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Getting Started

Håvard Moås edited this page Nov 20, 2019 · 26 revisions


By using DotNet:

dotnet add package DIPS.Xamarin.UI

or NuGet

Install-Package DIPS.Xamarin.UI

UI Components Usage


To use our UI components, you need to initialize the library to make sure the library is not removed by the linker.


In the AppDelegate.FinishedLaunching(), add: DIPS.Xamarin.UI.iOS.Library.Initialize();


In the MainActivity.OnCreate(), add: DIPS.Xamarin.UI.Android.Library.Initialize();

This will include everything in the library. If you want to include only what you are using, you need to Initialize only the components custom renderer. Example: If you only want the DatePicker, call DatePickerImplementation.Initialize(); in AppDelegate.FinishedLaunching() and MainActivity.OnCreate().

Custom Namespaces

We recommend using custom namespacing to refer our UI components in XAML. This usage section will show you have to use our custom namespace. If you prefer to refer each component through its namespace, then you are free to do that. You can find the namespace for each component in its documentation.

  1. In your App.xaml.cs add DIPS.Xamarin.UI.Library.Initialize() in the constructor.
  1. In the desired XAML component add the namespace with a prefix in your namespaces section:
  1. You can now refer the library by doing this in your XAML:

Each component is documented here.

API Usage

No special prerequisite before using the different APIs. Each API is documented here.

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