diff --git a/libEDSsharp/CanOpenEDS.cs b/libEDSsharp/CanOpenEDS.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4be60f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libEDSsharp/CanOpenEDS.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,1389 @@
+ This file is part of libEDSsharp.
+ libEDSsharp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ libEDSsharp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with libEDSsharp. If not, see .
+ Copyright(c) 2016 - 2019 Robin Cornelius
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Globalization;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+namespace libEDSsharp
+ public partial class InfoSection
+ {
+ public virtual void Parse(Dictionary section, string sectionname)
+ {
+ this.section = section;
+ FieldInfo[] fields = this.GetType().GetFields();
+ foreach (FieldInfo f in fields)
+ {
+ if (Attribute.IsDefined(f, typeof(EdsExport)))
+ GetField(f.Name, f.Name);
+ if (Attribute.IsDefined(f, typeof(DcfExport)))
+ GetField(f.Name, f.Name);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Write object to stream
+ ///
+ /// stream to write the data to
+ /// file type
+ public void Write(StreamWriter writer, Filetype ft)
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine("[" + edssection + "]");
+ Type tx = this.GetType();
+ FieldInfo[] fields = this.GetType().GetFields();
+ foreach (FieldInfo f in fields)
+ {
+ if ((ft == Filetype.File_EDS) && (!Attribute.IsDefined(f, typeof(EdsExport))))
+ continue;
+ if ((ft == Filetype.File_DCF) && (!(Attribute.IsDefined(f, typeof(DcfExport)) || Attribute.IsDefined(f, typeof(EdsExport)))))
+ continue;
+ if (f.GetValue(this) == null)
+ continue;
+ EdsExport ex = (EdsExport)f.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(EdsExport));
+ bool comment = ex.IsReadOnly();
+ if (f.FieldType.Name == "Boolean")
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{2}{0}={1}", f.Name, ((bool)f.GetValue(this)) == true ? 1 : 0, comment == true ? ";" : ""));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{2}{0}={1}", f.Name, f.GetValue(this).ToString(), comment == true ? ";" : ""));
+ }
+ }
+ writer.WriteLine("");
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class MandatoryObjects : SupportedObjects
+ {
+ public MandatoryObjects(Dictionary section)
+ : this()
+ {
+ Parse(section);
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class OptionalObjects : SupportedObjects
+ {
+ public OptionalObjects(Dictionary section)
+ : this()
+ {
+ Parse(section);
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class ManufacturerObjects : SupportedObjects
+ {
+ public ManufacturerObjects(Dictionary section)
+ : this()
+ {
+ Parse(section);
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class TypeDefinitions : SupportedObjects
+ {
+ public TypeDefinitions(Dictionary section)
+ {
+ Parse(section);
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class SupportedObjects
+ {
+ public virtual void Parse(Dictionary section)
+ {
+ objectlist = new Dictionary();
+ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in section)
+ {
+ if (kvp.Key.ToLower() == "supportedobjects")
+ continue;
+ if (kvp.Key.ToLower() == "nrofentries")
+ continue;
+ int count = Convert.ToInt16(kvp.Key, EDSsharp.Getbase(kvp.Key));
+ int target = Convert.ToInt16(kvp.Value, EDSsharp.Getbase(kvp.Value));
+ objectlist.Add(count, target);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Write object to stream
+ ///
+ /// stream to write the data to
+ public void Write(StreamWriter writer)
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine("[" + edssection + "]");
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}={1}", countmsg, objectlist.Count));
+ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in objectlist)
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}=0x{1:X4}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value));
+ }
+ writer.WriteLine("");
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class Comments
+ {
+ public Comments(Dictionary section)
+ {
+ Parse(section);
+ }
+ public virtual void Parse(Dictionary section)
+ {
+ comments = new List();
+ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in section)
+ {
+ if (kvp.Key == "Lines")
+ continue;
+ comments.Add(kvp.Value);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Write object to stream
+ ///
+ /// stream to write the data to
+ public void Write(StreamWriter writer)
+ {
+ if (comments == null)
+ {
+ comments = new List();
+ }
+ writer.WriteLine("[" + edssection + "]");
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("Lines={0}", comments.Count));
+ int count = 1;
+ foreach (string s in comments)
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("Line{0}={1}", count, s));
+ count++;
+ }
+ writer.WriteLine("");
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class Dummyusage : InfoSection
+ {
+ public Dummyusage(Dictionary section) : this()
+ {
+ Parse(section, edssection);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// FileInfo section as described in CiA 306
+ ///
+ public partial class FileInfo : InfoSection
+ {
+ public FileInfo(Dictionary section) : this()
+ {
+ Parse(section, edssection);
+ }
+ override public void Parse(Dictionary section, string sectionname)
+ {
+ base.Parse(section, edssection);
+ string dtcombined = "";
+ try
+ {
+ if (section.ContainsKey("CreationTime") && section.ContainsKey("CreationDate"))
+ {
+ dtcombined = section["CreationTime"].Replace(" ", "") + " " + section["CreationDate"];
+ CreationDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(dtcombined, "h:mmtt MM-dd-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ if (e is System.FormatException)
+ {
+ Warnings.warning_list.Add(String.Format("EDS Error: Section [{1}] Unable to parse DateTime {0} for CreationTime, not in DS306 format", dtcombined, sectionname));
+ }
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (section.ContainsKey("ModificationTime") && section.ContainsKey("ModificationTime"))
+ {
+ dtcombined = section["ModificationTime"].Replace(" ", "") + " " + section["ModificationDate"];
+ ModificationDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(dtcombined, "h:mmtt MM-dd-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ if (e is System.FormatException)
+ {
+ Warnings.warning_list.Add(String.Format("EDS Error: Section [{1}] Unable to parse DateTime {0} for ModificationTime, not in DS306 format", dtcombined, sectionname));
+ }
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (section.ContainsKey("EDSVersion"))
+ {
+ string[] bits = section["EDSVersion"].Split('.');
+ if (bits.Length >= 1)
+ EDSVersionMajor = Convert.ToByte(bits[0]);
+ if (bits.Length >= 2)
+ EDSVersionMinor = Convert.ToByte(bits[1]);
+ //EDSVersion = String.Format("{0}.{1}", EDSVersionMajor, EDSVersionMinor);
+ }
+ }
+ catch
+ {
+ Warnings.warning_list.Add(String.Format("Unable to parse EDS version {0}", section["EDSVersion"]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class DeviceInfo : InfoSection
+ {
+ public DeviceInfo(Dictionary section) : this()
+ {
+ Parse(section, edssection);
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class DeviceCommissioning : InfoSection
+ {
+ public DeviceCommissioning(Dictionary section) : this()
+ {
+ Parse(section, edssection);
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class SupportedModules : InfoSection
+ {
+ public SupportedModules(Dictionary section) : this()
+ {
+ Parse(section, edssection);
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class ConnectedModules : SupportedObjects
+ {
+ public ConnectedModules(Dictionary section) : this()
+ {
+ Parse(section);
+ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in this.objectlist)
+ {
+ UInt16 K = (UInt16)kvp.Value;
+ UInt16 V = (UInt16)kvp.Key;
+ connectedmodulelist.Add(K, V);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class MxFixedObjects : SupportedObjects
+ {
+ public MxFixedObjects(Dictionary section, UInt16 modindex) : this(modindex)
+ {
+ Parse(section);
+ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in this.objectlist)
+ {
+ connectedmodulelist.Add((UInt16)kvp.Value, (UInt16)kvp.Key);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class ModuleInfo : InfoSection
+ {
+ public ModuleInfo(Dictionary section, UInt16 moduleindex) : this(moduleindex)
+ {
+ Parse(section, edssection);
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class ModuleComments : Comments
+ {
+ public ModuleComments(Dictionary section, UInt16 moduleindex) : this(moduleindex)
+ {
+ Parse(section);
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class ModuleSubExtends : SupportedObjects
+ {
+ public ModuleSubExtends(Dictionary section, UInt16 moduleindex)
+ : this(moduleindex)
+ {
+ Parse(section);
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class ODentry
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Write out this Object dictionary entry to an EDS/DCF file using correct formatting
+ ///
+ /// Handle to the stream writer to write to
+ /// File type being written
+ /// OD type to write
+ /// module
+ public void Write(StreamWriter writer, InfoSection.Filetype ft, Odtype odt = Odtype.NORMAL, int module = 0)
+ {
+ string fixedmodheader = "";
+ if (odt == Odtype.FIXED)
+ {
+ fixedmodheader = string.Format("M{0}Fixed", module);
+ }
+ if (odt == Odtype.SUBEXT)
+ {
+ fixedmodheader = string.Format("M{0}SubExt", module);
+ }
+ if (parent != null)
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("[{0}{1:X}sub{2:X}]", fixedmodheader, Index, Subindex));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("[{0}{1:X}]", fixedmodheader, Index));
+ }
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("ParameterName={0}", parameter_name));
+ if (ft == InfoSection.Filetype.File_DCF)
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("Denotation={0}", denotation));
+ }
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("ObjectType=0x{0:X}", (int)objecttype));
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format(";StorageLocation={0}", prop.CO_storageGroup));
+ if (objecttype == ObjectType.ARRAY)
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("SubNumber=0x{0:X}", Nosubindexes));
+ }
+ if (objecttype == ObjectType.RECORD)
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("SubNumber=0x{0:X}", Nosubindexes));
+ }
+ if (objecttype == ObjectType.VAR)
+ {
+ DataType dt = datatype;
+ if (dt == DataType.UNKNOWN && this.parent != null)
+ dt = parent.datatype;
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("DataType=0x{0:X4}", (int)dt));
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("AccessType={0}", accesstype.ToString()));
+ if (HighLimit != null && HighLimit != "")
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("HighLimit={0}", Formatoctetstring(HighLimit)));
+ }
+ if (LowLimit != null && LowLimit != "")
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("LowLimit={0}", Formatoctetstring(LowLimit)));
+ }
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("DefaultValue={0}", Formatoctetstring(defaultvalue)));
+ //TODO If the ObjectType is domain (0x2) the value of the object may be stored in a file,UploadFile and DownloadFile
+ if (ft == InfoSection.Filetype.File_DCF)
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("ParameterValue={0}", Formatoctetstring(actualvalue)));
+ }
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("PDOMapping={0}", PDOMapping == true ? 1 : 0));
+ if (prop.CO_flagsPDO == true)
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine(";TPDODetectCos=1");
+ }
+ }
+ //Count is for modules in the [MxSubExtxxxx]
+ //Should we export this on EDS only, or DCF or both?
+ if (odt == Odtype.SUBEXT)
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("Count={0}", count));
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("ObjExtend={0}", ObjExtend));
+ }
+ //ObjectFlags is always optional (Page 15, DSP306) and used for DCF writing to nodes
+ //also recommended not to write if it is already 0
+ if (ObjFlags != 0)
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine(string.Format("ObjFlags={0}", ObjFlags));
+ }
+ writer.WriteLine("");
+ }
+ }
+ public partial class EDSsharp
+ {
+ public void Parseline(string linex, int no)
+ {
+ string key = "";
+ string value = "";
+ string line = linex.TrimStart(';');
+ bool custom_extension = false;
+ if (linex == null || linex == "")
+ return;
+ if (linex[0] == ';')
+ custom_extension = true;
+ //extract sections
+ {
+ string pat = @"^\[([a-z0-9]+)\]";
+ Regex r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
+ Match m = r.Match(line);
+ if (m.Success)
+ {
+ Group g = m.Groups[1];
+ sectionname = g.ToString();
+ if (!eds.ContainsKey(sectionname))
+ {
+ eds.Add(sectionname, new Dictionary());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Warnings.warning_list.Add(string.Format("EDS Error on Line {0} : Duplicate section [{1}] ", no, sectionname));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //extract keyvalues
+ {
+ //Bug #70 Eat whitespace!
+ string pat = @"^([a-z0-9_]+)[ ]*=[ ]*(.*)";
+ Regex r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
+ Match m = r.Match(line);
+ if (m.Success)
+ {
+ key = m.Groups[1].ToString();
+ value = m.Groups[2].ToString();
+ value = value.TrimEnd(' ', '\t', '\n', '\r');
+ //not sure how we actually get here with out a section being in the dictionary already..
+ //suspect this is dead code.
+ if (!eds.ContainsKey(sectionname))
+ {
+ eds.Add(sectionname, new Dictionary());
+ }
+ if (custom_extension == false)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ eds[sectionname].Add(key, value);
+ }
+ catch (Exception)
+ {
+ Warnings.warning_list.Add(string.Format("EDS Error on Line {3} : Duplicate key \"{0}\" value \"{1}\" in section [{2}]", key, value, sectionname, no));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ //Only allow our own extensions to populate the key/value pair
+ {
+ if (key == "StorageLocation" || key == "TPDODetectCos")
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ eds[sectionname].Add(key, value);
+ }
+ catch (Exception)
+ {
+ Warnings.warning_list.Add(string.Format("EDS Error on Line {3} : Duplicate custom key \"{0}\" value \"{1}\" in section [{2}]", key, value, sectionname, no));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void ParseEDSentry(KeyValuePair> kvp)
+ {
+ string section = kvp.Key;
+ string pat = @"^(M[0-9a-fA-F]+(Fixed|SubExt))?([a-fA-F0-9]+)(sub)?([0-9a-fA-F]*)$";
+ Regex r = new Regex(pat);
+ Match m = r.Match(section);
+ if (m.Success)
+ {
+ SortedDictionary target = this.ods;
+ string pat2 = @"^M([0-9a-fA-F]+)(Fixed|SubExt)([0-9a-fA-F]+)";
+ Regex r2 = new Regex(pat2, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
+ Match m2 = r2.Match(m.Groups[0].ToString());
+ if (m2.Success)
+ {
+ UInt16 modindex = 0, odindex = 0;
+ try { modindex = Convert.ToUInt16(m2.Groups[1].Value); }
+ catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG **" + m2.Groups[1].Value); }
+ //Indexes in the EDS are always in hex format without the pre 0x
+ try { odindex = Convert.ToUInt16(m2.Groups[3].Value, 16); }
+ catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG **" + m2.Groups[3].Value); }
+ if (!modules.ContainsKey(modindex))
+ modules.Add(modindex, new Module(modindex));
+ if (m2.Groups[2].ToString() == "SubExt")
+ {
+ target = modules[modindex].modulesubext;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ target = modules[modindex].modulefixedobjects;
+ }
+ }
+ ODentry od = new ODentry
+ {
+ //Indexes in the EDS are always in hex format without the pre 0x
+ Index = Convert.ToUInt16(m.Groups[3].ToString(), 16)
+ };
+ //Parameter name, mandatory always
+ if (!kvp.Value.ContainsKey("ParameterName"))
+ throw new ParameterException("Missing required field ParameterName on" + section);
+ od.parameter_name = kvp.Value["ParameterName"];
+ //Object type, assumed to be VAR unless specified
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("ObjectType"))
+ {
+ int type = Convert.ToInt16(kvp.Value["ObjectType"], Getbase(kvp.Value["ObjectType"]));
+ od.objecttype = (ObjectType)type;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ od.objecttype = ObjectType.VAR;
+ }
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("CompactSubObj"))
+ {
+ od.CompactSubObj = Convert.ToByte(kvp.Value["CompactSubObj"], Getbase(kvp.Value["CompactSubObj"]));
+ }
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("ObjFlags"))
+ {
+ od.ObjFlags = Convert.ToUInt32(kvp.Value["ObjFlags"], Getbase(kvp.Value["ObjFlags"]));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ od.ObjFlags = 0;
+ }
+ //Access Type
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("StorageLocation"))
+ {
+ od.prop.CO_storageGroup = kvp.Value["StorageLocation"];
+ }
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("TPDODetectCos"))
+ {
+ string test = kvp.Value["TPDODetectCos"].ToLower();
+ if (test == "1" || test == "true")
+ {
+ od.prop.CO_flagsPDO = true;
+ }
+ else
+ od.prop.CO_flagsPDO = false;
+ }
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("Count"))
+ {
+ /* FIXME: The format of "Count" is Unsigned8[; Unsigned8] according DS306
+ * Count:
+ Number of extended Sub-Indexes with this description that are created per module. The format is Unsigned8 [; Unsigned8].
+ If one or more Sub - Indexes are created per attached module to build a new sub- index, then Count is that
+ Number. In example 32 bit module creates 4 Sub - Indexes each having 8 Bit: Count = 4
+ If several modules are gathered to form a new Sub- Index, then the number is 0, followed by semicolon and the
+ number of bits that are created per module to build a new Sub-Index.In example 2 bit modules with 8 bit objects: The
+ first Sub - Index is built upon modules 1 - 4, the next upon modules 5 - 8 etc.: Count = 0; 2.The objects are created,
+ when a new byte begins: Module 1 creates the Sub - Index 1; modules 2 - 4 fill it up; module 5 creates Sub-Index 2 and
+ so forth.
+ */
+ pat2 = @"\s*([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*;\s*([0-9a-fA-F]+)";
+ r2 = new Regex(pat2, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
+ m2 = r2.Match(kvp.Value["Count"]);
+ if (m2.Success)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("** FIXME Count format not supported ** Count: " + kvp.Value["Count"]);
+ int found = kvp.Value["Count"].IndexOf(";");
+ string s = kvp.Value["Count"].Substring(found + 1);
+ try { od.count = Convert.ToByte(s, Getbase(s)); }
+ catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG ** Count" + kvp.Value["Count"]); }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ try { od.count = Convert.ToByte(kvp.Value["Count"], Getbase(kvp.Value["Count"])); }
+ catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG ** Count" + kvp.Value["Count"]); }
+ }
+ }
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("ObjExtend"))
+ {
+ try { od.ObjExtend = Convert.ToByte(kvp.Value["ObjExtend"]); }
+ catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG ** ObjExtend:" + kvp.Value["ObjExtend"]); }
+ }
+ if (od.objecttype == ObjectType.VAR)
+ {
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("CompactSubObj"))
+ throw new ParameterException("CompactSubObj not valid for a VAR Object, section: " + section);
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("ParameterValue"))
+ {
+ try { od.actualvalue = kvp.Value["ParameterValue"]; }
+ catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG ** ParameterValue:" + kvp.Value["ParameterValue"]); }
+ }
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("HighLimit"))
+ {
+ try { od.HighLimit = kvp.Value["HighLimit"]; }
+ catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG ** HighLimit:" + kvp.Value["HighLimit"]); }
+ }
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("LowLimit"))
+ {
+ try { od.LowLimit = kvp.Value["LowLimit"]; }
+ catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG ** LowLimit:" + kvp.Value["LowLimit"]); }
+ }
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("Denotation"))
+ {
+ try { od.denotation = kvp.Value["Denotation"]; }
+ catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG ** Denotation:" + kvp.Value["Denotation"]); }
+ }
+ if (m.Groups[5].Length != 0)
+ {
+ //FIXME are subindexes in hex always?
+ UInt16 subindex = Convert.ToUInt16(m.Groups[5].ToString(), 16);
+ od.parent = target[od.Index];
+ target[od.Index].subobjects.Add(subindex, od);
+ }
+ if (!kvp.Value.ContainsKey("DataType"))
+ throw new ParameterException("Missing required field DataType on" + section);
+ od.datatype = (DataType)Convert.ToInt16(kvp.Value["DataType"], Getbase(kvp.Value["DataType"]));
+ if (!kvp.Value.ContainsKey("AccessType"))
+ throw new ParameterException("Missing required AccessType on" + section);
+ string accesstype = kvp.Value["AccessType"].ToLower();
+ if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(AccessType), accesstype))
+ {
+ od.accesstype = (AccessType)Enum.Parse(typeof(AccessType), accesstype);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new ParameterException("Unknown AccessType on" + section);
+ }
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("DefaultValue"))
+ od.defaultvalue = kvp.Value["DefaultValue"];
+ od.PDOtype = PDOMappingType.no;
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("PDOMapping"))
+ {
+ bool pdo = Convert.ToInt16(kvp.Value["PDOMapping"], Getbase(kvp.Value["PDOMapping"])) == 1;
+ if (pdo == true)
+ od.PDOtype = PDOMappingType.optional;
+ }
+ }
+ if (od.objecttype == ObjectType.RECORD || od.objecttype == ObjectType.ARRAY || od.objecttype == ObjectType.DEFSTRUCT)
+ {
+ if (od.CompactSubObj != 0)
+ {
+ if (!kvp.Value.ContainsKey("DataType"))
+ throw new ParameterException("Missing required field DataType on" + section);
+ od.datatype = (DataType)Convert.ToInt16(kvp.Value["DataType"], Getbase(kvp.Value["DataType"]));
+ if (!kvp.Value.ContainsKey("AccessType"))
+ throw new ParameterException("Missing required AccessType on" + section);
+ string accesstype = kvp.Value["AccessType"];
+ if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(AccessType), accesstype))
+ {
+ od.accesstype = (AccessType)Enum.Parse(typeof(AccessType), accesstype);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new ParameterException("Unknown AccessType on" + section);
+ }
+ //now we generate CompactSubObj number of var objects below this parent
+ if (od.CompactSubObj >= 0xfe)
+ {
+ od.CompactSubObj = 0xfe;
+ }
+ ODentry subi = new ODentry("NrOfObjects", od.Index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, String.Format("0x{0:x2}", od.CompactSubObj), AccessType.ro, PDOMappingType.no, od);
+ od.subobjects.Add(0x00, subi);
+ for (int x = 1; x <= od.CompactSubObj; x++)
+ {
+ string parameter_name = string.Format("{0}{1:x2}", od.parameter_name, x);
+ ODentry sub = new ODentry(parameter_name, od.Index, od.datatype, od.defaultvalue, od.accesstype, od.PDOtype, od);
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("HighLimit"))
+ sub.HighLimit = kvp.Value["HighLimit"];
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("LowLimit"))
+ sub.HighLimit = kvp.Value["LowLimit"];
+ od.subobjects.Add((ushort)(x), sub);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!kvp.Value.ContainsKey("SubNumber"))
+ throw new ParameterException("Missing SubNumber on Array for" + section);
+ }
+ }
+ if (od.objecttype == ObjectType.DOMAIN)
+ {
+ od.datatype = DataType.DOMAIN;
+ od.accesstype = AccessType.rw;
+ if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("DefaultValue"))
+ od.defaultvalue = kvp.Value["DefaultValue"];
+ }
+ //Only add top level to this list
+ if (m.Groups[5].Length == 0)
+ {
+ target.Add(od.Index, od);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void Loadfile(string filename)
+ {
+ projectFilename = filename;
+ if (Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower() == ".eds")
+ {
+ edsfilename = filename;
+ }
+ if (Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower() == ".dcf")
+ {
+ dcffilename = filename;
+ }
+ int lineno = 1;
+ foreach (string linex in System.IO.File.ReadLines(filename))
+ {
+ Parseline(linex, lineno);
+ lineno++;
+ }
+ di = new DeviceInfo(eds["DeviceInfo"]);
+ foreach (KeyValuePair> kvp in eds)
+ {
+ try { ParseEDSentry(kvp); }
+ catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG **" + kvp); }
+ }
+ fi = new FileInfo(eds["FileInfo"]);
+ if (eds.ContainsKey("DummyUsage"))
+ du = new Dummyusage(eds["DummyUsage"]);
+ md = new MandatoryObjects(eds["MandatoryObjects"]);
+ if (eds.ContainsKey("OptionalObjects"))
+ oo = new OptionalObjects(eds["OptionalObjects"]);
+ if (eds.ContainsKey("ManufacturerObjects"))
+ mo = new ManufacturerObjects(eds["ManufacturerObjects"]);
+ if (eds.ContainsKey("TypeDefinitions"))
+ td = new TypeDefinitions(eds["TypeDefinitions"]);
+ //Only DCF not EDS files
+ dc = new DeviceCommissioning();
+ string strSection = "";
+ if (eds.ContainsKey("DeviceCommissioning")) // wrong section name as defined in the DSP302, but right spelling (for compabiltiy to some tools)
+ strSection = "DeviceCommissioning";
+ else if (eds.ContainsKey("DeviceComissioning")) // right section name as defined in the DSP302, (wrong spelling)
+ strSection = "DeviceComissioning";
+ if (strSection != "")
+ {
+ dc.Parse(eds[strSection], "DeviceCommissioning");
+ edsfilename = fi.LastEDS;
+ }
+ c = new Comments();
+ if (eds.ContainsKey("Comments"))
+ c.Parse(eds["Comments"]);
+ //Modules
+ //we don't parse or support [MxFixedObjects] with MxFixedxxxx and MxFixedxxxxsubx
+ if (eds.ContainsKey("SupportedModules"))
+ {
+ sm = new SupportedModules(eds["SupportedModules"]);
+ //find MxModuleInfo
+ foreach (string s in eds.Keys)
+ {
+ String pat = @"M([0-9]+)ModuleInfo";
+ Regex r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
+ Match m = r.Match(s);
+ if (m.Success)
+ {
+ UInt16 modindex = Convert.ToUInt16(m.Groups[1].Value);
+ ModuleInfo mi = new ModuleInfo(eds[s], modindex);
+ if (!modules.ContainsKey(modindex))
+ modules.Add(modindex, new Module(modindex));
+ modules[modindex].mi = mi;
+ }
+ pat = @"M([0-9]+)Comments";
+ r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
+ m = r.Match(s);
+ if (m.Success)
+ {
+ UInt16 modindex = Convert.ToUInt16(m.Groups[1].Value);
+ ModuleComments mc = new ModuleComments(eds[s], modindex);
+ if (!modules.ContainsKey(modindex))
+ modules.Add(modindex, new Module(modindex));
+ modules[modindex].mc = mc;
+ }
+ pat = @"M([0-9]+)SubExtends";
+ r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
+ m = r.Match(s);
+ if (m.Success)
+ {
+ UInt16 modindex = Convert.ToUInt16(m.Groups[1].Value);
+ ModuleSubExtends mse = new ModuleSubExtends(eds[s], modindex);
+ if (!modules.ContainsKey(modindex))
+ modules.Add(modindex, new Module(modindex));
+ modules[modindex].mse = mse;
+ }
+ //DCF only
+ pat = @"M([0-9]+)FixedObjects";
+ r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
+ m = r.Match(s);
+ if (m.Success)
+ {
+ UInt16 modindex = Convert.ToUInt16(m.Groups[1].Value);
+ MxFixedObjects mxf = new MxFixedObjects(eds[s], modindex);
+ if (!modules.ContainsKey(modindex))
+ modules.Add(modindex, new Module(modindex));
+ modules[modindex].mxfo = mxf;
+ }
+ }
+ if (eds.ContainsKey("ConnectedModules"))
+ {
+ cm = new ConnectedModules(eds["ConnectedModules"]);
+ }
+ if (di.CompactPDO != 0)
+ {
+ for (UInt16 index = 0x1400; index < 0x1600; index++)
+ {
+ ApplycompactPDO(index);
+ }
+ for (UInt16 index = 0x1800; index < 0x1A00; index++)
+ {
+ ApplycompactPDO(index);
+ }
+ }
+ ApplyimplicitPDO();
+ }
+ // catch(Exception e)
+ //{
+ // Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG **" + e.ToString());
+ // }
+ }
+ void ApplycompactPDO(UInt16 index)
+ {
+ if (ods.ContainsKey(index))
+ {
+ if ((!ods[index].Containssubindex(1)) && ((this.di.CompactPDO & 0x01) == 0))
+ {
+ //Fill in cob ID
+ //FIX ME i'm really sure this is not correct, what default values should be used???
+ string cob = string.Format("$NODEID + 0x180");
+ ODentry subod = new ODentry("COB-ID", index, DataType.UNSIGNED32, cob, AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, ods[index]);
+ ods[index].subobjects.Add(0x05, subod);
+ }
+ if ((!ods[index].Containssubindex(2)) && ((this.di.CompactPDO & 0x02) == 0))
+ {
+ //Fill in type
+ ODentry subod = new ODentry("Type", index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, "0xff", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, ods[index]);
+ ods[index].subobjects.Add(0x02, subod);
+ }
+ if ((!ods[index].Containssubindex(3)) && ((this.di.CompactPDO & 0x04) == 0))
+ {
+ //Fill in inhibit
+ ODentry subod = new ODentry("Inhibit time", index, DataType.UNSIGNED16, "0", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, ods[index]);
+ ods[index].subobjects.Add(0x03, subod);
+ }
+ if (index < 0x1800)
+ return;
+ if ((!ods[index].Containssubindex(4)) && ((this.di.CompactPDO & 0x08) == 0))
+ {
+ //Fill in compatibility entry
+ ODentry subod = new ODentry("Compatibility entry", index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, "0", AccessType.ro, PDOMappingType.no, ods[index]);
+ ods[index].subobjects.Add(0x04, subod);
+ }
+ if ((!ods[index].Containssubindex(5)) && ((this.di.CompactPDO & 0x10) == 0))
+ {
+ //Fill in event timer
+ ODentry subod = new ODentry("Event Timer", index, DataType.UNSIGNED16, "0", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, ods[index]);
+ ods[index].subobjects.Add(0x05, subod);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// This function scans the PDO list and compares it to NrOfRXPDO and NrOfTXPDO
+ /// if these do not match in count then implicit PDOs are present and they are
+ /// filled in with default values from the lowest possible index
+ ///
+ protected void ApplyimplicitPDO()
+ {
+ UInt16 totalnorxpdos = di.NrOfRXPDO;
+ UInt16 totalnotxpdos = di.NrOfTXPDO;
+ UpdatePDOcount();
+ UInt16 noexplicitrxpdos = di.NrOfRXPDO;
+ UInt16 noexplicittxpdos = di.NrOfTXPDO;
+ //this is how many PDOS need generating on the fly
+ UInt16 noimplictrxpdos = (UInt16)(totalnorxpdos - noexplicitrxpdos);
+ UInt16 noimplicttxpdos = (UInt16)(totalnotxpdos - noexplicittxpdos);
+ for (UInt16 index = 0x1400; (index < 0x1600) && (noimplictrxpdos > 0); index++)
+ {
+ if (!ods.ContainsKey(index))
+ {
+ CreateRXPDO(index);
+ noimplictrxpdos--;
+ }
+ }
+ for (UInt16 index = 0x1800; (index < 0x1A00) && (noimplicttxpdos > 0); index++)
+ {
+ if (!ods.ContainsKey(index))
+ {
+ CreateTXPDO(index);
+ noimplicttxpdos--;
+ }
+ }
+ UpdatePDOcount();
+ }
+ public void Savefile(string filename, InfoSection.Filetype ft)
+ {
+ if (ft == InfoSection.Filetype.File_EDS)
+ this.edsfilename = filename;
+ if (ft == InfoSection.Filetype.File_DCF)
+ {
+ this.dcffilename = filename;
+ fi.LastEDS = edsfilename;
+ }
+ UpdatePDOcount();
+ //generate date times in DS306 format; h:mmtt MM-dd-yyyy
+ fi.CreationDate = fi.CreationDateTime.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
+ fi.CreationTime = fi.CreationDateTime.ToString("h:mmtt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
+ fi.ModificationDate = fi.ModificationDateTime.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
+ fi.ModificationTime = fi.ModificationDateTime.ToString("h:mmtt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
+ fi.FileName = Path.GetFileName(filename);
+ fi.EDSVersion = "4.0";
+ fi.EDSVersionMajor = 4;
+ fi.EDSVersionMinor = 0;
+ StreamWriter writer = System.IO.File.CreateText(filename);
+ writer.NewLine = "\n";
+ fi.Write(writer, ft);
+ di.Write(writer, ft);
+ du.Write(writer, ft);
+ c.Write(writer);
+ if (ft == InfoSection.Filetype.File_DCF)
+ {
+ dc.Write(writer, ft);
+ }
+ //regenerate the object lists
+ md.objectlist.Clear();
+ mo.objectlist.Clear();
+ oo.objectlist.Clear();
+ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in ods)
+ {
+ ODentry entry = kvp.Value;
+ if (entry.prop.CO_disabled == true)
+ continue;
+ if (entry.Index == 0x1000 || entry.Index == 0x1001 || entry.Index == 0x1018)
+ {
+ md.objectlist.Add(md.objectlist.Count + 1, entry.Index);
+ }
+ else
+ if (entry.Index >= 0x2000 && entry.Index < 0x6000)
+ {
+ mo.objectlist.Add(mo.objectlist.Count + 1, entry.Index);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ oo.objectlist.Add(oo.objectlist.Count + 1, entry.Index);
+ }
+ }
+ md.Write(writer);
+ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in ods)
+ {
+ ODentry od = kvp.Value;
+ if (md.objectlist.ContainsValue(od.Index))
+ {
+ od.Write(writer, ft);
+ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp2 in od.subobjects)
+ {
+ ODentry od2 = kvp2.Value;
+ od2.Write(writer, ft);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ oo.Write(writer);
+ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in ods)
+ {
+ ODentry od = kvp.Value;
+ if (oo.objectlist.ContainsValue(od.Index))
+ {
+ od.Write(writer, ft);
+ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp2 in od.subobjects)
+ {
+ ODentry od2 = kvp2.Value;
+ od2.Write(writer, ft);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mo.Write(writer);
+ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in ods)
+ {
+ ODentry od = kvp.Value;
+ if (mo.objectlist.ContainsValue(od.Index))
+ {
+ od.Write(writer, ft);
+ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp2 in od.subobjects)
+ {
+ ODentry od2 = kvp2.Value;
+ od2.Write(writer, ft);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //modules
+ if (sm.NrOfEntries > 0)
+ {
+ sm.Write(writer, ft);
+ for (UInt16 moduleid = 1; moduleid <= sm.NrOfEntries; moduleid++)
+ {
+ modules[moduleid].mi.Write(writer, ft);
+ modules[moduleid].mc.Write(writer);
+ modules[moduleid].mse.Write(writer);
+ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp2 in modules[moduleid].modulesubext)
+ {
+ ODentry od = kvp2.Value;
+ od.Write(writer, ft, ODentry.Odtype.SUBEXT, moduleid);
+ }
+ modules[moduleid].mxfo.Write(writer);
+ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp3 in modules[moduleid].modulefixedobjects)
+ {
+ ODentry od = kvp3.Value;
+ od.Write(writer, ft, ODentry.Odtype.SUBEXT, moduleid);
+ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp4 in od.subobjects)
+ {
+ ODentry subod = kvp4.Value;
+ subod.Write(writer, ft, ODentry.Odtype.FIXED, moduleid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ft == InfoSection.Filetype.File_DCF)
+ {
+ if (cm.NrOfEntries > 0)
+ {
+ cm.Write(writer);
+ }
+ }
+ writer.Close();
+ }
+ //RX COM 0x1400
+ //RX Map 0x1600
+ //TX COM 0x1800
+ //TX MAP 0x1a00
+ //call this with the comm param index not the mapping
+ bool CreatePDO(bool rx, UInt16 index)
+ {
+ //check if we are creating an RX PDO it is a valid index
+ if (rx && (index < 0x1400 || index >= 0x1600))
+ return false;
+ //check if we are creating an PDO TX it is a valid index
+ if (!rx & (index < 0x1800 || index >= 0x1A00))
+ return false;
+ //Check it does not already exist
+ if (ods.ContainsKey(index))
+ return false;
+ //check the associated mapping index does not exist
+ if (ods.ContainsKey((UInt16)(index + 0x200)))
+ return false;
+ ODentry od_comparam;
+ ODentry od_mapping;
+ if (rx)
+ {
+ od_comparam = new ODentry("RPDO communication parameter", index, 0)
+ {
+ Description = @"0x1400 - 0x15FF RPDO communication parameter
+max sub-index
+ bit 0 - 10: COB - ID for PDO, to change it bit 31 must be set
+ bit 11 - 29: set to 0 for 11 bit COB - ID
+ bit 30: 0(1) - rtr are allowed(are NOT allowed) for PDO
+ bit 31: 0(1) - node uses(does NOT use) PDO
+Transmission type
+ value = 0 - 240: receiving is synchronous, process after next reception of SYNC object
+ value = 241 - 253: not used
+ value = 254: manufacturer specific
+ value = 255: asynchronous"
+ };
+ od_mapping = new ODentry("RPDO mapping parameter", (UInt16)(index + 0x200), 0)
+ {
+ Description = @"0x1600 - 0x17FF RPDO mapping parameter (To change mapping, 'Number of mapped objects' must be set to 0)
+Number of mapped objects
+mapped object (subindex 1...8)
+ bit 0 - 7: data length in bits
+ bit 8 - 15: subindex from OD
+ bit 16 - 31: index from OD"
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ od_comparam = new ODentry("TPDO communication parameter", index, 0)
+ {
+ Description = @"0x1800 - 0x19FF TPDO communication parameter
+max sub-index
+ bit 0 - 10: COB - ID for PDO, to change it bit 31 must be set
+ bit 11 - 29: set to 0 for 11 bit COB - ID
+ bit 30: 0(1) - rtr are allowed(are NOT allowed) for PDO
+ bit 31: 0(1) - node uses(does NOT use) PDO
+Transmission type
+ value = 0: transmitting is synchronous, specification in device profile
+ value = 1 - 240: transmitting is synchronous after every N - th SYNC object
+ value = 241 - 251: not used
+ value = 252 - 253: Transmitted only on reception of Remote Transmission Request
+ value = 254: manufacturer specific
+ value = 255: asynchronous, specification in device profile
+inhibit time
+ bit 0 - 15: Minimum time between transmissions of the PDO in 100µs.Zero disables functionality.
+event timer
+ bit 0-15: Time between periodic transmissions of the PDO in ms.Zero disables functionality.
+SYNC start value
+ value = 0: Counter of the SYNC message shall not be processed.
+ value = 1-240: The SYNC message with the counter value equal to this value shall be regarded as the first received SYNC message."
+ };
+ od_mapping = new ODentry("TPDO mapping parameter", (UInt16)(index + 0x200), 0)
+ {
+ Description = @"0x1A00 - 0x1BFF TPDO mapping parameter. (To change mapping, 'Number of mapped objects' must be set to 0).
+Number of mapped objects
+mapped object (subindex 1...8)
+ bit 0 - 7: data length in bits
+ bit 8 - 15: subindex from OD
+ bit 16 - 31: index from OD"
+ };
+ }
+ od_comparam.objecttype = ObjectType.RECORD;
+ od_comparam.prop.CO_storageGroup = "ROM";
+ od_comparam.accesstype = AccessType.ro;
+ od_comparam.PDOtype = PDOMappingType.no;
+ ODentry sub;
+ if (rx)
+ {
+ sub = new ODentry("max sub-index", index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, "2", AccessType.ro, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
+ od_comparam.subobjects.Add(0, sub);
+ sub = new ODentry("COB-ID used by RPDO", index, DataType.UNSIGNED32, "$NODEID+0x200", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
+ od_comparam.subobjects.Add(1, sub);
+ sub = new ODentry("transmission type", index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, "254", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
+ od_comparam.subobjects.Add(2, sub);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sub = new ODentry("max sub-index", index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, "6", AccessType.ro, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
+ od_comparam.subobjects.Add(0, sub);
+ sub = new ODentry("COB-ID used by TPDO", index, DataType.UNSIGNED32, "$NODEID+0x180", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
+ od_comparam.subobjects.Add(1, sub);
+ sub = new ODentry("transmission type", index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, "254", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
+ od_comparam.subobjects.Add(2, sub);
+ sub = new ODentry("inhibit time", index, DataType.UNSIGNED16, "0", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
+ od_comparam.subobjects.Add(3, sub);
+ //sub = new ODentry("compatibility entry", index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, "0", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
+ //od_comparam.subobjects.Add(4, sub);
+ sub = new ODentry("event timer", index, DataType.UNSIGNED16, "0", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
+ od_comparam.subobjects.Add(5, sub);
+ sub = new ODentry("SYNC start value", index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, "0", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
+ od_comparam.subobjects.Add(6, sub);
+ }
+ od_mapping.objecttype = ObjectType.RECORD;
+ od_mapping.prop.CO_storageGroup = "ROM";
+ od_mapping.accesstype = AccessType.rw; //Same as default but inconsistent with ROM above
+ od_mapping.PDOtype = PDOMappingType.no;
+ sub = new ODentry("Number of mapped objects", (UInt16)(index + 0x200), DataType.UNSIGNED8, "0", AccessType.ro, PDOMappingType.no, od_mapping);
+ od_mapping.subobjects.Add(0, sub);
+ for (int p = 1; p <= 8; p++)
+ {
+ sub = new ODentry(string.Format("mapped object {0}", p), (UInt16)(index + 0x200), DataType.UNSIGNED32, "0x00000000", AccessType.ro, PDOMappingType.no, od_mapping);
+ od_mapping.subobjects.Add((byte)p, sub);
+ }
+ ods.Add(index, od_comparam);
+ ods.Add((UInt16)(index + 0x200), od_mapping);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool CreateTXPDO(UInt16 index)
+ {
+ return CreatePDO(false, index);
+ }
+ bool CreateRXPDO(UInt16 index)
+ {
+ return CreatePDO(true, index);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/libEDSsharp/eds.cs b/libEDSsharp/eds.cs
index 487acf18..5df21990 100644
--- a/libEDSsharp/eds.cs
+++ b/libEDSsharp/eds.cs
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ public class DcfExport : EdsExport
/// Section of info in EDS or DCF file
- public class InfoSection
+ public partial class InfoSection
protected Dictionary section;
@@ -344,24 +344,6 @@ public enum Filetype
- public virtual void Parse(Dictionary section,string sectionname)
- {
- this.section = section;
- FieldInfo[] fields = this.GetType().GetFields();
- foreach (FieldInfo f in fields)
- {
- if(Attribute.IsDefined(f, typeof(EdsExport)))
- GetField(f.Name, f.Name);
- if (Attribute.IsDefined(f, typeof(DcfExport)))
- GetField(f.Name, f.Name);
- }
- }
public bool GetField(string name, string varname)
FieldInfo f = null;
@@ -450,51 +432,10 @@ public override string ToString()
return msg;
- ///
- /// Write object to stream
- ///
- /// stream to write the data to
- /// file type
- public void Write(StreamWriter writer, Filetype ft)
- {
- writer.WriteLine("[" + edssection + "]");
- Type tx = this.GetType();
- FieldInfo[] fields = this.GetType().GetFields();
- foreach (FieldInfo f in fields)
- {
- if ((ft==Filetype.File_EDS) && (!Attribute.IsDefined(f, typeof(EdsExport))))
- continue;
- if ((ft == Filetype.File_DCF) && (!(Attribute.IsDefined(f, typeof(DcfExport)) || Attribute.IsDefined(f, typeof(EdsExport)))))
- continue;
- if (f.GetValue(this) == null)
- continue;
- EdsExport ex = (EdsExport)f.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(EdsExport));
- bool comment = ex.IsReadOnly();
- if (f.FieldType.Name == "Boolean")
- {
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{2}{0}={1}", f.Name, ((bool)f.GetValue(this)) == true ? 1 : 0,comment==true?";":""));
- }
- else
- {
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{2}{0}={1}", f.Name, f.GetValue(this).ToString(), comment == true ? ";" : ""));
- }
- }
- writer.WriteLine("");
- }
- public class MandatoryObjects : SupportedObjects
+ public partial class MandatoryObjects : SupportedObjects
public MandatoryObjects()
: base()
@@ -502,15 +443,9 @@ public MandatoryObjects()
infoheader = "Mandatory Objects";
edssection = "MandatoryObjects";
- public MandatoryObjects(Dictionary section)
- : this()
- {
- Parse(section);
- }
- public class OptionalObjects : SupportedObjects
+ public partial class OptionalObjects : SupportedObjects
public OptionalObjects()
: base()
@@ -518,45 +453,27 @@ public OptionalObjects()
infoheader = "Optional Objects";
edssection = "OptionalObjects";
- public OptionalObjects(Dictionary section)
- : this()
- {
- Parse(section);
- }
- public class ManufacturerObjects : SupportedObjects
+ public partial class ManufacturerObjects : SupportedObjects
public ManufacturerObjects() : base()
infoheader = "Manufacturer Objects";
edssection = "ManufacturerObjects";
- public ManufacturerObjects(Dictionary section)
- : this()
- {
- Parse(section);
- }
- public class TypeDefinitions : SupportedObjects
+ public partial class TypeDefinitions : SupportedObjects
public TypeDefinitions() : base()
infoheader = "Type Definitions";
edssection = "TypeDefinitions";
- public TypeDefinitions(Dictionary section)
- {
- Parse(section);
- }
- public class SupportedObjects
+ public partial class SupportedObjects
public Dictionary objectlist;
@@ -568,23 +485,6 @@ public SupportedObjects()
objectlist = new Dictionary();
- public virtual void Parse(Dictionary section)
- {
- objectlist = new Dictionary();
- foreach(KeyValuePair kvp in section)
- {
- if(kvp.Key.ToLower()=="supportedobjects")
- continue;
- if (kvp.Key.ToLower() == "nrofentries")
- continue;
- int count = Convert.ToInt16(kvp.Key, EDSsharp.Getbase(kvp.Key));
- int target = Convert.ToInt16(kvp.Value, EDSsharp.Getbase(kvp.Value));
- objectlist.Add(count, target);
- }
- }
/// Returns a string that represents the current object.
@@ -605,25 +505,9 @@ public override string ToString()
return msg;
- ///
- /// Write object to stream
- ///
- /// stream to write the data to
- public void Write(StreamWriter writer)
- {
- writer.WriteLine("[" + edssection + "]");
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}={1}", countmsg,objectlist.Count));
- foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in objectlist)
- {
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}=0x{1:X4}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value));
- }
- writer.WriteLine("");
- }
- public class Comments
+ public partial class Comments
public List comments = new List();
@@ -635,23 +519,6 @@ public Comments()
- public Comments(Dictionary section)
- {
- Parse(section);
- }
- public virtual void Parse(Dictionary section)
- {
- comments = new List();
- foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in section)
- {
- if (kvp.Key == "Lines")
- continue;
- comments.Add(kvp.Value);
- }
- }
/// Returns a string that represents the current object.
@@ -672,34 +539,10 @@ public override string ToString()
return msg;
- ///
- /// Write object to stream
- ///
- /// stream to write the data to
- public void Write(StreamWriter writer)
- {
- if(comments == null)
- {
- comments = new List();
- }
- writer.WriteLine("[" + edssection + "]");
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("Lines={0}", comments.Count));
- int count = 1;
- foreach (string s in comments)
- {
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("Line{0}={1}", count, s));
- count++;
- }
- writer.WriteLine("");
- }
- public class Dummyusage : InfoSection
+ public partial class Dummyusage : InfoSection
public bool Dummy0001;
@@ -722,17 +565,12 @@ public Dummyusage()
infoheader = "CAN OPEN Dummy Usage";
edssection = "DummyUsage";
- public Dummyusage(Dictionary section) : this()
- {
- Parse(section,edssection);
- }
/// FileInfo section as described in CiA 306
- public class FileInfo : InfoSection
+ public partial class FileInfo : InfoSection
// Only for internal usage, use Path.GetFileName(eds.projectFilename) instead.
@@ -805,82 +643,17 @@ public class FileInfo : InfoSection
//Folder CO_OD.c and CO_OD.h will be exported into
public string exportFolder = "";
- public FileInfo(Dictionary section) : this()
- {
- Parse(section,edssection);
- }
public FileInfo()
infoheader = "CAN OPEN FileInfo";
edssection = "FileInfo";
- override public void Parse(Dictionary section, string sectionname)
- {
- base.Parse(section,edssection);
- string dtcombined = "";
- try
- {
- if (section.ContainsKey("CreationTime") && section.ContainsKey("CreationDate"))
- {
- dtcombined = section["CreationTime"].Replace(" ","") + " " + section["CreationDate"];
- CreationDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(dtcombined, "h:mmtt MM-dd-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
- }
- }
- catch(Exception e)
- {
- if (e is System.FormatException)
- {
- Warnings.warning_list.Add(String.Format("EDS Error: Section [{1}] Unable to parse DateTime {0} for CreationTime, not in DS306 format", dtcombined,sectionname));
- }
- }
- try
- {
- if (section.ContainsKey("ModificationTime") && section.ContainsKey("ModificationTime"))
- {
- dtcombined = section["ModificationTime"].Replace(" ", "") + " " + section["ModificationDate"];
- ModificationDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(dtcombined, "h:mmtt MM-dd-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- if (e is System.FormatException)
- {
- Warnings.warning_list.Add(String.Format("EDS Error: Section [{1}] Unable to parse DateTime {0} for ModificationTime, not in DS306 format", dtcombined, sectionname));
- }
- }
- try
- {
- if (section.ContainsKey("EDSVersion"))
- {
- string[] bits = section["EDSVersion"].Split('.');
- if (bits.Length >= 1)
- EDSVersionMajor = Convert.ToByte(bits[0]);
- if (bits.Length >= 2)
- EDSVersionMinor = Convert.ToByte(bits[1]);
- //EDSVersion = String.Format("{0}.{1}", EDSVersionMajor, EDSVersionMinor);
- }
- }
- catch
- {
- Warnings.warning_list.Add(String.Format("Unable to parse EDS version {0}", section["EDSVersion"]));
- }
- }
/// DeviceInfo section as described in CiA 306
- public class DeviceInfo : InfoSection
+ public partial class DeviceInfo : InfoSection
/// vendor name (max. 244 characters)
@@ -1010,15 +783,10 @@ public DeviceInfo()
infoheader = "CAN OPEN DeviceInfo";
edssection = "DeviceInfo";
- public DeviceInfo(Dictionary section) : this()
- {
- Parse(section,edssection);
- }
- public class DeviceCommissioning : InfoSection
+ public partial class DeviceCommissioning : InfoSection
public DeviceCommissioning()
@@ -1027,11 +795,6 @@ public DeviceCommissioning()
edssection = "DeviceComissioning";
- public DeviceCommissioning(Dictionary section) : this()
- {
- Parse(section,edssection);
- }
public byte NodeID = 0;
@@ -1055,7 +818,7 @@ public DeviceCommissioning(Dictionary section) : this()
- public class SupportedModules : InfoSection
+ public partial class SupportedModules : InfoSection
public UInt16 NrOfEntries;
@@ -1065,16 +828,9 @@ public SupportedModules()
infoheader = "CAN OPEN Supported Modules";
edssection = "SupportedModules";
- public SupportedModules(Dictionary section) : this()
- {
- Parse(section,edssection);
- }
- public class ConnectedModules : SupportedObjects
+ public partial class ConnectedModules : SupportedObjects
public UInt16 NrOfEntries
@@ -1091,29 +847,9 @@ public ConnectedModules()
countmsg = "NrOfEntries";
connectedmodulelist = new Dictionary();
- public ConnectedModules(Dictionary section) : this()
- {
- Parse(section);
- foreach(KeyValuePair kvp in this.objectlist)
- {
- UInt16 K = (UInt16)kvp.Value;
- UInt16 V = (UInt16)kvp.Key;
- connectedmodulelist.Add(K, V);
- }
- }
- public class MxFixedObjects : SupportedObjects
+ public partial class MxFixedObjects : SupportedObjects
public UInt16 NrOfEntries
@@ -1138,22 +874,9 @@ public MxFixedObjects(UInt16 modindex)
countmsg = "NrOfEntries";
connectedmodulelist = new Dictionary();
- public MxFixedObjects(Dictionary section, UInt16 modindex) : this(modindex)
- {
- Parse(section);
- foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in this.objectlist)
- {
- connectedmodulelist.Add((UInt16)kvp.Value, (UInt16)kvp.Key);
- }
- }
- public class ModuleInfo : InfoSection
+ public partial class ModuleInfo : InfoSection
[EdsExport(maxlength = 248)]
public string ProductName;
@@ -1175,15 +898,9 @@ public ModuleInfo(UInt16 moduleindex)
infoheader = "CAN OPEN Module Info " + moduleindex.ToString();
edssection = string.Format("M{0}{1}", moduleindex, "ModuleInfo");
- public ModuleInfo(Dictionary section, UInt16 moduleindex) : this (moduleindex)
- {
- Parse(section,edssection);
- }
- public class ModuleComments : Comments
+ public partial class ModuleComments : Comments
UInt16 moduleindex;
@@ -1194,16 +911,9 @@ public ModuleComments(UInt16 moduleindex)
infoheader = "CAN OPEN Module Comments " + moduleindex.ToString();
edssection = string.Format("M{0}{1}", moduleindex, "Comments");
- public ModuleComments(Dictionary section,UInt16 moduleindex) : this (moduleindex)
- {
- Parse(section);
- }
- public class ModuleSubExtends : SupportedObjects
+ public partial class ModuleSubExtends : SupportedObjects
UInt16 moduleindex;
@@ -1215,18 +925,11 @@ public ModuleSubExtends(UInt16 moduleindex)
infoheader = "CAN OPEN ModuleSubExtends "+moduleindex.ToString();
edssection = string.Format("M{0}{1}", moduleindex, "SubExtends");
- public ModuleSubExtends(Dictionary section, UInt16 moduleindex)
- : this(moduleindex)
- {
- Parse(section);
- }
/// Represent object dictionary index and subindex objects
- public class ODentry
+ public partial class ODentry
private UInt16 _index;
@@ -1711,112 +1414,6 @@ public string Formatoctetstring(string value)
return ret;
- ///
- /// Write out this Object dictionary entry to an EDS/DCF file using correct formatting
- ///
- /// Handle to the stream writer to write to
- /// File type being written
- /// OD type to write
- /// module
- public void Write(StreamWriter writer, InfoSection.Filetype ft, Odtype odt= Odtype.NORMAL, int module=0)
- {
- string fixedmodheader = "";
- if (odt == Odtype.FIXED)
- {
- fixedmodheader = string.Format("M{0}Fixed", module);
- }
- if(odt == Odtype.SUBEXT)
- {
- fixedmodheader = string.Format("M{0}SubExt", module);
- }
- if (parent != null)
- {
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("[{0}{1:X}sub{2:X}]", fixedmodheader,Index, Subindex));
- }
- else
- {
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("[{0}{1:X}]",fixedmodheader,Index));
- }
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("ParameterName={0}", parameter_name));
- if(ft == InfoSection.Filetype.File_DCF)
- {
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("Denotation={0}", denotation));
- }
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("ObjectType=0x{0:X}", (int)objecttype));
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format(";StorageLocation={0}", prop.CO_storageGroup));
- if (objecttype == ObjectType.ARRAY)
- {
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("SubNumber=0x{0:X}", Nosubindexes));
- }
- if (objecttype == ObjectType.RECORD)
- {
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("SubNumber=0x{0:X}", Nosubindexes));
- }
- if (objecttype == ObjectType.VAR)
- {
- DataType dt = datatype;
- if (dt == DataType.UNKNOWN && this.parent != null)
- dt = parent.datatype;
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("DataType=0x{0:X4}", (int)dt));
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("AccessType={0}", accesstype.ToString()));
- if(HighLimit != null && HighLimit != "")
- {
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("HighLimit={0}", Formatoctetstring(HighLimit)));
- }
- if (LowLimit != null && LowLimit != "")
- {
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("LowLimit={0}", Formatoctetstring(LowLimit)));
- }
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("DefaultValue={0}", Formatoctetstring(defaultvalue)));
- //TODO If the ObjectType is domain (0x2) the value of the object may be stored in a file,UploadFile and DownloadFile
- if (ft == InfoSection.Filetype.File_DCF)
- {
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("ParameterValue={0}", Formatoctetstring(actualvalue)));
- }
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("PDOMapping={0}", PDOMapping==true?1:0));
- if (prop.CO_flagsPDO == true)
- {
- writer.WriteLine(";TPDODetectCos=1");
- }
- }
- //Count is for modules in the [MxSubExtxxxx]
- //Should we export this on EDS only, or DCF or both?
- if (odt == Odtype.SUBEXT )
- {
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("Count={0}", count));
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("ObjExtend={0}", ObjExtend));
- }
- //ObjectFlags is always optional (Page 15, DSP306) and used for DCF writing to nodes
- //also recommended not to write if it is already 0
- if (ObjFlags != 0)
- {
- writer.WriteLine(string.Format("ObjFlags={0}", ObjFlags));
- }
- writer.WriteLine("");
- }
/// Returns a c compatible string that represents the name of the object, - is replaced with _
/// words separated by a space are replaced with _ for a separator eg ONE TWO becomes ONE_TWO
@@ -2069,7 +1666,7 @@ public Module(UInt16 moduleindex)
- public class EDSsharp
+ public partial class EDSsharp
public enum AccessType
@@ -2281,829 +1878,19 @@ public List VerifyPDOMapping()
return mappingErrors;
- public void Parseline(string linex,int no)
+ public DataType Getdatatype(ODentry od)
- string key = "";
- string value = "";
- string line = linex.TrimStart(';');
- bool custom_extension = false;
- if (linex == null || linex == "")
- return;
- if (linex[0] == ';')
- custom_extension = true;
- //extract sections
+ if (od.objecttype == ObjectType.VAR)
- string pat = @"^\[([a-z0-9]+)\]";
- Regex r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
- Match m = r.Match(line);
- if (m.Success)
- {
- Group g = m.Groups[1];
- sectionname = g.ToString();
- if (!eds.ContainsKey(sectionname))
- {
- eds.Add(sectionname, new Dictionary());
- }
- else
- {
- Warnings.warning_list.Add(string.Format("EDS Error on Line {0} : Duplicate section [{1}] ", no,sectionname));
- }
- }
+ return od.datatype;
- //extract keyvalues
+ if (od.objecttype == ObjectType.ARRAY)
- //Bug #70 Eat whitespace!
- string pat = @"^([a-z0-9_]+)[ ]*=[ ]*(.*)";
+ ODentry sub2 = ods[od.Index];
- Regex r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
- Match m = r.Match(line);
- if (m.Success)
- {
- key = m.Groups[1].ToString();
- value = m.Groups[2].ToString();
- value = value.TrimEnd(' ','\t','\n','\r');
- //not sure how we actually get here with out a section being in the dictionary already..
- //suspect this is dead code.
- if (!eds.ContainsKey(sectionname))
- {
- eds.Add(sectionname, new Dictionary());
- }
- if (custom_extension == false)
- {
- try
- {
- eds[sectionname].Add(key, value);
- }
- catch(Exception)
- {
- Warnings.warning_list.Add(string.Format("EDS Error on Line {3} : Duplicate key \"{0}\" value \"{1}\" in section [{2}]", key,value,sectionname, no));
- }
- }
- else
- //Only allow our own extensions to populate the key/value pair
- {
- if (key == "StorageLocation" || key== "TPDODetectCos")
- {
- try
- {
- eds[sectionname].Add(key, value);
- }
- catch(Exception)
- {
- Warnings.warning_list.Add(string.Format("EDS Error on Line {3} : Duplicate custom key \"{0}\" value \"{1}\" in section [{2}]", key, value, sectionname, no));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public void ParseEDSentry(KeyValuePair> kvp)
- {
- string section = kvp.Key;
- string pat = @"^(M[0-9a-fA-F]+(Fixed|SubExt))?([a-fA-F0-9]+)(sub)?([0-9a-fA-F]*)$";
- Regex r = new Regex(pat);
- Match m = r.Match(section);
- if (m.Success)
- {
- SortedDictionary target = this.ods;
- string pat2 = @"^M([0-9a-fA-F]+)(Fixed|SubExt)([0-9a-fA-F]+)";
- Regex r2 = new Regex(pat2, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
- Match m2 = r2.Match(m.Groups[0].ToString());
- if (m2.Success)
- {
- UInt16 modindex=0, odindex=0;
- try { modindex = Convert.ToUInt16(m2.Groups[1].Value); }
- catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG **" + m2.Groups[1].Value); }
- //Indexes in the EDS are always in hex format without the pre 0x
- try { odindex = Convert.ToUInt16(m2.Groups[3].Value, 16); }
- catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG **" + m2.Groups[3].Value); }
- if (!modules.ContainsKey(modindex))
- modules.Add(modindex, new Module(modindex));
- if (m2.Groups[2].ToString() == "SubExt")
- {
- target = modules[modindex].modulesubext;
- }
- else
- {
- target = modules[modindex].modulefixedobjects;
- }
- }
- ODentry od = new ODentry
- {
- //Indexes in the EDS are always in hex format without the pre 0x
- Index = Convert.ToUInt16(m.Groups[3].ToString(), 16)
- };
- //Parameter name, mandatory always
- if (!kvp.Value.ContainsKey("ParameterName"))
- throw new ParameterException("Missing required field ParameterName on" + section);
- od.parameter_name = kvp.Value["ParameterName"];
- //Object type, assumed to be VAR unless specified
- if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("ObjectType"))
- {
- int type = Convert.ToInt16(kvp.Value["ObjectType"], Getbase(kvp.Value["ObjectType"]));
- od.objecttype = (ObjectType)type;
- }
- else
- {
- od.objecttype = ObjectType.VAR;
- }
- if(kvp.Value.ContainsKey("CompactSubObj"))
- {
- od.CompactSubObj = Convert.ToByte(kvp.Value["CompactSubObj"],Getbase(kvp.Value["CompactSubObj"]));
- }
- if(kvp.Value.ContainsKey("ObjFlags"))
- {
- od.ObjFlags = Convert.ToUInt32(kvp.Value["ObjFlags"], Getbase(kvp.Value["ObjFlags"]));
- }
- else
- {
- od.ObjFlags = 0;
- }
- //Access Type
- if(kvp.Value.ContainsKey("StorageLocation"))
- {
- od.prop.CO_storageGroup = kvp.Value["StorageLocation"];
- }
- if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("TPDODetectCos"))
- {
- string test = kvp.Value["TPDODetectCos"].ToLower();
- if (test == "1" || test == "true")
- {
- od.prop.CO_flagsPDO = true;
- }
- else
- od.prop.CO_flagsPDO = false;
- }
- if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("Count"))
- {
- /* FIXME: The format of "Count" is Unsigned8[; Unsigned8] according DS306
- * Count:
- Number of extended Sub-Indexes with this description that are created per module. The format is Unsigned8 [; Unsigned8].
- If one or more Sub - Indexes are created per attached module to build a new sub- index, then Count is that
Number. In example 32 bit module creates 4 Sub - Indexes each having 8 Bit: Count = 4
- If several modules are gathered to form a new Sub- Index, then the number is 0, followed by semicolon and the
number of bits that are created per module to build a new Sub-Index.In example 2 bit modules with 8 bit objects: The
first Sub - Index is built upon modules 1 - 4, the next upon modules 5 - 8 etc.: Count = 0; 2.The objects are created,
when a new byte begins: Module 1 creates the Sub - Index 1; modules 2 - 4 fill it up; module 5 creates Sub-Index 2 and
so forth.
- */
- pat2 = @"\s*([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*;\s*([0-9a-fA-F]+)";
- r2 = new Regex(pat2, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
- m2 = r2.Match(kvp.Value["Count"]);
- if (m2.Success)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("** FIXME Count format not supported ** Count: " + kvp.Value["Count"]);
- int found = kvp.Value["Count"].IndexOf(";");
- string s = kvp.Value["Count"].Substring(found + 1);
- try { od.count = Convert.ToByte(s, Getbase(s)); }
- catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG ** Count" + kvp.Value["Count"]); }
- }
- else
- {
- try { od.count = Convert.ToByte(kvp.Value["Count"], Getbase(kvp.Value["Count"])); }
- catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG ** Count" + kvp.Value["Count"]); }
- }
- }
- if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("ObjExtend"))
- {
- try { od.ObjExtend = Convert.ToByte(kvp.Value["ObjExtend"]); }
- catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG ** ObjExtend:" + kvp.Value["ObjExtend"]); }
- }
- if (od.objecttype == ObjectType.VAR)
- {
- if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("CompactSubObj"))
- throw new ParameterException("CompactSubObj not valid for a VAR Object, section: " + section);
- if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("ParameterValue"))
- {
- try { od.actualvalue = kvp.Value["ParameterValue"]; }
- catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG ** ParameterValue:" + kvp.Value["ParameterValue"]); }
- }
- if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("HighLimit"))
- {
- try { od.HighLimit = kvp.Value["HighLimit"]; }
- catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG ** HighLimit:" + kvp.Value["HighLimit"]); }
- }
- if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("LowLimit"))
- {
- try { od.LowLimit = kvp.Value["LowLimit"]; }
- catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG ** LowLimit:" + kvp.Value["LowLimit"]); }
- }
- if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("Denotation"))
- {
- try { od.denotation = kvp.Value["Denotation"]; }
- catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG ** Denotation:" + kvp.Value["Denotation"]); }
- }
- if (m.Groups[5].Length != 0)
- {
- //FIXME are subindexes in hex always?
- UInt16 subindex = Convert.ToUInt16(m.Groups[5].ToString(),16);
- od.parent = target[od.Index];
- target[od.Index].subobjects.Add(subindex, od);
- }
- if (!kvp.Value.ContainsKey("DataType"))
- throw new ParameterException("Missing required field DataType on" + section);
- od.datatype = (DataType)Convert.ToInt16(kvp.Value["DataType"], Getbase(kvp.Value["DataType"]));
- if (!kvp.Value.ContainsKey("AccessType"))
- throw new ParameterException("Missing required AccessType on" + section);
- string accesstype = kvp.Value["AccessType"].ToLower();
- if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(AccessType), accesstype))
- {
- od.accesstype = (AccessType)Enum.Parse(typeof(AccessType), accesstype);
- }
- else
- {
- throw new ParameterException("Unknown AccessType on" + section);
- }
- if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("DefaultValue"))
- od.defaultvalue = kvp.Value["DefaultValue"];
- od.PDOtype = PDOMappingType.no;
- if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("PDOMapping"))
- {
- bool pdo = Convert.ToInt16(kvp.Value["PDOMapping"],Getbase(kvp.Value["PDOMapping"])) == 1;
- if (pdo == true)
- od.PDOtype = PDOMappingType.optional;
- }
- }
- if(od.objecttype == ObjectType.RECORD|| od.objecttype == ObjectType.ARRAY || od.objecttype == ObjectType.DEFSTRUCT)
- {
- if (od.CompactSubObj != 0)
- {
- if (!kvp.Value.ContainsKey("DataType"))
- throw new ParameterException("Missing required field DataType on" + section);
- od.datatype = (DataType)Convert.ToInt16(kvp.Value["DataType"], Getbase(kvp.Value["DataType"]));
- if (!kvp.Value.ContainsKey("AccessType"))
- throw new ParameterException("Missing required AccessType on" + section);
- string accesstype = kvp.Value["AccessType"];
- if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(AccessType), accesstype))
- {
- od.accesstype = (AccessType)Enum.Parse(typeof(AccessType), accesstype);
- }
- else
- {
- throw new ParameterException("Unknown AccessType on" + section);
- }
- //now we generate CompactSubObj number of var objects below this parent
- if(od.CompactSubObj>=0xfe)
- {
- od.CompactSubObj = 0xfe;
- }
- ODentry subi = new ODentry("NrOfObjects", od.Index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, String.Format("0x{0:x2}",od.CompactSubObj), AccessType.ro, PDOMappingType.no, od);
- od.subobjects.Add(0x00, subi);
- for (int x=1; x<= od.CompactSubObj; x++)
- {
- string parameter_name = string.Format("{0}{1:x2}", od.parameter_name, x );
- ODentry sub = new ODentry(parameter_name, od.Index, od.datatype, od.defaultvalue, od.accesstype, od.PDOtype, od);
- if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("HighLimit"))
- sub.HighLimit = kvp.Value["HighLimit"];
- if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("LowLimit"))
- sub.HighLimit = kvp.Value["LowLimit"];
- od.subobjects.Add((ushort)(x ), sub);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!kvp.Value.ContainsKey("SubNumber"))
- throw new ParameterException("Missing SubNumber on Array for" + section);
- }
- }
- if(od.objecttype == ObjectType.DOMAIN)
- {
- od.datatype = DataType.DOMAIN;
- od.accesstype = AccessType.rw;
- if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey("DefaultValue"))
- od.defaultvalue = kvp.Value["DefaultValue"];
- }
- //Only add top level to this list
- if (m.Groups[5].Length == 0)
- {
- target.Add(od.Index, od);
- }
- }
- }
- public void Loadfile(string filename)
- {
- projectFilename = filename;
- if (Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower() == ".eds")
- {
- edsfilename = filename;
- }
- if (Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower() == ".dcf")
- {
- dcffilename = filename;
- }
- //try
- {
- int lineno = 1;
- foreach (string linex in System.IO.File.ReadLines(filename))
- {
- Parseline(linex,lineno);
- lineno++;
- }
- di = new DeviceInfo(eds["DeviceInfo"]);
- foreach (KeyValuePair> kvp in eds)
- {
- try { ParseEDSentry(kvp); }
- catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG **" + kvp); }
- }
- fi = new FileInfo(eds["FileInfo"]);
- if(eds.ContainsKey("DummyUsage"))
- du = new Dummyusage(eds["DummyUsage"]);
- md = new MandatoryObjects(eds["MandatoryObjects"]);
- if(eds.ContainsKey("OptionalObjects"))
- oo = new OptionalObjects(eds["OptionalObjects"]);
- if(eds.ContainsKey("ManufacturerObjects"))
- mo = new ManufacturerObjects(eds["ManufacturerObjects"]);
- if (eds.ContainsKey("TypeDefinitions"))
- td = new TypeDefinitions(eds["TypeDefinitions"]);
- //Only DCF not EDS files
- dc = new DeviceCommissioning();
- string strSection = "";
- if (eds.ContainsKey("DeviceCommissioning")) // wrong section name as defined in the DSP302, but right spelling (for compabiltiy to some tools)
- strSection = "DeviceCommissioning";
- else if (eds.ContainsKey("DeviceComissioning")) // right section name as defined in the DSP302, (wrong spelling)
- strSection = "DeviceComissioning";
- if (strSection != ""){
- dc.Parse(eds[strSection],"DeviceCommissioning");
- edsfilename = fi.LastEDS;
- }
- c = new Comments();
- if (eds.ContainsKey("Comments"))
- c.Parse(eds["Comments"]);
- //Modules
- //we don't parse or support [MxFixedObjects] with MxFixedxxxx and MxFixedxxxxsubx
- if (eds.ContainsKey("SupportedModules"))
- {
- sm = new SupportedModules(eds["SupportedModules"]);
- //find MxModuleInfo
- foreach (string s in eds.Keys)
- {
- String pat = @"M([0-9]+)ModuleInfo";
- Regex r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
- Match m = r.Match(s);
- if (m.Success)
- {
- UInt16 modindex = Convert.ToUInt16(m.Groups[1].Value);
- ModuleInfo mi = new ModuleInfo(eds[s], modindex);
- if (!modules.ContainsKey(modindex))
- modules.Add(modindex, new Module(modindex));
- modules[modindex].mi = mi;
- }
- pat = @"M([0-9]+)Comments";
- r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
- m = r.Match(s);
- if (m.Success)
- {
- UInt16 modindex = Convert.ToUInt16(m.Groups[1].Value);
- ModuleComments mc = new ModuleComments(eds[s], modindex);
- if (!modules.ContainsKey(modindex))
- modules.Add(modindex, new Module(modindex));
- modules[modindex].mc = mc;
- }
- pat = @"M([0-9]+)SubExtends";
- r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
- m = r.Match(s);
- if (m.Success)
- {
- UInt16 modindex = Convert.ToUInt16(m.Groups[1].Value);
- ModuleSubExtends mse = new ModuleSubExtends(eds[s], modindex);
- if (!modules.ContainsKey(modindex))
- modules.Add(modindex, new Module(modindex));
- modules[modindex].mse = mse;
- }
- //DCF only
- pat = @"M([0-9]+)FixedObjects";
- r = new Regex(pat, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
- m = r.Match(s);
- if (m.Success)
- {
- UInt16 modindex = Convert.ToUInt16(m.Groups[1].Value);
- MxFixedObjects mxf = new MxFixedObjects(eds[s],modindex);
- if (!modules.ContainsKey(modindex))
- modules.Add(modindex, new Module(modindex));
- modules[modindex].mxfo = mxf;
- }
- }
- }
- if (eds.ContainsKey("ConnectedModules"))
- {
- cm = new ConnectedModules(eds["ConnectedModules"]);
- }
- if (di.CompactPDO != 0)
- {
- for (UInt16 index = 0x1400; index < 0x1600; index++)
- {
- ApplycompactPDO(index);
- }
- for (UInt16 index = 0x1800; index < 0x1A00;index ++)
- {
- ApplycompactPDO(index);
- }
- }
- ApplyimplicitPDO();
- }
- // catch(Exception e)
- //{
- // Console.WriteLine("** ALL GONE WRONG **" + e.ToString());
- // }
- }
- public void ApplycompactPDO(UInt16 index)
- {
- if (ods.ContainsKey(index))
- {
- if ((!ods[index].Containssubindex(1)) && ((this.di.CompactPDO & 0x01) == 0))
- {
- //Fill in cob ID
- //FIX ME i'm really sure this is not correct, what default values should be used???
- string cob = string.Format("$NODEID + 0x180");
- ODentry subod = new ODentry("COB-ID", index, DataType.UNSIGNED32, cob, AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, ods[index]);
- ods[index].subobjects.Add(0x05, subod);
- }
- if ((!ods[index].Containssubindex(2)) && ((this.di.CompactPDO & 0x02) == 0))
- {
- //Fill in type
- ODentry subod = new ODentry("Type", index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, "0xff", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, ods[index]);
- ods[index].subobjects.Add(0x02, subod);
- }
- if ((!ods[index].Containssubindex(3)) && ((this.di.CompactPDO & 0x04) == 0))
- {
- //Fill in inhibit
- ODentry subod = new ODentry("Inhibit time", index, DataType.UNSIGNED16, "0", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, ods[index]);
- ods[index].subobjects.Add(0x03, subod);
- }
- if (index < 0x1800)
- return;
- if ((!ods[index].Containssubindex(4)) && ((this.di.CompactPDO & 0x08) == 0))
- {
- //Fill in compatibility entry
- ODentry subod = new ODentry("Compatibility entry", index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, "0", AccessType.ro, PDOMappingType.no, ods[index]);
- ods[index].subobjects.Add(0x04, subod);
- }
- if ((!ods[index].Containssubindex(5)) && ((this.di.CompactPDO & 0x10) == 0))
- {
- //Fill in event timer
- ODentry subod = new ODentry("Event Timer", index, DataType.UNSIGNED16, "0", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, ods[index]);
- ods[index].subobjects.Add(0x05, subod);
- }
- }
- }
- ///
- /// This function scans the PDO list and compares it to NrOfRXPDO and NrOfTXPDO
- /// if these do not match in count then implicit PDOs are present and they are
- /// filled in with default values from the lowest possible index
- ///
- public void ApplyimplicitPDO()
- {
- UInt16 totalnorxpdos = di.NrOfRXPDO;
- UInt16 totalnotxpdos = di.NrOfTXPDO;
- UpdatePDOcount();
- UInt16 noexplicitrxpdos = di.NrOfRXPDO;
- UInt16 noexplicittxpdos = di.NrOfTXPDO;
- //this is how many PDOS need generating on the fly
- UInt16 noimplictrxpdos = (UInt16) (totalnorxpdos - noexplicitrxpdos);
- UInt16 noimplicttxpdos = (UInt16) (totalnotxpdos - noexplicittxpdos);
- for(UInt16 index = 0x1400; (index < 0x1600) && (noimplictrxpdos > 0) ;index++)
- {
- if(!ods.ContainsKey(index))
- {
- CreateRXPDO(index);
- noimplictrxpdos--;
- }
- }
- for (UInt16 index = 0x1800; (index < 0x1A00) && (noimplicttxpdos > 0); index++)
- {
- if (!ods.ContainsKey(index))
- {
- CreateTXPDO(index);
- noimplicttxpdos--;
- }
- }
- UpdatePDOcount();
- }
- public void Savefile(string filename, InfoSection.Filetype ft)
- {
- if(ft==InfoSection.Filetype.File_EDS)
- this.edsfilename = filename;
- if (ft == InfoSection.Filetype.File_DCF)
- {
- this.dcffilename = filename;
- fi.LastEDS = edsfilename;
- }
- UpdatePDOcount();
- //generate date times in DS306 format; h:mmtt MM-dd-yyyy
- fi.CreationDate = fi.CreationDateTime.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
- fi.CreationTime = fi.CreationDateTime.ToString("h:mmtt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
- fi.ModificationDate = fi.ModificationDateTime.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
- fi.ModificationTime = fi.ModificationDateTime.ToString("h:mmtt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
- fi.FileName = Path.GetFileName(filename);
- fi.EDSVersion = "4.0";
- fi.EDSVersionMajor = 4;
- fi.EDSVersionMinor = 0;
- StreamWriter writer = System.IO.File.CreateText(filename);
- writer.NewLine = "\n";
- fi.Write(writer,ft);
- di.Write(writer,ft);
- du.Write(writer,ft);
- c.Write(writer);
- if(ft == InfoSection.Filetype.File_DCF)
- {
- dc.Write(writer,ft);
- }
- //regenerate the object lists
- md.objectlist.Clear();
- mo.objectlist.Clear();
- oo.objectlist.Clear();
- foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in ods)
- {
- ODentry entry = kvp.Value;
- if (entry.prop.CO_disabled == true)
- continue;
- if (entry.Index == 0x1000 || entry.Index == 0x1001 || entry.Index == 0x1018)
- {
- md.objectlist.Add(md.objectlist.Count + 1, entry.Index);
- }
- else
- if (entry.Index >= 0x2000 && entry.Index < 0x6000)
- {
- mo.objectlist.Add(mo.objectlist.Count + 1, entry.Index);
- }
- else
- {
- oo.objectlist.Add(oo.objectlist.Count + 1, entry.Index);
- }
- }
- md.Write(writer);
- foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in ods)
- {
- ODentry od = kvp.Value;
- if (md.objectlist.ContainsValue(od.Index))
- {
- od.Write(writer,ft);
- foreach (KeyValuePair kvp2 in od.subobjects)
- {
- ODentry od2 = kvp2.Value;
- od2.Write(writer,ft);
- }
- }
- }
- oo.Write(writer);
- foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in ods)
- {
- ODentry od = kvp.Value;
- if (oo.objectlist.ContainsValue(od.Index))
- {
- od.Write(writer,ft);
- foreach (KeyValuePair kvp2 in od.subobjects)
- {
- ODentry od2 = kvp2.Value;
- od2.Write(writer,ft);
- }
- }
- }
- mo.Write(writer);
- foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in ods)
- {
- ODentry od = kvp.Value;
- if (mo.objectlist.ContainsValue(od.Index))
- {
- od.Write(writer,ft);
- foreach (KeyValuePair kvp2 in od.subobjects)
- {
- ODentry od2 = kvp2.Value;
- od2.Write(writer,ft);
- }
- }
- }
- //modules
- if (sm.NrOfEntries > 0)
- {
- sm.Write(writer, ft);
- for (UInt16 moduleid = 1; moduleid <= sm.NrOfEntries; moduleid++)
- {
- modules[moduleid].mi.Write(writer, ft);
- modules[moduleid].mc.Write(writer);
- modules[moduleid].mse.Write(writer);
- foreach (KeyValuePair kvp2 in modules[moduleid].modulesubext)
- {
- ODentry od = kvp2.Value;
- od.Write(writer, ft, ODentry.Odtype.SUBEXT, moduleid);
- }
- modules[moduleid].mxfo.Write(writer);
- foreach (KeyValuePair kvp3 in modules[moduleid].modulefixedobjects)
- {
- ODentry od = kvp3.Value;
- od.Write(writer, ft, ODentry.Odtype.SUBEXT, moduleid);
- foreach (KeyValuePair kvp4 in od.subobjects)
- {
- ODentry subod = kvp4.Value;
- subod.Write(writer, ft, ODentry.Odtype.FIXED, moduleid);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (ft == InfoSection.Filetype.File_DCF)
- {
- if (cm.NrOfEntries > 0)
- {
- cm.Write(writer);
- }
- }
- writer.Close();
- }
- public DataType Getdatatype(ODentry od)
- {
- if (od.objecttype == ObjectType.VAR)
- {
- return od.datatype;
- }
- if (od.objecttype == ObjectType.ARRAY)
- {
- ODentry sub2 = ods[od.Index];
- //FIX ME !!! INCONSISTANT setup of the datatype for arrays when loading xml and eds!!
+ //FIX ME !!! INCONSISTANT setup of the datatype for arrays when loading xml and eds!!
DataType t = sub2.datatype;
@@ -3304,178 +2091,6 @@ public bool tryGetODEntry(UInt16 index, out ODentry od)
return false;
- //RX COM 0x1400
- //RX Map 0x1600
- //TX COM 0x1800
- //TX MAP 0x1a00
- //call this with the comm param index not the mapping
- public bool CreatePDO(bool rx,UInt16 index)
- {
- //check if we are creating an RX PDO it is a valid index
- if (rx && (index < 0x1400 || index >= 0x1600))
- return false;
- //check if we are creating an PDO TX it is a valid index
- if (!rx & (index < 0x1800 || index >= 0x1A00))
- return false;
- //Check it does not already exist
- if (ods.ContainsKey(index))
- return false;
- //check the associated mapping index does not exist
- if (ods.ContainsKey((UInt16)(index+0x200)))
- return false;
- ODentry od_comparam;
- ODentry od_mapping;
- if (rx)
- {
- od_comparam = new ODentry("RPDO communication parameter", index, 0)
- {
- Description = @"0x1400 - 0x15FF RPDO communication parameter
-max sub-index
- bit 0 - 10: COB - ID for PDO, to change it bit 31 must be set
- bit 11 - 29: set to 0 for 11 bit COB - ID
- bit 30: 0(1) - rtr are allowed(are NOT allowed) for PDO
- bit 31: 0(1) - node uses(does NOT use) PDO
-Transmission type
- value = 0 - 240: receiving is synchronous, process after next reception of SYNC object
- value = 241 - 253: not used
- value = 254: manufacturer specific
- value = 255: asynchronous"
- };
- od_mapping = new ODentry("RPDO mapping parameter", (UInt16)(index + 0x200), 0)
- {
- Description = @"0x1600 - 0x17FF RPDO mapping parameter (To change mapping, 'Number of mapped objects' must be set to 0)
-Number of mapped objects
-mapped object (subindex 1...8)
- bit 0 - 7: data length in bits
- bit 8 - 15: subindex from OD
- bit 16 - 31: index from OD"
- };
- }
- else
- {
- od_comparam = new ODentry("TPDO communication parameter", index, 0)
- {
- Description = @"0x1800 - 0x19FF TPDO communication parameter
-max sub-index
- bit 0 - 10: COB - ID for PDO, to change it bit 31 must be set
- bit 11 - 29: set to 0 for 11 bit COB - ID
- bit 30: 0(1) - rtr are allowed(are NOT allowed) for PDO
- bit 31: 0(1) - node uses(does NOT use) PDO
-Transmission type
- value = 0: transmitting is synchronous, specification in device profile
- value = 1 - 240: transmitting is synchronous after every N - th SYNC object
- value = 241 - 251: not used
- value = 252 - 253: Transmitted only on reception of Remote Transmission Request
- value = 254: manufacturer specific
- value = 255: asynchronous, specification in device profile
-inhibit time
- bit 0 - 15: Minimum time between transmissions of the PDO in 100µs.Zero disables functionality.
-event timer
- bit 0-15: Time between periodic transmissions of the PDO in ms.Zero disables functionality.
-SYNC start value
- value = 0: Counter of the SYNC message shall not be processed.
- value = 1-240: The SYNC message with the counter value equal to this value shall be regarded as the first received SYNC message."
- };
- od_mapping = new ODentry("TPDO mapping parameter", (UInt16)(index + 0x200), 0)
- {
- Description = @"0x1A00 - 0x1BFF TPDO mapping parameter. (To change mapping, 'Number of mapped objects' must be set to 0).
-Number of mapped objects
-mapped object (subindex 1...8)
- bit 0 - 7: data length in bits
- bit 8 - 15: subindex from OD
- bit 16 - 31: index from OD"
- };
- }
- od_comparam.objecttype = ObjectType.RECORD;
- od_comparam.prop.CO_storageGroup = "ROM";
- od_comparam.accesstype = AccessType.ro;
- od_comparam.PDOtype = PDOMappingType.no;
- ODentry sub;
- if(rx)
- {
- sub = new ODentry("max sub-index", index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, "2", AccessType.ro, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
- od_comparam.subobjects.Add(0, sub);
- sub = new ODentry("COB-ID used by RPDO", index, DataType.UNSIGNED32, "$NODEID+0x200", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
- od_comparam.subobjects.Add(1, sub);
- sub = new ODentry("transmission type", index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, "254", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
- od_comparam.subobjects.Add(2, sub);
- }
- else
- {
- sub = new ODentry("max sub-index", index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, "6", AccessType.ro, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
- od_comparam.subobjects.Add(0, sub);
- sub = new ODentry("COB-ID used by TPDO", index, DataType.UNSIGNED32, "$NODEID+0x180", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
- od_comparam.subobjects.Add(1, sub);
- sub = new ODentry("transmission type", index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, "254", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
- od_comparam.subobjects.Add(2, sub);
- sub = new ODentry("inhibit time", index, DataType.UNSIGNED16, "0", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
- od_comparam.subobjects.Add(3, sub);
- //sub = new ODentry("compatibility entry", index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, "0", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
- //od_comparam.subobjects.Add(4, sub);
- sub = new ODentry("event timer", index, DataType.UNSIGNED16, "0", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
- od_comparam.subobjects.Add(5, sub);
- sub = new ODentry("SYNC start value", index, DataType.UNSIGNED8, "0", AccessType.rw, PDOMappingType.no, od_comparam);
- od_comparam.subobjects.Add(6, sub);
- }
- od_mapping.objecttype = ObjectType.RECORD;
- od_mapping.prop.CO_storageGroup = "ROM";
- od_mapping.accesstype = AccessType.rw; //Same as default but inconsistent with ROM above
- od_mapping.PDOtype = PDOMappingType.no;
- sub = new ODentry("Number of mapped objects", (UInt16)(index + 0x200), DataType.UNSIGNED8, "0", AccessType.ro, PDOMappingType.no, od_mapping);
- od_mapping.subobjects.Add(0, sub);
- for (int p=1;p<=8;p++)
- {
- sub = new ODentry(string.Format("mapped object {0}",p), (UInt16)(index+0x200), DataType.UNSIGNED32, "0x00000000", AccessType.ro, PDOMappingType.no, od_mapping);
- od_mapping.subobjects.Add((byte)p, sub);
- }
- ods.Add(index, od_comparam);
- ods.Add((UInt16)(index + 0x200), od_mapping);
- return true;
- }
- public bool CreateTXPDO(UInt16 index)
- {
- return CreatePDO(false, index);
- }
- public bool CreateRXPDO(UInt16 index)
- {
- return CreatePDO(true, index);
- }
public ODentry Getobject(UInt16 no)