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{"GIE-100": ["Geography", 3], "HU-100": ["English", 2], "HU-101": ["Islamic Studies", 2], "MATH-101": ["Calculus & Analytical Geometry", 3], "ME-109": ["Engineering Drawing", 2], "PHY-102": ["Applied Physics", 3], "OHS-101": ["Occupational Health and Safety", 1], "CE-182": ["Surveying-I", 3], "HU-107": ["Pakistan Studies", 2], "HU-109": ["Communication Skills", 2], "MATH-108": ["Differential Equations", 3], "ME-105": ["Workshop Practice", 1], "CS-114": ["Fundamentals of Programming", 3], "GIE-103": ["Introduction to GIS", 3], "ECO-130": ["Engineering Economics", 2], "HU-212": ["Technical & Business Writing", 2], "MATH-222": ["Linear Algebra", 3], "CS-212": ["Object Oriented Programming", 4], "GIE-104": ["Introduction to Remote Sensing", 3], "GIE-112": ["Computer Aided Drawing ", 3], "GIE-203": ["Digital Mapping & Image Processing", 3], "HU-222": ["Professional Ethics", 2], "MATH-361": ["Probability & Statistics", 3], "GIE-204": ["Photogrammetry", 1], "CE-224": ["Soil Mechanics", 3], "CS-250": ["Data Structures and Algorithms", 4], "GIE-205": ["Spatial Data Analysis", 3], "GIE-342": ["GIS Applications", 3], "GIE-321": ["Database Management Systems", 3], "GIE-306": ["Cartography and Map Production", 3], "MATH-334": ["Numerical Analysis", 3], "MATH-335": ["Numerical Analysis", 4], "MATH-355": ["Numerical Methods", 4], "GIE-341": ["Geosciences", 3], "GIE-409": ["Spatial Databases", 3], "GIE-312": ["Geodesy and Map Projections ", 3], "GIE-474": ["Web GIS", 3], "GIE-415": ["GPS Surveying ", 3], "GIE-419": ["Spatial Decision Support Systems", 3], "GIE-475": ["Geospatial Project Management", 2], "GIE-499": ["Project II (GI Design Project)", 3], "MGT-271": ["Entrepreneurship", 2], "CSL-401": ["Community Service Learning Course", 2], "CE-121": ["Engineering Geology", 3], "CE-462": ["River Engineering", 3], "CE-357": ["Water Resources Engineering and Management", 3], "CE-371": ["Construction Project Management", 3], "CE-463": ["Irrigation Engineering", 3], "EE-231": ["Signals And Systems", 3], "CE-423": ["Data Warehousing and Data Mining ", 4], "CS-471": ["Machine Learning", 4], "EC-312": ["Digital Image Processing", 3], "CS-340": ["Web Technologies-I", 3], "GIE-471": ["GIS Programming ", 3], "GIE-473": ["Integrated Geo-Technologies ", 3], "ENE-101": ["Introduction To Environmental Engineering", 3], "ENE-421": ["Solid Waste Management", 3], "ENE-406": ["Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering ", 3], "GIE-451": ["Elements of Weather", 3], "GIE-456": ["Environmental Impact Assessment", 3], "GIE-455": ["Renewable Energy Resources ", 3], "CEM-300": ["Procurement Management", 3], "GIE-414": ["Land Use Planning", 3], "GIE-461": ["Regional Planning and Management ", 3], "GIE-462": ["Introduction to Urban and Transport Planning ", 3], "GIE-465": ["Fundamentals of Urban Planning ", 3], "GIE-468": ["Land Information System", 3], "GIE-482": ["Special Topic in GIS", 3], "GIE-483": ["Special Topic in RS", 3], "ENE-213": ["Environmental Chemistry", 3], "CE-183": ["Surveying", 3], "MATH-121": ["Linear Algebra & ODEs", 3], "EE-101": ["Electrical Technology", 3], "ENE-111": ["Introduction To Microbiology", 3], "ENE-251": ["Ecological Management", 2], "ENE-262": ["Computer Aided Design and Drafting", 4], "MATH-331": ["Numerical Analysis", 3], "ME-100": ["Engineering Mechanics", 3], "CE-253": ["Fluid Mechanics", 4], "ENE-212": ["Environmental Microbiology", 3], "ME-204": ["Thermodynamics", 4], "ENE-302": ["Water Treatment and Supply Network Design", 4], "GIE-201": ["Introduction to GIS and Remote Sensing", 3], "CE-223": ["Soil Mechanics", 4], "CE-356": ["Engineering Hydrology", 4], "ENE-252": ["Enviromental Economics", 2], "ENE-353": ["Project Planning & Management", 2], "ENE-332": ["Environmental Impact Assessment", 2], "ENE-303": ["Wastewater Collection &Treatment", 4], "ENE-304": ["Environmental Engineering Lab Techniques", 4], "ENE-434": ["Environmental Health & Safety", 2], "ENE-435": ["Cleaner Production Techniques", 2], "ENE-441": ["Air & Noise Pollution Control", 4], "ENE-499": ["Final Year Project-II", -3], "ENE-454": ["Energy Resources And Management", 3], "CE-455": ["Water Resources & Irrigation Engineering", 3], "CE-207": ["Structural Analysis", 3], "CE-242": ["Transportation Engineering", 3], "CE-372": ["Quantity Surveying And Cost Estimation", 3], "CHE-441": ["Fermentation Technology", 3], "CHE-442": ["Membrane Technology", 3], "ENE-422": ["Industrial Waste Management", 3], "ENE-455": ["Environmental Modelling", 3], "ENE-411": ["Separation Processes in Environmental Engineering ", 3], "ENE-412": ["Fermentation Enginering and Environment ", 3], "ENE-413": ["Environmental Nanotechnology", 3], "ENE-414": ["Environmental Law and Policy", 3], "CE-102": ["Civil Engineering Materials", 3], "ME-107": ["Engineering Mechanics", 3], "CE-103": ["Mechanics Of Solids-I", 3], "CE-222": ["Soil Mechanics-I", 3], "CE-241": ["Transportation Engineering-I", 3], "CE-251": ["Fluid Mechanics-I", 3], "CE-205": ["Mechanics Of Solids-II", 3], "CE-206": ["Structural Analysis-I", 3], "CE-252": ["Fluid Mechanics-II", 3], "CE-286": ["Surveying-II", 3], "CE-324": ["Soil Mechanics-II", 3], "CE-342": ["Transportation Engineering-II", 3], "CE-308": ["Plain & Reinforced Concrete-I", 4], "CE-388": ["Computer Aided Civil Engineering Design And Graphics", 1], "CE-358": ["Engineering Hydrology", 3], "CE-306": ["Structural Analysis -II", 3], "CE-309": ["Structural Analysis-Iii", 3], "CE-310": ["Plain & Reinforced Concrete-Ii", 4], "CE-339": ["Environmental Engineering -I", 2], "ARCH-305": ["Architecture & Town Planning", 2], "CE-375": ["Construction Engineering", 3], "CE-411": ["Steel Structures", 3], "CE-499": ["Porject-II", 3], "CE-341": ["Environmental Engineering -II", 3], "CE-288": ["Geoinformatics", 2], "CE-412": ["Design Of Concrete Structures", 3], "CE-413": ["Design Of Steel Structures", 3], "CE-414": ["Bridge Engineering", 3], "CE-415": ["Special Application Structures", 3], "CE-416": ["Earthquake Engineering", 3], "CE-425": ["Introduction To Rock Mechanics", 3], "CE-426": ["Slope Stability", 3], "CE-427": ["Soil And Site Improvement", 3], "CE-428": ["Design & Construction Of Earthen Dams", 3], "CE-429": ["Introduction To Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering", 3], "CE-430": ["Applied Soil Mechanics", 3], "CE-431": ["Investigation And Instrumentation In Geotechnical Engineering", 3], "CE-443": ["Pavement Design & Rehabilitation", 3], "CE-444": ["Traffic Engineering & Safety", 3.0], "CE-445": ["Road Construction, Materials & Practices", 3.0], "CE-446": ["Geometric Design Of Highways", 3.0], "CE-459": ["Hydraulic Engineering", 3], "CE-460": ["Computational Hydraulics", 3], "CE-461": ["Open Channel Flow", 3], "CE-474": ["Construction Project Scheduling", 3], "CE-476": ["Construction Contract Management", 3], "ENE-433": ["Environment Management & Impact Assessment", 3], "HRM-443": ["Human Resource Management In Construction", 3], "CE-440": ["Design of Tunnels and Undergrounds Structures", 3], "CS-100": ["Fundamentals of ICT", 3], "CHE-101": ["Chemical Process Principles-I", 3], "CH-102": ["Inorganic & Analytical Chemistry", 4], "CH-202": ["Organic & Biochemistry", 4], "CHE-201": ["Advanced Chemical Process Principles", 3], "CHE-231": ["Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics-I", 3], "MATH-243": ["Vector Calculus", 3], "MSE-101": ["Fundamentals Of Engineering Materials", 3], "CHE-221": ["Fluid Mechanics-I", 3], "CHE-242": ["Heat Transfer", 4], "CHE-241": ["Mass Transfer", 2], "CHE-224": ["Fluid Mechanics - II", 3], "CHE-211": ["Chemical Process Technology", 3], "EE-103": ["Electrical Engineering", 3], "CHE-332": ["Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics-II", 4], "CHE-343": ["Simultaneous Heat & Mass Transfer-I", 4], "MATH-351": ["Numerical Methods", 3], "CHE-346": ["Particulate Technology", 4], "CHE-345": ["Transport Phenomena", 3], "CHE-323": ["Instrumentation & Process Control", 4], "CHE-347": ["Chemical Reaction Engineering", 4], "CHE-348": ["Simultaneous Heat & Mass Transfer-II", 4], "CHE-422": ["Fuel & Combustion", 4], "CHE-452": ["Chemical Process Design & Simulation", 3], "CHE-451": ["Chemical Engineering Plant Design", 3], "CHE-499": ["Final Year Project", 3], "OTM-456": ["Production & Operations Management", 3], "CHE-425": ["Maintenance & Process Safety", 3], "CHE-330": ["Science Of Energetic Materials", 3], "CHE-340": ["Biochemistry", 3], "CHE-350": ["Petroleum Refinery Process", 3], "CHE-360": ["Fundamentals Of Polymer Engineering", 3], "CHE-431": ["Combustion & Propulsion", 3], "CHE-432": ["Explosive Manufacture, Formulation And Filling", 3], "CHE-461": ["Polymer Reaction Engineering", 3], "CHE-462": ["Polymer Processing, Design And Characterization", 3], "ENE-306": ["Fundamentals Of Environmental Engineering And Management", 3], "HU-115": ["Principles of Sociology", 3], "MCG-126": ["Basic Concepts In Social Science", 3], "MCG-235": ["Logic & Critical Thinking", 3], "CHE-484": ["Natural Gas Engineering", 3], "CHE-491": ["Sustainability in process & Energy system", 3], "CHE-482": ["Reservoir Engineering ", 3], "CHE-483": ["Production Engineering ", 3], "MSE-201": ["Materials Engineering Lab I", 1], "MSE-221": ["Materials Thermodynamics & Kinetics", 3], "MSE-231": ["X-Ray Diffraction And Crystallography", 3], "MSE-241": ["Polymer Science", 3], "CH-108": ["Applied Chemistry", 4], "MSE-202": ["Materials Engineering Lab II", 1], "MSE-222": ["Phase Transformation And Equilibria", 3], "PHY-213": ["Physics of Materials", 2], "MSE-224": ["Deformation & Fracture", 3], "MSE-303": ["Materials Engineering Lab III", 2], "MSE-313": ["Welding And Joining", 2], "MSE-342": ["Polymer Engineering", 3], "MSE-213": ["Metals & Alloys-I", 3], "MSE-333": ["Materials Testing Techniques", 3], "MSE-316": ["Foundry Engineering", 3], "MSE-304": ["Materials Engineering Lab Iv", 2], "MSE-314": ["Manufacturing Processes", 3], "MSE-351": ["Ceramics & Glasses", 3], "MSE-326": ["Corrosion & Protection", 3], "MSE-317": ["Metal & Alloys-II", 3], "MSE-474": ["Surface Engineering Of Materials", 3], "MSE-405": ["Materials Engineering Lab V", 1], "OTM-454": ["Project Management", 3], "MSE-461": ["Composite Materials", 3], "MSE-325": ["Heat Treatment of Materials", 3], "MSE-499": ["Final Year Project-II", -4], "ME-312": ["Measurement & Instrumentation", 2], "MSE-483": ["Plant Design", 3], "MSE-463": ["Nano Materials", 2], "MSE-4XX": ["Technical Elective-III", 3], "MGT-401": ["Total Quality Management", 3], "MSE-371": ["Interfacial Phenomena", 3], "MSE-373": ["Tribological Phenomena On Surfaces", 3], "MSE-381": ["Industrial Safety", 3], "MSE-382": ["Design Standards & Quality Assurance", 3], "MSE-383": ["Operations Research", 3], "MSE-452": ["Electronic And Magnetic Materials", 3], "MSE-471": ["Vacuum Technology In Surface Engineering", 3], "MSE-472": ["Surface Analysis And Characterization", 3], "MSE-473": ["Novel Techiques In Surface Engineering", 3], "MSE-481": ["Maintenance Management", 3], "MSE-482": ["Industrial Economics & Management", 3], "MSE-362": ["Introduction to Computational Materials Science", 3], "MSE-465": ["Powder Metallurgy", 3], "MSE-464": ["Advanced Materials", 3], "MSE-385": ["Biomaterials and Applications", 3], "MSE-404": ["Design of Experiments& Data Analysis", 3], "MSE-485": ["Metallurgical Plants and Quality Control", 3], "EE-111": ["Linear Circuit Analysis", 4], "EE-211": ["Electrical Network Analysis", 4], "ME-104": ["Engineering Drawing", 1], "EE-215": ["Electronic Devices And Circuits", 4], "EE-221": ["Digital Logic Design", 4], "MATH-232": ["Complex Variables And Transforms", 3], "ME-102": ["Thermodynamics", 2], "EE-222": ["Microprocessor Systems", 4], "EE-232": ["Signals And Systems", 3], "EE-241": ["Electromagnetic Field Theory", 3], "EE-313": ["Electronic Circuit Design", 4], "EE-260": ["Electrical Machines", 4], "EE-330": ["Digital Signal Processing", 4], "EE-351": ["Communication Systems", 4], "EE-371": ["Linear Control Systems", 4], "EE-383": ["Instrumentation and Measurements", 4], "EE-498": ["Senior Design Project-I", 2], "OTM-455": ["Engineering Project Management", 2], "EE-499": ["Senior Design Project-II", 4], "CE-185": ["Basic Civil Engineering", 4], "CS-220": ["Database Systems", 4], "CS-251": ["Design & Analysis Of Algorithm", 3], "CS-330": ["Operating Systems", 4], "CS-435": ["Parallel & Distributed Processing", 4], "CS-470": ["Machine Learning", 3], "CS-474": ["Computer Vision", 3], "CS-475": ["Computer Vision", 3], "EE-316": ["Operational Amplifier Application", 4], "EE-317": ["Integrated Circuits", 3], "EE-318": ["Solid State Electronics", 3], "EE-321": ["Computer Architecture and Organization", 4], "EE-332": ["Linear Systems And Signal Processing", 3], "EE-333": ["Digital Image Processing", 3], "EE-341": ["Transmission Lines, Antennas & Wave Propagation", 4], "EE-342": ["Microwave Engineering", 4], "EE-343": ["Transmission Lines & Waveguides", 4], "EE-344": ["Wave Propagation and Antennas", 4], "EE-352": ["Communication Systems II", 4], "EE-355": ["Digital Communication Systems", 4], "EE-356": ["Wireless Communication", 3], "EE-357": ["Computer and Communication Networks", 4], "EE-361": ["Analysis And Design Of Electric Machines", 3], "EE-363": ["Power Transmission", 3], "EE-364": ["Power Distribution And Utilization", 3], "EE-365": ["Renewable Energy Systems", 3], "EE-366": ["Power Engineering", 3], "EE-367": ["Electrical Power Transmission & Distribution", 4], "EE-368": ["Power Electronics", 4], "EE-369": ["Power Electronics", 3], "EE-372": ["Digital Control Systems", 4], "EE-374": ["Optimal Control", 3], "EE-375": ["Introduction to Adaptive Control", 4], "EE-376": ["Stochastic Control", 4], "EE-377": ["Multivariable Control", 4], "EE-378": ["Introduction To Non-Linear Control", 3], "EE-381": ["Robotics-I", 4], "EE-384": ["Digital Instrumentation", 4], "EE-385": ["Industrial Electronics", 4], "EE-411": ["CMOS Analog Circuits Design", 3], "EE-412": ["VLSI Circuit Design", 3], "EE-414": ["Digital Electronics", 4], "EE-415": ["Opto-Electronics", 4], "EE-421": ["Digital System Design", 4], "EE-423": ["Embedded System Design", 4], "EE-428": ["Industrial Process Control", 4], "EE-441": ["Microwave ICs Design", 3], "EE-442": ["Microwave Devices", 4], "EE-443": ["Electromagnetic Compatibility", 3], "EE-444": ["Antenna Design", 3], "EE-451": ["Mobile Communications Systems", 3], "EE-452": ["Satellite Communication Systems", 3], "EE-455": ["Optical Fibre Communication", 3], "EE-458": ["Broadband Technologies", 3], "EE-461": ["Power System Analysis And Design", 3], "EE-463": ["Fundamentals Of High Voltage Engineering", 3], "EE-464": ["Power Systems Protection", 3], "EE-465": ["Power Economics And Management", 3], "EE-466": ["Advanced Electrical Machines", 4], "EE-472": ["Industrial Control And Automation", 3], "EE-474": ["Advanced Control Systems", 3], "EE-475": ["Power System Operation And Control", 3], "EE-476": ["System Identification", 3], "EE-481": ["Robotics-II", 3], "EE-491": ["Radar Systems", 4], "EE-493": ["Applied Control & Navigation Systems", 3], "EE-497": ["Power Engineering Lab", 1], "SE-200": ["Software Engineering", 3], "EE-483": ["Electric Drives", 3], "MATH-161": ["Discrete Mathematics", 3], "HU-210": ["Technical Writing", 3], "EE-353": ["Computer Networks", 4], "SE-311": ["Software Requirements Engineering", 3], "HU-223": ["Professional Ethics", 3], "MGT-121": ["Introduction To Management", 3], "SE-210": ["Software Design & Architecture", 3], "MGT-175": ["Intellectual Property Rights", 3], "SE-312": ["Software Construction", 4], "SE-320": ["Formal Methods", 3], "SE-430": ["Software Project Management", 3], "SE-499": ["Senior Project", 3], "BIO-215": ["Bioinformatics", 3], "BIO-317": ["Computational Biology", 3], "CH-101": ["Applied Chemistry", 3], "CS-213": ["Advanced Programming", 4], "CS-260": ["Human Computer Interaction", 3], "CS-271": ["Computational Logic", 3], "CS-309": ["Computing And Society", 3], "CS-321": ["Advanced Database Systems", 3], "CS-322": ["RDBMS Using Oracle", 3], "CS-331": ["System Programming", 2], "CS-332": ["Distributed Computing", 4], "CS-334": ["Open Source Systems", 4], "CS-342": ["Mobile Computing", 3], "CS-344": ["Web Engineering", 4], "CS-352": ["Theory of Automata and Formal Languages", 3], "CS-361": ["Computer Graphics", 4], "CS-362": ["Multimedia Systems And Design", 3], "CS-363": ["Visualization", 3], "CS-364": ["Game Programming", 3], "CS-370": ["Artificial Intelligence", 4], "CS-380": ["Introduction To Computer Security", 3], "CS-381": ["Network Security", 4], "CS-382": ["Fundamentals Of Cryptography", 3], "CS-414": ["Advanced Java With Emphasis On Internet Applications", 4], "CS-423": ["Data Warehousing and Data Mining", 4], "CS-424": ["Information Retrieval", 3], "CS-425": ["Management Information Systems", 3], "CS-433": ["Applied Parallel Computing", 3], "CS-441": ["Web Technologies-II", 4], "CS-443": ["E-Commerce And Solutions", 3], "CS-453": ["Programming Languages", 3], "CS-472": ["Natural Language Processing", 3], "CS-473": ["Theory Of Intelligent Systems", 3], "CS-476": ["Speech And Image Processing", 4], "CS-481": ["Computer Forensics", 4], "CS-482": ["System Incident Handling", 3], "CS-490": ["Advanced Topics In Computing", 3], "EC-303": ["Mobile Application Development For SME\\'s", 3], "EE-102": ["Basic Electrical Engineering", 4], "EE-201": ["Engineering Mechanics", 3], "EE-322": ["Wireless Networks", 3], "EE-350": ["Data Communication", 3], "EE-430": ["Telecommunication Systems", 3], "EE-433": ["Digital Image Processing", 4], "EE-477": ["Analogue And Digital Communications", 4], "FIN-100": ["Principles Of Accounting", 3], "FIN-204": ["Financial Management For IT Professional", 2], "HRM-240": ["Organisational Behaviour", 2], "HRM-241": ["Organizational Behaviour", 3], "HRM-441": ["Human Resource Management", 2], "HRM-442": ["Human Resource Management", 3], "HU-102": ["Psychology", 3], "HU-103": ["Principles Of Sociology", 3], "HU-104": ["English Literature", 3], "MATH-112": ["Calculus-II", 3], "MATH-133": ["Engineering Mathematics", 3], "MATH-221": ["Number Theory", 3], "MATH-234": ["Multivariable Calculus", 3], "MATH-352": ["Numerical Methods", 3], "MGT-164": ["Introduction To Management", 2], "MGT-452": ["New Business Ventures", 2], "MKT-102": ["Principles Of Business And Marketing", 2], "PHY-101": ["Applied Physics", 4], "SE-301": ["Object Oriented Software Engineering", 3], "SE-313": ["Design Patterns", 3], "SE-422": ["Software Testing", 3], "SE-423": ["Software Metrics", 3], "SE-431": ["Software Engineering Economics", 3], "SE-440": ["Business Process Automation", 3], "SE-490": ["Advanced Topics In Software Engineering", 3], "SE-410": ["System Modeling and Simulation", 3], "EE-122": ["Computer Architecture and Logic Design", 2], "SE-315": ["Cloud Computing ", 1], "SE-314": ["Software Construction", 1], "CS-336": ["Embedded Systems", 3], "SE-321": ["Software Quality Engineering", 3], "CS-261": ["Human Computer Interaction", 1], "CS-484": ["Information Security", 3], "CS-335": ["Internet of Things", 3], "CS-483": ["Information Security Management", 3], "PHY-401": ["Advanced Physics", 3], "EE-212": ["Basic Electronics", 3], "SE-403": ["Agent Based Software Engineering", 3], "CS-404": ["Big Data Analytics", 1], "CS-405": ["Deep Learning", 4], "CS-406": ["Visual Programming ", 3], "SE-407": ["Real Time Systems", 3], "CS-408": ["Data Encryption and Security", 1], "CS-110": ["Fundamentals of Computer Programming", 4], "HU-108": ["Communication and Interpersonal Skills", 3], "MATH-111": ["Calculus-I", 3], "CS-235": ["Computer Organisation and Assembly Language", 4], "CS-499": ["Senior Project", 3], "MGT-272": ["Entrepreneurship", 3], "EE\u2013221": ["Digital Logic Design", 4], "HU\u2013212": ["Technical & Business Writing", 2], "MATH\u2013243": ["Vector Calculus", 3], "EC-360": ["Software Engineering", 3], "EC-400": ["Computer Graphics", 3], "EC-412": ["Digital Image Processing", 3], "EC-413": ["Computer Vision", 3], "EC-416": ["Parallel & Distributed Processing", 3], "EC-440": ["Data Mining", 3], "EC-442": ["Management Information Systems", 3], "EC-450": ["Al & Decision Support Systems", 3], "EC-452": ["Machine Learning", 3], "EC-301": ["Analysis & Design of Algorithm", 3], "EC-320": ["Computer Organization and Architecture", 4], "EC-240": ["Database Engineering", 4], "EC-414": ["Digital System Design", 3], "EC-415": ["Embedded System Design", 3], "EC-441": ["Relational Database Management System Using Oracle", 3], "EE-473": ["Fuzzy Logic", 3], "EE-373": ["Fuzzy Logic", 4], "EE-386": ["Communication Planning", 3], "EE-362": ["Power Generation", 3], "EE-462": ["Electrical Machine Design And Equipment Training", 3], "EE-482": ["Electric Drives", 3], "MATH-333": ["Numerical Analysis", 4], "CS-354": ["Compiler Construction", 4], "EE-106": ["Introduction to Engineering", 1], "ME-113": ["Engineering Mechanics-I: Statics", 3], "ME-130": ["Thermodynamics-I", 3], "CH-109": ["Applied Chemistry", 2], "ME-115": ["Engineering Mechanics Lab", 1], "ME-114": ["Engineering Mechanics-II: Dynamics", 3], "ME-231": ["Thermodynamics- II", 3], "ME-232": ["Thermodynamics Lab", 1], "ME-210": ["Mechanics of Materials-I", 3], "ME-211": ["Computer Aided Drawing", 1], "ME-223": ["Advanced Workshop Practice", 2], "HU-122": ["Technical Report Writing and Presentation Skills", 2], "ME-230": ["Fluid Mechanics - I", 3], "ME-212": ["Mechanics of Materials II", 3], "ME-221": ["Engineering Materials", 3], "ME-218": ["Machine Design I", 3], "ME-216": ["Mechanics of Material Lab", 1], "ME-330": ["Fluid Mechanics II", 3], "ME-331": ["Heat and Mass Transfer", 3], "ME-320": ["Machine Design-II", 2], "EE-227": ["Electronics Engineering", 3], "ME-337": ["Fluid Mechanics Lab", 1], "ME-322": ["Manufacturing Processes", 4], "ME-327": ["Instrumentation and Measurement", 3], "ME-332": ["Heat Transfer & Hvac Lab", 1], "ME-325": ["Engineering Economics", 2], "ME-310": ["Mechanics of Machines", 3], "ME-326": ["Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning", 3], "ME-339": ["Control Engineering", 3], "ME-421": ["Mechanical Vibrations", 3], "MGT-270": ["Entrepreneurship", 2], "ME-433": ["Mechanism and Mechanical Vibration Lab", 1], "ME-411": ["Introduction to Finite Element Analysis", 3], "ME-430": ["Power Plants", 3], "ME-499": ["Final Year Project-II", 3], "ME-439": ["Internal Combustion Engine", 3], "ME-424": ["Health, Safety and Environment", 1], "ME-431": ["IC Engines and Power Plants Lab", 1], "ME-420": ["Project Management (Management Elective)", 2], "ME-401 ": ["Fundamentals of Aerodynamics ", 2], "ME-409 ": ["Applied Thermodynamics ", 2], "ME-412 ": ["Automotive Technology ", 2], "ME-413 ": ["Basic Naval Architecture ", 2], "ME-414 ": ["Computational Fluid Dynamics ", 2], "ME-415 ": ["Computer Aided Engineering ", 2], "ME-416 ": ["Computer Aided Thermal System Design ", 2], "ME-424 ": ["Introduction to Oil and Natural Gas Engineering ", 2], "ME-429 ": ["Laser & its applications ", 2], "ME-438": ["Mechanical Engineering Design", 2], "ME-470 ": ["Marine Environment Issues ", 2], "ME-471 ": ["Optimization Techniques ", 2], "ME-473": ["Power Generation and Distribution ", 2], "ME-474 ": ["Electrical Machines ", 2], "ME-475 ": ["Energy Conversion and Power Electronics ", 2], "ME-476 ": ["Engine Tribology ", 2], "ME-477 ": ["FEM applications in Automobile ", 2], "ME-478 ": ["Finite Element Methods ", 2], "ME-479 ": ["Gas Dynamics ", 2], "ME-484 ": ["Gas Turbines ", 2], "ME-485 ": ["Fuel Cell Technology ", 2], "ME-486 ": ["Power Plant Engineering ", 2], "ME-487 ": ["Power System Analysis ", 2], "ME-488 ": ["Renewable Energy Technologies ", 2], "ME-489 ": ["Robotics and Automation", 2], "ME-490 ": ["Ship Propulsion Engineering ", 2], "ME-491 ": ["Solar Energy Systems ", 2], "ME-492 ": ["Vehicle Design Performance ", 2], "ME-493": ["Production Tooling & Automation", 2], "ME-496": ["Vehicle Dynamics ", 2], "ME-497": ["Advanced Engineering Design", 2], "ME-498": ["Power Train Systems", 2], "DME-480": ["Automotive Manufacturing Systems", 2], "DME-481": ["Computer Applications in Automobile Manufacturing", 2], "DME-482": ["Computer Applications in Manufacturing Systems", 2], "DME-483": ["Industrial Maintenance Management", 2], "DME-484": ["Logic Design & Micro-processors", 2], "DME-485": ["Logistics and Inventory Management", 2], "DME-486": ["Ergonomics, Work Study and Methods Engineering", 2], "DME-487": ["FEM applications in Manufacturing", 2], "M&S-402 ": ["Introduction to Modeling and Simulation", 2], "RIME-222": ["Introduction to Mechatronics Design Fundamentals ", 2], "ME-408 ": ["Applied Heat Transfer ", 2], "ME-384": ["Operations Management", 2], "ME-427": ["Operations Research", 2], "ME-425": ["Total Quality Management", 2], "ME-428 ": ["Engineering Law", 2], "DME-477": ["Fem Applications In Manufacturing", 3], "RIME-222 ": ["Introduction to Mechatronics Design Fundamentals ", 2], "ME-470": ["Marine Environment Issues", 2], "ME-469": ["Introduction to Oil and Natural Gas Engineering ", 2], "IR-101": ["International Relationship", 1], "HU-114": ["Functional English", 3], "PHY-108": ["Engineering Physics", 4], "CH-110": ["Engineering Chemistry", 0], "IE-103": ["Workshop Technology", 0], "MECH-101": ["Engineering Statics", 3], "AE-101": ["Introduction to Aerospace", 2], "AV-102": ["Engineering Circuit Analysis - DC Circuits ", 3], "DWG-102": ["Computer Aided Design", 2], "MECH-202": ["Engineering Dynamics", 3], "ME-203": ["Thermodynamics-I", 2], "CS-201": ["Introduction to Computer Programming", 2], "AERO-212": ["Fluid Mechanics & Applied Aerodynamics", 4], "MECH-204": ["Materials Science & Engineering", 2], "IE-211": ["Engineering Economy", 2], "ME-207": ["Thermodynamics- II ", 3], "AERO-221": ["High Speed Aerodynamics", 3], "STR-202": ["Mechanics of Material", 3], "AV-204": ["Electrical Circuits and Machines ", 2], "AERO-321": ["Aircraft Performance", 3], "ME-305": ["Heat Transfer", 4], "AERO-314": ["Intro to Rotorcraft Dynamics", 2], "STR-305": ["Aircraft Loading and Structural Analysis", 4], "IE-321": ["Computer Aided Instrumentation ", 2], "AV-356": ["Feedback Control Systems", 3], "AERO-322": ["Aircraft Stability And Control", 3], "IE-303": ["Manufacturing Practices & CNC Machines", 1], "STR-303": ["Structural Vibrations & Aero-Elasticity", 3], "HU-304": ["Technical Report Writing ", 2], "ME-306": ["Propulsion & Turbomachinery", 4], "AERO-331": ["Wind Tunnel Testing", 1], "STR-306": ["Computational Structural Analysis", 4], "AE-413": ["Astrodynamics", 1], "IE-441": ["Engineering Management", 2], "STR-441": ["Aircraft Structure and Machine Design", 3], "HU-405": ["Communication Skills", 3], "AE-492": ["Project-I", 2], "AE-432": ["Introduction to CFD", 2], "AERO-441": ["Aerospace Vehicle Design", 4], "CBL-401": ["Character Building & Leadership", 1], "CBL-402": ["Decision Making and Time Management", 1], "AE-499": ["Project-II", 4], "AE-482": ["Emerging Aerospace Technologies", 1], "IE-452": ["Product Design & Development", 2], "IE-222": ["Industrial Instrumentation", 1], "AV-203": ["Engineering Circuit Analysis - AC Circuits ", 3], "AV-213": ["Digital System Logic Design", 3], "AV-232": ["Electromagnetic Field Theory", 2], "AV-243": ["Electronic Devices & Basic Circuits", 3], "AV-262": ["Signal & Systems", 2], "AV-223": ["Introduction to Algorithm & Data Structures ", 2], "AV-214": ["Computer System Architecture", 2], "AERO-201": ["Applied Aerodynamics", 2], "AV-313": ["Digital Signal Processing", 3], "AV-354": ["Analysis & Design of Control Systems", 3], "AV-335": ["Transmission & Waveguides", 3], "AV-342": ["Electonics - Integrated Circuits and Op Amp", 4], "AV-303": ["Electro Mechanical Systems", 3], "AV-323": ["Operating Systems", 2], "AV-336": ["Antenna Engineering ", 2], "AV-355": ["Modern Control Systems", 3], "AV-314": ["Embedded Systems", 3], "AV-362": ["Analog & Digital Communication ", 4], "AV-337": ["Microwave Devices", 1], "AV-492": ["Project-I", 2], "AV-464": ["Data Communication Satellite & Networks", 3], "AV-475": ["Radar Systems", 1], "AV-474": ["Avionics System Design", 3], "AV-482": ["Emerging Aviation Technologies", 1], "AV-499": ["Project-II", 4], "HU-105": ["Functional English", 2], "HU-124": ["Pakistan Studies & Global Perspective", 2], "HU-125": ["Islamic Studeis & Ethics", 2], "STR-203": ["Mechanics of Materials", 2], "AERO-213": ["Incompressible Aerodynamics", 3], "ME-217": ["Thermodynamics-II", 2], "AERO-222": ["Compressible Aerodynamics", 3], "STR-212": ["Mechanical Behaviour of Materials", 2], "AERO-214": ["Viscous Fluid Flow", 0], "ME-342": ["Propulsion & Turbomachinery", 1], "STR-333": ["Aircraft Loading and Structural Analysis", 3], "STR-334": ["Experimental Structural Analysis", -1], "IE-322": ["Manufacturing Processes & CNC Machines", 0], "EC-325": ["Artificial Intelligence for Engineers", 0], "AERO-313": ["Introduction to Astrodynamics", 1], "AERO-333": ["Intro to CFD", 0], "STR-335": ["Structural Dynamics & Aeroelasticity", 3], "HU-302": ["Technical Report Writing", 1], "AERO-433": ["Flight Dynamics & Control", 1], "HU-403": ["Communication Skills", 0], "ME-402": ["Aircraft Engine Design", 2], "IE-413": ["Professional Ethics & Practices", 1], "PHY-109": ["Engineering Physics", 1], "AV-263": ["Signal & Systems", 3], "AERO-202": ["Flight Mechanics ", 2], "AV-338": ["Antenna Engineering", 1], "AV-345": ["Electronic Circuits and OP Amp", 2], "AV-457": ["Flight Dynamics & Control", 1], "AV-423": ["Fundamentals of Cyber Security", 1], "EC-120": ["Computer Organization", 3], "EC-210": ["Logic And Sequential Circuit Design", 4], "EC-103": ["Computer Application In Engineering Design", 2], "EC-200": ["Data Structures", 4], "EC-220": ["Computer System Architecture", 4], "EC-221": ["Operating Systems", 3], "EC-310": ["Microprocessor And Microcontroller Based Design", 4], "EC-330": ["Computer Networks", 4], "EC-313": ["Digital Signal Processing", 4], "EC-350": ["AL And Decision Support System", 4], "EC-410": ["Digital System Design", 4], "EC-431": ["Digital Communication", 3], "EC-499": ["Design Project-Ii", 4], "EC-430": ["Mobile Networks", 3], "EC-411": ["Digital Instrumentation And Systems", 3], "EC-432": ["Wireless Communication", 3], "EC-433": ["Integrated Services Over Packet Networks", 3], "EC-460": ["Software Design & Testing", 3], "EE-216": ["Electrical Machines", 3], "EE-416": ["Energy Conversion & Power Electronics", 4], "EE-439": ["Laser & Its Applications", 2], "EM-430": ["Introduction To Robotics", 3], "EM-440": ["Industrial Automation", 3], "EC-434": ["Cloud Computing", 3], "EC-435": ["Introduction to IoTs", 1], "EC-302": ["Analysis & Design Of Algorithm", 3], "EE-418": ["Electro Optics & Infra-Red Systems", 3], "EE-116": ["Electric Circuits Analysis", 4], "EC-204": ["Data Structures and Object Oriented Programming", 4], "EE-223": ["Digital Logic Design", 3], "ME-206": ["Mechanics Of Materials", 2], "MTS-220": ["Solid Modelling", 1], "MTS-226": ["Materials & Manufacturing Processes", 3], "MTS-231": ["Actuating Systems", 4], "MTS-322": ["Design Of Machine Elements", 3], "MTS-336": ["Instrumentation and Measurements", 4], "MTS-315": ["Mechatronics System Design", 4], "ME-319": ["Computer Aided Machine Design", 3], "EE-379": ["Linear Control Systems", 4], "MTS-417": ["Introduction to Robotics", 4], "MTS-499": ["Senior Design Project-II", 4], "MTS-419": ["Manufacturing Automation", 3], "EC-335": ["Digital Signal Processing", 3], "EE-370": ["Digital Control Systems", 3], "EE-470": ["Fuzzy Logic", 3], "EE-484": ["Electric Instrumentation", 3], "IME-483": ["Advance Topics In Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering", 2], "ME-443": ["Automotive Technology", 3], "ME-450": ["Laser & Its Applications", 3], "ME-462": ["Power Plant Engineering", 3], "ME-464": ["Renewable Energy Technologies", 3], "MGT-174": ["Elements Of Business", 3], "MTS-415": ["Special Topics In Mechatronics", 3], "MTS-418": ["Applied Robotics", 3], "MTS-337": ["Industrial Electronics", 3], "ME-446": ["Computer Aided Engineering", 3], "ME-112": ["Engineering Statics", 3], "EE-206": ["Mechanics of Materials", 3], "MTS-311": ["Microcontroller and Embedded Systems", 4], "ME-334": ["Theory of Machines", 2], "M&S-321": ["Modeling and Simulation", 1], "ME-407": ["Fluid Mechanics", 1], "MTS-444": ["Mechatronics Modeling for Automotive Systems", 3], "MTS-483": ["Power Train Systems", 3], "CE-101": ["Engineering Mechanics", 2.5], "CE-181": ["Civil Engineering Drawing", 2], "EE-100": ["Introduction To Electrical Engineering", 1.5], "CS-111": ["Fundamentals Of Computer Programming", 2], "MATH-104": ["Differential Equations & Transforms", 3], "ME-103": ["Mechanical Engineering", 1.5], "CE-287": ["Geo-Informatics", 2], "CE-307": ["Structural Analysis-Ii", 4], "CE-497": ["Project - I", 1], "CE-389": ["Computer Aided Civil Engineering Design and Graphics", 2], "CE-354": ["Engineering Hydrology", 1.5], "CE-355": ["Public Health Engineering (Water Supply And Sanitary Engineering)", 2], "CE-458": ["Irrigation Engineering", 2.5], "CE-498": ["Project - II", 2], "MATH-106": ["Multivariable & Vector Calculus", 3], "IS-201": ["Introduction to Information Security Engineering", 3], "IS-353": ["Cryptographic Design Engineering ", 4], "IS-241": ["Network Security Engineering ", 4], "xxx-000": ["Elective-II", 3], "IS-433": ["Security Assessment and Evaluation", 3], "IS-331": ["Embedded and Realtime Systems Security", 3], "IS-345": ["Secure Wireless Communications", 4], "IS-382": ["Security Engineering Management", 3], "IS-499": ["Senior Project FYP", 4], "EE-354": ["Analog Communication Systems", 4], "IS-348": ["Cloud Architecture Engineering & Security ", 4], "IS-363": ["Critical Infrastructure Protection ", 4], "IS-379": ["Digital Information Forensics ", 3], "IS-471": ["Network Forensics", 3], "IS-442": ["Secure RF Communications ", 3], "IS-378": ["Legal Aspects of Information Security ", 3], "IS-376": ["Human Factors and Information Security Engineering", 3], "IS-333": ["Firmware and Execution Environment Security ", 3], "IS-220": ["Database Security ", 4], "IS-349": ["Modern Networking Concepts ", 3], "IS-372": ["Malicious Software & Hardware ", 3], "IS-383": ["Secure Intelligent Systems", 3], "IS-453": ["Cryptanalysis", 3], "IS-374": ["Parallel and Distributed Computing ", 3], "IS-455": ["Emission Security ", 3], "IS-361": ["Power Systems and Smart Grid ", 3], "IS-362": ["Power Grid Security", 3], "IS-461": ["VLSI Security ", 3], "IS-347": ["GPS Security ", 3], "IS-377": ["System Security and Resilience ", 3], "IS-346": ["Mobile Devices Security ", 3], "IS-441": ["Internet of Things (IoT) Security ", 3], "IS-431": ["System Engineering Principles", 3], "PHY-105": ["Physics", 2], "PFL-110": ["Parade Training & Weapon Handling - I", 2], "PFL-100": ["Introduction to Navigation and Seamanship", 2], "PFL-120": ["Naval Propulsion Systems", 1], "PFL-103": ["Rules of the Road", 2], "PFL-140": ["Leadership and Organization", 2], "PFL-111": ["Parade Training & Weapon Handing II", 2], "PFL-101": ["Navigation-I", 2], "PFL-102": ["Seamanship \u2013 I", 3], "PFL-104": ["Sea Training", 2], "PFL-105": ["OOW Duties & Ship Handling", 2], "PFL-221": ["Naval Warfare & Operations \u2013 I", 3], "CS-207": ["Computers Systems & Applications", 3], "MATH-117": ["Calculus", 3], "PFL-250": ["Naval Law & Regulations", 1], "PFL-212": ["Parade Training & Weapon Handling \u2013 lll", 2], "PFL-206": ["Navigation \u2013 II ", 2], "PFL-207": ["Seamanship \u2013 II", 2], "PFL-222": ["Naval Warfare & Operations \u2013 II", 3], "PFL-223": ["Naval Communication \u2013 I", 2], "PFL-230": ["Marine Systems ", 2], "PFL-231": ["Naval Weapon Systems", 2], "PFL-241": ["Supply & Logistics", 2], "ME-340": ["Engineering Sciences ", 3], "ME-341": ["Basic Naval Architecture ", 2], "EE-314": ["Electrical Circuits & Systems ", 3], "EE-312": ["Basic Electronics", 2], "CS-350": ["Computer Networks & Data Communication", 3], "MATH-364": ["Probability & Statistics", 2], "IME-417": ["Operations Research", 3], "EE-327": ["Marine Electronics", 3], "PFL-332": ["Adv Marine Systems", 3], "CS-359": ["Information Security", 2], "MGT-422": ["Project Management ", 2], "PFL-342": ["Logistic and Organizational Management", 2], "HU-313": ["English - III: Service & Technical Writing (JOSDC)", 2], "PFL-424": ["Above Water Warfare", 5], "PFL-425": ["Underwater Warfare", 5], "PFL-451": ["Introduction to Maritime Affairs", 2], "PFL-426": ["Maritime Operations", 4], "PFL-408": ["Navigation \u2013 III", 5], "PFL-427": ["Naval Communication - II", 4], "PFL-428": ["Electronic Warfare", 3], "PFL-429": ["CBRNDC & FF", 2], "PFL-499": ["Project / Thesis", 3], "HU-101 / HU-119*": ["Islamic Studies/ Islamic Studies and Quranic Learning", 2], "NA-213": ["Marine Material Science & Engineering", 3], "NA-250": ["Marine Electrical Engineering", 3], "NA-210": ["Introduction to Ship Structure", 3], "NA-211": ["Ship Structure I", 3], "NA-212": ["Ship Structures Lab", 1], "NA-240": ["Basic Naval Architecture", 3], "NA-130": ["Marine Thermodynamics**", 3], "NA-231": ["Hydrodynamics", 3], "NA-232": ["Hydrodynamics Lab", 1], "NA-241": ["Introduction to Marine Manufacturing Processes", 2], "NA-351": ["Marine Control System", 3], "NA-320": ["Ship Hydrostatics & Stability", 3], "NA-332": ["Ship Resistance", 4], "NA-352": ["Marine Engineering", 3], "NA-321": ["Ship Dynamics", 3], "NA-314": ["Ship Structure-II", 3], "NA-333": ["Ship Propulsion", 3], "NA-334": ["Ship Maneuvering", 4], "NA-415": ["Finite Element Methods and Marine Applications", 3], "NA-422": ["Ship Seakeeping", 4], "NA-443": ["Ship Design and Production", 2], "NA-499": ["Ship Design (FYP)", 3], "NA-342": ["Advanced Marine Vehicle", 2], "NA-444": ["Marine Fabrication Method", 4], "NA-445": ["Submarine and Submersible Design", 2], "NA-446": ["Design of small Crafts", 2], "NA-435": ["UUV and Submarine Control and Manoeuvring", 2], "NA-447": ["Design of Offshore Marine Structure", 2], "NA-448": ["Ship Survey & Incident Investigation", 2], "NA-416": ["Submarine Structure", 2], "NA-336": ["Computational Fluid Dynamics and Marine Applications", 2], "NA-417": ["Advanced Marine Structures", 2], "NA-418": ["Design of Foundations for Marine Structures", 2], "NA-353": ["Ocean Environmental Engineering", 2], "NA-354": ["Port and Harbor Engineering", 2], "NA-355": ["Underwater Work Systems", 2], "NA-456": ["Coastal Engineering", 2], "NA-457": ["Marine Production Tooling & Automation", 2], "NA-419": ["Advanced Marine Manufacturing Processes", 2], "NA-458": ["Fuel Cell Technology for Marine Applications", 2], "ME-106": ["Engineering Mechanics", 2.5], "CS-103": ["Information Tech For Business", 3], "ECO-213": ["Introduction To Microeconomics", 3], "MGT-163": ["Business Communication", 3], "MATH-114": ["Fundamentals of Business Mathematics", 3], "ACC-111": ["Fundamentals Of Financial Accounting", 3], "ECO-216": ["Introduction To Macroeconomics", 3], "MKT-201": ["Fundamentals Of Marketing", 3], "HU-113": ["Academic & Technical Writing", 3], "STAT-101": ["Statistics-I", 3], "ACC-112": ["Fundamentals Of Management Accounting", 3], "FIN-223": ["Fundamental Of Financial Management", 3], "MGT-111": ["Technology In Business", 2], "OTM-351": ["Introduction to Operations Management", 3], "MKT-221": ["International Business", 3], "STAT-221": ["Statistics-II ", 3], "ACC-221": ["Intermediate Financial Accounting", 3], "ECO-215": ["Fundamentals Of Econometrics", 3], "LAW-405": ["Corporate Law", 3], "MGT-321": ["Quantitative & Qualitative Research Methods", 3], "FIN-451": ["Advanced Financial Management", 3], "HRM-341": ["Organizational Theory And Design", 3], "MKT-323": ["Services Marketing", 3], "OTM-252": ["Introduction to Operations Research", 3], "HRM-342": ["Human Resource Management", 3], "CS-444": ["E-Commerce", 3], "MGT-402": ["Industry Analysis", 2], "MGT-403": ["Business Ethics & CSR", 3], "OTM-451": ["Essentials of Supply Chain Management", 3], "MGT-498": ["FYP", 3], "MGT-470": ["Strategic Management", 3], "MGT-499": ["FYP ", 3], "FIN-409": ["Analysis Of Financial Statements", 3], "FIN-421": ["Corporation Tax (Pakistan)", 3], "FIN-404": ["Principles Of Investments & Portfolio Management", 3], "FIN-403": ["Introduction to Bank Management", 3], "FIN-402": ["Islamic Finance", 3], "FIN-401": ["Fundamentals of Financial Institutions & Markets", 3], "FIN-405": ["Principles of Risk Management", 3], "FIN-415": ["Valuation Concepts", 3], "FIN-414": ["Ethics, Risk and Corporate Governance ", 3], "MGT-404": ["Leadership Theories & Practices", 3], "MGT-405": ["Strategic Hospitality Management", 3], "HRM-412": ["Workforce Diversity", 3], "MGT-406": ["Tourism Destination Management ", 3], "MGT-407": ["Sustainability in Hospitality", 3], "HRM-415": ["HRM in the Asian Context", 3], "HRM-411": ["Human Resource Development", 3], "HRM-414": ["Employee Relations", 3], "HRM-413": ["Workforce Planning & Managemen", 3], "HRM-418": ["Organizational Development & Change", 3], "HRM-416": ["Advanced Topics in HRM", 3], "HRM-417": ["Talent Attraction and Management ", 3], "HU-112": ["Industrial Psychology", 3], "HU-116": ["Anthropology", 3], "HU-208": ["International Relations", 3], "HU-215": ["Critical Reasoning", 3], "HU-216": ["Business & Society", 3], "HU-213": ["History", 3], "MKT-426": ["Advertising & Promotion", 3], "MKT-434": ["Direct Marketing", 3], "MKT-438": ["New Product Development and Design", 3], "MKT-421": ["Marketing Strategy ", 3], "MKT-422": ["Applied Marketing Research ", 3], "MKT-423": ["Online Marketing", 3], "MKT-424": ["Contemporary issues in Marketing ", 3], "MKT-425": ["International Business Marketing", 3], "MKT-441": ["Contemporary issues in International Business ", 3], "xxx": ["Elective 4", 3], "ACC-222": ["Intermediate Management Accounting", 3], "ACC-223": ["Audit & Assurance", 3], "ECO-320": ["Applied Time Series Finance", 3], "FIN-340": ["Financial Markets & Institutions", 3], "MGT-222": ["Business Management", 3], "ACC-344": ["Corporate Reporting", 3], "FIN-327": ["Ethics, Risk & Corporate Governance", 3], "FIN-341": ["Investment And Portfolio Management", 3], "MGT-320": ["Enterprise Mangement", 3], "FIN-329": ["Behavioral Finance", 3], "FIN-456": ["Financial Modelling", 3], "FIN-498": ["FYP", 3], "FIN-413": ["Financial Risk Management", 3], "FIN-422": ["Mergers And Acqusitions", 3], "FIN-499": ["FYP", 3], "ACC-325": ["Advanced Performance Management - I", 3], "ACC-443": ["Advanced Auditing And Assurance", 3], "FIN-452": ["Advanced Taxation", 3], "ACC-444": ["Financial Reporting and Analysis", 3], "FIN-325": ["Alternative Investments - Valuation", 3], "FIN-326": ["Equity Asset Valuation", 3], "FIN-342": ["Derivatives (Options, Swaps And Futures)", 3], "FIN-457": ["Fixed Income Securities", 3], "FIN-458": ["Microfinance", 3], "FIN-459": ["Strategic Accounting and Finance", 3], "HU-219": ["Philosophy", 3], "FIN-214": ["Islamic Banking And Finance", 3], "THM-101": ["Introduction to Tourism & Hospitality Management", 3], "THM-201": ["Food & Beverage Management", 3], "THM-202": ["Travel & Tour Operations Management", 3], "THM-221": ["Hospitality Managerial Accounting", 3], "THM-222": ["Hotel & Lodging Management", 3], "THM-301": ["Tourism Destination Management", 3], "THM-302": ["Financial Management for Hospitality Industry", 3], "THM-303": ["Economics of Tourism & Hospitality", 3], "THM-321": ["Sustainability in Tourism & Hospitality", 3], " THM-322": ["Information Systems for Tourism & Hospitality Management", 3], " THM-323": ["Human Resource Management for Tourism & Hospitality", 3], " THM-324": ["Sales & Marketing for Tourism & Hospitality", 3], " MKT-221": ["International Business ", 3], "THM-411": ["Food Safety & Hygiene", 3], "THM-412": ["Tourism Planning & Development", 3], "THM-421": ["Strategic Hospitality Management", 3], "THM-422": ["Event Management", 3], "THM-423": ["Economic & Financial Analysis in Tourism & Hospitality", 3], "THM-424": ["International Gastronomy", 3], "THM-425": ["Sports & Adventure Tourism", 3], "THM-426": ["Heritage Management", 3], "ARCH-161": ["Language Of Architecture I", 3], "MATH-141": ["Mathematics for Architects and Designers", 2], "ARCH-101": ["Basics of Design I", 6], "ARCH-151": ["Visual Communication I (FHD)", 3], "ARCH-150": ["Computer Applications", 2], "ARCH-102": ["Basics Of Design II", 6], "ARCH-130": ["Materials And Construction I", 2], "ARCH-152": ["Visual Communication Ii, Technical Drawing", 3], "ARCH-162": ["Language Of Architecture Ii", 3], "PHY-143": ["Physics for Architects & Designers", 2], "ARCH-201": ["Architectural Design Studio I", 6], "ARCH-210": ["Man And Environment", 3], "ARCH-231": ["Materials And Construction II", 3], "ARCH-241": ["Structure I", 3], "ARCH-263": ["History And Theory Of Architecture I", 3], "ARCH-202": ["Architectural Design Studio II", 6], "ARCH-212": ["Environmental Design I", 3], "ARCH-222": ["Environmental Systems I", 3], "ARCH-232": ["Materials And Construction III", 3], "ARCH-253": ["Visual Communication III, CAD", 3], "ARCH-264": ["History And Theory Of Architecture Ii", 3], "ARCH-301": ["Architectural Design Studio III", 6], "ARCH-311": ["Environmental Design Ii", 3], "ARCH-321": ["Environmental Systems Ii", 3], "ARCH-341": ["Structure II (Simulation)", 3], "ARCH-374": ["Elective Anthropology (Art Society/ Landscape)", 2], "ARCH-376": ["Housing and Domesticity in Architecture", 2], "ARCH-363 / ARCH-373": ["History & Theory of Architecture-III / Social Anthropology", 3.0], "ARCH-302": ["Architectural Design Studio IV", 6], "ARCH-304": ["Interior Design ( Studio And Theory)", 3], "ARCH-312": ["Environmental Design Iii (Energy Consideration)", 3], "ARCH-364": ["Heritage and Restoration (Studio)", 3], "ARCH-375": ["Elective (Visualization & Simulation )", 3], "ARCH-383": ["Elective (Art Workshop I)", 2], "ARCH-401": ["Architectural Design Studio V", 6], "ARCH-405": ["Landscape Design ( Studio And Theory)", 3], "ARCH-413": ["Environmental Simulation", 3], "ARCH-435": ["Elective (Building Material and Systems)", 2], "ARCH-444": ["Elective (Structural Systems) ", 2], "ARCH-483": ["Elective (Art Workshop II ) (i) Parametric (ii) Interior Design ", 0], "ARCH-402": ["Architectural Design Studio Vi", 6], "ARCH-406": ["Urban Design ( Studio And Theory)", 3], "ARCH-434": ["Construction Management", 3], "ARCH-454": ["Elective (Computational Design)", 2], "ARCH-456": ["Research Methods", 2], "ARCH-466": ["Contemporary Arch. Discourse", 2], "ARCH-501": ["Architectural Design Studio VII", 8], "ARCH-507": ["Thesis Research", 3], "ARCH-530": ["Professional Practice And Ethics", 2], "GIE-206": ["Fundamentals of GIS for Architects", 3], "ARCH-502": ["Architectural Design Studio VIII", 8], "A/ARCH-562": ["Advance Building Construction & Detailing / Architectonics and Architectural Discourse", 2.0], "ID-121": ["Introduction To Industrial Design", 3], "ID-102": ["Basic Design ID", 6], "ID-112": ["Design Communication I", 3], "ID-122": ["Language Of Design", 3], "ID-143": ["Manufacturing Materials", 3], "ID-203": ["Industrial Design I", 6], "ID-213": ["Design Communication II", 3], "ID-223": ["Design History I", 3], "ID-244": ["Manufacturing Processes", 3], "ID-265": ["Elective (Automotive Design-I)", 2], "ID-290": ["Summer Practice on workshop technology", 0], "ID-131": ["Introduction To Design Research", 2], "ID-204": ["Industrial Design II", 6], "ID-214": ["Design Communication III", 3], "ID-224": ["Design History Ii", 3], "ID-232": ["Ergonomics", 3], "ID-305": ["Industrial Design III", 6], "ID-315": ["Computer Graphics I", 3], "ID-333": ["Design Research", 3], "ID-353": ["Entrepreneurship and Marketing", 3], "ID-363 / ID-361": ["Elective: Footware/Apparel Design or Elective: Traditional Arts & Crafts", 3], "ID-306": ["Industrial Design IV", 6], "ID-325": ["Contemporary Design Discourse", 3], "ID-352": ["Design Management", 3], "ID-362 / ID-375 ": ["Elective: Textile & Fabrication Design / Elective: Print Design ", 5.0], "ID-374": ["Elective : Photography for Designers", 3], "ID-434": ["Graduation Project Research", 3], "ID-407": ["Industrial Design V", 6], "ID-416": ["Portfolio Presentation", 2], "ID-472 / ID-473": ["Elective: Automotive Design II / Elective: Interaction Design ", 5.0], "ID-463": ["Elective: Sustainable Design ", 3], "ID-408": ["Graduation Project", 6], "ID-426": ["Professional Practice", 3], "ID-461": ["Elective: Universal Design ", 2], "ID-465": ["Elective: Sustainable Design II ", 2], "ID-475": ["Print Design- II", 3], "ID-466": ["Interior Design", 3], "ID-467": ["Jewellery Design", 3], "CS-106": ["Introduction To It", 3], "MATH-109": ["Mathematics", 3], "MCF-111": ["Introduction To Mass Communication", 3], "ECO-103": ["Economics-I", 3], "GPA-101": ["Intro To Public Administration", 3], "STAT-103": ["Introduction To Statistics", 3], "PSY-101": ["Introduction to Psychology", 3], "ECO-113": ["Economics -II", 3], "ECO-202": ["Intermediate Microeconomics", 3], "ECO-222": ["Mathematics-II", 3], "ECO-232": ["Elective-I (Resource Economics)", 3], "FIN-103": ["Financial Accounting", 3], "ECO-131": ["Development Economics", 3], "ECO-212": ["Intermediate Macroeconomics", 3], "ECO-224": ["Probability Theory", 3], "ECO-233": ["Elective-II (Agriculture Economics & Food Policy)", 3], "OTM-312": ["Project Management", 3], "ECO-303": ["Microeconomic Theory", 3], "ECO-314": ["Elective-V (Monetary Economics)", 3], "ECO-325": ["Introduction to Econometrics", 3], "ECO-341": ["Elective-III (Labor Economics)", 3], "GPA-406": ["Elective-IV (Public Finance)", 3], "ECO-313": ["Macroeconomic Theory", 3], "ECO-326": ["Applied Econometrics", 3], "ECO-334": ["Economy Of Pakistan", 3], "ECO-361": ["Elective-VI (International Trade)", 3], "ECO-371": ["Environmental Economics", 3], "ECO-381": ["Elective-VIII (Comparative Economic System)", 3], "ECO-404": ["Elective-IX (Game Theory)", 3], "ECO-472": ["Urban Economics", 3], "ECO-490": ["Research Methodology", 3], "ECO-435": ["History Of Economic Thought", 3], "ECO-462": ["International Finance", 3], "ECO-405": ["General Equilibrium And Welfare Economics", 3], "ECO-436": ["Poverty And Income Distribution", 3], "ECO-491": ["Applied Economics", 3], "ECO-499": ["Research Project", 6], "ECO-344": ["Population Economics", 3], "ECO-382": ["Budgeting And Financial Planning", 3], "ECO-391": ["Unions & Labor Laws", 3], "ECO-416": ["Monetary Policy", 3], "ECO-441": ["Labor Economics-Ii", 3], "ECO-442": ["Human Resource Development", 3], "ECO-444": ["Demographic Studies", 3], "ECO-451": ["Economics Of Public Policy", 3], "ECO-461": ["Trade Policy", 3], "ECO-473": ["Industrial Economics", 3], "ECO-482": ["Islamaic Economics", 3], "ECO-492": ["Economics Of Regulation & Competition Policy", 3], "HU-331": ["Development Experience of China", 3], "ECO-431": ["Financial Economics", 3], "ECO-454": ["Introduction to Computing for Economics", 3], "ECO-455": ["Behavioral and Experimental Economics", 3], "CPS-102": ["International Peace and Security (IPS)", 3], "ECO-445": ["Economics of Local and Regional Development", 3], "ECO-446": ["Introduction to Time Series Analysis", 3], "ECO-447": ["Design of Experiments", 3], "ECO-345": ["Introduction to Linear Algebra", 3], "ECO-453": ["Fiscal Policy ", 3], "MCF-231": ["Mass Media In Pakistan", 3], "MCF-361": ["Public Relations: Principles & Practices", 3], "MCG-125": ["Gender & Media Studies", 3], "MCG-223": ["Graphics & Design", 3], "MCM-242": ["Idea Development", 3], "MCF-233": ["Theories of Visual Culture", 3], "MCF-242": ["News Reporting & Writing", 3], "MCM-244": ["Media Law And Ethics", 3], "MKT-209": ["Principles Of Advertising", 3], "MCG-264": ["Essentials of Media Editing", 3], "MCF-262": ["Introduction to Photography", 3], "MCM-246": ["Introduction to Research Design", 3], "MCF-351": ["On-Line Journalism", 3], "MCF-363": ["Introduction to Visual Storytelling", 3], "MCF-261": ["Radio Production", 3], "MCM-243": ["Language and Communication Processes", 3], "MCM-346": ["Theories of Mass Communication", 3], "MCM-241": ["Media Industries", 3], "MCM-344": ["Seminar on Global and Political Communication", 3], "MCM-345": ["Sampling Design and Measurement Techniques", 3], "MCG-326": ["Media Entrepreneurship", 3], "MCM-488": ["Mandatory Internship (6-8 Weeks)", 0], "MCM-355": ["Development Support Communication", 3], "MCM-471": ["Research Methods In Communication", 3], "MCG-237": ["Social Media Research ", 3], "MCM-499": ["Thesis Writing", 3], "MCA-373": ["Trends in New Media", 3], "MCA-374": ["Copywriting and Art Direction", 3], "MCA-477": ["Issues & Crisis Management", 3], "MCA-478": ["Corporate Media Strategy & Tactics", 3], "MCA-475": ["Contemporary Issues in Advertising", 3], "MCA-470": ["Media Planning", 3], "MCA-479": ["Designing Interactions", 3], "MCA-476": ["PR Writing", 3], "MCP-366": ["Producing the Short", 3], "MCP-367": ["Script Development", 3], "MCP-462": ["Directing for Camera", 3], "MCP-466": ["Producing for the Web", 3], "MCP-464": ["Animation", 3], "MCP-465": ["Sound Design", 3], "MCP-467": ["Entertainment Education", 3], "MCP-461": ["Advanced Editing", 3], "MCP-463": ["Working with Actors", 3], "MCJ-455": ["Documentary", 3], "MCJ-456": ["Digital Storytelling", 3], "MCJ-454": ["News Editing", 3], "MCJ-457": ["Broadcast Journalism", 3], "MCJ-352": ["Investigative Journalism", 3], "MCJ-459": ["Contemporary Issues in Digital Journalism", 3], "MCJ-458": ["Advanced News Reporting", 3], "MCJ-353": ["Web Analytics", 3], "MCJ-351": ["Intermediate Writing", 3], "GPS-101": ["Intro To Political Science", 3], "LAW-201": ["Law And Governance", 3], "GPA-205": ["Management Theory And Practice For Public Sector", 3], "GPA-206": ["Pakistan\\\\\\'s Domestic Issues and Public Sector", 3], "GPS-202": ["Introduction to World History", 3], "GPA-203": ["E-Governance: Theory & Practice", 3], "LAW-202": ["Islamic Theory Of Governance: Role Of Law And Jurisprudence", 3], "GPA-207": ["Public Policy Analysis", 3], "GPA-204": ["Research Methods and Techniques", 3], "GPA-311": ["Public Financial Management ", 3], "GPA-312": ["Social Entrepreneurship", 3], "GPA-313": ["Institutional Analysis: Theory and Practice", 3], "GPA-314": ["Introduction to International Relations", 3], "LAW-301": ["Corporate Law and Governance", 3], "GPA-308": ["Project Planning And Management For Public Sector", 3], "GPA-315": ["Applied Statistics for Management ", 3], "GPA-316": ["Urban Planning and Development ", 3], "GPA-317": ["Environmental Issues and Management", 3], "GPA-318": ["Public Personnel Management ", 3], "GPA-413": ["Public Sector Reforms: Development And Social Changes", 3], "GPA-4xx": ["Elective-V", 3], "GPA-415": ["Comparative Public Administration ", 3], "GPA-499": ["Research Project", 6], "GPA-412": ["Theory And Practice Of Local Governance", 3], "GPA-416": ["Contemporary Issues in Social Policy", 3], "GPA-417": ["Public Health Policy", 3], "GPA-418": ["Development Policy", 3], "GPA-419": ["Strategic Management", 3], "GPA-420": ["International Political Economy ", 3], "GPA-421": ["Conflict Resolution and Transformation ", 3], "GPA-422": ["Human Security", 3], "GPA-423": ["Disaster Management and Risk Reduction (DMRR)", 3], "GPA-424": ["Market Economy and Government", 3], "GPA-425": ["Challenges to National Integration", 3], "GPA-426": ["Gender Studies", 3], "GPA-427": ["Criminology ", 3], "MKT-101": ["Principles Of Marketing", 3], "GPS-102": ["Issues In Pakistan Politics", 3], "GPS-201": ["International Relations And Diplomacy", 3], "GPS-304": ["Pakistan\u2019S Domestic Policy", 3], "GPA-305": ["Environmental Geography", 3], "GPA-307": ["Urban Planning And Administration", 3], "GPA-407": ["Comparative Public Administration Systems", 3], "GPA-408": ["Public Personnel Administration", 3], "FIN-407": ["Financial Institutions & Markets", 3], "GPA-411": ["Issue In Environmental And Natural Resources Politics And Policy", 3], "LAW-404": ["Forensics & Investigation", 3], "GPA-414": ["Administrative Responsibility And Ethics", 3], "PSY-102": ["History & Schools of Psychology", 3], "PSY-201": ["Personality Theories - I", 3], "PSY-202": ["Introduction to Social Psychology", 3], "PSY-203": ["Life Span Development", 3], "PSY-204": ["Cognitive Psychology", 3], "PSY-205": ["Experimental Psychology", 3], "PSY-206": ["Neurological Basis of Behavior I", 3], "PSY-207": ["Personality Theories \u2013 II", 3], "PSY-301": ["General Anthropology ", 3], "PSY-302": ["Neurological Basis of Behavior II", 3], "PSY-303": ["Mental Health and Psycho-pathology \u2013 I", 3], "PSY-304": ["Psychological Assessment\u2013 I", 3], "PSY-305": ["Psychological Test Construction I ", 3], "PSY-306": ["Research Methods I (Quantitative)", 2], "PSY-307": ["Mental Health and Psycho-pathology \u2013 II", 3], "PSY-308": ["Research Methods II (Qualitative)", 2], "PSY-309": ["Applied Statistics ", 3], "PSY-310": ["Psychological Assessment\u2013 II", 3], "PSY-311": ["Psychological Test Construction\u2013 II", 3], "PSY-401": ["Social & Cultural Foundations", 3], "PSY-402": ["Foundational Counseling Skills", 3], "PSY-403": ["Developmental Psychopathology", 3], "PSY-499": ["Research project (In the area of selected major)", 6], "PSY-405": ["Prevention Science ", 3], "PSY-406": ["Essentials of School Psychology", 3], "PSY-407": ["Therapeutic Paradigms in Counseling Psychology", 3], "PSY-408": ["Health & Epidemiology", 3], "PSY-409": ["Child and Maternal Mental Health", 3], "PSY-410": ["Project Cycle Management", 3], "PSY-411": ["Stress and Conflict Management", 3], "PSY-412": ["School Based Interventions", 3], "PSY-413": ["Counseling Individuals with Diverse Needs", 3], "PSY-414": ["Cognitive Neuroscience", 3], "PSY-415": ["Mind, Brain and Education", 3], "PSY-416": ["Educational Technology", 3], "PSY-417": ["Group Dynamics & Processes ", 3], "LLB-111": ["English-I", 3], "LLB-112": ["Pakistan Studies", 3], "LLB-115": ["Introduction to Law ", 3], "LLB-116": ["Skills Development", 3], "LLB-121": ["English \u2013II ", 3], "LLB-122": ["Islamic Studies/Ethics ", 3], "LLB-127": ["Jurisprudence I", 3], "LLB-211": ["English-III ", 3], "LLB-212": ["Introduction to Logic and Reasoning", 3], "LLB-213 ": ["History (South Asia)", 3], "LLB-214": ["Law of Torts-I", 3], "LLB-215": ["Law of Contract \u2013 I", 3], "LLB-221": ["Jurisprudence-II", 3], "LLB-216": ["Law of Torts-II", 3], "LLB-222": ["Law of Property", 3], "LLB-223": ["Law of Contract-II", 3], "LLB-224": ["Islamic Jurisprudence \u2013 I", 3], "LLB-225": ["Public International Law-I", 3], "LLB-226": ["Constitutional Developments in Pakistan", 3], "LLB-311": ["Islamic Jurisprudence \u2013 II", 3], "LLB-312": ["Constitutional law-I", 3], "LLB-313 ": ["Islamic Personal Law \u2013 I", 3], "LLB-314": ["Criminal Law-I", 3], "LLB-315": ["Moot Cases", 3], "LLB-316": ["Public International Law-II", 3], "LLB-321": ["Constitutional Law\u2013 II", 3], "LLB-322": ["Law of Business Organizations", 3], "LLB-323": ["Islamic Personal Law \u2013 II", 3], "LLB-324": ["Criminal Law - II", 3], "LLB-325": ["Land Laws", 3], "LLB-326": ["Equity and Specific Relief", 3], "LLB-412": ["Constitution of Pakistan ", 3], "LLB-413 ": ["Civil Procedure-I", 3], "LLB-414": ["Criminal Procedure \u2013 I", 3], "LLB-415": ["Law of Evidence \u2013 I", 3], "LLB-416": ["Legal Drafting \u2013 I", 3], "LLB-422": ["Research Methods", 3], "LLB-423": ["Civil Procedure \u2013 II", 3], "LLB-424": ["Criminal Procedure \u2013 II", 3], "LLB-425": ["Law of Evidence \u2013 II", 3], "LLB-426": ["Legal Drafting \u2013 II", 3], "LLB-516": ["Internship / Participation in Law Clinics (10-12 Weeks)", 3], "LLB-512": ["Minor Acts", 3], "LLB-513 ": ["Medical Jurisprudence", 3], "LLB-514": ["Human Rights", 3], "LLB-521": ["Administrative Law", 3], "LLB-522": ["Interpretation of Statutes and Legislative Drafting", 3], "LLB-523": ["Research Project", 3], "BIO-206": ["Plant Physiology", 2], "BIT-110": ["Biotechnology", 3], "CS-101": ["Computer Fundamentals", 2], "MATH-100": ["Basic Mathematics", 3], "VAI-248": ["Microbiology And Virology", 2], "BIO-108": ["Biochemistry-I", 3], "BIO-102": ["Biostatistics", 3], "BIO-103": ["Biodiversity", 3], "BIO-104": ["General Genetics", 3], "BIO-105": ["Cell Biology", 2], "BIO-217": ["Biochemistry-II", 3], "BIO-101": ["Biophysics", 3], "BIO-207": ["Molecular Biology", 3], "BIO-209": ["Enzymology ", 3], "VAI-240": ["Immunology", 3], "BIO-203": ["Cell Signaling", 3], "BIO-204": ["Human Biology and Pathology", 3], "BIO-205": ["Bio Informatics", 2], "BPH-276": ["Toxicology", 3], "ABT-320": ["Principles of Crop Production", 3], "BIT-313": ["Food Biotechnology", 3], "FAB-368": ["Fermentation Biotechnology", 3], "ABT-321": ["Livestock Development", 2], "BIT-319": ["Modern Research Techniques", 3], "FAB-369": ["Marine Biotechnology", 2], "VAI-311": ["Molecular Immunology", 3], "BIT-412": ["Principles Of Health Care Management", 3], "RAB-499": ["Research Project", 4], "VAI-442": ["Gene Therapy And Viral Vectors", 3], "RAB-491": ["Research Planning And Report Writing", 3], "BPH-372": ["Pharmacology", 3], "BPH-375": ["Immunopathology and Immunotherapy", 3], "BPH-473": ["Medicinal Plants", 3], "VAI-444": ["Antiviral Approaches", 3], "BPH-371": ["Biopharmaceuticals and Basic Pharmacokinetics", 3], "FAB-360": ["Intro to Food Analysis", 3], "FAB-361": ["Food, Nutrition And Public Health", 3], "FAB-362": ["Plant Biotechnology", 2], "FAB-366": ["Food Microbiology", 2], "FAB-465": ["Sustainable Agriculture", 3], "BIT-311": ["Introduction To Laboratory Medicine", 3], "MTD-353": ["Clinical Biochemistry", 3], "MTD-356": ["Clinical Genetics", 3], "MTD-457": ["Molecular Techniques In Diagnostics", 1], "MTD-452": ["Introduction to Forensics", 3], "VAI-341": ["Bacteriophages & Phage Therapy", 3], "VAI-343": ["Plant Immunology", 3], "VAI-345": ["Plant Virology", 3], "VAI-446": ["Clinical Immunology", 3], "HU-110": ["English-I", 3], "BIT-115": ["Cell Biology", 3], "BIT-217": ["Biochemistry-I", 3], "BIT-210": ["Molecular Biology ", 3], "BIT-218": ["Microbiology and Virology ", 3], "BIT-116": ["General Genetics", 3], "BIT-320": ["Biochemistry -II", 3], "BIT-215": ["Bioinformatics ", 3], "BIT-410": ["Agriculture Biotechnology", 3], "BIT-312": ["Vaccinology (M)", 3], "BIT-411": ["Health Biotechnology", 3], "BIT-419": ["Environment Biotechnology", 3], "BIT-418": ["Genomics and Proteomics", 3], "BIT-413": ["Research Planning and Report Writing", 3], "BIT-415": ["Industrial Biotechnology", 3], "BIT-414": ["Gene Therapy and Viral Vectors", 3], "PLB-436": ["Agriculture and Climate Change", 3], "MIC-357": ["Environmental Microbiology and Public health", 3], "MIC-450": ["Epidemiology: Analytical and Experimental Approaches", 3], "MIC- 452": ["Food Preservation Technology", 3], "BIT-416": ["Biosensors and Chip Technologies", 3], "BIT-417": ["Principles of Biomedical Engineering", 3], "CHE-202": ["Chemical Process Technology", 4], "CH-103": ["Chemistry", 4], "PHY-106": ["Mechanics", 4], "PHY-107": ["Electricity and Magnetism", 4], "FL-100": ["Foreign Language", 3], "ECO-101": ["Principles of Microeconomics", 3], "MATH-213": ["Calculus-III", 3], "MATH-274": ["Elementary Number Theory", 3], "MATH-272": ["Discrete Mathematics and Applications", 3], "MATH-263": ["Probability Theory", 3], "MATH-242": ["Real Analysis-I", 3], "MATH-235": ["Mathematical Computing", 3], "MATH-321": ["Linear Algebra", 4], "ECO-111/ CS-220": ["Principles of Macroeconomics/ Database Systems", 4.0], "MATH-264": ["Introduction to Statistics", 3], "MATH-343": ["Complex Analysis", 3], "MATH-342": ["Real Analysis-II", 3], "MATH-251": ["Ordinary Differential Equations-I", 3], "MATH-345": ["Topology-I", 3], "MATH-332": ["Numerical Analysis-I", 3], "MATH-354": ["Calculus of Variations", 3], "MATH-353": ["Partial Differential Equations", 3], "MATH-382": ["Differential Geometry", 3], "MATH-325": ["Group Theory-I", 3], "MATH-452": ["Ordinary Differential Equations-II", 3], "MATH-491": ["Fluid Mechanics", 3], "MATH-423": ["Rings and Fields", 3], "MATH-457": ["Mathematical Modelling", 3], "MATH-446": ["Functional Analysis", 3], "MATH-455": ["Integral Equations", 3], "DS-401": ["Introduction to Data Science", 3], "DS-402": ["Machine Learning for Data Analysis", 4], "DS-403": ["Data Mining for Big Data", 3], "DS-404": ["Information Visualization", 3], "MATH-473": ["Operations Research", 3], "MATH-463": ["Stochastic Processes", 3], "MATH-475": ["Game Theory", 3], "MATH-421": ["Group Theory-II", 3], "MATH-427": ["Module Theory", 3], "MATH-433": ["Numerical Analysis-II", 3], "MATH-447": ["Measure and Integration", 3], "PHY-203": ["Classical Mechanics-I", 3], "PHY-204": ["Electrodynamics-I", 3], "PHY-302": ["Quantum Mechanics-I", 3], "PHY-361": ["Special Relativity", 3], "MATH-456": ["Discrete Dynamical Systems", 3], "MATH-445": ["Measure and Integration", 3], "MATH-471": ["Cryptography", 3], "MATH-483": ["Spherical Trigonometry", 3], "MATH-434": ["Numerical Linear Algebra", 3], "MATH-435": ["Introductions to Finite Element Methods", 3], "MATH-436": ["Introduction to Aproximation Theory", 3], "MATH-492": ["Computational Fluid Dynamics", 3], "PHY-462": ["General Relativity", 3], "MATH-480": ["Tensor Calculus", 3], "BIO-110": ["Introductory Biology", 3], "MATH-261": ["Mathematical Statistics-I", 3], "ECO-111": ["Principles of Macroeconomics", 3], "MATH-262": ["Mathematical Statistics -II", 3], "MATH-344": ["Metric and Topological Spaces", 3], "MATH-381": ["Differential Geometry-I", 3], "MATH-322": ["Group Theory", 3], "MATH-425": ["Group Theory-I", 3], "MATH-482": ["Differential Geometry-II", 3], "MATH-424": ["Advanced Group Theory-I", 3], "MATH-206": ["Linear Algebra for Physicists", 3], "PHY-201": ["Modern Physics", 3], "PHY-202": ["Waves and Oscillations", 3], "MATH-205": ["Differential Equations for Physicists", 3], "PHY-261": ["Astronomy", 3], "PHY-205": ["Thermal Physics", 3], "PHY-212": ["Mathematical Methods for Physicists-I", 3], "PHY-291": ["Electronics", 3], "PHY-301": ["Electrodynamics-II", 3], "PHY-303": ["Statistical Mechanics-I", 3], "PHY-312": ["Mathematical Methods for Physicists-II", 3], "PHY-391": ["Lab I", 2], "PHY-321": ["Condensed Matter - I", 3], "PHY-304": ["Quantum Mechanics-II", 3], "PHY-392": ["Lab II", 2], "PHY-471": ["Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics", 3], "PHY-422": ["Condensed Matter II", 3], "PHY-411": ["Group Theory", 3], "MSE-343": ["Composite Materials", 3], "PHY-483": ["Material Science", 3], "PHY-481": ["Introduction to Nanomaterials", 3], "PHY-485": ["Characterization of Materials", 3], "PHY-484": ["Surfaces and Interfaces", 3], "PHY-482": ["Smart NanoMaterials", 3], "PHY-486": ["Functional Properties of Materials", 3], "PHY-433": ["Quantum Information", 3], "PHY-441": ["Particle Physics-I", 3], "PHY-421": ["Statistical Mechanics-II", 3], "PHY-451": ["Introduction to Plasma Physics", 3], "PHY-412": ["Classical Mechanics II", 3], "PHY-431": ["Advanced Quantum Mechanics", 3], "PHY-432": ["Foundations of Quantum Mechanics", 3], "PHY-434": ["Quantum Computation", 3], "PHY-435": ["Quantum Optics", 3], "PHY-442": ["Particle Physics II", 3], "PHY-443": ["Quantum Field Theory", 3], "PHY-452": ["Kinetic Theory of Plasma waves", 3], "PHY-461": ["Astrophysics", 3], "PHY-463": ["Cosmology", 3], "PHY-464": ["Relativistic Astrophysics", 3], "CHE-100": ["Chemical Process Principles", 3], "CH-150": ["Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry", 4], "MATH-118": ["Mathematics for Chemists-I", 3], "CH-111": ["Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry", 4], "CH-280": ["Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry", 4], "CH-250": ["Inorganic Chemistry-I", 4], "MATH-224": ["Mathematics for Chemists-II", 3], "CH-270": ["Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry", 4], "CH-210": ["Analytical Chemistry-I", 4], "CH-380": ["Physical Chemistry-I", 4], "CH-332": ["Chemistry of Environment", 3], "CH-311": ["Analytical Chemistry-II", 4], "CH-370": ["Organic Chemistry-I", 4], "CH-360": ["Nanochemistry-1", 2], "CH-382": ["Physical Chemistry-II", 4], "CH-351": ["Inorganic Chemistry-II", 4], "CH-371": ["Organic Chemistry-II", 4], "CH-340": ["Industrial Chemistry", 3], "CH-499": ["Research Thesis / Project / Advanced Lab", -3], "CH-4XX": ["Elective-VII", 3], "CH-410": ["Analytical Techniques-I", 3], "CH-411": ["Nuclear Spectroscopy Techniques", 3], "CH-412": ["Electrochemical Techniques", 3], "CH-413": ["Analytical Techniques-II", 3], "CH-414": ["Advanced Separation Techniques", 3], "CH-450": ["Organometallics", 3], "CH-451": ["Chemical Crystallography", 3], "CH-454": ["Group Theory in Chemistry", 3], "CH-453": ["Inorganic Polymers", 3], "CH-455": ["Coordination Chemistry", 3], "CH-461": ["Nanobiology", 3], "CH-462": ["Nanohybrid Systems", 3], "CH-463": ["Adv Nanomaterials", 3], "CH-464": ["Analytical Tech in Nanochemistry", 3], "CH-465": ["Nanomaterials for Envmt and Catalysis", 3], "CH-466": ["Nanochemistry-II", 3], "CH-470": ["Heterocyclic and Organometallic Compounds", 3], "CH-471": ["Reactive Intermediates", 3], "CH-472": ["Organic Spectroscopy-I", 3], "CH-474": ["Organic Spectroscopy-II", 3], "CH-475": ["Natural Products", 3], "CH-476": ["Organic Synthesis", 3], "CH-477": ["Medicinal Chemistry", 3], "CH-480": ["Solid State Chemistry", 3], "CH-481": ["Quantum Chemistry", 3], "CH-482": ["Radiation and Photochemistry", 3], "CH-483": ["Polymer Chemistry", 3], "CH-484": ["Adv Chemical Kinetics", 3], "CH-485": ["Colloid and Surface Chemistry", 3]}