diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index bd206953..00000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-language: csharp
-solution: EDSEditor.sln
- - 6.10.0
- slack:
- rooms:
- - secure: "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"
-- cp $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/EDSSharp/bin/Release/EDSSharp.* $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/EDSEditorGUI/bin/Release/
-- cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/EDSEditorGUI/bin/Release/
-- zip -r $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build/CANopenEditor-latest.zip *
- provider: pages
- skip_cleanup: true
- github_token: $GITHUB_TOKEN # Set in the settings page of your repository, as a secure variable
- keep_history: false
- target_branch: gh-pages
- directory: $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build/
- on:
- branch: main
diff --git a/EDSEditorGUI/EDSEditorGUI.csproj b/EDSEditorGUI/EDSEditorGUI.csproj
index 9f52906e..0f41ac76 100644
--- a/EDSEditorGUI/EDSEditorGUI.csproj
+++ b/EDSEditorGUI/EDSEditorGUI.csproj
@@ -97,9 +97,7 @@
git describe --tags --long --dirty > "$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\version.txt" || exit 0
diff --git a/EDSEditorGUI/EDSEditorGUI.csproj.user b/EDSEditorGUI/EDSEditorGUI.csproj.user
deleted file mode 100644
index 7937b018..00000000
--- a/EDSEditorGUI/EDSEditorGUI.csproj.user
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- publish\
- en-US
- false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/EDSSharp/EDSSharp.csproj b/EDSSharp/EDSSharp.csproj
index d7ce97e3..7b44195d 100644
--- a/EDSSharp/EDSSharp.csproj
+++ b/EDSSharp/EDSSharp.csproj
@@ -7,8 +7,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/EDSSharp/EDSSharp.csproj.user b/EDSSharp/EDSSharp.csproj.user
deleted file mode 100644
index d14eb3bf..00000000
--- a/EDSSharp/EDSSharp.csproj.user
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libEDSsharp/CanOpenNodeExporter.cs b/libEDSsharp/CanOpenNodeExporter.cs
index 7de083bc..b73f1582 100644
--- a/libEDSsharp/CanOpenNodeExporter.cs
+++ b/libEDSsharp/CanOpenNodeExporter.cs
@@ -1315,40 +1315,6 @@ string formatvaluewithdatatype(string defaultvalue, DataType dt, bool fixstring=
return "";
- public static string ParseString(string input)
- {
- var provider = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider();
- var parameters = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters()
- {
- GenerateExecutable = false,
- GenerateInMemory = true,
- };
- var code = @"
- namespace Tmp
- {
- public class TmpClass
- {
- public static string GetValue()
- {
- return """ + input + @""";
- }
- }
- }";
- var compileResult = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(parameters, code);
- if (compileResult.Errors.HasErrors)
- {
- throw new ArgumentException(compileResult.Errors.Cast().First(e => !e.IsWarning).ErrorText);
- }
- var asmb = compileResult.CompiledAssembly;
- var method = asmb.GetType("Tmp.TmpClass").GetMethod("GetValue");
- return method.Invoke(null, null) as string;
- }
/// Generates a valid C language variable name using input
diff --git a/libEDSsharp/docs/libEDSsharp.xml b/libEDSsharp/docs/libEDSsharp.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b31722ad..00000000
--- a/libEDSsharp/docs/libEDSsharp.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5182 +0,0 @@
- libEDSsharp
- Exporter for CanOpenNode_V4
- export the current data set in the CanOpen Node format V4
- Generate ODStorage, ODObjs, ODList, ODDefines and ODCnt entries
- Verify "Count Label" of the object and raise warning if uncorrect.
- Generate ODStorage and ODObjs entries for VAR
- Generate ODStorage and ODObjs entries for ARRAY
- Generate ODStorage and ODObjs entries for RECORD
- Export the header file
- Export the c file
- Take a paramater name from the object dictionary and make it acceptable
- for use in c variables/structs etc
- string, name to convert
- string
- Return from Get_dataProperties
- Get the correct c data type, length and default value, based on CANopen data type
- Structure filled with data
- Get attributes from OD entry or sub-entry
- Read XDD file into EDSsharp object
- Name of the xdd file
- EDSsharp object
- Read custom multi xdd file (multiple standard xdd files inside one xml container)
- Name of the multi xdd file
- List of EDSsharp objects
- Write custom multi xdd file (multiple standard xdd files inside one xml container)
- Name of the multi xdd file
- List of EDSsharp objects
- Git version string for documentation field
- If true, device commisioning, denotations and actual values will be included
- Write XDD file from EDSsharp object
- Name of the xdd file
- EDSsharp object
- Git version string for documentation field
- If true, device commisioning, denotations and actual values will be included
- If true, then all CANopenNode specific parameters and all disabled objects will be stripped
- Get the CANopenNode specific flags, these flags are used internally in CANopenNode to determine details about the object variable
- An odentry to access
- byte containing the flag value
- Export the record type objects in the CO_OD.c file
- string
- Exports a sub object line in a record object
- sub ODentry object to export
- string forming current array level or empty string for none
- string forming one line of CO_OD.c record objects
- Custom properties for OD entry or sub-entry, which are saved into xdd file v1.1
- List of multiple CO_storageGroup strings available in project
- The index of the object in the Object Dictionary
- This cannot be set for child objects, if you read a child object you get the parents index
- Used when writing out objects to know if we are writing the normal or the module parts out
- Two module parts subext and fixed are available.
- Empty object constructor
- ODentry constructor for a simple VAR type
- Name of Object Dictionary Entry
- Index of object in object dictionary
- Type of this objects data
- Default value (always set as a string)
- Allowed CANopen access permissions
- Allowed PDO mapping options
- ODConstructor useful for subobjects
- ODEntry constructor for array subobjects
- Make a deep clone of this ODentry
- Provide a simple string representation of the object, only parameters index, no subindexes/subindex parameter name and data type are included
- Useful for debug and also appears in debugger when you inspect this object
- string summary of object
- Provide a simple string representation of the object type. Returns the string of the ENUM ObjectType.VAR if objecttype is not enumed
- string representation of object type
- Duplicate current sub entry and add it to parent
- true on successfull addition
- Remove current sub entry
- Renumber subentries
- true on successfull removal
- If data type is an octet string we must remove all spaces when writing out to a EDS/DCF file
- Value to be processed
- value if not octet string or value with spaces removed if octet string
- Write out this Object dictionary entry to an EDS/DCF file using correct formatting
- Handle to the stream writer to write to
- File type being written
- Returns a c compatible string that represents the name of the object, - is replaced with _
- words separated by a space are replaced with _ for a separator eg ONE TWO becomes ONE_TWO
- Return the size in bytes for the given CANopen datatype of this object, eg the size of what ever the datatype field is set to
- no of bytes
- This is the no of subindexes present in the object, it is NOT the maximum subobject index
- Add an existing entry as a subobject of this OD
- Verify PDO mapping parameters in Object Dictionary. Every mapped OD entry must exist and mapping must be allowed
- List of error strings, empty if no errors found.
- This function scans the PDO list and compares it to NrOfRXPDO and NrOfTXPDO
- if these do not match in count then implicit PDOs are present and they are
- filled in with default values from the lowest possible index
- Rebuild the communication and mapping paramaters from the
- lists the PDOhelper currently has. These live in the list pdoslots
- Add a PDO slot as set by index
- This finds a gap in the PDO slots
- Remove existing PDO slot as set by index
- Eine stark typisierte Ressourcenklasse zum Suchen von lokalisierten Zeichenfolgen usw.
- Gibt die zwischengespeicherte ResourceManager-Instanz zurück, die von dieser Klasse verwendet wird.
- Überschreibt die CurrentUICulture-Eigenschaft des aktuellen Threads für alle
- Ressourcenzuordnungen, die diese stark typisierte Ressourcenklasse verwenden.
diff --git a/libEDSsharp/libEDSsharp.csproj b/libEDSsharp/libEDSsharp.csproj
index 4a5a9412..751d3325 100644
--- a/libEDSsharp/libEDSsharp.csproj
+++ b/libEDSsharp/libEDSsharp.csproj
@@ -20,8 +20,4 @@
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