Current idea is building toward the starting setup:
- cycle tiles on the right bar
- allow clicking grid nodes to place
- grid nodes green if placeable
- right bar tile is rotatable
- build city until you're out of tiles
WILO: I have some debug logs to clean up. testing has saved the day on some tricky bits. Everything is getting close but now need to write the actual tile with face loaded and adjusted for the rotation. then need to hook up the NEXT button on the right pane.
NEXT STEPS: either take turns with a CPU -OR- click-swipe to pan the map area inside bounding box
Grid drops are working. Now need to collect up broken combos. example: N1 N of B3
(N rotated once, B rotated thrice)
SHOULD BE FALSE X N1 N of B3 X K0 N of V0 X K0 N of W0 X U0 W of K0 X N0 W of V2 X N0 W of E0 X N2 E of G1
What functionality needs to be put together for this to be a shippable MVP?
- Title Screen
- Tutorial/Walkthrough
- End of Game Sequence
- Scoring
- Placing meeples
- backgrounds
- custom art tiles
- GUI for main scene
Can select from eligible terraformer locations and place one
Need a player inventory
- count of TFs
- points
- secret missions
Find if thye have a terraformer before offering that step
Need a scoring algorithm that crawls the tiles
- Need a way for a Tile to query out every feature of .CanSitNextTo checks to see if the feature is occupied
Maybe when you place a card, it adds it to any connected features in a formal registry or registers a new one
- Also register to neighbors? then they could count vicinity..
need to add real game pieces to the board/tile
need Obelisk to be a location of interest like streets. no effect on can-i-place
- Roads are now good to go.
- WILO: UI_UnityTile is creating an object called "GamepieceTileAssignmnet"
- This should be in the CORE and located on the base tile, not the facade
- The BOARDINVENTORY class that lives inside of the TileGrid is responsible for keeping track of existing POIs and incorporating new tiles or merging multiple together
- This should have the ability to be questioned on what things are now complete that have not been previously marked as complete. This is where our completion events will come from. **THINK carefully about the order that you want to check for scorable events at this point in the game. it's going to be a major topic in the late stages.
- This should act as a locator. Here's a tile. i have the road on it, give me the assembled version so i can query it or its associated tiles
- Scoring system that is performable and fires pre-built Actions when the UI decides is online
- Create ScoringEvents during the "GetScoringEvents" public interface call in the TileGrid. Create re-usable converters on assembled products. Use re-usable L to L to get players that will be awarded points if compared tf population.
- Choose order of evaluation in GetScoringEvents
- Do NOT count on state to already evaluate. Count "complete" items, not "collected" during evaluation steps
- This will absolutely litter the TileGrid class. keep sectioned off for refactor.
- Craft a scorer's table with scores by player
- Create TileGrid by specifying which players will participate and their type CPU/PLAYER
- Swap turns. Start with just making the player acts as both. (local multi!)
- Build the scoreboard
- Build a placeholder performance that happens and enacts the scoring
- Identify completed CITIES
- Create scoring evaluation
- Create scoring performance
- Identify completed FARMS
- Create scoring evaluation
- Create scoring performance
- Identify completed OBELISKS
- Create scoring evaluation
- Create scoring performance
- Identify completed SECRET MISSION
- Create scoring evaluation
- Create scoring performance
- WIN/LOSS Performance
- Title Screen
- Identify completed CITIES
- Points are wired and need to be given to the scoreboard in the callback action
- Current setup for player v player local. works great.
- CPU wired for logic portion, currently acking out of turn
- Performance Layer wired to do performances
- UI Layer ready to start rendering state
- Hook up events across the Bridge in GBM
- Tilebag can become a config item
Game is instantiated with Settings item (can be just default, vanilla)
- Visual layer can inspect state: current tile, turn order etc
- Can call .PlaceTile() to do their move, subsequent calls with throw
- Invalid tile placement will throw
- User can get list of events now that a tile is placed.
- User can use callback on the events to execute them in state !!!! MISSING: If user doesn't call the callbacks, the inventory changes (points/game pieces) will not update -- maybe we store it/clear it and on Ack, we fully commit any uncommitted events so user can opt out of timing events
- When everything is caught up, User can .Ack() to kick the Cartridge to advance
- RelatedGamepieces is NOT every piece found on the related tiles. Let the scoring methods know that.
- apply points to scoreboard and let owners "collect" relatedgamepieces in callback
- All UI work from here until we need to write end-of-game scoring
- add secret missions/scoring
- title screen
- ship it
score for achievements is not being applied.
check that ALL achievements are processed the same for the score portion. no need to vary.
Rank up mission swapping
not out of the woods yet. issues with how secrets are resolving
points per turn is processing before the enemy's turn starts?
- maybe clear the since last turn sooner
tots placed vs not placed... one of them keeps popping immediately?
CLAIMED V COMPLETE doesn't seem right in later levels
AI choosing RANDOM TF spot instead of first (tended to be farm)
Give it a second after TF spot chosen to highlight spot then AI clicks to confirm
Lock user ability to move camera while auto-piloting
Restored starfield in the background
No longer allow player to tap TF landing zones to mess with AI choice
Zoom all the way out and hide Turn-Based UI during Promotion window
offcenter promotion announcement for now to make stuff look less busy
- Hidden objective icons
- tom and winston
- TF drop in/drop out
- Icon for POI Type indicator when TF dropzone selected
- First obelisk TIP announcement
- "FARM" -> "LAND"
- Victory Screen - add LAND. Points by type, not count.