- 868.2Mhz
- Syncword 0xF1
- 250kHz Bandwidth
- Spreading Factor 7
- ExplicitHeader: Coding Rate CR 5-8/8 (depending on #neighbors), CRC for Payload
- 7bit Extended Header
- 6bit Forward
- 5-0bit Type
- 1byte Manufacturer
- 2byte Unique ID (Little Endian)
- 7-6bit ACK:
- 0: none
- 1: requested
- 2: requested (via forward, if received via forward (received forward bit = 0). must be used if forward is set)
- 3: reserved
- 5bit Cast:
- 0: Broadcast (default)
- 1: Unicast (adds destination address (8+16bit)) (shall only be forwarded if dest addr in cache and no 'better' retransmission received)
- 4bit Signature (if 1, add 4byte)
- 3bit Geo-based Forwarded (prevent any further geo-based forwarding, can be ignored by any none-forwarding instances)
- 2-0bit Reserved (ideas: indicate multicast interest add 16bit addr, emergency)
- ACK (Type = 0)
- No Payload, must be unicast
[recommended intervall: floor((#neighbors/10 + 1) * 5s) ] Note: Done by app layer of the fanet module
Position (Little Endian, 2-Complement)
- bit 0-23 Latitude (Absolute, see below)
Position (Little Endian, 2-Complement)
- bit 0-23 Longitude (Absolute, see below)
Type (Little Endian)
- bit 15 Online Tracking
- bit 12-14 Aircraft Type
- 0: Other
- 1: Paraglider
- 2: Hangglider
- 3: Balloon
- 4: Glider
- 5: Powered Aircraft
- 6: Helicopter
- 7: UAV
- bit 11 Altitude Scaling 1->4x, 0->1x
- bit 0-10 Altitude in m
- bit 7 Scaling 1->5x, 0->1x
- bit 0-6 Value in 0.5km/h
Climb (max +/- 31.5m/s, 2-Complement)
- bit 7 Scaling 1->5x, 0->1x
- bit 0-6 Value in 0.1m/s
- bit 0-7 Value in 360/256 deg
Turn rate (max +/- 64deg/s, positive is clock wise, 2-Complement)
- bit 7 Scaling 1->4x, 0->1x
- bit 0-6 Value in 0.25deg/s
- [Byte 12] QNE offset (=QNE-GPS altitude, max +/- 254m, 2-Complement)
- bit 7 Scaling 1->4x, 0->1x
- bit 0-6 Value in m
[recommended intervall: every 4min]
- 8bit String (of arbitrary length, \0 termination not required)
- [Byte 0] Header
- bit 0-7 Subheader, Subtype (TBD)
- 0: Normal Message
- 8bit String (of arbitrary length)
[recommended intervall: 40sec]
Header (additional payload will be added in order 6 to 1, followed by Extended Header payload 7 to 0 once defined)
- bit 7 Internet Gateway (no additional payload required, other than a position)
- bit 6 Temperature (+1byte in 0.5 degree, 2-Complement)
- bit 5 Wind (+3byte: 1byte Heading in 360/256 degree, 1byte speed and 1byte gusts in 0.2km/h (each: bit 7 scale 5x or 1x, bit 0-6))
- bit 4 Humidity (+1byte: in 0.4% (%rh*10/4))
- bit 3 Barometric pressure normailized (+2byte: in 10Pa, offset by 430hPa, unsigned little endian (hPa-430)*10)
- bit 2 Support for Remote Configuration (Advertisement)
- bit 1 State of Charge (+1byte lower 4 bits: 0x00 = 0%, 0x01 = 6.666%, .. 0x0F = 100%)
- bit 0 Extended Header (+1byte directly after byte 0) The following is only mandatory if no additional data will be added. Broadcasting only the gateway/remote-cfg flag doesn't require pos information.
- bit 0-23 Latitude (Absolute, see below)
- bit 0-23 Longitude (Absolute, see below)
additional data according to the sub header order (bit 6 down to 1)
Note: Landmarks are completely independent. Thus the first coordinate in each packet has to be an absolute one. All others are compressed in relation to the one before.
Note2: Identification/detection shall be done by hashing the whole payload, excluding bytes 0, 1 and, 2 (optional). That way one quietly can change the layer to 'Don't care' and quickly destroy the landmark w/o having to wait for it's relative live span to be exceeded.
Note3: In case a text has the same postion as the first position of any other landmark then the text is considered to be the label of that landmark.
- bit 4-7 Time to live +1 in 10min (bit 7 scale 6x or 1x, bit 4-6) (0>10min, 1->20min, ..., F->8h)
- bit 0-3 Subtype:
- 0: Text
- 1: Line
- 2: Arrow
- 3: Area
- 4: Area Filled
- 5: Circle
- 6: Circle Filled
- 7: 3D Line suitable for cables
- 8: 3D Area suitable for airspaces (filled if starts from GND=0)
- 9: 3D Cylinder suitable for airspaces (filled if starts from GND=0)
- 10-15: TBD
- bit 7-5 Reserved
- bit 4 Internal wind dependency (+1byte wind sector)
- bit 3-0 Layer:
- 0: Info
- 1: Warning
- 2: Keep out
- 3: Touch down
- 4: No airspace warn zone (not yet implemented)
- 5-14: TBD
- 15: Don't care
only if internal wind bit is set] Wind sectors +/-22.5degree (only display landmark if internal wind is within one of the advertised sectors.
If byte 2 is present but is zero, landmark gets only displayed in case of no wind)
- bit 7 NW
- bit 6 W
- bit 5 SW
- bit 4 S
- bit 3 SE
- bit 2 E
- bit 1 NE
- bit 0 N