Name | Offset | Length | Description |
csrng.INTR_STATE |
0x0 | 4 | Interrupt State Register |
0x4 | 4 | Interrupt Enable Register |
csrng.INTR_TEST |
0x8 | 4 | Interrupt Test Register |
csrng.ALERT_TEST |
0xc | 4 | Alert Test Register |
csrng.REGWEN |
0x10 | 4 | Register write enable for all control registers |
csrng.CTRL |
0x14 | 4 | Control register |
csrng.CMD_REQ |
0x18 | 4 | Command request register |
0x1c | 4 | CSRNG maximum number of generate requests allowed between reseeds register |
0x20 | 4 | Reseed counter. |
0x24 | 4 | Reseed counter. |
0x28 | 4 | Reseed counter. |
csrng.SW_CMD_STS |
0x2c | 4 | Application interface command status register |
0x30 | 4 | Generate bits returned valid register |
csrng.GENBITS |
0x34 | 4 | Generate bits returned register |
0x38 | 4 | Internal state read enable register |
0x3c | 4 | Internal state read enable REGWEN register |
0x40 | 4 | Internal state number register |
0x44 | 4 | Internal state read access register |
csrng.FIPS_FORCE |
0x48 | 4 | FIPS/CC compliance flag forcing register |
csrng.HW_EXC_STS |
0x4c | 4 | Hardware instance exception status register |
0x50 | 4 | Recoverable alert status register |
csrng.ERR_CODE |
0x54 | 4 | Hardware detection of error conditions status register |
0x58 | 4 | Test error conditions register |
0x5c | 4 | Main state machine state debug register |
Interrupt State Register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "cs_cmd_req_done", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "cs_entropy_req", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "cs_hw_inst_exc", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "cs_fatal_err", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 28}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 170}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:4 | Reserved | |||
3 | rw1c | 0x0 | cs_fatal_err | Asserted when a FIFO error or a fatal alert occurs. Check the ERR_CODE register to get more information. |
2 | rw1c | 0x0 | cs_hw_inst_exc | Asserted when a hardware-attached CSRNG instance encounters a command exception |
1 | rw1c | 0x0 | cs_entropy_req | Asserted when a request for entropy has been made. |
0 | rw1c | 0x0 | cs_cmd_req_done | Asserted when a command request is completed. |
Interrupt Enable Register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "cs_cmd_req_done", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "cs_entropy_req", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "cs_hw_inst_exc", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "cs_fatal_err", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 28}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 170}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:4 | Reserved | |||
3 | rw | 0x0 | cs_fatal_err | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.cs_fatal_err is set. |
2 | rw | 0x0 | cs_hw_inst_exc | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.cs_hw_inst_exc is set. |
1 | rw | 0x0 | cs_entropy_req | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.cs_entropy_req is set. |
0 | rw | 0x0 | cs_cmd_req_done | Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.cs_cmd_req_done is set. |
Interrupt Test Register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "cs_cmd_req_done", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "cs_entropy_req", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "cs_hw_inst_exc", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "cs_fatal_err", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 28}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 170}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:4 | Reserved | |||
3 | wo | 0x0 | cs_fatal_err | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.cs_fatal_err to 1. |
2 | wo | 0x0 | cs_hw_inst_exc | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.cs_hw_inst_exc to 1. |
1 | wo | 0x0 | cs_entropy_req | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.cs_entropy_req to 1. |
0 | wo | 0x0 | cs_cmd_req_done | Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.cs_cmd_req_done to 1. |
Alert Test Register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "recov_alert", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "fatal_alert", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 30}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 130}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:2 | Reserved | |||
1 | wo | 0x0 | fatal_alert | Write 1 to trigger one alert event of this kind. |
0 | wo | 0x0 | recov_alert | Write 1 to trigger one alert event of this kind. |
Register write enable for all control registers
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "REGWEN", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw0c"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 31}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:1 | Reserved | |||
0 | rw0c | 0x1 | REGWEN | When true, all writeable registers can be modified. When false, they become read-only. |
Control register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
- Register enable:
{"reg": [{"name": "ENABLE", "bits": 4, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "SW_APP_ENABLE", "bits": 4, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "READ_INT_STATE", "bits": 4, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "FIPS_FORCE_ENABLE", "bits": 4, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 16}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 190}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name |
31:16 | Reserved | ||
15:12 | rw | 0x9 | FIPS_FORCE_ENABLE |
11:8 | rw | 0x9 | READ_INT_STATE |
7:4 | rw | 0x9 | SW_APP_ENABLE |
3:0 | rw | 0x9 | ENABLE |
Setting this field to kMultiBitBool4True enables forcing the FIPS/CC compliance flag to true via the FIPS_FORCE
Setting this field to kMultiBitBool4True will enable reading from the INT_STATE_VAL
Reading the internal state of the enable instances will be enabled
only if the otp_en_csrng_sw_app_read input vector is set to the enable encoding.
bit of the selected instance needs to be set to true for this to work.
Setting this field to kMultiBitBool4True will enable reading from the GENBITS
This application interface for software (register based) will be enabled
only if the otp_en_csrng_sw_app_read input vector is set to the enable encoding.
Setting this field to kMultiBitBool4True will enable the CSRNG module. The modules of the entropy complex may only be enabled and disabled in a specific order, see Programmers Guide for details.
Command request register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "CMD_REQ", "bits": 32, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:0 | wo | 0x0 | CMD_REQ | Writing this request with defined CSRNG commands will initiate all possible CSRNG actions. The application interface must wait for the "ack" to return before issuing new commands. |
CSRNG maximum number of generate requests allowed between reseeds register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "RESEED_INTERVAL", "bits": 32, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name |
31:0 | rw | 0xffffffff | RESEED_INTERVAL |
Setting this field will set the number of generate requests that can be made to CSRNG before a reseed request needs to be made. This register supports a maximum of 2^32 requests between reseeds. This register will be compared to a counter, which counts the number of generate commands between reseed or instantiate commands. If the counter reaches the value of this register, the violating command will be acknowledged with a status error. If the violating command was issued by a HW instance, an interrupt will be triggered.
Reseed counter.
The per-instance reseed counter indicates the number of Generate requests that have been completed since new entropy input has been obtained with an Instantiate or a Reseed command.
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
Name | Offset |
{"reg": [{"name": "RESEED_COUNTER", "bits": 32, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:0 | ro | 0x0 | RESEED_COUNTER | Reseed Counter indicating the number of completed Generate requests since the last Instantiate or Reseed command. |
Application interface command status register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"bits": 1}, {"name": "CMD_RDY", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "CMD_ACK", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "CMD_STS", "bits": 3, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 26}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 90}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name |
31:6 | Reserved | ||
5:3 | ro | 0x0 | CMD_STS |
2 | ro | 0x0 | CMD_ACK |
1 | ro | 0x0 | CMD_RDY |
This field represents the status code returned with the application command ack.
It is updated each time a command ack is asserted on the internal application
interface for software use.
To check whether a command was successful, wait for INTR_STATE.CS_CMD_REQ_DONE
to be high and then check the value of this field.
Value | Name | Description |
0x0 | SUCCESS | Request completed successfully. |
0x1 | INVALID_ACMD | Request completed with an invalid application command error. This error indicates that the issued application command doesn't represent a valid operation. |
0x2 | INVALID_GEN_CMD | Request completed with an invalid counter DRBG generation command error. This error indicates that CSRNG entropy was generated for a command that is not a Generate command. In this case the entropy should not be considered as valid. |
0x3 | INVALID_CMD_SEQ | This error indicates that the last command was issued out of sequence. This happens when a command other than Instantiate was issued without sending an Instantiate command first. This can also happen when an Uninstantiate command is sent without instantiating first. |
0x4 | RESEED_CNT_EXCEEDED | This error indicates that the number of generate requests between reseeds exceeded the maximum number allowed (see !!RESEED_INTERVAL). This happens only for Generate commands. |
Other values are reserved.
This one bit field indicates when a SW command has been acknowledged by the CSRNG.
It is set to low each time a new command is written to CMD_REQ.
The field is set to high once a SW command request has been acknowledged by the CSRNG.
0b0: The last SW command has not been acknowledged yet.
0b1: The last SW command has been acknowledged.
This bit indicates when the command interface is ready to accept commands.
Before starting to write a new command to SW_CMD_REQ
, this field needs to be polled.
0b0: CSRNG is not ready to accept commands or the last command hasn't been acked yet.
0b1: CSRNG is ready to accept the next command.
Generate bits returned valid register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "GENBITS_VLD", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "GENBITS_FIPS", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 30}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 140}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:2 | Reserved | |||
1 | ro | x | GENBITS_FIPS | This bit is set when genbits are FIPS/CC compliant. |
0 | ro | x | GENBITS_VLD | This bit is set when genbits are available on this application interface. |
Generate bits returned register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "GENBITS", "bits": 32, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name |
31:0 | ro | x | GENBITS |
Reading this register will get the generated bits that were requested with
the generate request. This register must be read four times for each request
made. For example, an application command generate request with
a clen
value of 4 requires this register to be read 16 times to get all
of the data out of the FIFO path.
Note that for GENBITS
to be able to deliver random numbers, also CTRL.SW_APP_ENABLE
needs to be set to kMultiBitBool4True
In addition, the otp_en_csrng_sw_app_read input needs to be set to kMultiBitBool8True
Otherwise, the register reads as 0.
Internal state read enable register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
- Register enable:
{"reg": [{"name": "INT_STATE_READ_ENABLE", "bits": 3, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 29}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 230}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name |
31:3 | Reserved | ||
2:0 | rw | 0x7 | INT_STATE_READ_ENABLE |
Per-instance internal state read enable.
Defines whether the internal state of the corresponding instance is readable via INT_STATE_VAL.
Note that for INT_STATE_VAL
to provide read access to the internal state, also CTRL.READ_INT_STATE
needs to be set to kMultiBitBool4True
In addition, the otp_en_csrng_sw_app_read input needs to be set to kMultiBitBool8True
Internal state read enable REGWEN register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "INT_STATE_READ_ENABLE_REGWEN", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw0c"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 31}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 300}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:1 | Reserved | |||
0 | rw0c | 0x1 | INT_STATE_READ_ENABLE_REGWEN | INT_STATE_READ_ENABLE register configuration enable bit. If this is cleared to 0, the INT_STATE_READ_ENABLE register cannot be written anymore. |
Internal state number register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "INT_STATE_NUM", "bits": 4, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 28}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 150}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name |
31:4 | Reserved | ||
3:0 | rw | 0x0 | INT_STATE_NUM |
Setting this field will set the number for which internal state can be
selected for a read access. Up to 16 internal state values can be chosen
from this register. The actual number of valid internal state fields
is set by parameter NHwApps plus 1 software app. For those selections that point
to reserved locations (greater than NHwApps plus 1), the returned value
will be zero. Writing this register will also reset the internal read
pointer for the INT_STATE_VAL
Note: This register should be read back after being written to ensure
that the INT_STATE_VAL
read back is accurate.
Internal state read access register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "INT_STATE_VAL", "bits": 32, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name |
31:0 | ro | x | INT_STATE_VAL |
Reading this register will dump out the contents of the selected internal state field.
Since the internal state field is 448 bits wide, it will require 14 reads from this
register to gather the entire field. Once 14 reads have been done, the internal read
pointer (selects 32 bits of the 448 bit field) will reset to zero. The INT_STATE_NUM
can be re-written at this time (internal read pointer is also reset), and then
another internal state field can be read.
Note that for INT_STATE_VAL
to provide read access to the internal state, also CTRL.READ_INT_STATE
needs to be set to kMultiBitBool4True
In addition, the otp_en_csrng_sw_app_read input needs to be set to kMultiBitBool8True
bit of the selected instance needs to be set to true for this to work.
Otherwise, the register reads as 0.
FIPS/CC compliance flag forcing register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
- Register enable:
{"reg": [{"name": "FIPS_FORCE", "bits": 3, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 29}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 120}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name |
31:3 | Reserved | ||
2:0 | rw | 0x0 | FIPS_FORCE |
Force the FIPS/CC compliance flag of individual instances to true. This allows CSRNG to set the output FIPS/CC compliance flag to true despite running in fully deterministic mode (flag0 being true). This can be useful e.g. for known-answer testing through entropy consumers accepting FIPS/CC compliant entropy only, or when firmware is used to derive FIPS/CC compliant entropy seeds. After setting a particular bit to 1, the FIPS/CC compliance flag of the corresponding instance will be forced to true upon the next Instantiate or Reseed command.
Note that for this to work, CTRL.FIPS_FORCE_ENABLE
needs to be set to kMultiBitBool4True.
Hardware instance exception status register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "HW_EXC_STS", "bits": 16, "attr": ["rw0c"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 16}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name |
31:16 | Reserved | ||
15:0 | rw0c | 0x0 | HW_EXC_STS |
Reading this register indicates whether one of the CSRNG HW instances has
encountered an exception. Each bit corresponds to a particular hardware
instance, with bit 0 corresponding to instance HW0, bit 1 corresponding
to instance HW1, and so forth. (To monitor the status of requests made
to the SW instance, check the SW_CMD_STS
register). Writing a zero to this register
resets the status bits.
Recoverable alert status register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "ENABLE_FIELD_ALERT", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw0c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SW_APP_ENABLE_FIELD_ALERT", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw0c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "READ_INT_STATE_FIELD_ALERT", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw0c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "FIPS_FORCE_ENABLE_FIELD_ALERT", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw0c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "ACMD_FLAG0_FIELD_ALERT", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw0c"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 7}, {"name": "CS_BUS_CMP_ALERT", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw0c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "CMD_STAGE_INVALID_ACMD_ALERT", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw0c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "CMD_STAGE_INVALID_CMD_SEQ_ALERT", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw0c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "CMD_STAGE_RESEED_CNT_ALERT", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw0c"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 16}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 330}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name |
31:16 | Reserved | ||
15 | rw0c | 0x0 | CMD_STAGE_RESEED_CNT_ALERT |
13 | rw0c | 0x0 | CMD_STAGE_INVALID_ACMD_ALERT |
12 | rw0c | 0x0 | CS_BUS_CMP_ALERT |
11:5 | Reserved | ||
4 | rw0c | 0x0 | ACMD_FLAG0_FIELD_ALERT |
2 | rw0c | 0x0 | READ_INT_STATE_FIELD_ALERT |
1 | rw0c | 0x0 | SW_APP_ENABLE_FIELD_ALERT |
0 | rw0c | 0x0 | ENABLE_FIELD_ALERT |
This bit is set when the maximum number of generate requests between reseeds is exceeded. The invalid generate command is ignored and CSRNG continues to operate. Writing a zero resets this status bit.
This bit is set when an out of order command is received by the main state machine. This happens when an instantiate command is sent for a state that was already instantiated or when any command other than instantiate is sent for a state that wasn't instantiated yet. The invalid command is ignored and CSRNG continues to operate. Writing a zero resets this status bit.
This bit is set when an unsupported/illegal CSRNG command is received by the main state machine. The invalid command is ignored and CSRNG continues to operate. Writing a zero resets this status bit.
This bit is set when the software application port genbits bus value is equal to the prior valid value on the bus, indicating a possible attack. Writing a zero resets this status bit.
This bit is set when the FLAG0 field in the Application Command is set to a value other than kMultiBitBool4True or kMultiBitBool4False. Writing a zero resets this status bit.
This bit is set when the FIPS_FORCE_ENABLE field in the CTRL
register is set to a value other than kMultiBitBool4True or kMultiBitBool4False.
Writing a zero resets this status bit.
This bit is set when the READ_INT_STATE field in the CTRL
register is set to
a value other than kMultiBitBool4True or kMultiBitBool4False.
Writing a zero resets this status bit.
This bit is set when the SW_APP_ENABLE field in the CTRL
register is set to
a value other than kMultiBitBool4True or kMultiBitBool4False.
Writing a zero resets this status bit.
This bit is set when the ENABLE field in the CTRL
register is set to
a value other than kMultiBitBool4True or kMultiBitBool4False.
Writing a zero resets this status bit.
Hardware detection of error conditions status register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "SFIFO_CMD_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SFIFO_GENBITS_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SFIFO_CMDREQ_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SFIFO_RCSTAGE_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SFIFO_KEYVRC_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SFIFO_UPDREQ_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SFIFO_BENCREQ_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SFIFO_BENCACK_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SFIFO_PDATA_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SFIFO_FINAL_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SFIFO_GBENCACK_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SFIFO_GRCSTAGE_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SFIFO_GGENREQ_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SFIFO_GADSTAGE_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SFIFO_GGENBITS_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SFIFO_BLKENC_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 4}, {"name": "CMD_STAGE_SM_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "MAIN_SM_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "DRBG_GEN_SM_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "DRBG_UPDBE_SM_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "DRBG_UPDOB_SM_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "AES_CIPHER_SM_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "CMD_GEN_CNT_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 1}, {"name": "FIFO_WRITE_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "FIFO_READ_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "FIFO_STATE_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 1}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 200}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name |
31 | Reserved | ||
30 | ro | 0x0 | FIFO_STATE_ERR |
29 | ro | 0x0 | FIFO_READ_ERR |
28 | ro | 0x0 | FIFO_WRITE_ERR |
27 | Reserved | ||
26 | ro | 0x0 | CMD_GEN_CNT_ERR |
25 | ro | 0x0 | AES_CIPHER_SM_ERR |
24 | ro | 0x0 | DRBG_UPDOB_SM_ERR |
23 | ro | 0x0 | DRBG_UPDBE_SM_ERR |
22 | ro | 0x0 | DRBG_GEN_SM_ERR |
21 | ro | 0x0 | MAIN_SM_ERR |
20 | ro | 0x0 | CMD_STAGE_SM_ERR |
19:16 | Reserved | ||
15 | ro | 0x0 | SFIFO_BLKENC_ERR |
14 | ro | 0x0 | SFIFO_GGENBITS_ERR |
13 | ro | 0x0 | SFIFO_GADSTAGE_ERR |
12 | ro | 0x0 | SFIFO_GGENREQ_ERR |
11 | ro | 0x0 | SFIFO_GRCSTAGE_ERR |
10 | ro | 0x0 | SFIFO_GBENCACK_ERR |
9 | ro | 0x0 | SFIFO_FINAL_ERR |
8 | ro | 0x0 | SFIFO_PDATA_ERR |
7 | ro | 0x0 | SFIFO_BENCACK_ERR |
6 | ro | 0x0 | SFIFO_BENCREQ_ERR |
5 | ro | 0x0 | SFIFO_UPDREQ_ERR |
4 | ro | 0x0 | SFIFO_KEYVRC_ERR |
3 | ro | 0x0 | SFIFO_RCSTAGE_ERR |
2 | ro | 0x0 | SFIFO_CMDREQ_ERR |
1 | ro | 0x0 | SFIFO_GENBITS_ERR |
0 | ro | 0x0 | SFIFO_CMD_ERR |
This bit will be set to one when any of the source bits (bits 0 through 15 of this this register) are asserted as a result of an error pulse generated from any FIFO where both the empty and full status bits are set. This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when any of the source bits (bits 0 through 15 of this this register) are asserted as a result of an error pulse generated from any empty FIFO that has recieved a read pulse. This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when any of the source bits (bits 0 through 15 of this this register) are asserted as a result of an error pulse generated from any full FIFO that has been recieved a write pulse. This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when a mismatch in any of the hardened counters has been detected. This error will signal a fatal alert, and also an interrupt if enabled. This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an AES fatal error has been detected. This error will signal a fatal alert, and also an interrupt if enabled. This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an illegal state has been detected for the ctr_drbg update out block state machine. This error will signal a fatal alert, and also an interrupt if enabled. This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an illegal state has been detected for the ctr_drbg update block encode state machine. This error will signal a fatal alert, and also an interrupt if enabled. This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an illegal state has been detected for the ctr_drbg gen state machine. This error will signal a fatal alert, and also an interrupt if enabled. This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an illegal state has been detected for the main state machine. This error will signal a fatal alert, and also an interrupt if enabled. This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an illegal state has been detected for the command stage state machine. This error will signal a fatal alert, and also an interrupt if enabled. This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an error has been detected for the blkenc FIFO. The type of error is reflected in the type status bits (bits 28 through 30 of this register). This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an error has been detected for the ggenbits FIFO. The type of error is reflected in the type status bits (bits 28 through 30 of this register). This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an error has been detected for the gadstage FIFO. The type of error is reflected in the type status bits (bits 28 through 30 of this register). This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an error has been detected for the ggenreq FIFO. The type of error is reflected in the type status bits (bits 28 through 30 of this register). This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an error has been detected for the grcstage FIFO. The type of error is reflected in the type status bits (bits 28 through 30 of this register). This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an error has been detected for the gbencack FIFO. The type of error is reflected in the type status bits (bits 28 through 30 of this register). This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an error has been detected for the final FIFO. The type of error is reflected in the type status bits (bits 28 through 30 of this register). This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an error has been detected for the pdata FIFO. The type of error is reflected in the type status bits (bits 28 through 30 of this register). This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an error has been detected for the bencack FIFO. The type of error is reflected in the type status bits (bits 28 through 30 of this register). This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an error has been detected for the bencreq FIFO. The type of error is reflected in the type status bits (bits 28 through 30 of this register). This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an error has been detected for the updreq FIFO. The type of error is reflected in the type status bits (bits 28 through 30 of this register). This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an error has been detected for the keyvrc FIFO. The type of error is reflected in the type status bits (bits 28 through 30 of this register). This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an error has been detected for the rcstage FIFO. The type of error is reflected in the type status bits (bits 28 through 30 of this register). This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an error has been detected for the cmdreq FIFO. The type of error is reflected in the type status bits (bits 28 through 30 of this register). This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an error has been detected for the command stage genbits FIFO. The type of error is reflected in the type status bits (bits 28 through 30 of this register). This bit will stay set until the next reset.
This bit will be set to one when an error has been detected for the command stage command FIFO. The type of error is reflected in the type status bits (bits 28 through 30 of this register). This bit will stay set until the next reset.
Test error conditions register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
- Register enable:
{"reg": [{"name": "ERR_CODE_TEST", "bits": 5, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 27}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 150}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name |
31:5 | Reserved | ||
4:0 | rw | 0x0 | ERR_CODE_TEST |
Setting this field will set the bit number for which an error
will be forced in the hardware. This bit number is that same one
found in the ERR_CODE
register. The action of writing this
register will force an error pulse. The sole purpose of this
register is to test that any error properly propagates to either
an interrupt or an alert.
Main state machine state debug register
- Offset:
- Reset default:
- Reset mask:
{"reg": [{"name": "MAIN_SM_STATE", "bits": 8, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 24}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:8 | Reserved | |||
7:0 | ro | 0x4e | MAIN_SM_STATE | This is the state of the CSRNG main state machine. See the RTL file csrng_main_sm for the meaning of the values. |