diff --git a/examples/run.py b/examples/run.py
index 273ec77..43ad8c0 100644
--- a/examples/run.py
+++ b/examples/run.py
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
 _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-ADDRESS = "D0291B39-3A1B-7FF2-787B-4E743FED5B25"
-ADDRESS = "D0291B39-3A1B-7FF2-787B-4E743FED5B25"
+ADDRESS = "BE:27:E1:00:10:63"  # Hello Fairy-1063PPPP
 async def run() -> None:
@@ -34,20 +33,36 @@ def on_state_changed(state: LEDBLEState) -> None:
     device = await future
     led = LEDBLE(device)
     cancel_callback = led.register_callback(on_state_changed)
+    _LOGGER.info("update...")
     await led.update()
+    _LOGGER.info("turn_on...")
     await led.turn_on()
+    _LOGGER.info("set_rgb(red)...")
     await led.set_rgb((255, 0, 0), 255)
     await asyncio.sleep(1)
+    _LOGGER.info("set_rgb(green)...")
     await led.set_rgb((0, 255, 0), 128)
     await asyncio.sleep(1)
+    _LOGGER.info("set_rgb(blue)...")
     await led.set_rgb((0, 0, 255), 255)
     await asyncio.sleep(1)
+    _LOGGER.info("set_rgbw(white)...")
     await led.set_rgbw((255, 255, 255, 128), 255)
     await asyncio.sleep(1)
+    _LOGGER.info("set_preset_pattern(1)...")
+    await led.async_set_preset_pattern(1, 100, 100)
+    await asyncio.sleep(2)
+    _LOGGER.info("set_preset_pattern(59)...")
+    await led.async_set_preset_pattern(59, 100, 100)
+    await asyncio.sleep(2)
+    _LOGGER.info("turn_off...")
     await led.turn_off()
+    _LOGGER.info("update...")
     await led.update()
+    _LOGGER.info("finish...")
     await scanner.stop()
+    _LOGGER.info("done")
diff --git a/src/led_ble/const.py b/src/led_ble/const.py
index cc904af..0ca7485 100644
--- a/src/led_ble/const.py
+++ b/src/led_ble/const.py
@@ -11,11 +11,16 @@ class CharacteristicMissingError(Exception):
     """Raised when a characteristic is missing."""
+HELLO_FAIRY_WRITE_CHARACTERISTIC = "49535343-8841-43f4-a8d4-ecbe34729bb3"
+HELLO_FAIRY_READ_CHARACTERISTIC = "49535343-1e4d-4bd9-ba61-23c647249616"
     BASE_UUID_FORMAT.format(part) for part in ["ff01", "ffd5", "ffd9", "ffe5", "ffe9"]
     BASE_UUID_FORMAT.format(part) for part in ["ff02", "ffd0", "ffd4", "ffe0", "ffe4"]
 QUERY_STATE_BYTES = bytearray([0xEF, 0x01, 0x77])
diff --git a/src/led_ble/led_ble.py b/src/led_ble/led_ble.py
index c7c05f6..91164eb 100644
--- a/src/led_ble/led_ble.py
+++ b/src/led_ble/led_ble.py
@@ -25,8 +25,10 @@
 from flux_led.utils import rgbw_brightness
 from led_ble.model_db import LEDBLEModel
+from led_ble.protocol import ProtocolFairy
 from .const import (
@@ -279,10 +281,14 @@ def _generate_preset_pattern(
             brightness = int(brightness * 255 / 100)
             speed = int(speed * 255 / 100)
             return bytearray([0x9E, 0x00, pattern, speed, brightness, 0x00, 0xE9])
-        PresetPattern.valid_or_raise(pattern)
+        if not self._is_hello_fairy():
+            PresetPattern.valid_or_raise(pattern)
         if not (1 <= brightness <= 100):
             raise ValueError("Brightness must be between 1 and 100")
         assert self._protocol is not None  # nosec
+        if self._is_hello_fairy() and pattern > 58:
+            rgb = [[255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0], [0, 0, 255]] * 8 + [[255, 0, 0]]
+            return self._protocol.construct_custom_effect(rgb, speed, "")
         return self._protocol.construct_preset_pattern(pattern, speed, brightness)
     async def async_set_preset_pattern(
@@ -431,29 +437,64 @@ def _named_effect(self) -> str | None:
         """Returns the named effect."""
         return EFFECT_ID_NAME.get(self.preset_pattern_num)
+    # ideally replace with classes to encapsulate the differences between device makes
+    def _is_hello_fairy(self) -> bool:
+        if self._read_char is None:
+            return False
+        d = self._read_char.descriptors
+        c = d[0].characteristic_uuid if (len(d) > 0) else None
     def _notification_handler(self, _sender: int, data: bytearray) -> None:
         """Handle notification responses."""
         _LOGGER.debug("%s: Notification received: %s", self.name, data.hex())
-        if len(data) == 4 and data[0] == 0xCC:
-            on = data[1] == 0x23
-            self._state = replace(self._state, power=on)
-            return
-        if len(data) < 11:
-            return
-        model_num = data[1]
-        on = data[2] == 0x23
-        preset_pattern = data[3]
-        mode = data[4]
-        speed = data[5]
-        r = data[6]
-        g = data[7]
-        b = data[8]
-        w = data[9]
-        version = data[10]
-        self._state = LEDBLEState(
-            on, (r, g, b), w, model_num, preset_pattern, mode, speed, version
-        )
+        model_num = 0
+        if self._is_hello_fairy():
+            if data[0] == 0xAA:
+                if data[1] == 0x00:  # hw info
+                    if len(data) > 7:
+                        version_string = data[3:8].decode("ascii")
+                        _LOGGER.debug("version %s", version_string)
+                        self._state = replace(
+                            self._state,
+                            version_num=(data[3] - 48) * 100
+                            + (data[5] - 48) * 10
+                            + (data[7] - 48),
+                        )
+                    if len(data) > 12:
+                        model = data[8:13].decode("ascii")
+                        _LOGGER.debug("model %s", model)
+                    if len(data) > 24:
+                        lights = data[24]  # guessing
+                        _LOGGER.debug("lights %d", lights)
+                    if len(data) > 33:
+                        effects = data[33]  # guessing
+                        _LOGGER.debug("effects %d", effects)
+                if data[1] == 0x01:  # state info
+                    if len(data) > 6:
+                        self._state = replace(self._state, power=data[6] > 0)
+        else:
+            if len(data) == 4 and data[0] == 0xCC:
+                on = data[1] == 0x23
+                self._state = replace(self._state, power=on)
+                return
+            if len(data) < 11:
+                return
+            model_num = data[1]
+            on = data[2] == 0x23
+            preset_pattern = data[3]
+            mode = data[4]
+            speed = data[5]
+            r = data[6]
+            g = data[7]
+            b = data[8]
+            w = data[9]
+            version = data[10]
+            self._state = LEDBLEState(
+                on, (r, g, b), w, model_num, preset_pattern, mode, speed, version
+            )
             "%s: Notification received; RSSI: %s: %s %s",
@@ -466,8 +507,10 @@ def _notification_handler(self, _sender: int, data: bytearray) -> None:
         if not self._resolve_protocol_event.is_set():
             self._model_data = get_model(model_num)
-            self._set_protocol(self._model_data.protocol_for_version_num(version))
+            if self._is_hello_fairy():
+                self._protocol = ProtocolFairy()
+            else:
+                self._set_protocol(self._model_data.protocol_for_version_num(version))
     def _reset_disconnect_timer(self) -> None:
@@ -622,13 +665,23 @@ def _resolve_characteristics(self, services: BleakGATTServiceCollection) -> bool
             if char := services.get_characteristic(characteristic):
                 self._write_char = char
+        _LOGGER.debug(
+            "using characteristic %s for read, characteristic %s for write",
+            self._read_char,
+            self._write_char,
+        )
         return bool(self._read_char and self._write_char)
     async def _resolve_protocol(self) -> None:
         """Resolve protocol."""
         if self._resolve_protocol_event.is_set():
-        await self._send_command_while_connected([STATE_COMMAND])
+        if self._is_hello_fairy():
+            await self._send_command_while_connected(
+                [b"\xaa\x00\x00\xaa"]
+            )  # get version and capabilities
+        else:
+            await self._send_command_while_connected([STATE_COMMAND])
         async with asyncio_timeout(10):
             await self._resolve_protocol_event.wait()
diff --git a/src/led_ble/model_db.py b/src/led_ble/model_db.py
index 70cb25b..ec455ed 100644
--- a/src/led_ble/model_db.py
+++ b/src/led_ble/model_db.py
@@ -31,6 +31,15 @@ def protocol_for_version_num(self, version_num: int) -> str:
+    LEDBLEModel(
+        model_num=0x00,
+        models=["Hello Fairy:BMSL6"],
+        description="Controller RGB",
+        protocols=[
+            MinVersionProtocol(0, "Fairy"),
+        ],
+        color_modes=COLOR_MODES_RGB_W,  # Formerly rgbwcapable
+    ),
diff --git a/src/led_ble/protocol.py b/src/led_ble/protocol.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa3ba40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/led_ble/protocol.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import colorsys
+from math import floor
+from flux_led.protocol import ProtocolBase
+from led_ble.led_ble import LevelWriteMode
+class ProtocolFairy(ProtocolBase):
+    """Protocol for Hello Fairy devices."""
+    @property
+    def name(self) -> str:
+        """The name of the protocol."""
+        return "Fairy"
+    def construct_state_query(self) -> bytearray:
+        """The bytes to send for a query request."""
+        return self.construct_message(bytearray([0xAA, 0x01, 0x00]))
+    def construct_state_change(self, turn_on: int) -> bytearray:
+        """The bytes to send for a state change request."""
+        return self.construct_message(
+            bytearray([0xAA, 0x02, 0x01, 1 if turn_on else 0])
+        )
+    def construct_message(self, raw_bytes: bytearray) -> bytearray:
+        """Calculate checksum of byte array and add to end."""
+        csum = sum(raw_bytes) & 0xFF
+        raw_bytes.append(csum)
+        return raw_bytes
+    def construct_levels_change(
+        self,
+        persist: int,
+        red: int | None,
+        green: int | None,
+        blue: int | None,
+        warm_white: int | None,
+        cool_white: int | None,
+        write_mode: LevelWriteMode,
+    ) -> list[bytearray]:
+        """The bytes to send for a level change request."""
+        h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(
+            (red or 0) / 255, (green or 0) / 255, (blue or 0) / 255
+        )
+        h_scaled = min(359, floor(h * 360))
+        s_scaled = round(s * 1000)
+        v_scaled = round(v * 1000)
+        return [
+            self.construct_message(
+                bytearray(
+                    [
+                        0xAA,
+                        0x03,
+                        0x07,
+                        0x01,
+                        h_scaled >> 8,
+                        h_scaled & 0xFF,
+                        s_scaled >> 8,
+                        s_scaled & 0xFF,
+                        v_scaled >> 8,
+                        v_scaled & 0xFF,
+                    ]
+                )
+            )
+        ]
+    def construct_preset_pattern(
+        self, pattern: int, speed: int, brightness: int
+    ) -> list[bytearray]:
+        """The bytes to send for a preset pattern."""
+        return [
+            self.construct_message(
+                bytearray(
+                    [
+                        0xAA,
+                        0x03,
+                        0x04,
+                        0x02,
+                        pattern & 0xFF,
+                        (brightness >> 8) & 0xFF,
+                        brightness & 0xFF,
+                    ]
+                )
+            ),
+            self.construct_message(bytearray([0xAA, 0x0C, 0x01, min(speed, 100)])),
+        ]
+    def construct_custom_effect(
+        self, rgb_list: list[tuple[int, int, int]], speed: int, transition_type: str
+    ) -> list[bytearray]:
+        """The bytes to send for a custom effect."""
+        data_bytes = len(rgb_list) * 3 + 1
+        hue_message = bytearray(data_bytes + 3)
+        hue_message[0:4] = [0xAA, 0xDA, data_bytes, 0x01]
+        for [i, [r, g, b]] in enumerate(rgb_list):
+            h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r / 255, g / 255, b / 255)
+            if v < 0.25:
+                h = 0xFE  # black
+            elif s < 0.25:
+                h = 0xFF  # white
+            else:
+                h = floor(h * 0xAF)
+            # necessary to satisfy both flake and ruff:
+            a = i * 3 + 4
+            b = a + 3
+            hue_message[a:b] = [i >> 8, i & 0xFF, h]
+        return [
+            *self.construct_motion(speed, 0),
+            self.construct_message(hue_message),
+            *self.construct_motion(speed, 2),
+        ]
+    def construct_motion(self, speed: int, transition: int) -> list[bytearray]:
+        """The bytes to send for motion speed and transition."""
+        return [
+            self.construct_message(
+                bytearray([0xAA, 0xD0, 0x04, transition, 0x64, speed, 0x01])
+            )
+        ]