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Modbus Application


Modbus application demonstrates how to acquire data from modbus slave and push the data to a cloud visualizer like This app is built in dockerized development environment and it follows various development concepts recommended for IOx apps.

Setup details


You will need following hardware and software components to get started.

End to end setup for the modbus application can be picturized as below.


Modbus slave simulator

Modbus slave simulator randomly generates the following weather and location data which are then stored in holding registers. And the simulator also updates the data for every few seconds.

  • Temperature (in Celcius)
  • Humidity (in % Relative humidity)
  • Pressure (in kPa)
  • Key operation detected (UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT/SELECT)
  • Location of the device (Latitude and Longitude)

Modbus slave simulator code can be found in gitlab at modbus_simulator/ The same simulator is located on raspberry pi at /home/pi/sisimulator/modbus_simulator/

Modbus application functionality

Modbus application is installed on IR829 platform. For every few seconds, the application polls the modbus slave simulator on Raspberry Pi for weather and location data. Application then sends this data in JSON format to and backend web server (optional). Entire app functionality is implemented in app/

Freeboard will use the dweet sent by the application as the data source to display real-time data on its dashboard.

IOx App Developer Journey

Table of Contents

Here is the pictorial representation of the steps.

Developer Jounery

[Step 1] Develop/Build/Packaging the application

In this section we will look at how to develop the application using IOx specific concepts, to build the docker image, to add package descriptor file and finally package the image into IOx compatible format.

IOx App development concepts

We will look at some of the IOx app development concepts utilized while building modbus application. Complete guide to IOx app development concepts can be found here.

Externalize App configuration

We can externalize some of the IOx application paramters that can be reconfigurable at the time of deployment or can be updated after starting the application on the device.

Cisco App hosting Framework (CAF) in IOx enables this feature via bootstrap configuration file. This file should be named package_config.ini and be present in the root of the application package. Administration tools (Fog Director, Local Manager, ioxclient) provide ability to modify this file so that the values can be customized to a deployment environment.

For the modbus application, we have externalized the configuration parameters for modbus slave, dweet, cloud backend web server and logging level using bootstrap configuration file.

Modbus slave simulator's

  • IP address
  • port number
  • frequency to update the data
  • holding register addresses for weather and location attributes

are externalized as seen in the snippet below.

File: app/project/package_config_ini

port: 502
poll_frequency: 10
temperature_reg: 0x01

# Set to no to disable it
enabled: yes
name: awake-transport

port: 9000

enabled: yes
url: /
port: 10001
method: POST
scheme: http

log_level: 10
# Enable/disable logging to stdout
console: yes

Also we have provided a handle in bootstrap configuration to enable or disable sending data to and backend web server. Logging level of the modbus app has been set to 10 in package_config_ini.

Environment variables

CAF provides a set of environment variables for applications. We have utilized CAF_APP_PATH and CAF_APP_CONFIG_FILE to obtain absolute path of the app and absolute path of the bootstrap configuration file.

# Get hold of the configuration file (package_config.ini)
moduledir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
BASEDIR = os.getenv("CAF_APP_PATH", moduledir)

tcfg = os.path.join(BASEDIR, "project",  "package_config.ini")
CONFIG_FILE = os.getenv("CAF_APP_CONFIG_FILE", tcfg)

We can find the entire list of environment variables provided by CAF [here.] (

Application logging and persistent storage

Modbus app uses the persistent logging feature provided by IOx. In order to do that the app writes the logs to the directory indicated by the environment variable CAF_APP_LOG_DIR.

    log_file_dir = os.getenv("CAF_APP_LOG_DIR", "/tmp")
    log_file_path = os.path.join(log_file_dir, "modbus_app.log")

For further details on application logging refer the section [here] (

Safeguarding against flash wear

Due to constraints of the flash storage like limited PE cycles and susceptible to wear, we have limited the size of log file to 1MB and rotate the logs with upto 3 backup log files.

 # Lets cap the file at 1MB and keep 3 backups
    rfh = RotatingFileHandler(log_file_path, maxBytes=1024*1024, backupCount=3)

Other recommendations for safeguarding against flash wear can be found [here] (

Handling signals

Modbus app handles SIGTERM and SIGINT signals as below. When the application is stopped or platform is powering down, CAF sends SIGTERM signal to the application. These signal handlers enable us to stop the application gracefully.

def _sleep_handler(signum, frame):
    print "SIGINT Received. Stopping app"
    raise KeyboardInterrupt

def _stop_handler(signum, frame):
    print "SIGTERM Received. Stopping app"
    raise KeyboardInterrupt

signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _stop_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _sleep_handler)

Creating Docker image

In this section we will look at how to build docker image utilizing cisco hosted docker image. We will follow 2-step approach to build optimal sized docker image.

  1. Build the first docker image to install all the application run-time dependencies on a mounted host location. If required, build the application as well.
  2. Build the second docker image by copying the application and its dependency binaries.

By copying just the binaries, we can significantly reduce the docker image size. Also we don't need iox-toolchain and python-dev packages in the final docker image.

[Docker image 1] Creating a docker image to setup the build environment

In this section we will look at how to build docker image which is used to compile the application (if required) and its dependant modules.

Create requirements.txt file with the python modules that are required at the application run-time.

$ cd app/src
$ cat requirements.txt

Create a script to do pip install of all the python modules needed by the application on a specific location (--install-option).

$ cat
pip install -r /usr/bin/requirements.txt --install-option="--prefix=/opt/share"
Docker file

Now create a docker file with the commands to install python, pip and IOx build toolchain. Also copy the requirements.txt and pip_install_script files into docker image.

We have utilized opkg to install python and pip. More details about opkg can be found [here.] ( List of all available opkg packages (.ipk extension) for the corresponding platform can be found [here.] (

$ cd app/src
$ cat Dockerfile

RUN opkg update
RUN opkg install python
RUN opkg install python-dev
RUN opkg install python-pip
RUN opkg install iox-toolchain
COPY requirements.txt /usr/bin/
COPY /usr/bin/
Build Docker Image 1

From app/src dir, build the docker image1 using command

$ sudo docker build -t modbus_app_src:1.0 .
Run the image1 locally and install dependant modules

Now run the docker image1 locally and mount the host location app/pip_output onto docker container path /opt/share. As part of this command lets run the script pip_install_script, which we earlier copied into docker image, so that we can install the dependant modules on the mounted path.

$ cd app/
$ mkdir pip_output
$ sudo docker run -v ${PWD}/pip_output:/opt/share -it modbus_app_src:1.0 /bin/sh /usr/bin/

Now we have installed all the application dependant python packages at location app/pip_output.

$ cd app/pip_output
$ ls -alt
total 24
drwxr-xr-x  14 sureshsankaran  staff  476 Jan 27 14:36 bin
drwxr-xr-x   9 sureshsankaran  staff  306 Jan 27 14:36 .
drwxr-xr-x   3 sureshsankaran  staff  102 Jan 27 14:36 lib
drwxr-xr-x  12 sureshsankaran  staff  408 Jan 26 11:32 ..

[Docker image 2] Creating a docker image with application binary contents

We will create the second docker image with all dependent and application binaries.

$ cd app/

Here is the dockerfile to copy the binaries and command to run the application.


RUN opkg update
RUN opkg install python
RUN opkg install python-pip
ADD pip_output/lib/ /usr/lib/
RUN opkg remove python-pip
COPY src/ /usr/bin/
CMD [“python”, “/usr/bin/”]
Build the docker image2
# docker build -t modbus_app:1.0 .

If the command fails due to permission denied, try again by prefixing with sudo.

Package Descriptor for requesting resources

Modbus application describes its runtime resource requirements in package descriptor file named package.yaml. Package descriptor file is mandatory for any IOx application.

  cpuarch: "x86_64"
  type: docker

    profile: c1.small

        interface-name: eth0
            tcp: [9000]

# Specify runtime and startup
    rootfs: rootfs.tar
    target: ["python", "/usr/bin/"]

Here the application requires CPU architecture to be x86_64 and indicates that it is docker style application. And the requested profile is c1.small which corresponds to certain number of CPU units and memory size. The app also indicates the network interface eth0 will be required with usage of TCP port 9000. At the time of activation, the administrator has to associate eth0 to a specific logical network (ex. iox-nat0).

This package descriptor files also includes metadata about the application.

descriptor-schema-version: "2.2"
  name: Modbus application
  description: "Modbus app to read weather and location data from the slave and post it to cloud visualizer"
  version: "1.0"
  author-link: ""
  author-name: "Cisco Systems"

Few things to note for docker style applications.

  • Package descriptor schema version == 2.2 is the minimum version that supports docker style apps.
  • Docker style apps can only run on x86_64 bit machines.
  • rootfs.tar is the name of the file containing the docker image

Create an IOx compatible application package

In this section we will create an IOx application package from the docker image (modbus_app:1.0) and the package descriptor file (package.yaml). From the app/project directory, run below ioxclient command to create the IOx app package. Detailed info about ioxclient can be found here.

$ cd app/project
$ ioxclient docker package modbus_app:1.0 .

If the command fails due to permission denied, try again by prefixing with sudo.

This command creates IOx application package named ``package.tar```, which can be deployed on an IOx platform. Refer [here] ( for further details regarding creating an IOx app package.

[Step 2] Deploying the applicaiton

Before deploying the app, setup ioxclient profile using below command and update the platform related parameters like name, IP address, port and authentication details.

$ ioxclient  profiles create
Active Profile :  default
Enter a name for this profile : h829
Your IOx platform's IP address[] : <IOx device IP>
Your IOx platform's port number[8443] : <IOx Port Number>
Authorized user name[root] : cisco
Password for cisco :
Local repository path on IOx platform[/software/downloads]:
URL Scheme (http/https) [https]:
API Prefix[/iox/api/v2/hosting/]:
Your IOx platform's SSH Port[2222]: 2022
Activating Profile h829

Now deploy the application on the platform (for eg., IR829) using the command

$ ioxclient application install modbus_app ./package.tar

[Step 3] Activate and Configure the application

IOx application can be managed via ioxclient, Local Manager or Fog Director. We will discuss ioxclient and local manager approaches below.

Activating the app

Administrator will assess the resources requested by the application in package.yaml and allot the appropriate resources available at that time to the application.


Admin will create the activation.json file with final resources that will be allocated for the application.

	"resources": {
		"profile": "c1.small",
		"network": [{"interface-name": "eth0", "network-name": "iox-bridge0"}]

Use below ioxclient command to activate the application.

$ ioxclient application activate modbus_app --payload activation.json

Local Manager

Access the local manager (LM) of IOx from a browser at http://IOx platform IP address:IOx platform port number.

For example - Local Manager

Now you would see in LM that the application named modbus_app has been deployed on the device. Then click activate action link corresponding to the app. This will bring up the resouces page where we can finalize the resources like profile and network config that will be alloted to the application. Press activate button to confirm the allocation of the resources.


Update application bootstrap configuration

In this section we will update the bootstrap config file to make sure that application polls from correct modbus slave, posts the data in correct dweet name and to the correct backend server.

Update rapsberry pi's IP address.

port: 502

Update the dweet name corresponding to your table name.

# Set to no to disable it
enabled: yes
name: awake-transport

Update the backend web server IP address.

enabled: yes

NAT configuration on IOS

We have also built a REST URL end point listening on port 9000 in the modbus application for dumping the weather and location data in JSON format at any point in time.

Bootstrap configuration of port in package_config_ini file.

port: 9000

Before accessing the REST endpoint, we need to setup the NAT configuration on IOS to open up the port 9000 to external world. This can be done using the command

IR829#show iox host list detail

IOX Server is running. Process ID: 325
Count of hosts registered: 1

Host registered:
    IOX Server Address: FE80::242:68FF:FEFB:E78C; Port: 22222

    Link Local Address of Host: FE80::1FF:FE90:8B05
    IPV4 Address of Host:
    IPV6 Address of Host:       fe80::1ff:fe90:8b05
    Client Version:             0.4
    Session ID:                 2
    OS Nodename:                IR829-GOS-1
    Host Hardware Vendor:       Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Host Hardware Version:      1.0
    Host Card Type:             not implemented
    Host OS Version:  
    OS status:                  RUNNING

    Interface Hardware Vendor:  None
    Interface Hardware Version: None
    Interface Card Type:        None

    Applications Registered:
	Count of applications registered by this host: 0

IR829#conf t
IR829(config)#ip nat inside source static tcp 9000 interface Vlan1 9000

JSON data can be accessed using the URL


[Step 4] Start the app

Use below ioxclient command to start the application.

ioxclient app start modbus_app

In local manager, we can start/stop the application by pressing action link start or stop respectively correspoding to the app. Start app

[Step 5] Visualize the data

In this section, we will look at how to setup to visualize the data sent by the modbus application.

Log into and create a new dashbaord. Now setup the dashboard's datasource and widgets by importing the json file located here.

Note: Make sure to update the data source with correct dweet name with which modbus application is dweeting the data.

Once we have everything setup, the weather and location data should flow in from raspberry pi to IR829 modbus app and then to freeboard dashboard. Dashboard

[Step 6] Troubleshooting the app

Viewing application logs

In LM, click manage action corresponding to the application and select the Logs tab. Here we can download the application log file modbus_app.log. Troubleshoot Manage section

Connecting to the app console

We can connect to the application console using below ioxclient command.

$ ioxclient application console modbus_app

Refer application management section in devnet for more details.

Debugging error scenario

Lets take an example on how to debug an error scenario. If, for some reason, we have invalid backend server port configured in bootstrap configuration file. This will cause the modbus app to not able to connect to the server for sending weather and location data. We can connect to the application console and debug the issue with observerd console error messages. Also we can checkout the application log files for further sequence of events.