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Available Commands

  • show
  • --version
  • --help


Usage: pfb show [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Show records of the PFB file.

  Specify a sub-command to show other information.

  -i, --input FILENAME  The PFB file.
  -n, --limit INTEGER   How many records to show, ignored for sub-commands.
                        [default: no limit]

  metadata  Show the metadata of the PFB file.
  nodes     Show all the node names in the PFB file.
  schema    Show the schema of the PFB file.

    pfb show -i data.avro schema
    ./gradlew run --args="show -i data.avro schema"
    pfb show -i data.avro nodes
    ./gradlew run --args="show -i data.avro nodes"
    pfb show -i data.avro metadata
    ./gradlew run --args="show -i data.avro metadata"
    pfb show -i data.avro -n 5
    ./gradlew run --args="show -i data.avro -n 5"

Local Run and Development

Option 1 - Run via Gradle (Suggested workflow)

Run the following command to build the library and CLI jar and execute a command:

./gradlew run --args=<command>

Option 2: Assemble distribution zip and run

Run the following command to build the library and CLI jar:

./gradlew :cli:assembleDist

Unzip the distribution

unzip cli/build/distributions/cli-<VERSION>.zip

Run commands

./cli-<VERSION>/bin/cli <command>

Option 3: Build and run jar

Run the following command to build the library and CLI jar:

./gradlew :cli:jar

Then, you can use the CLI with the following command:

java -jar "cli/build/libs/java-pfb-cli-<VERSION>.jar" <command>

An alias can be created to simplify this command:

alias pfb='java -jar "cli/build/libs/java-pfb-cli-<VERSION>.jar"'

Example usage of the alias:

pfb --version

Download and run the CLI

Option 1 - Run from Jar Downloaded from Github Release

  1. Download Jar from latest Github release.
  2. Note the location of the downloaded jar and run the jar with the following command:
java -cp "<PATH-TO-JAR>" bio.terra.pfb.JavaPfbCommand <command>

Option 2 - Run from Distribution Downloaded from Github Release

  1. Download Distribution zip from latest Github release.
  2. Unzip the distribution
unzip <PATH-TO-ZIP>/cli-<VERSION>.zip
  1. Note the location of the unzipped distribution and run the CLI with the following command:
./cli-<VERSION>/bin/cli --version

Upgrade the CLI

Github release containing the CLI jar is automatically generated via Github actions when a change is pushed to main.