@def title = "More goodies"
@def hascode = true
@def rss = "A short description of the page which would serve as blurb in a RSS
feed; you can use basic markdown here but the whole description string must be a single line (not a multiline string). Like this one for instance. Keep in mind that styling is minimal in RSS so for instance don't expect maths or fancy styling to work; images should be ok though: "
@def rss_title = "More goodies"
@def rss_pubdate = Date(2019, 5, 1)
@def tags = ["syntax", "code", "image"]
<div class= 'blog-box' >
<img class='blog-image' src='/assets/posts/julia.png' />
<div class='blog-description'>
<h1> sample blog </h1>
<p> test test </p>
<a href="/posts/test/index.html"><button> Continue reading </button> </a>