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File metadata and controls

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Using the new HTML Editing classes in MFC7

This article provides a bare-bones samples that demonstrates the use of the new HTML editing and browsing classes in MFC.

Sample Image - MFCHTMLEdit.gif


This article provides a bare-bones samples that demonstrates the use of the new HTML editing and browsing classes in MFC.

MFC7 includes several new classes that encapsulate the Internet Explorer MSHTML editing control. This control is an ActiveX control that provides WYSIWYG editing and browsing, and the MFC and ATL wrappers for this class make it's use very straight forward.

The sample application is a simple AppWizard generated application with the view class derived from CHtmlEditView (the last step in the MFC application wizard). In specifying CHtmlEditView as your edit class' base class, you automatically take on CHtmlEditDoc as your Document's base class as well.

These two classes work together to provide HTML file loading, saving, editing, browsing and printing. Context menus are provided and it is very simple to hook your toolbar button or menu items to the various wrapper methods in the MFC HTML editing classes.

The sample contains a rebar with two toolbars - one containing the standard load, save and cut/copy/paste buttons, and one containing formatting options such as bold, italic, indenting, hyperlink and editing mode.

In the CHtmlEditView derived class is a set of macro calls similar to the standard BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP macros familiar to MFC programmers. In this case, though, the macros are of the form


What these macros do is allow you to associate an MSHTML Command Identifier with a command ID. When the view receives the given command ID (say, ID_EDIT_COPY) it will execute the associated MSHTML command (IDM_COPY). This will in turn execute the

appropriate method of the MSHTML ActiveX control.

To associate a toolbar button with ID value ID_UNDERLINE with the MSHTML command for underlining the current selection, simply add the line


Some of the MSHTML identifiers are shown below. For a full list, consult the topic 'MSHTML Command Identifiers' in the online documentation.

IDM_BACKCOLOR Sets or retrieves the background color of the current selection.
IDM_BOLD Toggles the current selection between bold and nonbold.
IDM_BOOKMARK Creates a bookmark anchor or retrieves the name of a bookmark anchor for the current
IDM_COPY Copies the current selection to the clipboard.
IDM_CUT Copies the current selection to the clipboard and then deletes it.
IDM_DELETE Deletes the current selection.
IDM_FONT Opens a font dialog box to enable the user to change the text color, font, and font size of the current selection.
IDM_FONTNAME Sets or retrieves the font for the current selection.
IDM_FONTSIZE Sets or retrieves the font size for the current selection.
IDM_FORECOLOR Sets or retrieves the foreground (text) color of the current selection.
IDM_HYPERLINK Inserts a hyperlink on the current selection, or displays a dialog box enabling the user to specify a URL to insert as a hyperlink on the current selection.
IDM_INDENT Increases the indent of the selected text by one indentation increment.
IDM_ITALIC Toggles the current selection between italic and nonitalic.
IDM_JUSTIFYCENTER Centers the format block in which the current selection is located.
IDM_JUSTIFYLEFT Left-justifies the format block in which the current selection is located.
IDM_JUSTIFYRIGHT Right-justifies the format block in which the current selection is located.
IDM_ORDERLIST Toggles the current selection between an ordered list and a normal format block.
IDM_OUTDENT Decreases by one increment the indentation of the format block in which the current selection is located.
IDM_OVERWRITE Toggles the text-entry mode between insert and overwrite.
IDM_PASTE Overwrites the contents of the clipboard on the current selection.
IDM_PRINT Prints the current document using either the default print template or a custom print template.
IDM_PRINTPREVIEW Opens the Print Preview window for the current document using either the default print preview template or a custom template.
IDM_UNDERLINE Toggles the current selection between underlined and not underlined.
IDM_UNORDERLIST Toggles the current selection between an ordered list and a normal format block.

If you wish to call any one of the MSHTML commands directly, then the MFC wrapper classes provide you with a number of helper functions

HRESULT ExecHelperSetVal(UINT nCmdID, LPCTSTR szID=NULL) const
HRESULT ExecHelperSetVal(UINT nCmdID, bool bValue) const
HRESULT ExecHelperSetVal(UINT nCmdID, short nNewVal) const
HRESULT ExecHelperGetVal(UINT nCmdID, bool &bValue) const
HRESULT ExecHelperGetVal(UINT nCmdID, short &nValue) const

These functions take a MSHTML Command identifier, plus an optional value (or reference for a return value) and execute the associated command.

An example is in changing the editing more to Browse:


More specific wrappers are provided, such as functions to set the font face (SetFontFace(LPCTSTR szFace)) or functions to set and get the HTML (GetDocumentHTML/SetDocumentHTML).