The TEA LEAF is the object that indicates a product version. The API should be very agnostic as to how a "version" is indicated - semver, vers, name, hash or anything else.
Each leaf is for a sub-version or minor version (using semver definitions). A new major version counts as a new product with a separate product object (TPO). Each product object has one or multiple TEI URNs.
For the API to be able to present a list of versions in a cronological order, a timestamp for a release is required.
- Uuid unique for this object
- Product name: A text field
- Product version: A text field, no required syntax
- Release date: A unix timestamp
- Pre-release: A boolean flag indicating a pre-release (beta, rc)
- Tco_uuid: A reference to the TEA Collection objet for this release
The "Pre-release" flag is used to indicate that this is not a final release. For a given Leaf with a UUID, the flag can be set to indicate a "test", "beta", "alpha" or similar non-deployed release. It can only be set when creating the LEAF. The TEA implementation may allow it to be unset (False) once. This is to support situations where a object is promoted as is after testing to production version. The flag can not be set after initial creation and publication of the leaf.
If the final version is different from the pre-release (bugs fixed, code changed, different binary) a new leaf with a new UUID and version needs to be created.
- Semantic versioning (Semver):