At this point some of the code you have written will begin to seem somewhat unwieldy; large and long chunks of code, some repetition of code, and the start of the long descent into the general mess of spaghetti code.
In an effort to help clean this up, Python has functions, which are callable chunks of code that you have likely been using for a while now (if in other languages, then the type
and abs
functions you used before).
Functions syntax requires a def
statement, a function name, some number of arguments (zero is a number) and a colon followed by an indented block for the code that the function runs when called.
def function_name(arguments):
arguments = arguments + 1
return arguments
We can also return multiple values using the tuple packing syntax we saw earlier
def some_function():
''' Things happen '''
return value_a, value_b
This will return a tuple of the values, which can be unpacked in the manner described earlier.
a, b = some_function()
Write a modulus power function. The function takes three arguments in order, the base, the exponent and the modulus and calculates:
base ** exponent % modulus
Your function definition should something look like
def modpow(base, exponent, modulus):
Sometimes you want a function to have a 'default' argument, that is assumed to always the case until specified otherwise. This generally makes for neater function arguments when the function in question may have a large number of potential arguments that you don't want to explicitly specify each time.
Keyword arguments should always be placed after regular arguments.
def function_name(arguments, keyword_arguments=default_value):
'''Something happens'''
Modify your modpow function such that it has a default modulus of None
. If no modulus is specified it should act like a regular power function.
def modpow(base, exponent, modulus=None):
You may wonder at this point, that if you can simply pass a list to a function, then what's the point of ever having more than one argument? Just group all your arguments into a single list and throw that in.
You would be right (ignoring keyword arguments), but it would look a little ugly, so there's a slightly neater inbuilt approach *args
Args takes any number of positional (i.e. non keyword arguments) that aren't specified by the function call and wraps them into a list.
def arged_function(some_argument, some_other_argument, *args, keyword='killer rabbit'):
""" Something """
arged_function(1,2,3,4,5,6,6,7,8,9, keyword='holy hand grenade')
And of course continuing this, what's to stop you from handing key word arguments just using a dictionary? Again, spot on and again Python has a slightly neater syntax in the form of **kwargs
def arged_function(some_argument, some_other_argument, *args, keyword='killer rabbit', **kwargs):
""" Something """
arged_function(1,2, keyword='holy hand grenade', print='True')
This is of course how the format method was working earlier, the position arguments were passed using *args
and became a tuple while **kwargs
was used for the keywords. You will notice that if you attempt to access a position that doesn't exist or a keyword that doesn't exist then the format function will throw an error.
>>> "{1}".format('5')
IndexError: tuple index out of range
Implement a very basic version of the format function. Your function should take a string to format along with the args and kwargs. You should try to replicate the format method as closely as possible.
def format(format_string, *args, **kwargs):
''' Things happen '''
return formatted_string
This section covers some more advanced looping techniques.
An iterator in Python is any object with the __iter__
and __next__
methods. All the collections we saw before have associated iterators that we used when looping over them.
A generator object creates iterators which we can then loop over. The zip function can be considered a generator; it takes a set of iterables and builds an iterator that aggregates these into an iterator of tuples:
a = [1,2,3]
b = [4,5,6]
for i in zip(a,b):
We can of course unpack the tuple and have a loop over multiple collections.
for a_element, b_element in zip(a,b):
Another useful generator is the enumerate
function. This one returns both the element of an iterable and the index as a tuple.
for index, value in enumerate(a):
We can also use the iterators for list comprehension as a bit of a cheat to build lists. Simply wrap a for loop in square braces and it becomes a list.
>>> squares = [i ** 2 for i in range(10)]
>>> print(squares)
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]
We won't cover how to build generators from functions (using the yield
keyword), but this is something you may want to look into at some point.
Another point or two of interest that we don't have time to cover here is the map
function and the lambda
Using whatever approach you want, use list comprehension to construct a list of the first 50 Fibonacci numbers.
If you're stuck, you might want to write a function that calculates the nth Fibonacci number first.
At this point you may begin to wonder what Python is really up to and how it distinguishes between and manages all these objects. Given that just about anything can be assigned to a variable, isn't an integer just a collection of function objects that act on a bit of data.
Again, you would be right, and we can see this quite clearly using the dir()
It also should be of note that I can save all my current variables as a dictionary with the names of the variables as the key, and the value as whatever the value is. And we can see these dictionaries as globals()
and locals()
depending on the name-space.
Now that we've noticed that everything is really a dictionary, it stands to reason that we can insert, modify or remove elements from these dictionaries (assuming we have write permissions). Given that the first time we open something up, it's somewhat obligatory that we break it trying to put it back together,
Let's cheat at making a new variable.
>>> globals()['silly_walk'] = 5
>>> print(silly_walk)
As a point of pedantry, we're going to disambiguate between functions that live by themselves in whatever the current namespace is, and functions that live within another object by calling the latter a method. If someone trips up on this don't worry too much.
Let's start by 'borrowing' the abs method from a complex number object.
>>> our_imag = -5j
>>> help(our_imag.__abs__)
>>> abs_function = our_imag.__abs__
>>> help(abs_function)
Notice that the abs function takes an argument 'self'. Now try running the following commands
>>> our_imag.__abs__()
>>> abs(our_imag)
>>> abs_function()
>>> abs_function(-5j)
The third one fails. As you may have seen from the previous help statements, the self argument is required and hence throws an error. This self
argument is what ties our dictionary of functions together into an object or a class
. It allows an object to reference elements of itself and hence modify or call functions that it is associated with.
Classes in python requires a constructor, sometimes termed an initialiser. This is a function that is called when a new instance of the object is created, for instance
>>> my_int = int(5)
Calls the initialiser method __init__
and returns a new instance of the integer class with the value 5.
So obviously if we want our own class we need to have some object with an __init__
method. The syntax for creating classes is very similar to that of functions, the keyword is class
is followed by the name of the class (Which is in CamelCase by convention) followed by two brackets (empty for now) and then a colon to start an indented block. Everything that lies within the block is a class attribute or method. Generally it's a good idea to put this in a file somewhere rather than trying to run this though the CLI.
As __init__
is a function, we can make regular use of the usual keyword arguments along with *args
and **kwargs
We can use the self property to store things within a particular instantiation of the class. So let's start by making a Parrot class. Parrots are either alive or dead, and if they're alive they have a distinctive squawk. We will assume that all parrots are alive until proven otherwise.
class Parrot():
def __init__(self, squawk, is_alive=True):
self.squawk = squawk
self.is_alive = is_alive
I can now make new parrots.
african_grey = Parrot('Polly want a Cracker?')
norwegian_blue = Parrot('', is_alive=False)
Having an initialiser is good, but what does this parrot do? Let's give it a squawk
function to make it talk.
def squawk(self):
if self.is_alive:
return self.squawk
return None
We should now be able to call this function.
These sorts of trivial methods that just return an element of a class is commonly called a 'getter'. Similarly a small method that sets a class property is a 'setter'. Let's set up a setter to update whether our Parrot is still alive.
def set_alive(self, is_alive):
self.is_alive = is_alive
Extend the Parrot class
- Write a setter to set a new 'squawk' for the parrot
- Write a
function that makes the parrot squawk - Give the parrot a new property 'colours' and write getters and setters for this property
And lastly, because the writer was press-ganged into this. We can define a pining_for_the_fjords
method that indicates that the parrot is no longer alive.
- Write the
function such that it calls the setter for the alive property.
If you didn't already, your __call__
method should call the getter for squawk, if you've made a mistake in squawk or need to change it in the future you will now only have to modify one section of code, rather than every section that references self.squawk
So far classes are just a neat way to organise functions and the data that the functions act on. And while that will remain to be true, we can take this a little further and neatly organise our classes.
Part of this is inheritance, we can specify that classes 'inherit' the properties of some parent class, which saves us from having to re-write them each time. These parent classes We can also specify 'abstract' classes or functions that only the child classes implement, this allows us to have multiple classes with common function calls that invoke different behaviour.
For instance if I have an quantum gate class, it might be inherited by the Pauli X class and the CNOT class. These classes will 'overload' the methods in the quantum gate class such that when called the methods in the child classes will be used instead.
This is all very high level, so let's go back to dealing with parrots. We're going to create a Bird class that Parrots will inherit and this parent class will manage the is_alive
property, while only parrots get to squawk. Birds will also have air speed velocities (for the purposes of this example, emus, cassowaries and kiwis are not birds).
class Bird():
def __init__(self, is_alive, air_speed_velocity):
self.is_alive = is_alive
An in Parrot we now inherit from Bird and call the bird constructor.
class Parrot(Bird):
def __init__(self, squawk, is_alive=True):
self.squawk = squawk
super(self).__init__(is_alive) # Calls the constructor of the super class
There also exists multiple inheritance, polymorphism and several books and philosophies on the matter of Object Orientation and class hierarchies, but the general rule of thumb is do what works best for whatever it is that you're doing.
Finish off the bird class
- Write getters and setters for air_speed_velocity
- Check that your Parrots can now call the air speed velocity getters and setters
Implement a Swallow class that inherits from Bird.
- Swallows have the additional properties of being laden or unladen. Implement this and write the appropriate getters and setters
- A laden swallow moves at half the speed of an unladen swallow. You should overload the getter for the swallow to reflect this property.
Here are a few useful (non-scientific) general libraries.
ipython - A better python CLI, strict upgrade from the regular one, no reason not to use it really.
sys - A few good system level Python features, such as command line arguments, Python versions and other utilities.
os - Operating system features, make directories, move files and delete files, check what OS is being run or find the user's name.
time - All things to do with time and timing.
rand - Random numbers and their uses, may not be suitable for cryptographic randomness
sockets - For when you need a network socket (more on this in future days).
pickle - Good for compacting Python object data to reload it later.
copy - Contains the
function that gets around problems like list copying. -
matplotlib - Basic plotting library, basically the same as the matlab one there are others out there but most are just fancy wrappers for this
numpy - Numerical Python, more to follow
scipy - Scientific Python, more to follow
itertools - A bunch of very useful tools for more advanced iteration
These libraries can be included using the import
keyword, as you've probably seen further up. You can also import libraries as a separate keyword in case you're too lazy to type out the full library name each time. For instance the numpy library is regularly imported as np.
import numpy as np
Each library also contains multiple Python files and functions, you can explicitly import one of those if you need, without including the entire library in your name-space. This is helpful when different libraries share keywords.
import rand.random
from rand import random
You can also be incredibly lazy and just import everything to the global name-space:
from rand import *
This may result in fiddly behaviour when two elements of the global name-space have the same name. Remembering that globals()
is a dictionary, one of them will be overwritten, hence it's often much better to be more verbose. To be honest we're only really showing you this last one as an example of what not to do.
A final Python library of incredible importance is the this