the last 30 seconds constructed starting from 2020-05-26T12:16:25.

Note that since the program does not define an explicit time unit for the streaming atoms, the system uses seconds by default.

Command-line Options

  • --hostname=<ip> set the source ip address (default: "localhost")
  • --port-number=<int>set the source port number (default: 9000)
  • --program (required) path to the program file
  • --log path to the input log file
  • --py-script=<../script/[,../script2/,...,../script_n/]> path to the python scripts containing the definition of the external atoms
  • --parallelism=<int> set the default parallelism of the execution environment, i.e., a default parallelism for all operators within the Apache Flink dataflow (default: the number of processors of the machine that runs the system)
  • --windows-unit=<sec|min|hrs> assign the specified timeunit to streaming atoms whose timeunit is not explicitly declared within the program
  • --complete-windows disable the evaluation of "always" atoms over partial windows, i.e., windows whose lower bound is less than the first event's timestamp
  • --export-graphs export the stream dependency, component and macro-node graphs (see "graphs" folder)

Time Point Options:

  • --t-format=<msec|sec|min|hrs> set the time unit to be used to properly interpret the timestamps contained in the input stream. By default, the system accepts timestamps in string format, i.e., a datetime following the pattern 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.SSS' where the part '.SSS' can be omitted. Use this option if instead time points are in numeric format.
  • --t-unit=<msec|sec|min|hrs> set the time unit of the system timeline, i.e., at which granularity the system have to reason (default: sec)
  • --now-format=<sec|min|hrs|datetime> set the format to be used for assigning values to the @now term, (default: datetime, i.e., a string following the pattern 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.SSS' where the part '.SSS' is omitted when it is not required)
  • --t-duplicate allows to handle input streams having time points appearing multiple (consecutive) times; provided that they are chronologically ordered.

Log Options:

  • --print-extended-logprint an extended version of the output log. It is possible to set the verbosity level:
    • =0: maximal verbosity (default)
    • =1: minimal verbosity
  • --print-reasoning-info print an extended version of the output log containing information about the reasoning as well as related statistics. It is possible to set the verbosity level:
    • =0: maximal verbosity (default)
    • =1: minimal verbosity
  • --print-operators-info print an extended version of the output log containing information about the evaluation of streaming atoms as well as related statistics. It is possible to set the verbosity level:
    • =0: maximal verbosity (default)
    • =1: minimal verbosity
  • --print-rewriting print the rewritten program
  • --verbose set the logger to verbose mode i.e., enable all the printing options. It is possible to set the verbosity level:
    • =0: maximal verbosity (default)
    • =1: minimal verbosity
  • --help print the help

Additional resources

Simulate a Source Socket

If you have an input stream log file and you want to run the system in socked-based mode, you can simulate a stream source socket service by using the Python script within the stream_socker_service folder in the repository.

To execute the script on a Linux bash type:

./ <input_period(s)> <n_events_tosend> <path_to_the_input_log_file> <port_number>


  • <input_period(s)> indicates how many seconds to wait before sending a new line of the input stream log;
  • <n_events_tosend> indicated how many lines of the input stream log have to be sent;
  • <path_to_the_input_log_file> indicates the input stream log file to send;
  • <port_number> indicates the port where the socket based-service have to be started;

This script periodically sends a new line of the input stream log to I-DLV-sr until either it ends the content of the file or it reaches the maximum number of line to be sent.


  • ./ 0 2000 input.log 9000 starts the socket based-service at localhost on port 9000 and sends 2000 lines of the file input.log at once;
  • ./ 0.3 50 input.log 9500 starts the socket based-service at localhost on port 9500 and sends 50 events of the file input.log with a period of one event every 0.3 seconds.

Visualize the Stream Dependency, Component and Macro-node graphs

After exporting the graphs with --export-graphs, on a Linux bash you can visualize them as follows.

  1. execute the script, reported in the graphs folder of this repository, as follows: ./ <input.gv> where <input.gv> is the graph to display. Graphviz is needed in this case.

  2. run the command: dot -Tps <input.gv> -o <>.

RuleML+RR 2022 Submission

The benchmarks used for the experimental analysis described in the paper are available in the folder: RuleML+RR2022-Experiments of this repository. For each performed test, the folder contains the related Programs and Logs.

ICLP 2021 Submission

The benchmarks used for the experimental analysis described in the paper are available in the folder: ICLP2021-Experiments of this repository. The folder contains the related Programs and Logs, for each compared system (Distributed-SR and I-DLV-sr) and for each performed test.


For further information, contact [email protected].