diff --git a/.github/workflows/create-indexes.yml b/.github/workflows/create-indexes.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 2354bee6..00000000 --- a/.github/workflows/create-indexes.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions - -name: Creating typescript Indexes -on: - push: - branches: [ main ] - pull_request: - branches: [ main ] - - workflow_dispatch: - -jobs: - build: - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - name: 🛠️ Build Indexes - steps: - - name: 📦 Checkout Repository - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - - - uses: DaanV2/Typescript-Action-Create-Indexes@latest - with: - folder: ${{github.workspace}}/src/Lib - - - name: ✏️ Commit changes - continue-on-error: true - run: | - cd ${{github.workspace}} - git config --global user.email "orbi@blockception.com" - git config --global user.name "Orbi-bot" - git add . - git commit -m "auto: Generated typescript includes" - git push diff --git a/.github/workflows/npm-publish.yml b/.github/workflows/npm-publish.yml index 52a347cf..ae36dd2d 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/npm-publish.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/npm-publish.yml @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ # This workflow will run tests using node and then publish a package to GitHub Packages when a release is created # For more information see: https://help.github.com/actions/language-and-framework-guides/publishing-nodejs-packages -name: 📦 Npm Package & Publish +name: 📦 Npm Package & Publish env: + FORCE_COLOR: true NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }} on: @@ -36,6 +37,9 @@ jobs: - name: 📋 Run Tests run: npm run test + - name: 🔍 Linting + run: npm run lint + publish-npm: needs: test runs-on: ubuntu-latest diff --git a/.github/workflows/npm-test.yml b/.github/workflows/npm-test.yml index 4a4da5a7..1cd9fbfe 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/npm-test.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/npm-test.yml @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ # For more information see: https://help.github.com/actions/language-and-framework-guides/publishing-nodejs-packages name: 📋 Npm Test +env: + FORCE_COLOR: true on: push: @@ -35,3 +37,6 @@ jobs: - name: 📋 Run Tests run: npm run test + + - name: 🔍 Linting + run: npm run lint diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 4f1953b1..f89519ca 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ client/server .vscode-test *.vsix log.txt +coverage ## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and ## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons. diff --git a/.mocharc.json b/.mocharc.json deleted file mode 100644 index c3da58e2..00000000 --- a/.mocharc.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -{ - "color": true, - "extension": ["ts"], - "ui": "bdd", - "recursive": true, - "require": "ts-node/register" -} diff --git a/.npmignore b/.npmignore index 96faa9ba..995be970 100644 --- a/.npmignore +++ b/.npmignore @@ -2,5 +2,15 @@ src tsconfig.json tslint.json .prettierrc +lib/test/** test/ -*.test.* \ No newline at end of file +*.test.* +./lib/**/*.test.d.ts +./lib/**/*.test.js +./lib/**/*.test.js.map +./lib/*.test.d.ts +./lib/*.test.js +./lib/*.test.js.map +*.test.js +*.test.js.map +*.test.d.ts \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/eslint.config.mjs b/eslint.config.mjs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2d860cfe --- /dev/null +++ b/eslint.config.mjs @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +import eslint from "@eslint/js"; +import tseslint from "typescript-eslint"; + +export default tseslint.config( + { + files: ["**/*.ts"], + ignores: [ + "coverage/", + "coverage/*", + "coverage/**/*", + "lib/", + "lib/*", + "lib/**/*", + "node_modules/", + "node_modules/*", + ], + extends: [eslint.configs.recommended, ...tseslint.configs.recommended], + plugins: { + jest: {}, + }, + }, + { + rules: { + "@typescript-eslint/no-namespace": "off", + "@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": "off", + "no-case-declarations": "off", + }, + } +); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/jest.config.ts b/jest.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..12d2679b --- /dev/null +++ b/jest.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +/** + * For a detailed explanation regarding each configuration property, visit: + * https://jestjs.io/docs/configuration + */ + +import type { Config } from "jest"; + +const config: Config = { + // All imported modules in your tests should be mocked automatically + // automock: false, + + // Stop running tests after `n` failures + // bail: 0, + + // The directory where Jest should store its cached dependency information + // cacheDirectory: "C:\\Users\\daanv\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\jest", + + // Automatically clear mock calls, instances, contexts and results before every test + clearMocks: true, + + // Indicates whether the coverage information should be collected while executing the test + collectCoverage: true, + + // An array of glob patterns indicating a set of files for which coverage information should be collected + collectCoverageFrom: ["./src"], + + // The directory where Jest should output its coverage files + coverageDirectory: "coverage", + + // An array of regexp pattern strings used to skip coverage collection + coveragePathIgnorePatterns: ["node_modules", "coverage"], + + // Indicates which provider should be used to instrument code for coverage + coverageProvider: "v8", + + // A list of reporter names that Jest uses when writing coverage reports + // coverageReporters: [ + // "json", + // "text", + // "lcov", + // "clover" + // ], + + // An object that configures minimum threshold enforcement for coverage results + // coverageThreshold: undefined, + + // A path to a custom dependency extractor + // dependencyExtractor: undefined, + + // Make calling deprecated APIs throw helpful error messages + // errorOnDeprecated: false, + + // The default configuration for fake timers + // fakeTimers: { + // "enableGlobally": false + // }, + + // Force coverage collection from ignored files using an array of glob patterns + // forceCoverageMatch: [], + + // A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once before all test suites + // globalSetup: undefined, + + // A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once after all test suites + // globalTeardown: undefined, + + // A set of global variables that need to be available in all test environments + // globals: {}, + + // The maximum amount of workers used to run your tests. Can be specified as % or a number. E.g. maxWorkers: 10% will use 10% of your CPU amount + 1 as the maximum worker number. maxWorkers: 2 will use a maximum of 2 workers. + // maxWorkers: "50%", + + // An array of directory names to be searched recursively up from the requiring module's location + moduleDirectories: ["node_modules"], + + // An array of file extensions your modules use + // moduleFileExtensions: [ + // "js", + // "mjs", + // "cjs", + // "jsx", + // "ts", + // "tsx", + // "json", + // "node" + // ], + + // A map from regular expressions to module names or to arrays of module names that allow to stub out resources with a single module + // moduleNameMapper: {}, + + // An array of regexp pattern strings, matched against all module paths before considered 'visible' to the module loader + // modulePathIgnorePatterns: [], + + // Activates notifications for test results + // notify: false, + + // An enum that specifies notification mode. Requires { notify: true } + // notifyMode: "failure-change", + + // A preset that is used as a base for Jest's configuration + preset: "ts-jest", + + // Run tests from one or more projects + // projects: undefined, + + // Use this configuration option to add custom reporters to Jest + // reporters: undefined, + + // Automatically reset mock state before every test + // resetMocks: false, + + // Reset the module registry before running each individual test + // resetModules: false, + + // A path to a custom resolver + // resolver: undefined, + + // Automatically restore mock state and implementation before every test + // restoreMocks: false, + + // The root directory that Jest should scan for tests and modules within + // rootDir: undefined, + + // A list of paths to directories that Jest should use to search for files in + roots: ["./src", "./test"], + + // Allows you to use a custom runner instead of Jest's default test runner + // runner: "jest-runner", + + // The paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing environment before each test + // setupFiles: [], + + // A list of paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing framework before each test + // setupFilesAfterEnv: [], + + // The number of seconds after which a test is considered as slow and reported as such in the results. + // slowTestThreshold: 5, + + // A list of paths to snapshot serializer modules Jest should use for snapshot testing + // snapshotSerializers: [], + + // The test environment that will be used for testing + // testEnvironment: "jest-environment-node", + + // Options that will be passed to the testEnvironment + // testEnvironmentOptions: {}, + + // Adds a location field to test results + // testLocationInResults: false, + + // The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files + testMatch: ["**/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x)", "**/?(*.)+(spec|test).[tj]s?(x)"], + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all test paths, matched tests are skipped + // testPathIgnorePatterns: [ + // "\\\\node_modules\\\\" + // ], + + // The regexp pattern or array of patterns that Jest uses to detect test files + // testRegex: [], + + // This option allows the use of a custom results processor + // testResultsProcessor: undefined, + + // This option allows use of a custom test runner + // testRunner: "jest-circus/runner", + + // A map from regular expressions to paths to transformers + // transform: undefined, + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all source file paths, matched files will skip transformation + // transformIgnorePatterns: [ + // "\\\\node_modules\\\\", + // "\\.pnp\\.[^\\\\]+$" + // ], + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all modules before the module loader will automatically return a mock for them + // unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined, + + // Indicates whether each individual test should be reported during the run + // verbose: undefined, + + // An array of regexp patterns that are matched against all source file paths before re-running tests in watch mode + // watchPathIgnorePatterns: [], + + // Whether to use watchman for file crawling + // watchman: true, +}; + +export default config; diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index f99e9880..1c691e6d 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -16,903 +16,4213 @@ "jsonc": "^2.0.0" }, "devDependencies": { - "@types/chai": "^4.3.8", - "@types/mocha": "^10.0.2", - "@types/node": "^22.0.0", - "chai": "^4.3.10", - "mocha": "^10.2.0", + "@eslint/js": "^9.9.1", + "@types/eslint__js": "^8.42.3", + "@types/jest": "^29.5.12", + "@types/node": "^22.5.4", + "eslint": "^9.9.1", + "eslint-plugin-jest": "^28.8.3", "rimraf": "^6.0.1", + "ts-jest": "^29.2.5", "ts-node": "^10.9.1", - "typescript": "^5.2.2" + "typescript": "^5.2.2", + "typescript-eslint": "^8.4.0" } }, - "node_modules/@cspotcode/source-map-support": { - "version": "0.8.1", - "resolved": 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} from "../../Internal/Types"; - type CollectFieldsOfType = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends DataSet ? U : never; }; diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Feature/Feature.ts b/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Feature/Feature.ts index 48cfbacf..4fd71662 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Feature/Feature.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Feature/Feature.ts @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-object-type */ import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; /** */ diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Feature/Process.ts b/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Feature/Process.ts index 8e5c66de..53effb28 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Feature/Process.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Feature/Process.ts @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ import * as internal from "../../../Internal/BehaviorPack/Feature"; import { Json } from "../../../Internal/Json"; -import { Molang } from "bc-minecraft-molang"; import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; import { Documentation } from "../../../Types/Documentation"; import { TextDocument } from "../../../Types/TextDocument"; @@ -12,21 +11,24 @@ import { Feature } from "./Feature"; * @returns */ export function Process(doc: TextDocument): Feature | undefined { - const uri = doc.uri; - const content = doc.getText(); - const imp = Json.To(doc); + const uri = doc.uri; + const content = doc.getText(); + const imp = Json.To(doc); - if (!internal.Feature.is(imp)) return undefined; + if (!internal.Feature.is(imp)) return undefined; - //@ts-ignore - const container = imp[Object.keys(imp).filter(x => !x.startsWith('format_version'))[0]] - const id = container.description.identifier; + const key = Object.keys(imp).find((x) => !x.startsWith("format_version")); + if (key === undefined) return; + const container = imp[key as keyof internal.Feature]; + if (container === undefined || typeof container === "string") return; - const out: Feature = { - id: id, - location: Types.Location.create(uri, content.indexOf(id)), - documentation: Documentation.getDoc(doc, () => `Feature: ${id}`), - }; + const id = container.description.identifier; - return out; -} \ No newline at end of file + const out: Feature = { + id: id, + location: Types.Location.create(uri, content.indexOf(id)), + documentation: Documentation.getDoc(doc, () => `Feature: ${id}`), + }; + + return out; +} diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/FileType.ts b/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/FileType.ts index 8dbc1849..9d99b513 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/FileType.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/FileType.ts @@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ export namespace FileType { if (uri.endsWith(".js")) return FileType.script; //Folders - if (/[\\\/]animation_controllers[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.animation_controller; - if (/[\\\/]animations[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.animation; - if (/[\\\/]functions[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.function; - if (/[\\\/]loot_tables[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.loot_table; - if (/[\\\/]scripts[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.script; - if (/[\\\/]spawn_rules[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.spawn_rule; - if (/[\\\/]structures[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.structure; - if (/[\\\/]trading[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.trading; - if (/[\\\/]features[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.feature; + if (/[\\/]animation_controllers[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.animation_controller; + if (/[\\/]animations[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.animation; + if (/[\\/]functions[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.function; + if (/[\\/]loot_tables[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.loot_table; + if (/[\\/]scripts[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.script; + if (/[\\/]spawn_rules[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.spawn_rule; + if (/[\\/]structures[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.structure; + if (/[\\/]trading[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.trading; + if (/[\\/]features[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.feature; //These can also be subfolders - if (/[\\\/]blocks[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.block; - if (/[\\\/]entities[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.entity; - if (/[\\\/]items[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.item; + if (/[\\/]blocks[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.block; + if (/[\\/]entities[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.entity; + if (/[\\/]items[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.item; //Files if (uri.endsWith("manifest.json")) return FileType.manifest; diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/LootTable/LootTable.ts b/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/LootTable/LootTable.ts index 7b4979e8..28e180ac 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/LootTable/LootTable.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/LootTable/LootTable.ts @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-object-type */ import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; /** */ diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/McFunction/Function.ts b/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/McFunction/Function.ts index cbda8e26..abcc5e40 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/McFunction/Function.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/McFunction/Function.ts @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-object-type */ import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; /** */ diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Structure/Structure.ts b/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Structure/Structure.ts index 23cbe07b..83dbbbc2 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Structure/Structure.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Structure/Structure.ts @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-object-type */ import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; /** */ diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Trading/Trading.ts b/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Trading/Trading.ts index 4e26cd7b..47a4ba16 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Trading/Trading.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Trading/Trading.ts @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-object-type */ import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; /***/ diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/General/Types/Commands/Process.ts b/src/Lib/Project/General/Types/Commands/Process.ts index 8d5e17a4..c7776e80 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/General/Types/Commands/Process.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/General/Types/Commands/Process.ts @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ export function ProcessMcFunction(doc: TextDocument, receiver: GeneralCollection const text = doc.getText(); const lines = text.split("\n"); - for (var I = 0; I < lines.length; I++) { + for (let I = 0; I < lines.length; I++) { ProcessCommand(lines[I].trim(), doc, receiver); } } diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/General/Types/GeneralInfo.ts b/src/Lib/Project/General/Types/GeneralInfo.ts index 4e363d59..c768d921 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/General/Types/GeneralInfo.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/General/Types/GeneralInfo.ts @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-object-type */ import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; import { Text } from '../../../Types/Text'; diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/General/Types/Objective/Process.ts b/src/Lib/Project/General/Types/Objective/Process.ts index 5b30ef4a..9f45c574 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/General/Types/Objective/Process.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/General/Types/Objective/Process.ts @@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ export function Process(command: Command, doc: TextDocument, receiver: GeneralCo * @returns */ function CheckObjective(Com: Command, doc: TextDocument): GeneralInfo | undefined { - let ObjectiveMode = Com.parameters[2]; + const objectiveMode = Com.parameters[2]; if (Com.parameters.length < 4) { return; } - if (ObjectiveMode.text === "add") { + if (objectiveMode.text === "add") { const ID = Com.parameters[3]; const Type = Com.parameters[4]; const offset = ID.offset; diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/PackType.ts b/src/Lib/Project/PackType.ts index 09b45b04..3fde2a1e 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/PackType.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/PackType.ts @@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ export enum PackType { * @param uri The filepath to examine, expects slashes to be '/'*/ export namespace PackType { /** */ - export const BehaviorPackMatch: RegExp = /[\/\\].*(behav(ior|iour)([ _-]|)pack|behav(ior|iour)|bp).*[\/\\]/i; + export const BehaviorPackMatch: RegExp = /[/\\].*(behav(ior|iour)([ _-]|)pack|behav(ior|iour)|bp).*[/\\]/i; /** */ - export const ResourcePackMatch: RegExp = /[\/\\].*(resource([ _-]|)pack|resource|rp).*[\/\\]/i; + export const ResourcePackMatch: RegExp = /[/\\].*(resource([ _-]|)pack|resource|rp).*[/\\]/i; /** */ - export const WorldMatch: RegExp = /[\/\\].*(world([ _-]|)template|world|wp|db).*[\/\\]/i; + export const WorldMatch: RegExp = /[/\\].*(world([ _-]|)template|world|wp|db).*[/\\]/i; /** */ - export const SkinPack: RegExp = /[\/\\].*(skin([ _-]|)pack).*[\/\\]/i; + export const SkinPack: RegExp = /[/\\].*(skin([ _-]|)pack).*[/\\]/i; /** * diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/ProjectData.ts b/src/Lib/Project/ProjectData.ts index 47e07f98..74499118 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/ProjectData.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/ProjectData.ts @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ export class ProjectData { if (!manifest) return; const types = Manifest.detectTypeUri(manifestUri, manifest); - const parent = manifestUri.replace(/[\\\/]manifest.json/gi, ""); + const parent = manifestUri.replace(/[\\/]manifest.json/gi, ""); switch (types) { case PackType.behavior_pack: diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Animation/Process.ts b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Animation/Process.ts index 8d650020..680b5d5c 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Animation/Process.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Animation/Process.ts @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ import * as Internal from "../../../Internal/ResourcePack/Animation"; -import { Json } from "../../../Internal/Json"; import { Molang, Using } from "bc-minecraft-molang"; import { TextDocument } from "../../../Types/TextDocument"; import { Animation } from "./Animation"; @@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ export function Process(doc: TextDocument): Animation[] | undefined { const container = imp.animations; const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(container); - for (var I = 0; I < keys.length; I++) { + for (let I = 0; I < keys.length; I++) { const id = keys[I]; const anim = container[id]; @@ -32,8 +31,8 @@ export function Process(doc: TextDocument): Animation[] | undefined { sounds: Using.empty(), }; - if (anim.particle_effects) SMap.forEach(anim.particle_effects, (value, key) => processEffect(value, item.particles.using)); - if (anim.sound_effects) SMap.forEach(anim.sound_effects, (value, key) => processEffect(value, item.sounds.using)); + if (anim.particle_effects) SMap.forEach(anim.particle_effects, (value) => processEffect(value, item.particles.using)); + if (anim.sound_effects) SMap.forEach(anim.sound_effects, (value) => processEffect(value, item.sounds.using)); out.push(item); } diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/AnimationController/Process.ts b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/AnimationController/Process.ts index c40999ac..96616f16 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/AnimationController/Process.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/AnimationController/Process.ts @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export function Process(doc: TextDocument): AnimationController[] | undefined { const container = imp.animation_controllers; const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(container); - for (var I = 0; I < keys.length; I++) { + for (let I = 0; I < keys.length; I++) { const id = keys[I]; const controller = container[id]; @@ -35,9 +35,7 @@ export function Process(doc: TextDocument): AnimationController[] | undefined { SMap.forEach(controller.states, (State) => { if (State.animations) - Types.Conditional.forEach(State.animations, (reference, value) => { - item.animations.using.push(reference); - }); + Types.Conditional.forEach(State.animations, (reference) => item.animations.using.push(reference)); if (State.particle_effects) harvest(State.particle_effects, item.particles); if (State.sound_effects) harvest(State.sound_effects, item.sounds); diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Block/Block.ts b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Block/Block.ts index 96e24942..76301709 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Block/Block.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Block/Block.ts @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-object-type */ import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; /** */ diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/FileType.ts b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/FileType.ts index fd70236b..b55db939 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/FileType.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/FileType.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import path = require("path"); +import path from "path"; /** */ export enum FileType { @@ -54,15 +54,15 @@ export namespace FileType { * @param uri the decoded uri, expects slashes to be '/'*/ export function detect(uri: string): FileType { //Folders - if (/[\\\/]animation_controllers[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.animation_controller; - if (/[\\\/]animations[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.animation; - if (/[\\\/]attachables[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.attachable; - if (/[\\\/]block_culling[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.block_culling_rules; - if (/[\\\/]models[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.model; - if (/[\\\/]models[\\\/]entities[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.model; - if (/[\\\/]entity[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.entity; - if (/[\\\/]particles[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.particle; - if (/[\\\/]render_controllers[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.render_controller; + if (/[\\/]animation_controllers[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.animation_controller; + if (/[\\/]animations[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.animation; + if (/[\\/]attachables[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.attachable; + if (/[\\/]block_culling[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.block_culling_rules; + if (/[\\/]models[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.model; + if (/[\\/]models[\\/]entities[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.model; + if (/[\\/]entity[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.entity; + if (/[\\/]particles[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.particle; + if (/[\\/]render_controllers[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.render_controller; const filename = path.basename(uri); @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ export namespace FileType { return FileType.texture_terrain_atlas; } - if (/[\\\/]textures[\\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.texture; + if (/[\\/]textures[\\/]/.test(uri)) return FileType.texture; return FileType.unknown; } diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Fog/Fog.ts b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Fog/Fog.ts index d27fe237..306d124a 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Fog/Fog.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Fog/Fog.ts @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-object-type */ import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; /** */ diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Fog/Process.ts b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Fog/Process.ts index f0ac9527..8d479c21 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Fog/Process.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Fog/Process.ts @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ import * as Internal from "../../../Internal/ResourcePack"; -import { Json } from "../../../Internal"; import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; import { TextDocument } from "../../../Types/TextDocument"; import { Fog } from "./Fog"; diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Material/Material.ts b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Material/Material.ts index fd8c29ab..bce0fb0c 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Material/Material.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Material/Material.ts @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-object-type */ import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; /** */ diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Model/Process.ts b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Model/Process.ts index 870c6c51..64658db6 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Model/Process.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Model/Process.ts @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; import { TextDocument } from "../../../Types/TextDocument"; import { Model } from "./Model"; import { Documentation } from "../../../Types/Documentation"; -import { SMap } from "../../../Types/SMap"; /** * diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Particle/Particle.ts b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Particle/Particle.ts index 6ed96e63..056e640b 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Particle/Particle.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Particle/Particle.ts @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-object-type */ import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; /** */ diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/RenderController/Process.ts b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/RenderController/Process.ts index 76c7b7bd..da35fcee 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/RenderController/Process.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/RenderController/Process.ts @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export function Process(doc: TextDocument): RenderController[] | undefined { const container = imp.render_controllers; const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(container); - for (var I = 0; I < keys.length; I++) { + for (let I = 0; I < keys.length; I++) { const id = keys[I]; const controller = container[id]; diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/ResourcePack.ts b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/ResourcePack.ts index 06e9a47c..b6dbe502 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/ResourcePack.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/ResourcePack.ts @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ import { Container } from "../../Types/Container"; -import { DataSet, DataSetBase } from "../../Types/DataSet"; +import { DataSet } from "../../Types/DataSet"; import { FileType } from "./Enum"; import { MCProject } from "bc-minecraft-project"; import { Pack } from "../../Types/Pack"; import { PackType } from "../PackType"; import { TextDocument } from "../../Types/TextDocument"; -import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; +import { Manifest } from '../../Internal/Types/Manifest'; import * as Animation from "./Animation"; import * as AnimationController from "./AnimationController"; @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import * as Model from "./Model"; import * as RenderController from "./RenderController"; import * as Sound from "./Sound"; import * as Texture from "./Texture"; -import { Manifest } from '../../Internal/Types/Manifest'; type CollectFieldsOfType = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends DataSet ? U : never; diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/ResourcePackCollection.ts b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/ResourcePackCollection.ts index 102cbba0..027a22e3 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/ResourcePackCollection.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/ResourcePackCollection.ts @@ -16,16 +16,6 @@ import * as Sound from "./Sound"; import * as Texture from "./Texture"; import { Manifest } from "../../Internal/Types"; -type CollectFieldsOfType = { - [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends DataSetConnector ? U : never; -}; -type CollectionFieldsDataSet = { - [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends DataSetConnector ? DataSetConnector : never; -}; - -type ItemTypes = CollectFieldsOfType[keyof ResourcePack]; -type DataSetTypes = CollectionFieldsDataSet[keyof ResourcePack]; - /** */ export class ResourcePackCollection extends PackCollection { /**The collection of animations*/ diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Sound/Sound.ts b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Sound/Sound.ts index 798237e6..d8b1d02c 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Sound/Sound.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Sound/Sound.ts @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-object-type */ import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; /** */ diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Texture/Texture.ts b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Texture/Texture.ts index 34c9f354..de43f867 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Texture/Texture.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack/Texture/Texture.ts @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-object-type */ import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; /** */ diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/SkinPack/FileType.ts b/src/Lib/Project/SkinPack/FileType.ts index a655fcdc..b859509f 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/SkinPack/FileType.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/SkinPack/FileType.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import path = require("path"); +import path from "path"; /** */ export enum FileType { @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export namespace FileType { * @param uri the decoded uri, expects slashes to be '/'*/ export function detect(uri: string): FileType { //Folders - if (uri.endsWith('.png')) return FileType.texture; + if (uri.endsWith(".png")) return FileType.texture; const filename = path.basename(uri); diff --git a/src/Lib/Project/World/WorldPack.ts b/src/Lib/Project/World/WorldPack.ts index 1ce2ed84..9979568e 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Project/World/WorldPack.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Project/World/WorldPack.ts @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ import { MCProject } from "bc-minecraft-project"; import { Container } from "../../Types/Container"; import { DataSetBase } from "../../Types/DataSet"; - import { Pack } from "../../Types/Pack"; -import { TextDocument } from "../../Types/TextDocument"; import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; import { PackType } from "../PackType"; import { Manifest } from "../../Internal/Types"; @@ -29,8 +27,8 @@ export class WorldPack implements Container, Pack { * * @param doc */ - process(doc: TextDocument): DataSetBase | undefined { - this.deleteFile(doc.uri); + process(): DataSetBase | undefined { + this.deleteFile(); return undefined; } @@ -40,7 +38,7 @@ export class WorldPack implements Container, Pack { * @param uri * @returns */ - getDataset(uri: string): DataSetBase | undefined { + getDataset(): DataSetBase | undefined { return undefined; } @@ -49,7 +47,7 @@ export class WorldPack implements Container, Pack { * @param uri * @returns */ - deleteFile(uri: string): boolean { + deleteFile(): boolean { return false; } @@ -57,7 +55,7 @@ export class WorldPack implements Container, Pack { * * @param uri */ - deleteFolder(uri: string): boolean { + deleteFolder(): boolean { return false; } @@ -66,8 +64,8 @@ export class WorldPack implements Container, Pack { * @param predicate * @returns */ - find(predicate: (value: Types.BaseObject, key: string) => boolean): Types.BaseObject | undefined { - let value = undefined; + find(): Types.BaseObject | undefined { + const value = undefined; return value; } @@ -77,7 +75,7 @@ export class WorldPack implements Container, Pack { * @param predicate * @returns */ - forEach(callbackfn: (value: Types.BaseObject) => void): void {} + forEach(): void {} } /** diff --git a/src/Lib/Types/Documentation.ts b/src/Lib/Types/Documentation.ts index 6d0d2f46..a6795e43 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Types/Documentation.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Types/Documentation.ts @@ -7,27 +7,38 @@ export namespace Documentation { * @param receiver The receiving object * @param doc The text document to read from * @param ifDefault The default text is nothing is found in the document*/ - export function setDoc(receiver: Types.Documentated, doc: TextDocument, ifDefault: string | (() => string) | undefined = undefined): void { + export function setDoc( + receiver: Types.Documentated, + doc: TextDocument, + ifDefault: string | (() => string) | undefined = undefined + ): void { receiver.documentation = getDoc(doc, ifDefault); } /**Retrieves the comment from the first line or uses the given default to generate a default line of documentation * @param doc The text document to read from * @param ifDefault The default text is nothing is found in the document*/ - export function getDoc(doc: TextDocument, ifDefault: string | (() => string) | undefined = undefined, offset?: number): string | undefined { + export function getDoc( + doc: TextDocument, + ifDefault: string | (() => string) | undefined = undefined, + offset?: number + ): string | undefined { let documentation: string | undefined; //If specific spot is mentioned if (offset !== undefined) { //Get comment on current line - if (documentation = getDocumentation(doc, offset)) return documentation; + documentation = getDocumentation(doc, offset); + if (documentation) return documentation; //Get comment on previous line offset = findPreviousLine(doc, offset); - if (documentation = getDocumentation(doc, offset, 5)) return documentation; + documentation = getDocumentation(doc, offset, 5); + if (documentation) return documentation; } - if (documentation = getDocumentation(doc, 0)) return documentation; + documentation = getDocumentation(doc, 0); + if (documentation) return documentation; if (ifDefault) return typeof ifDefault === "string" ? ifDefault : ifDefault(); return undefined; @@ -39,18 +50,18 @@ export namespace Documentation { if (index < 0) index = text.length; let line = text.slice(startoffset, index); - let length = line.length; + const length = line.length; line = line.trimStart(); startoffset += length - line.length; //Comment - if (doc.uri.endsWith('.mcfunction') || doc.uri.endsWith('.lang')) { - //Mcfunction comment + if (doc.uri.endsWith(".mcfunction") || doc.uri.endsWith(".lang")) { + //Mcfunction comment index = line.indexOf("#"); if (validIndex(index, maxDist)) { let comment = line.slice(index + 1).trim(); - while (comment.startsWith('#')) { + while (comment.startsWith("#")) { comment = comment.slice(1); } @@ -59,7 +70,7 @@ export namespace Documentation { } //Json comments - if (doc.uri.endsWith('.json')) { + if (doc.uri.endsWith(".json")) { index = line.indexOf("//"); if (validIndex(index, maxDist)) { return line.slice(index + 2).trim(); @@ -71,7 +82,7 @@ export namespace Documentation { } function validIndex(index: number, maxDist?: number): boolean { - return index > -1 && (maxDist ? index <= maxDist : true) + return index > -1 && (maxDist ? index <= maxDist : true); } function findPreviousLine(doc: TextDocument, offset: number): number { @@ -79,7 +90,7 @@ function findPreviousLine(doc: TextDocument, offset: number): number { const text = doc.getText(); for (; offset > 0; offset--) { - if (text[offset] === '\n') { + if (text[offset] === "\n") { count++; if (count == 2) return offset; @@ -87,4 +98,4 @@ function findPreviousLine(doc: TextDocument, offset: number): number { } return -1; -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/src/Lib/Types/JsonPath.ts b/src/Lib/Types/JsonPath.ts index 93240fbb..32b733aa 100644 --- a/src/Lib/Types/JsonPath.ts +++ b/src/Lib/Types/JsonPath.ts @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export namespace JsonPath { const s = path.split(/[\\/]/); let index = 0; - for (var I = 0; I < s.length; I++) { + for (let I = 0; I < s.length; I++) { const elem = s[I]; if (!Number.isInteger(elem) && elem !== "") { diff --git a/test/Internal/Json.test.ts b/test/Internal/Json.test.ts index 13a61c32..414bc95a 100644 --- a/test/Internal/Json.test.ts +++ b/test/Internal/Json.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; import { Json } from "../../src/Lib/Internal/Json"; describe("Json", () => { @@ -7,14 +6,14 @@ describe("Json", () => { const obj = Json.To(data); it("not undefined", () => { - expect(obj).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(obj).toBeDefined(); }); if (!obj) return; it("Validation", () => { - expect(obj.documentation).to.equal("example"); - expect(obj.id).to.equal("controller.example"); + expect(obj.documentation).toEqual("example"); + expect(obj.id).toEqual("controller.example"); }); }); @@ -23,14 +22,14 @@ describe("Json", () => { const obj = Json.To({ getText: () => data, uri: "example" }); it("not undefined", () => { - expect(obj).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(obj).toBeDefined(); }); if (!obj) return; it("Validation", () => { - expect(obj.documentation).to.equal("example"); - expect(obj.id).to.equal("controller.example"); + expect(obj.documentation).toEqual("example"); + expect(obj.id).toEqual("controller.example"); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/Internal/BehaviorPack/Animation.test.ts b/test/Internal/behavior-pack/animation.test.ts similarity index 81% rename from test/Internal/BehaviorPack/Animation.test.ts rename to test/Internal/behavior-pack/animation.test.ts index 399871b1..e70ab016 100644 --- a/test/Internal/BehaviorPack/Animation.test.ts +++ b/test/Internal/behavior-pack/animation.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; import { Json } from "../../../src/Lib/Internal/Json"; import { Internal } from "../../../src/main"; @@ -19,13 +18,13 @@ describe("BP Animation", () => { const obj = Json.To(anim); it("not undefined", () => { - expect(obj).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(obj).toBeDefined(); }); if (!obj) return; it("is animation", () => { - expect(Internal.BehaviorPack.Animation.is(obj)).to.be.true; + expect(Internal.BehaviorPack.Animation.is(obj)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/Internal/ResourcePack/Animation.test.ts b/test/Internal/resource-pack/animation.test.ts similarity index 82% rename from test/Internal/ResourcePack/Animation.test.ts rename to test/Internal/resource-pack/animation.test.ts index e5179b7f..363351d3 100644 --- a/test/Internal/ResourcePack/Animation.test.ts +++ b/test/Internal/resource-pack/animation.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; import { Json } from "../../../src/Lib/Internal/Json"; import { Internal } from "../../../src/main"; @@ -22,13 +21,13 @@ describe("RP Animation", () => { const obj = Json.To(anim); it("not undefined", () => { - expect(obj).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(obj).toBeDefined(); }); if (!obj) return; it("is animation", () => { - expect(Internal.ResourcePack.Animation.is(obj)).to.be.true; + expect(Internal.ResourcePack.Animation.is(obj)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/Internal/ResourcePack/Entity.test.ts b/test/Internal/resource-pack/entity.test.ts similarity index 83% rename from test/Internal/ResourcePack/Entity.test.ts rename to test/Internal/resource-pack/entity.test.ts index 5879a2b7..32c08a4f 100644 --- a/test/Internal/ResourcePack/Entity.test.ts +++ b/test/Internal/resource-pack/entity.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; import { Json } from "../../../src/Lib/Internal/Json"; import { Internal } from "../../../src/main"; @@ -29,28 +28,28 @@ describe("RP Entity", () => { const obj = Json.To(data); it("not undefined", () => { - expect(obj).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(obj).toBeDefined(); }); if (!obj) return; it("Is entity", () => { - expect(Internal.ResourcePack.Entity.is(obj)).to.be.true; + expect(Internal.ResourcePack.Entity.is(obj)).toBeTruthy(); }); it("format version is string", () => { - expect(obj.format_version).a("string"); + expect(typeof obj.format_version).toBe("string"); }); describe("minecraft:client_entity", () => { const client = obj["minecraft:client_entity"]; it("not undefined", () => { - expect(client).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(client).toBeDefined(); }); it("has decription", () => { - expect(client.description).to.be.not.undefined; + expect(client.description).toBeDefined(); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/Player.test.ts b/test/Player.test.ts index a3d3ed74..6cc7a02b 100644 --- a/test/Player.test.ts +++ b/test/Player.test.ts @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ import { DefinedUsing } from "bc-minecraft-molang"; -import { expect } from "chai"; import { jsonc } from "jsonc"; import { Internal } from "../src/main"; @@ -141,24 +140,24 @@ describe("data test", () => { const obj = VanillaPlayer.DataOBject; it("Not undefined", () => { - expect(obj).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(obj).toBeDefined(); }); const temp = obj; it("Has format version", () => { - expect(temp.format_version).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(temp.format_version).toBeDefined(); }); it("Has description", () => { const desc = temp["minecraft:client_entity"].description; - expect(desc).to.not.be.undefined; - expect(desc.identifier).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(desc).toBeDefined(); + expect(desc.identifier).toBeDefined(); }); it("Is resourpack entity", () => { - expect(Internal.ResourcePack.Entity.is(temp)).to.be.true; + expect(Internal.ResourcePack.Entity.is(temp)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/AnimationController/Process.test.ts b/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/AnimationController/Process.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 02f7489d..00000000 --- a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/AnimationController/Process.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; -import { BehaviorPack } from "../../../../../src/main"; - -describe("BehaviorPack", () => { - describe("Animation Controller", () => { - const data = `{ - "format_version": "1.8.0", - "animation_controllers": { - "controller.animation.example.base_pose": { "states": { "default": { "animations": [{ "base_pose": 0 }] } } } - } - }`; - - describe("Process", () => { - const controllers = BehaviorPack.AnimationController.Process({ - getText: () => data, - uri: "example", - }); - - it("Not Undefined", () => { - expect(controllers).to.not.be.undefined; - }); - - if (!controllers) return; - - it("Has controller", ()=>{ - expect(controllers.length).to.equal(1); - }) - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/Entity.test.ts b/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/Entity.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 23a22f6a..00000000 --- a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/Entity.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; -import { Json } from "../../../../src/Lib/Internal/Json"; -import { TextDocument } from "../../../../src/Lib/Types/TextDocument"; -import * as Internal from "../../../../src/Lib/Internal/BehaviorPack/Entity"; -import { Entity } from "../../../../src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack"; - -const EntityJson: string = `{ - "format_version": "1.16.0", - "minecraft:entity": { - "description": { - "identifier": "blockception:sheep", - "is_spawnable": true, - "is_summonable": true, - "animations": { - "controller": "controller.animation.chicken", - "something": "controller.i.dont.exist" - }, - "scripts": { - "animate": ["controller"] - } - }, - "component_groups": { - "self:group1": { - "minecraft:type_family": { - "family": ["animal"] - } - } - }, - "components": { - "minecraft:health": { "value": 10, "max": 10 }, - "minecraft:type_family": { - "family": ["mob"] - } - }, - "events": { - "self:to": {} - } - } -}`; - -const EntityDoc: TextDocument = { - uri: "C:\\temp.json", - getText: (range) => EntityJson, -}; - -describe("Entity", () => { - it("Data", () => { - const imp = Json.To(EntityJson); - - it("Not Undefined", () => { - expect(imp).to.not.be.undefined; - }); - - it("Is entity", () => { - expect(Internal.Entity.is(imp)).to.be.true; - }); - }); - - describe("Families", () => { - const data = Entity.Process(EntityDoc); - - it("Not Undefined", () => { - expect(data).to.not.be.undefined; - }); - - if (!data) return; - - it("Has specific families", () => { - expect(data.families).has.members(["animal", "mob"]); - }); - - it("Has 2 families", () => { - expect(data.families.length).to.equal(2); - }); - }); - - describe("Animations", () => { - const data = Entity.Process(EntityDoc); - - it("Not Undefined", () => { - expect(data).to.not.be.undefined; - }); - - if (!data) return; - - it("Has specific usings", () => { - expect(data.animations.using).has.members(["controller.animation.chicken", "controller.i.dont.exist"]); - }); - - it("Has specific defined", () => { - expect(data.animations.defined).has.members(["controller", "something"]); - }); - }); - - describe("Events", () => { - const data = Entity.Process(EntityDoc); - - it("Not Undefined", () => { - expect(data).to.not.be.undefined; - }); - - if (!data) return; - - it("has specific member", () => { - expect(data.events).has.members(["self:to"]); - }); - }); - - it("Groups", () => { - const data = Entity.Process(EntityDoc); - - it("Not Undefined", () => { - expect(data).to.not.be.undefined; - }); - - if (!data) return; - - it("has specific member", () => { - expect(data.groups).has.members(["self:group1"]); - }); - }); - - it("ID", () => { - const data = Entity.Process(EntityDoc); - - it("Not Undefined", () => { - expect(data).to.not.be.undefined; - }); - - if (!data) return; - - it("has sheep identifier", () => { - expect(data.id).to.equal("blockception:sheep"); - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/LootTable.test.ts b/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/LootTable.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 3cbdfc8a..00000000 --- a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/LootTable.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; -import { Process } from "../../../../src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/LootTable/Process"; - -describe("LootTable", () => { - it("Process 1", () => { - const uri = "F:\\Temp2\\world\\behavior_packs\\EW-BP\\loot_tables\\blocks\\example.json"; - - const out = Process({ uri: uri, getText: (range) => "//example" }); - - if (!out) expect.fail(); - - expect(out.id).to.equal("loot_tables/blocks/example.json"); - }); - - it("Process 2", () => { - const uri = "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/loot_tables/blocks/example.json"; - - const out = Process({ uri: uri, getText: (range) => "//example" }); - - if (!out) expect.fail(); - - expect(out.id).to.equal("loot_tables/blocks/example.json"); - }); - - it("Process 3", () => { - const uri = "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/loot_tables/blocks example.json"; - - const out = Process({ uri: uri, getText: (range) => "//example" }); - - if (!out) expect.fail(); - - expect(out.id).to.equal("loot_tables/blocks example.json"); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/Trading.test.ts b/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/Trading.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 685fa171..00000000 --- a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/Trading.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; -import { Process } from "../../../../src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Trading/Process"; - -describe("Trading", () => { - it("Process 1", () => { - const uri = "F:\\Temp2\\world\\behavior_packs\\EW-BP\\trading\\blocks\\example.json"; - - const out = Process({ uri: uri, getText: (range) => "//example" }); - - if (!out) expect.fail(); - - expect(out.id).to.equal("trading/blocks/example.json"); - }); - - it("Process 2", () => { - const uri = "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/trading/blocks/example.json"; - - const out = Process({ uri: uri, getText: (range) => "//example" }); - - if (!out) expect.fail(); - - expect(out.id).to.equal("trading/blocks/example.json"); - }); - - it("Process 3", () => { - const uri = "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/trading/blocks example.json"; - - const out = Process({ uri: uri, getText: (range) => "//example" }); - - if (!out) expect.fail(); - - expect(out.id).to.equal("trading/blocks example.json"); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/Project/PackType.test.ts b/test/Project/PackType.test.ts index b68ea35e..57fde5b3 100644 --- a/test/Project/PackType.test.ts +++ b/test/Project/PackType.test.ts @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; -import path = require("path"); +import path from 'path'; import { PackType } from "../../src/Lib/Project/PackType"; describe("PackType", () => { @@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ describe("PackType", () => { it(`${item.type} Should be returned by "${item.path}"`, () => { const normal = path.normalize(item.path); const t = PackType.detect(normal); - expect(t).to.equal(item.type); + expect(t).toEqual(item.type); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/Project/ProjectData.test.ts b/test/Project/ProjectData.test.ts index 4e5b3cdd..d71d1bf6 100644 --- a/test/Project/ProjectData.test.ts +++ b/test/Project/ProjectData.test.ts @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@ import { Location } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types/lib/types"; import { DefinedUsing, Molang } from "bc-minecraft-molang"; import { MCProject } from "bc-minecraft-project"; -import { expect } from "chai"; -import { describe } from "mocha"; import { Manifest } from "../../src/Lib/Internal/Types"; import { BehaviorPack } from "../../src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack"; import { ProjectData } from "../../src/Lib/Project/ProjectData"; @@ -14,55 +12,55 @@ describe("ProjectData", () => { const P = new ProjectData(new TextProjectContext()); it("P is not undefined", () => { - expect(P).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(P).toBeDefined(); }); describe("BehaviorPacks", () => { it("Is not undefined", () => { - expect(P.behaviorPacks).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(P.behaviorPacks).toBeDefined(); }); it("Has packs", () => { - expect(P.behaviorPacks.packs).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(P.behaviorPacks.packs).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe("ResourcePacks", () => { it("Is not undefined", () => { - expect(P.resourcePacks).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(P.resourcePacks).toBeDefined(); }); it("Has packs", () => { - expect(P.resourcePacks.packs).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(P.resourcePacks.packs).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe("General", () => { it("Is not undefined", () => { - expect(P.general).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(P.general).toBeDefined(); }); it("has fakeEntities", () => { - expect(P.general.fakeEntities).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(P.general.fakeEntities).toBeDefined(); }); it("has objectives", () => { - expect(P.general.objectives).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(P.general.objectives).toBeDefined(); }); it("has tags", () => { - expect(P.general.tags).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(P.general.tags).toBeDefined(); }); it("has tickingAreas", () => { - expect(P.general.tickingAreas).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(P.general.tickingAreas).toBeDefined(); }); }); }); describe("Behaviourpack", () => { - var P: ProjectData; - var pack: BehaviorPack; + let P: ProjectData; + let pack: BehaviorPack; beforeEach(() => { P = new ProjectData(new TextProjectContext()); @@ -70,7 +68,7 @@ describe("ProjectData", () => { }); it("Has 1 bp", () => { - expect(P.behaviorPacks.count()).to.equal(1); + expect(P.behaviorPacks.count()).toEqual(1); }); describe("get", () => { @@ -85,18 +83,18 @@ describe("ProjectData", () => { it("not undefined", () => { const data = P.get(uri); - expect(data).to.not.undefined; + expect(data).toBeDefined(); }); it("Is behaviorpack", () => { const data = P.get(uri); - expect(BehaviorPack.is(data)).to.be.true; + expect(BehaviorPack.is(data)).toBeTruthy(); }); it("Has loot_tables", () => { const data = P.get(uri); - if (!BehaviorPack.is(data)) expect.fail(); - expect(data.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).to.be.true; + if (!BehaviorPack.is(data)) throw new Error(); + expect(data.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).toBeTruthy(); }); }); @@ -108,14 +106,14 @@ describe("ProjectData", () => { location: Location.create(uri), }); - expect(P.behaviorPacks.packs).to.not.undefined; - expect(P.behaviorPacks.loot_tables).to.not.undefined; - expect(P.behaviorPacks.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).to.be.true; + expect(P.behaviorPacks.packs).toBeDefined(); + expect(P.behaviorPacks.loot_tables).toBeDefined(); + expect(P.behaviorPacks.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.deleteFile(uri), "Expected operation to be successfull").to.be.true; + expect(P.deleteFile(uri)).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.behaviorPacks.packs).to.not.undefined; - expect(P.behaviorPacks.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).to.be.false; + expect(P.behaviorPacks.packs).toBeDefined(); + expect(P.behaviorPacks.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("Remove Folder", () => { @@ -126,12 +124,12 @@ describe("ProjectData", () => { location: Location.create(uri), }); - expect(P.behaviorPacks.loot_tables).to.not.undefined; - expect(P.behaviorPacks.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json"), "started with loottable").to.be.true; + expect(P.behaviorPacks.loot_tables).toBeDefined(); + expect(P.behaviorPacks.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.deleteFolder("c:\\temp\\bp\\loot_tables"), "Expected operation to be successfull").to.be.true; + expect(P.deleteFolder("c:\\temp\\bp\\loot_tables")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.behaviorPacks.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json"), "ended without loottable").to.be.false; + expect(P.behaviorPacks.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("Remove Folder - Entire Pack", () => { @@ -144,18 +142,18 @@ describe("ProjectData", () => { location: Location.create(uri), }); - expect(P.behaviorPacks.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).to.be.true; + expect(P.behaviorPacks.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.deleteFolder("c:\\temp\\bp"), "Expected operation to be successfull").to.be.true; + expect(P.deleteFolder("c:\\temp\\bp")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.behaviorPacks.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).to.be.false; - expect(P.behaviorPacks.count()).to.be.equal(0); + expect(P.behaviorPacks.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).toBeFalsy(); + expect(P.behaviorPacks.count()).toEqual(0); }); }); describe("Resourcepack", () => { - var P: ProjectData; - var pack: ResourcePack; + let P: ProjectData; + let pack: ResourcePack; beforeEach(() => { P = new ProjectData(new TextProjectContext()); @@ -163,7 +161,7 @@ describe("ProjectData", () => { }); it("add", () => { - expect(P.resourcePacks.count()).to.equal(1); + expect(P.resourcePacks.count()).toEqual(1); }); it("get", () => { @@ -178,12 +176,12 @@ describe("ProjectData", () => { const data = P.get(uri); if (!data) { - expect.fail("expacted a pack"); + throw new Error("expacted a pack"); } else { if (ResourcePack.is(data)) { - expect(data.sounds.has(id)).to.be.true; + expect(data.sounds.has(id)).toBeTruthy(); } else { - expect.fail("expacted a rp pack"); + throw new Error("expacted a rp pack"); } } }); @@ -197,10 +195,10 @@ describe("ProjectData", () => { location: Location.create(uri), }); - expect(P.resourcePacks.sounds.has(id)).to.be.true; + expect(P.resourcePacks.sounds.has(id)).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.deleteFile(uri), "Expected operation to be successfull").to.be.true; - expect(P.resourcePacks.sounds.has(id)).to.be.false; + expect(P.deleteFile(uri)).toBeTruthy(); + expect(P.resourcePacks.sounds.has(id)).toBeFalsy(); }); it("Remove Folder", () => { @@ -212,10 +210,10 @@ describe("ProjectData", () => { location: Location.create(uri), }); - expect(P.resourcePacks.sounds.has(id)).to.be.true; - expect(P.deleteFolder("c:\\temp\\rp\\sounds"), "Expected operation to be successfull").to.be.true; + expect(P.resourcePacks.sounds.has(id)).toBeTruthy(); + expect(P.deleteFolder("c:\\temp\\rp\\sounds")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.resourcePacks.sounds.has(id)).to.be.false; + expect(P.resourcePacks.sounds.has(id)).toBeFalsy(); }); it("Remove Folder - Entire Pack", () => { @@ -227,17 +225,17 @@ describe("ProjectData", () => { location: Location.create(uri), }); - expect(P.resourcePacks.sounds.has(id)).to.be.true; + expect(P.resourcePacks.sounds.has(id)).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.deleteFolder("c:\\temp\\rp"), "Expected operation to be successfull").to.be.true; + expect(P.deleteFolder("c:\\temp\\rp")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.resourcePacks.sounds.has(id)).to.be.false; - expect(P.resourcePacks.count()).to.be.equal(0); + expect(P.resourcePacks.sounds.has(id)).toBeFalsy(); + expect(P.resourcePacks.count()).toEqual(0); }); }); describe("General", () => { - var P: ProjectData; + let P: ProjectData; beforeEach(() => { P = new ProjectData(new TextProjectContext()); @@ -249,11 +247,11 @@ describe("ProjectData", () => { P.general.tags.set({ id: id, location: Location.create(uri) }); - expect(P.general.tags.has(id)).to.be.true; + expect(P.general.tags.has(id)).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.deleteFile(uri), "Expected operation to be successfull").to.be.true; + expect(P.deleteFile(uri)).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.general.tags.has(id)).to.be.false; + expect(P.general.tags.has(id)).toBeFalsy(); }); }); @@ -376,7 +374,6 @@ describe("ProjectData", () => { "rp.animation_controller", "rp.animation", "rp.attachable", - "rp.block", "rp.entity", "rp.fog", "rp.material", @@ -387,6 +384,9 @@ describe("ProjectData", () => { "rp.texture", ]; - ids.forEach((id) => it("find id: " + id, () => expect(data.find((item) => item.id === id) !== undefined))); + test.each(ids)(`find id %s`, (id) => { + const item = data.find((item) => item.id === id); + expect(item).toBeDefined(); + }); }); }); diff --git a/test/Project/ResourcePack/Filetype.test.ts b/test/Project/ResourcePack/Filetype.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 155f8e6d..00000000 --- a/test/Project/ResourcePack/Filetype.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; -import path from "path"; -import { ResourcePack } from "../../../src/main"; - -const FileType = ResourcePack.FileType; - -describe("RP Filetype", () => { - describe("Detect", () => { - const DetectTests = [ - ["F:\\Example-rp\\animation_controllers\\example.controller.json", FileType.animation_controller], - ["F:\\Example-rp\\animations\\example.animation.json", FileType.animation], - ["F:\\Example-rp\\attachables\\example.json", FileType.attachable], - ["F:\\Example-rp\\entity\\pig.entity.json", FileType.entity], - ["F:\\Example-rp\\models\\pig.geo.json", FileType.model], - ["F:\\Example-rp\\models\\entities\\pig.geo.json", FileType.model], - ["F:\\Example-rp\\particles\\example.particle.json", FileType.particle], - ["F:\\Example-rp\\render_controllers\\example.controller.json", FileType.render_controller], - ["F:\\Example-rp\\textures\\entities\\custom\\pig.png", FileType.texture], - - ["F:\\Example-rp\\biomes_client.json", FileType.biomes_client], - ["F:\\Example-rp\\blocks.json", FileType.block], - ["F:\\Example-rp\\textures\\flipbook_textures.json", FileType.texture_flipbook_atlas], - ["F:\\Example-rp\\textures\\item_texture.json", FileType.texture_item_atlas], - ["F:\\Example-rp\\manifest.json", FileType.manifest], - ["F:\\Example-rp\\sounds\\music_definitions.json", FileType.music_definitions], - ["F:\\Example-rp\\sounds\\sound_definitions.json", FileType.sounds_definitions], - ["F:\\Example-rp\\sounds.json", FileType.sounds], - ["F:\\Example-rp\\textures\\terrain_texture.json", FileType.texture_terrain_atlas], - - ["F:\\Example\\animation_controllers\\example.controller.json", FileType.animation_controller], - ["F:\\Example\\animations\\example.animation.json", FileType.animation], - ["F:\\Example\\attachables\\example.json", FileType.attachable], - ["F:\\Example\\entity\\pig.entity.json", FileType.entity], - ["F:\\Example\\models\\pig.geo.json", FileType.model], - ["F:\\Example\\models\\entities\\pig.geo.json", FileType.model], - ["F:\\Example\\particles\\example.particle.json", FileType.particle], - ["F:\\Example\\render_controllers\\example.controller.json", FileType.render_controller], - ["F:\\Example\\textures\\entities\\custom\\pig.png", FileType.texture], - - ["F:\\Example\\biomes_client.json", FileType.biomes_client], - ["F:\\Example\\blocks.json", FileType.block], - ["F:\\Example\\textures\\flipbook_textures.json", FileType.texture_flipbook_atlas], - ["F:\\Example\\textures\\item_texture.json", FileType.texture_item_atlas], - ["F:\\Example\\manifest.json", FileType.manifest], - ["F:\\Example\\sounds\\music_definitions.json", FileType.music_definitions], - ["F:\\Example\\sounds\\sound_definitions.json", FileType.sounds_definitions], - ["F:\\Example\\sounds.json", FileType.sounds], - ["F:\\Example\\textures\\terrain_texture.json", FileType.texture_terrain_atlas], - ]; - - DetectTests.forEach((item) => { - it(item[0], () => { - let filepath = item[0]; - const expected = item[1] as keyof typeof FileType; - - if (path.sep !== "\\") filepath = filepath.replace(/\\/gi, "/"); - - const test = FileType.detect(path.normalize(filepath)); - - expect(test).to.equal(expected, `${FileType[test]} was not ${FileType[expected]}`); - }); - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/Project/ResourcePack/Resourcepack.test.ts b/test/Project/ResourcePack/Resourcepack.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index c506dbbc..00000000 --- a/test/Project/ResourcePack/Resourcepack.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -import { MCProject } from "bc-minecraft-project"; -import { expect } from "chai"; -import { describe } from "mocha"; -import { ResourcePack } from '../../../src/Lib/Project'; -import { Manifest } from '../../../src/Lib/Internal/Types'; - -describe("Resourcepack", () => { - describe("sanity check", () => { - const RP = new ResourcePack.ResourcePack( - "c:\\test", - MCProject.createEmpty(), - {} as Manifest, - ); - - it("animation controllers", () => { - expect( - typeof RP.animation_controllers === "object", - "animation_controllers" - ).to.be.true; - }); - it("animations", () => { - expect(typeof RP.animations === "object", "animations").to.be.true; - }); - it("attachables", () => { - expect(typeof RP.attachables === "object", "attachables").to.be.true; - }); - it("block_culling", () => { - expect(typeof RP.block_culling_rules === "object", "block_culling_rules").to.be.true; - }); - it("context", () => { - expect(typeof RP.context === "object", "context").to.be.true; - }); - it("entities", () => { - expect(typeof RP.entities === "object", "entities").to.be.true; - }); - it("folder", () => { - expect(typeof RP.folder === "string", "folder").to.be.true; - }); - it("materials", () => { - expect(typeof RP.materials === "object", "functions").to.be.true; - }); - it("models", () => { - expect(typeof RP.models === "object", "items").to.be.true; - }); - it("particles", () => { - expect(typeof RP.particles === "object", "loot_tables").to.be.true; - }); - it("sounds", () => { - expect(typeof RP.sounds === "object", "structures").to.be.true; - }); - it("textures", () => { - expect(typeof RP.textures === "object", "trading").to.be.true; - }); - }); - - describe("is", () => { - const RP = new ResourcePack.ResourcePack( - "c:\\test", - MCProject.createEmpty(), - {} as Manifest, - ); - - it("Is object?", ()=>{ - expect(RP).a("object"); - }) - - it("Is resourcepack", ()=>{ - expect(ResourcePack.ResourcePack.is(RP)).to.be.true; - }) - }); -}); diff --git a/test/Project/ResourcePack/Types/AnimationController/Process.test.ts b/test/Project/ResourcePack/Types/AnimationController/Process.test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 768f815d..00000000 --- a/test/Project/ResourcePack/Types/AnimationController/Process.test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; -import { ResourcePack } from '../../../../../src/Lib/Project'; - -describe("Resourcepack", () => { - describe("Animation Controller", () => { - const data = `{ - "format_version": "1.8.0", - "animation_controllers": { - "controller.animation.example.base_pose": { "states": { "default": { "animations": [{ "base_pose": [] }] } } } - } - }`; - - describe("Process", () => { - const controllers = ResourcePack.AnimationController.Process({ getText: () => data, uri: "example" }); - - it("not undefined", () => { - expect(controllers).to.not.be.undefined; - }) - - if (!controllers) return; - - it("has specific length", ()=>{ - expect(controllers.length).to.equal(1); - }) - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/BehaviorPackCollection.test.ts b/test/Project/behavior-pack/behavior-pack-collection.test.ts similarity index 63% rename from test/Project/BehaviorPack/BehaviorPackCollection.test.ts rename to test/Project/behavior-pack/behavior-pack-collection.test.ts index 550bb7d0..31d07738 100644 --- a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/BehaviorPackCollection.test.ts +++ b/test/Project/behavior-pack/behavior-pack-collection.test.ts @@ -1,59 +1,58 @@ import { Location } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types/lib/types"; import { MCProject } from "bc-minecraft-project"; -import { expect } from "chai"; import { BehaviorPackCollection } from "../../../src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack"; import { Manifest } from "../../../src/Lib/Internal/Types"; describe("BehaviorPackCollection", () => { it("sanity check", () => { const pc = new BehaviorPackCollection(); - expect(pc.packs).to.not.be.undefined; - expect(pc.packs.length).to.be.equal(0); + expect(pc.packs).toBeDefined(); + expect(pc.packs).toHaveLength(0); pc.add("c:\\project\\", MCProject.createEmpty(), {} as Manifest); - expect(pc.packs).to.not.be.undefined; - expect(pc.packs.length).to.be.equal(1); + expect(pc.packs).toBeDefined(); + expect(pc.packs).toHaveLength(1); - expect(pc.delete("c:\\project\\")).to.be.true; + expect(pc.delete("c:\\project\\")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(pc.packs).to.not.be.undefined; - expect(pc.packs.length).to.be.equal(0); + expect(pc.packs).toBeDefined(); + expect(pc.packs).toHaveLength(0); }); it("count", () => { const P = new BehaviorPackCollection(); - expect(P.count()).to.equal(0); + expect(P.count()).toEqual(0); P.add("c:/project/bp", MCProject.createEmpty(), {} as Manifest); - expect(P.count()).to.equal(1); + expect(P.count()).toEqual(1); P.add("c:/project2/bp", MCProject.createEmpty(), {} as Manifest); - expect(P.count()).to.equal(2); + expect(P.count()).toEqual(2); }); it("add", () => { const P = new BehaviorPackCollection(); const pack = P.add("c:/project/bp", MCProject.createEmpty(), {} as Manifest); - expect(pack.folder).to.equal("c:/project/bp"); - expect(P.count()).to.equal(1); + expect(pack.folder).toEqual("c:/project/bp"); + expect(P.count()).toEqual(1); P.add("c:/project2/bp", MCProject.createEmpty(), {} as Manifest); - expect(P.count()).to.equal(2); + expect(P.count()).toEqual(2); }); it("add duplicate", () => { const P = new BehaviorPackCollection(); - expect(P.count()).to.equal(0); + expect(P.count()).toEqual(0); P.add("c:/project/bp", MCProject.createEmpty(), {} as Manifest); P.add("c:/project/bp", MCProject.createEmpty(), {} as Manifest); - expect(P.count()).to.equal(2); + expect(P.count()).toEqual(2); }); it("get", () => { @@ -67,7 +66,7 @@ describe("BehaviorPackCollection", () => { }); const item = P.get(uri); - expect(item).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(item).toBeDefined(); }); it("Remove File", () => { @@ -81,13 +80,13 @@ describe("BehaviorPackCollection", () => { location: Location.create(uri), }); - expect(P.packs).to.not.undefined; - expect(P.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).to.be.true; + expect(P.packs).toBeDefined(); + expect(P.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.deleteFile(uri), "Expected operation to be successfull").to.be.true; + expect(P.deleteFile(uri)).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.packs).to.not.undefined; - expect(P.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).to.be.false; + expect(P.packs).toBeDefined(); + expect(P.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("Remove Folder", () => { @@ -101,11 +100,11 @@ describe("BehaviorPackCollection", () => { location: Location.create(uri), }); - expect(P.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).to.be.true; + expect(P.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.deleteFolder("c:\\temp\\bp\\loot_tables"), "Expected operation to be successfull").to.be.true; + expect(P.deleteFolder("c:\\temp\\bp\\loot_tables")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).to.be.false; + expect(P.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("Remove Folder - Entire Pack", () => { @@ -119,11 +118,11 @@ describe("BehaviorPackCollection", () => { location: Location.create(uri), }); - expect(P.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).to.be.true; + expect(P.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.deleteFolder("c:\\temp\\bp"), "Expected operation to be successfull").to.be.true; + expect(P.deleteFolder("c:\\temp\\bp")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(P.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).to.be.false; - expect(P.count()).to.be.equal(0); + expect(P.loot_tables.has("empty.loot.json")).toBeFalsy(); + expect(P.count()).toEqual(0); }); }); diff --git a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/BehaviorPack.test.ts b/test/Project/behavior-pack/behavior-pack.test.ts similarity index 50% rename from test/Project/BehaviorPack/BehaviorPack.test.ts rename to test/Project/behavior-pack/behavior-pack.test.ts index a90e99d9..b314fd87 100644 --- a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/BehaviorPack.test.ts +++ b/test/Project/behavior-pack/behavior-pack.test.ts @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ import { MCProject } from "bc-minecraft-project"; -import { expect } from "chai"; import { BehaviorPack } from "../../../src/main"; import { Manifest } from "../../../src/Lib/Internal/Types"; @@ -8,47 +7,47 @@ describe("BehaviorPack", () => { const BP = new BehaviorPack.BehaviorPack("c:\\test", MCProject.createEmpty(), {} as Manifest); it("animation controllers", () => { - expect(typeof BP.animation_controllers === "object", "animation_controllers").to.be.true; + expect(typeof BP.animation_controllers === "object").toBeTruthy(); }); it("animations", () => { - expect(typeof BP.animations === "object", "animations").to.be.true; + expect(typeof BP.animations === "object").toBeTruthy(); }); it("blocks", () => { - expect(typeof BP.blocks === "object", "blocks").to.be.true; + expect(typeof BP.blocks === "object").toBeTruthy(); }); it("context", () => { - expect(typeof BP.context === "object", "context").to.be.true; + expect(typeof BP.context === "object").toBeTruthy(); }); it("entities", () => { - expect(typeof BP.entities === "object", "entities").to.be.true; + expect(typeof BP.entities === "object").toBeTruthy(); }); it("folder", () => { - expect(typeof BP.folder === "string", "folder").to.be.true; + expect(typeof BP.folder === "string").toBeTruthy(); }); it("functions", () => { - expect(typeof BP.functions === "object", "functions").to.be.true; + expect(typeof BP.functions === "object").toBeTruthy(); }); it("items", () => { - expect(typeof BP.items === "object", "items").to.be.true; + expect(typeof BP.items === "object").toBeTruthy(); }); it("loot_tables", () => { - expect(typeof BP.loot_tables === "object", "loot_tables").to.be.true; + expect(typeof BP.loot_tables === "object").toBeTruthy(); }); it("structures", () => { - expect(typeof BP.structures === "object", "structures").to.be.true; + expect(typeof BP.structures === "object").toBeTruthy(); }); it("trading", () => { - expect(typeof BP.trading === "object", "trading").to.be.true; + expect(typeof BP.trading === "object").toBeTruthy(); }); }); @@ -56,15 +55,15 @@ describe("BehaviorPack", () => { const BP = new BehaviorPack.BehaviorPack("c:\\test", MCProject.createEmpty(), {} as Manifest); it("Is not undefined", () => { - expect(BP).to.not.be.undefined; + expect(BP).toBeDefined(); }); it("Is not an object", () => { - expect(typeof BP === "object").to.be.true; + expect(typeof BP === "object").toBeTruthy(); }); it("Is a BehaviorPack", () => { - expect(BehaviorPack.BehaviorPack.is(BP)).to.be.true; + expect(BehaviorPack.BehaviorPack.is(BP)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Filetype.test.ts b/test/Project/behavior-pack/filetype.test.ts similarity index 93% rename from test/Project/BehaviorPack/Filetype.test.ts rename to test/Project/behavior-pack/filetype.test.ts index b4f31f41..6cbad2a6 100644 --- a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Filetype.test.ts +++ b/test/Project/behavior-pack/filetype.test.ts @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; import path from "path"; import { BehaviorPack } from "../../../src/main"; -const FileType = BehaviorPack.FileType +const FileType = BehaviorPack.FileType; describe("BP Filetype", () => { describe("Detect", () => { @@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ describe("BP Filetype", () => { const test = FileType.detect(path.normalize(filepath)); - expect(test).to.equal(expected, `${FileType[test]} was not ${FileType[expected]}`); + expect(test).toEqual(expected); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/animation-controllers.test.ts.snap b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/animation-controllers.test.ts.snap new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a3da64b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/animation-controllers.test.ts.snap @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP + +exports[`BehaviorPack - Animation Controller Process 1`] = ` +[ + { + "animations": { + "defined": [], + "using": [ + "base_pose", + ], + }, + "documentation": "BP Animation Controller: controller.animation.example.base_pose", + "id": "controller.animation.example.base_pose", + "location": { + "position": 77, + "uri": "example", + }, + "molang": { + "contexts": { + "using": [], + }, + "queries": { + "using": [], + }, + "temps": { + "defined": [], + "using": [], + }, + "variables": { + "defined": [], + "using": [], + }, + }, + }, +] +`; diff --git a/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/entity.test.ts.snap b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/entity.test.ts.snap new file mode 100644 index 00000000..62c83bb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/entity.test.ts.snap @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP + +exports[`Entity Families 1`] = ` +{ + "animations": { + "defined": [ + "controller", + "something", + ], + "using": [ + "controller.animation.chicken", + "controller.i.dont.exist", + ], + }, + "documentation": "BP Entity: blockception:sheep", + "events": [ + "self:to", + ], + "families": [ + "animal", + "mob", + ], + "groups": [ + "self:group1", + ], + "id": "blockception:sheep", + "location": { + "position": 98, + "uri": "C:\\temp.json", + }, + "molang": { + "contexts": { + "using": [], + }, + "queries": { + "using": [], + }, + "temps": { + "defined": [], + "using": [], + }, + "variables": { + "defined": [], + "using": [], + }, + }, + "properties": [], +} +`; diff --git a/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/function.test.ts.snap b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/function.test.ts.snap new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6cc5dc36 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/function.test.ts.snap @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP + +exports[`Function "empty/temp build/air_1" from F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/functions/empty/temp build/air_1.mcfunction 1`] = ` +{ + "documentation": "Mcfunction: "empty/temp build/air_1"", + "id": ""empty/temp build/air_1"", + "location": { + "position": 0, + "uri": "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/functions/empty/temp build/air_1.mcfunction", + }, +} +`; + +exports[`Function empty/air_1 from F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/functions/empty/air_1.mcfunction 1`] = ` +{ + "documentation": "Mcfunction: empty/air_1", + "id": "empty/air_1", + "location": { + "position": 0, + "uri": "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/functions/empty/air_1.mcfunction", + }, +} +`; + +exports[`Function empty/air_1 from F:\\Temp2\\world\\behavior_packs\\EW-BP\\functions\\empty\\air_1.mcfunction 1`] = ` +{ + "documentation": "Mcfunction: empty/air_1", + "id": "empty/air_1", + "location": { + "position": 0, + "uri": "F:\\Temp2\\world\\behavior_packs\\EW-BP\\functions\\empty\\air_1.mcfunction", + }, +} +`; + +exports[`Function empty/temp/air_1 from F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/functions/empty/temp/air_1.mcfunction 1`] = ` +{ + "documentation": "Mcfunction: empty/temp/air_1", + "id": "empty/temp/air_1", + "location": { + "position": 0, + "uri": "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/functions/empty/temp/air_1.mcfunction", + }, +} +`; diff --git a/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/loot-table.test.ts.snap b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/loot-table.test.ts.snap new file mode 100644 index 00000000..99cc718d --- /dev/null +++ b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/loot-table.test.ts.snap @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP + +exports[`LootTable process $s 1`] = ` +{ + "documentation": "example", + "id": "loot_tables/blocks/example.json", + "location": { + "position": 0, + "uri": "F:\\Temp2\\world\\behavior_packs\\EW-BP\\loot_tables\\blocks\\example.json", + }, +} +`; + +exports[`LootTable process $s 2`] = ` +{ + "documentation": "example", + "id": "loot_tables/blocks/example.json", + "location": { + "position": 0, + "uri": "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/loot_tables/blocks/example.json", + }, +} +`; + +exports[`LootTable process $s 3`] = ` +{ + "documentation": "example", + "id": "loot_tables/blocks example.json", + "location": { + "position": 0, + "uri": "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/loot_tables/blocks example.json", + }, +} +`; diff --git a/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/structure.test.ts.snap b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/structure.test.ts.snap new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b16eb548 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/structure.test.ts.snap @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP + +exports[`Structure "empty/air_1" from F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/structures/empty/air_1.mcstructure 1`] = ` +{ + "documentation": "McStructure: "empty/air_1"", + "id": ""empty/air_1"", + "location": { + "position": 0, + "uri": "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/structures/empty/air_1.mcstructure", + }, +} +`; + +exports[`Structure "empty/air_1" from F:\\Temp2\\world\\behavior_packs\\EW-BP\\structures\\empty\\air_1.mcstructure 1`] = ` +{ + "documentation": "McStructure: "empty/air_1"", + "id": ""empty/air_1"", + "location": { + "position": 0, + "uri": "F:\\Temp2\\world\\behavior_packs\\EW-BP\\structures\\empty\\air_1.mcstructure", + }, +} +`; + +exports[`Structure "empty/temp/air_1" from F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/structures/empty/temp/air_1.mcstructure 1`] = ` +{ + "documentation": "McStructure: "empty/temp/air_1"", + "id": ""empty/temp/air_1"", + "location": { + "position": 0, + "uri": "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/structures/empty/temp/air_1.mcstructure", + }, +} +`; diff --git a/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/trading.test.ts.snap b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/trading.test.ts.snap new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0b6589ef --- /dev/null +++ b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/__snapshots__/trading.test.ts.snap @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP + +exports[`Trading process: $s 1`] = ` +{ + "documentation": "example", + "id": "trading/blocks/example.json", + "location": { + "position": 0, + "uri": "F:\\Temp2\\world\\behavior_packs\\EW-BP\\trading\\blocks\\example.json", + }, +} +`; + +exports[`Trading process: $s 2`] = ` +{ + "documentation": "example", + "id": "trading/blocks/example.json", + "location": { + "position": 0, + "uri": "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/trading/blocks/example.json", + }, +} +`; + +exports[`Trading process: $s 3`] = ` +{ + "documentation": "example", + "id": "trading/blocks example.json", + "location": { + "position": 0, + "uri": "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/trading/blocks example.json", + }, +} +`; diff --git a/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/animation-controllers.test.ts b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/animation-controllers.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..508c0287 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/animation-controllers.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +import { BehaviorPack } from "../../../../src/main"; + +describe("BehaviorPack - Animation Controller", () => { + const data = `{ + "format_version": "1.8.0", + "animation_controllers": { + "controller.animation.example.base_pose": { "states": { "default": { "animations": [{ "base_pose": 0 }] } } } + } + }`; + + test("Process", () => { + const controllers = BehaviorPack.AnimationController.Process({ + getText: () => data, + uri: "example", + }); + expect(controllers).toMatchSnapshot(); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/entity.test.ts b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/entity.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c8907c12 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/entity.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +import { Json } from "../../../../src/Lib/Internal/Json"; +import { TextDocument } from "../../../../src/Lib/Types/TextDocument"; +import * as Internal from "../../../../src/Lib/Internal/BehaviorPack/Entity"; +import { Entity } from "../../../../src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack"; + +const EntityJson: string = `{ + "format_version": "1.16.0", + "minecraft:entity": { + "description": { + "identifier": "blockception:sheep", + "is_spawnable": true, + "is_summonable": true, + "animations": { + "controller": "controller.animation.chicken", + "something": "controller.i.dont.exist" + }, + "scripts": { + "animate": ["controller"] + } + }, + "component_groups": { + "self:group1": { + "minecraft:type_family": { + "family": ["animal"] + } + } + }, + "components": { + "minecraft:health": { "value": 10, "max": 10 }, + "minecraft:type_family": { + "family": ["mob"] + } + }, + "events": { + "self:to": {} + } + } +}`; + +const EntityDoc: TextDocument = { + uri: "C:\\temp.json", + getText: () => EntityJson, +}; + +describe("Entity", () => { + describe("Data", () => { + const imp = Json.To(EntityJson); + + it("Not Undefined", () => { + expect(imp).toBeDefined(); + }); + + it("Is entity", () => { + expect(Internal.Entity.is(imp)).toBeTruthy(); + }); + }); + + test("Families", () => { + const data = Entity.Process(EntityDoc); + + expect(data).toMatchSnapshot(); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/Function.test.ts b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/function.test.ts similarity index 65% rename from test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/Function.test.ts rename to test/Project/behavior-pack/types/function.test.ts index 74ea2c3a..082aa507 100644 --- a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/Function.test.ts +++ b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/function.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; import { Process } from "../../../../src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/McFunction/Process"; describe("Function", () => { @@ -21,19 +20,9 @@ describe("Function", () => { }, ]; - data.forEach(item=>{ - describe(`${item.result} from ${item.uri}`, ()=>{ - const out = Process({ uri: item.uri, getText: (range) => "//example" }); + test.each(data)(`$result from $uri`, (item) => { + const data = Process({ uri: item.uri, getText: () => "//example" }); - it("not undefined", ()=>{ - expect(out).to.not.be.undefined; - }) - - if (!out) return; - - it("has id", ()=>{ - expect(out.id).to.equal(item.result); - }) - }) - }) + expect(data).toMatchSnapshot(); + }); }); diff --git a/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/loot-table.test.ts b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/loot-table.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..41dc3e2d --- /dev/null +++ b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/loot-table.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +import { Process } from "../../../../src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/LootTable/Process"; + +describe("LootTable", () => { + const files = [ + "F:\\Temp2\\world\\behavior_packs\\EW-BP\\loot_tables\\blocks\\example.json", + "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/loot_tables/blocks/example.json", + "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/loot_tables/blocks example.json" + ] + + test.each(files)("process $s", (uri) => { + const data = Process({ uri: uri, getText: () => "//example" }); + + expect(data).toMatchSnapshot(); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/Structure.test.ts b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/structure.test.ts similarity index 57% rename from test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/Structure.test.ts rename to test/Project/behavior-pack/types/structure.test.ts index 3e09c6de..2715a168 100644 --- a/test/Project/BehaviorPack/Types/Structure.test.ts +++ b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/structure.test.ts @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; import { Process } from "../../../../src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Structure/Process"; describe("Structure", () => { const data: { uri: string; result: string }[] = [ { uri: "F:\\Temp2\\world\\behavior_packs\\EW-BP\\structures\\empty\\air_1.mcstructure", - result:'"empty/air_1"', + result: '"empty/air_1"', }, { uri: "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/structures/empty/air_1.mcstructure", @@ -17,19 +16,9 @@ describe("Structure", () => { }, ]; - data.forEach(item=>{ - describe(`${item.result} from ${item.uri}`, ()=>{ - const out = Process({ uri: item.uri, getText: (range) => "//example" }); - - it("not undefined", ()=>{ - expect(out).to.not.be.undefined; - }) - - if (!out) return; + test.each(data)("$result from $uri", (item) => { + const out = Process({ uri: item.uri, getText: () => "//example" }); - it("has id", ()=>{ - expect(out.id).to.equal(item.result); - }) - }) - }) + expect(out).toMatchSnapshot(); + }); }); diff --git a/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/trading.test.ts b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/trading.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4e5031d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/Project/behavior-pack/types/trading.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +import { Process } from "../../../../src/Lib/Project/BehaviorPack/Trading/Process"; + +describe("Trading", () => { + const files = [ + "F:\\Temp2\\world\\behavior_packs\\EW-BP\\trading\\blocks\\example.json", + "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/trading/blocks/example.json", + "F:/Temp2/world/behavior_packs/EW-BP/trading/blocks example.json", + ]; + + test.each(files)("process: $s", (uri) => { + const out = Process({ uri: uri, getText: () => "//example" }); + expect(out).toMatchSnapshot(); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/Project/General/GeneralInfo.test.ts b/test/Project/general/general-info.test.ts similarity index 78% rename from test/Project/General/GeneralInfo.test.ts rename to test/Project/general/general-info.test.ts index 565db459..19910b9c 100644 --- a/test/Project/General/GeneralInfo.test.ts +++ b/test/Project/general/general-info.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; import { GeneralInfo } from "../../../src/Lib/Project/General/Types/GeneralInfo"; describe("GeneralInfo", () => { @@ -6,13 +5,13 @@ describe("GeneralInfo", () => { it("With quotes", () => { const test = GeneralInfo.create('"example"', { position: 0, uri: "example" }, "A fake entity"); - expect(test.id).to.equal("example"); + expect(test.id).toEqual("example"); }); it("Without quotes", () => { const test = GeneralInfo.create("example", { position: 0, uri: "example" }, "A fake entity"); - expect(test.id).to.equal("example"); + expect(test.id).toEqual("example"); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/Project/General/Types/Commands/Process.test.ts b/test/Project/general/types/commands.test.ts similarity index 59% rename from test/Project/General/Types/Commands/Process.test.ts rename to test/Project/general/types/commands.test.ts index 2156c43a..3fac7db9 100644 --- a/test/Project/General/Types/Commands/Process.test.ts +++ b/test/Project/general/types/commands.test.ts @@ -1,15 +1,14 @@ import { MCProject } from "bc-minecraft-project"; -import { expect } from "chai"; -import { ProjectData } from "../../../../../src/Lib/Project/ProjectData"; -import { TextDocument } from "../../../../../src/Lib/Types/TextDocument"; -import { TextProjectContext } from "../../../../Utility"; -import { Manifest } from '../../../../../src/Lib/Internal/Types'; +import { ProjectData } from "../../../../src/Lib/Project/ProjectData"; +import { TextDocument } from "../../../../src/Lib/Types/TextDocument"; +import { TextProjectContext } from "../../../Utility"; +import { Manifest } from "../../../../src/Lib/Internal/Types"; describe("Commands", () => { it("mcfunction", () => { const P = new ProjectData(new TextProjectContext()); - P.behaviorPacks.add("c:\\bp", MCProject.createEmpty(),{} as Manifest); + P.behaviorPacks.add("c:\\bp", MCProject.createEmpty(), {} as Manifest); const doc: TextDocument = { uri: "c:\\bp\\functions\\example.mcfunction", @@ -22,16 +21,15 @@ scoreboard players set global id 0`, const out = P.process(doc); - expect(out, "Pack").to.not.be.undefined; - expect(P.behaviorPacks.functions.get("example")).to.not.be.undefined; - expect(P.general.tags.count()).to.equal(1); - expect(P.general.objectives.count()).to.equal(1); - expect(P.general.fakeEntities.count()).to.equal(1); - expect(P.general.tickingAreas.count()).to.equal(2); - + expect(out).toBeDefined(); + expect(P.behaviorPacks.functions.get("example")).toBeDefined(); + expect(P.general.tags.count()).toEqual(1); + expect(P.general.objectives.count()).toEqual(1); + expect(P.general.fakeEntities.count()).toEqual(1); + expect(P.general.tickingAreas.count()).toEqual(2); - expect(P.general.tickingAreas.has("main"), "main tickingarea").to.be.true; - expect(P.general.tickingAreas.has("foo"), "foo tickingarea").to.be.true; + expect(P.general.tickingAreas.has("main")).toBeTruthy(); + expect(P.general.tickingAreas.has("foo")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("animation", () => { @@ -60,15 +58,15 @@ scoreboard players set global id 0`, const out = P.process(doc); - expect(out, "Pack").to.not.be.undefined; - expect(P.behaviorPacks.animations.get("animation.example.foo")).to.not.be.undefined; - expect(P.general.tags.count()).to.equal(1); - expect(P.general.objectives.count()).to.equal(1); - expect(P.general.fakeEntities.count()).to.equal(1); - expect(P.general.tickingAreas.count()).to.equal(2); + expect(out).toBeDefined(); + expect(P.behaviorPacks.animations.get("animation.example.foo")).toBeDefined(); + expect(P.general.tags.count()).toEqual(1); + expect(P.general.objectives.count()).toEqual(1); + expect(P.general.fakeEntities.count()).toEqual(1); + expect(P.general.tickingAreas.count()).toEqual(2); - expect(P.general.tickingAreas.has("main"), "main tickingarea").to.be.true; - expect(P.general.tickingAreas.has("foo"), "foo tickingarea").to.be.true; + expect(P.general.tickingAreas.has("main")).toBeTruthy(); + expect(P.general.tickingAreas.has("foo")).toBeTruthy(); }); it("animation_controller", () => { @@ -106,14 +104,14 @@ scoreboard players set global id 0`, const out = P.process(doc); - expect(out, "Pack").to.not.be.undefined; - expect(P.behaviorPacks.animation_controllers.get("controller.animation.example")).to.not.be.undefined; - expect(P.general.tags.count()).to.equal(1); - expect(P.general.objectives.count()).to.equal(1); - expect(P.general.fakeEntities.count()).to.equal(1); - expect(P.general.tickingAreas.count()).to.equal(2); + expect(out).toBeDefined(); + expect(P.behaviorPacks.animation_controllers.get("controller.animation.example")).toBeDefined(); + expect(P.general.tags.count()).toEqual(1); + expect(P.general.objectives.count()).toEqual(1); + expect(P.general.fakeEntities.count()).toEqual(1); + expect(P.general.tickingAreas.count()).toEqual(2); - expect(P.general.tickingAreas.has("main"), "main tickingarea").to.be.true; - expect(P.general.tickingAreas.has("foo"), "foo tickingarea").to.be.true; + expect(P.general.tickingAreas.has("main")).toBeTruthy(); + expect(P.general.tickingAreas.has("foo")).toBeTruthy(); }); }); diff --git a/test/Project/resource-pack/__snapshots__/animation-controllers.test.ts.snap b/test/Project/resource-pack/__snapshots__/animation-controllers.test.ts.snap new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f072e15 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/Project/resource-pack/__snapshots__/animation-controllers.test.ts.snap @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP + +exports[`Resourcepack - Animation Controller Process 1`] = ` +[ + { + "animations": { + "using": [ + "base_pose", + ], + }, + "documentation": "RP Animation Controller: 'controller.animation.example.base_pose'", + "id": "controller.animation.example.base_pose", + "location": { + "position": 71, + "uri": "example", + }, + "molang": { + "contexts": { + "using": [], + }, + "queries": { + "using": [], + }, + "temps": { + "defined": [], + "using": [], + }, + "variables": { + "defined": [], + "using": [], + }, + }, + "particles": { + "using": [], + }, + "sounds": { + "using": [], + }, + }, +] +`; diff --git a/test/Project/resource-pack/animation-controllers.test.ts b/test/Project/resource-pack/animation-controllers.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0b29b71a --- /dev/null +++ b/test/Project/resource-pack/animation-controllers.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +import { ResourcePack } from "../../../src/Lib/Project"; + +describe("Resourcepack - Animation Controller", () => { + const data = `{ + "format_version": "1.8.0", + "animation_controllers": { + "controller.animation.example.base_pose": { "states": { "default": { "animations": [{ "base_pose": [] }] } } } + } + }`; + + test("Process", () => { + const controllers = ResourcePack.AnimationController.Process({ getText: () => data, uri: "example" }); + expect(controllers).toMatchSnapshot(); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/Project/resource-pack/filetype.test.ts b/test/Project/resource-pack/filetype.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a858b0ad --- /dev/null +++ b/test/Project/resource-pack/filetype.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +import path from "path"; +import { ResourcePack } from "../../../src/main"; + +const FileType = ResourcePack.FileType; + +describe("RP Filetype", () => { + describe("Detect", () => { + const DetectTests = [ + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\animation_controllers\\example.controller.json", type: FileType.animation_controller }, + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\animations\\example.animation.json", type: FileType.animation }, + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\attachables\\example.json", type: FileType.attachable }, + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\entity\\pig.entity.json", type: FileType.entity }, + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\models\\pig.geo.json", type: FileType.model }, + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\models\\entities\\pig.geo.json", type: FileType.model }, + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\particles\\example.particle.json", type: FileType.particle }, + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\render_controllers\\example.controller.json", type: FileType.render_controller }, + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\textures\\entities\\custom\\pig.png", type: FileType.texture }, + + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\biomes_client.json", type: FileType.biomes_client }, + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\blocks.json", type: FileType.block }, + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\textures\\flipbook_textures.json", type: FileType.texture_flipbook_atlas }, + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\textures\\item_texture.json", type: FileType.texture_item_atlas }, + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\manifest.json", type: FileType.manifest }, + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\sounds\\music_definitions.json", type: FileType.music_definitions }, + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\sounds\\sound_definitions.json", type: FileType.sounds_definitions }, + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\sounds.json", type: FileType.sounds }, + { file: "F:\\Example-rp\\textures\\terrain_texture.json", type: FileType.texture_terrain_atlas }, + + { file: "F:\\Example\\animation_controllers\\example.controller.json", type: FileType.animation_controller }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\animations\\example.animation.json", type: FileType.animation }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\attachables\\example.json", type: FileType.attachable }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\entity\\pig.entity.json", type: FileType.entity }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\models\\pig.geo.json", type: FileType.model }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\models\\entities\\pig.geo.json", type: FileType.model }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\particles\\example.particle.json", type: FileType.particle }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\render_controllers\\example.controller.json", type: FileType.render_controller }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\textures\\entities\\custom\\pig.png", type: FileType.texture }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\biomes_client.json", type: FileType.biomes_client }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\blocks.json", type: FileType.block }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\textures\\flipbook_textures.json", type: FileType.texture_flipbook_atlas }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\textures\\item_texture.json", type: FileType.texture_item_atlas }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\manifest.json", type: FileType.manifest }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\sounds\\music_definitions.json", type: FileType.music_definitions }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\sounds\\sound_definitions.json", type: FileType.sounds_definitions }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\sounds.json", type: FileType.sounds }, + { file: "F:\\Example\\textures\\terrain_texture.json", type: FileType.texture_terrain_atlas }, + ]; + + it.each(DetectTests)("$file", (item) => { + let filepath = item.file; + const expected = item.type; + + if (path.sep !== "\\") filepath = filepath.replace(/\\/gi, "/"); + + const test = FileType.detect(path.normalize(filepath)); + + expect(test).toEqual(expected); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/Project/ResourcePack/ResourcePackCollection.test.ts b/test/Project/resource-pack/resourcePackCollection.test.ts similarity index 53% rename from test/Project/ResourcePack/ResourcePackCollection.test.ts rename to test/Project/resource-pack/resourcePackCollection.test.ts index ec5c3066..b1c7ca12 100644 --- a/test/Project/ResourcePack/ResourcePackCollection.test.ts +++ b/test/Project/resource-pack/resourcePackCollection.test.ts @@ -1,22 +1,21 @@ import { MCProject } from "bc-minecraft-project"; -import { expect } from "chai"; import { ResourcePackCollection } from "../../../src/Lib/Project/ResourcePack"; import { Manifest } from '../../../src/Lib/Internal/Types'; describe("ResourcePackCollection", () => { it("sanity check", () => { const pc = new ResourcePackCollection(); - expect(pc.packs).to.not.be.undefined; - expect(pc.packs.length).to.be.equal(0); + expect(pc.packs).toBeDefined(); + expect(pc.packs).toHaveLength(0); pc.add("c:\\project\\", MCProject.createEmpty(), {} as Manifest); - expect(pc.packs).to.not.be.undefined; - expect(pc.packs.length).to.be.equal(1); + expect(pc.packs).toBeDefined(); + expect(pc.packs).toHaveLength(1); - expect(pc.delete("c:\\project\\")).to.be.true; + expect(pc.delete("c:\\project\\")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(pc.packs).to.not.be.undefined; - expect(pc.packs.length).to.be.equal(0); + expect(pc.packs).toBeDefined(); + expect(pc.packs).toHaveLength(0); }); }); diff --git a/test/Project/resource-pack/resourcepack.test.ts b/test/Project/resource-pack/resourcepack.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..06c86b29 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/Project/resource-pack/resourcepack.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +import { MCProject } from "bc-minecraft-project"; +import { ResourcePack } from "../../../src/Lib/Project"; +import { Manifest } from "../../../src/Lib/Internal/Types"; + +describe("Resourcepack", () => { + describe("sanity check", () => { + const RP = new ResourcePack.ResourcePack("c:\\test", MCProject.createEmpty(), {} as Manifest); + + it("animation controllers", () => { + expect(typeof RP.animation_controllers === "object").toBeTruthy(); + }); + it("animations", () => { + expect(typeof RP.animations === "object").toBeTruthy(); + }); + it("attachables", () => { + expect(typeof RP.attachables === "object").toBeTruthy(); + }); + it("block_culling", () => { + expect(typeof RP.block_culling_rules === "object").toBeTruthy(); + }); + it("context", () => { + expect(typeof RP.context === "object").toBeTruthy(); + }); + it("entities", () => { + expect(typeof RP.entities === "object").toBeTruthy(); + }); + it("folder", () => { + expect(typeof RP.folder === "string").toBeTruthy(); + }); + it("materials", () => { + expect(typeof RP.materials === "object").toBeTruthy(); + }); + it("models", () => { + expect(typeof RP.models === "object").toBeTruthy(); + }); + it("particles", () => { + expect(typeof RP.particles === "object").toBeTruthy(); + }); + it("sounds", () => { + expect(typeof RP.sounds === "object").toBeTruthy(); + }); + it("textures", () => { + expect(typeof RP.textures === "object").toBeTruthy(); + }); + }); + + describe("is", () => { + const RP = new ResourcePack.ResourcePack("c:\\test", MCProject.createEmpty(), {} as Manifest); + + it("Is resourcepack", () => { + expect(ResourcePack.ResourcePack.is(RP)).toBeTruthy(); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/Types/DataSet.test.ts b/test/Types/DataSet.test.ts index 7a893cf8..c051fc2f 100644 --- a/test/Types/DataSet.test.ts +++ b/test/Types/DataSet.test.ts @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; import { Location } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types/lib/types"; -import { expect } from "chai"; import { DataSet } from "../../src/Lib/Types/DataSet"; -interface TestObject extends Types.BaseObject {} +type TestObject = Types.BaseObject; namespace TestObject { export function create( @@ -30,8 +29,8 @@ describe("DataSet", () => { set.set(dataItem); - expect(set.has(dataID)).to.be.true; - expect(set.count()).to.equal(1); + expect(set.has(dataID)).toBeTruthy(); + expect(set.count()).toEqual(1); }); it("get", () => { @@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ describe("DataSet", () => { const d = set.get(dataID); - expect(d).to.be.equal(dataItem); + expect(d).toEqual(dataItem); }); it("get duplicate", () => { @@ -52,8 +51,8 @@ describe("DataSet", () => { const d = set.get(dataID); - expect(d).to.not.equal(dataItem); - expect(d?.id).to.equal(dataItem.id); + expect(d).not.toEqual(dataItem); + expect(d?.id).toEqual(dataItem.id); }); it("has", () => { @@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ describe("DataSet", () => { set.set(dataItem); - expect(set.has(dataID)).to.be.true; + expect(set.has(dataID)).toBeTruthy(); }); it("duplicate sets", () => { @@ -69,16 +68,16 @@ describe("DataSet", () => { set.set(dataItem); - expect(set.has(dataItem)).to.be.true; + expect(set.has(dataItem)).toBeTruthy(); - expect(set.count()).to.be.equal(1); + expect(set.count()).toEqual(1); //duplicate sets set.set(dataItem); set.set(dataItem); set.set(dataItem); - expect(set.count()).to.be.equal(1); + expect(set.count()).toEqual(1); }); it("clear", () => { @@ -86,12 +85,12 @@ describe("DataSet", () => { set.set(dataItem); - expect(set.has(dataItem)).to.be.true; + expect(set.has(dataItem)).toBeTruthy(); set.clear(); - expect(set.count()).to.be.equal(0); - expect(set.has(dataID)).to.be.false; + expect(set.count()).toEqual(0); + expect(set.has(dataID)).toBeFalsy(); }); it("count", () => { @@ -99,16 +98,16 @@ describe("DataSet", () => { set.set(dataItem); - expect(set.has(dataItem)).to.be.true; + expect(set.has(dataItem)).toBeTruthy(); - expect(set.count()).to.be.equal(1); + expect(set.count()).toEqual(1); //duplicate sets set.set(TestObject.create("a", "b")); set.set(TestObject.create("c", "b")); set.set(TestObject.create("d", "b")); - expect(set.count()).to.be.equal(4); + expect(set.count()).toEqual(4); }); it("delete1", () => { @@ -116,9 +115,9 @@ describe("DataSet", () => { set.set(dataItem); - expect(set.has(dataItem)).to.be.true; - expect(set.delete(dataItem)).to.be.true; - expect(set.has(dataItem)).to.be.false; + expect(set.has(dataItem)).toBeTruthy(); + expect(set.delete(dataItem)).toBeTruthy(); + expect(set.has(dataItem)).toBeFalsy(); }); it("delete2", () => { @@ -126,9 +125,9 @@ describe("DataSet", () => { set.set(dataItem); - expect(set.has(dataItem)).to.be.true; - expect(set.delete(dataID)).to.be.true; - expect(set.has(dataItem)).to.be.false; + expect(set.has(dataItem)).toBeTruthy(); + expect(set.delete(dataID)).toBeTruthy(); + expect(set.has(dataItem)).toBeFalsy(); }); it("deleteFile", () => { @@ -136,9 +135,9 @@ describe("DataSet", () => { set.set(dataItem); - expect(set.has(dataItem)).to.be.true; - expect(set.deleteFile(dataUri)).to.be.true; - expect(set.has(dataItem)).to.be.false; + expect(set.has(dataItem)).toBeTruthy(); + expect(set.deleteFile(dataUri)).toBeTruthy(); + expect(set.has(dataItem)).toBeFalsy(); }); it("deleteFolder", () => { @@ -146,9 +145,9 @@ describe("DataSet", () => { set.set(dataItem); - expect(set.has(dataItem)).to.be.true; - expect(set.deleteFolder(dataFolder)).to.be.true; - expect(set.has(dataItem)).to.be.false; + expect(set.has(dataItem)).toBeTruthy(); + expect(set.deleteFolder(dataFolder)).toBeTruthy(); + expect(set.has(dataItem)).toBeFalsy(); }); it("foreach", () => { @@ -163,9 +162,9 @@ describe("DataSet", () => { set.forEach((p) => { if (p) count++; - else expect.fail("Item was undefined"); + else throw new Error("Item was undefined"); }); - expect(count).to.equal(4); + expect(count).toEqual(4); }); }); diff --git a/test/Types/Documentation.test.ts b/test/Types/Documentation.test.ts index 5e35a328..8fbc5d8c 100644 --- a/test/Types/Documentation.test.ts +++ b/test/Types/Documentation.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; import { Documentation } from "../../src/Lib/Types/Documentation"; import { TextDocument } from "../../src/Lib/Types/TextDocument"; @@ -22,17 +21,17 @@ describe("Documentation", () => { }; it("First Line", () => { - expect(Documentation.getDoc(exampleDoc)).to.equal("I am the firstline comment"); + expect(Documentation.getDoc(exampleDoc)).toEqual("I am the firstline comment"); }); it("Second Line", () => { const index = example2Doc.getText().indexOf("property"); - expect(Documentation.getDoc(example2Doc, undefined, index)).to.equal("I am the second comment"); + expect(Documentation.getDoc(example2Doc, undefined, index)).toEqual("I am the second comment"); }); it("Thrid Line", () => { const index = exampleDoc.getText().indexOf("property"); - expect(Documentation.getDoc(exampleDoc, undefined, index)).to.equal("I am the thrid comment"); + expect(Documentation.getDoc(exampleDoc, undefined, index)).toEqual("I am the thrid comment"); }); }); @@ -51,17 +50,17 @@ scoreboard players set global id 0`, }; it("First Line", () => { - expect(Documentation.getDoc(exampleDoc)).to.equal("I am the firstline comment"); + expect(Documentation.getDoc(exampleDoc)).toEqual("I am the firstline comment"); }); it("Second Line", () => { const index = example2Doc.getText().indexOf("scoreboard"); - expect(Documentation.getDoc(example2Doc, undefined, index)).to.equal("I am the second comment"); + expect(Documentation.getDoc(example2Doc, undefined, index)).toEqual("I am the second comment"); }); it("Thrid Line", () => { const index = exampleDoc.getText().indexOf("scoreboard"); - expect(Documentation.getDoc(exampleDoc, undefined, index)).to.equal("I am the thrid comment"); + expect(Documentation.getDoc(exampleDoc, undefined, index)).toEqual("I am the thrid comment"); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/Types/JsonPath.test.ts b/test/Types/JsonPath.test.ts index eddbb383..2606b076 100644 --- a/test/Types/JsonPath.test.ts +++ b/test/Types/JsonPath.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; import { JsonPath } from "../../src/Lib/Types/JsonPath"; const entity = `{ @@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ describe("JsonPath", () => { it(`should parse ${item.path} to location of ${item.result}`, () => { const offset = JsonPath.resolve(entity, item.path); const actual = entity.indexOf(item.result); - expect(offset).to.be.equal(actual); + expect(offset).toEqual(actual); }); }) }); diff --git a/test/Types/Map.test.ts b/test/Types/Map.test.ts index 1bd13952..84ee92c8 100644 --- a/test/Types/Map.test.ts +++ b/test/Types/Map.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; import { SMap } from "../../src/Lib/Types/SMap"; interface Variant { @@ -26,12 +25,23 @@ describe("Map", () => { names.push(name); }); - expect(names).to.have.members(["self:variant_0", "self:variant_1", "self:variant_2", "self:variant_3", "self:variant_4", "self:variant_5", "self:variant_6", "self:variant_7"]); + expect(names).toEqual( + expect.arrayContaining([ + "self:variant_0", + "self:variant_1", + "self:variant_2", + "self:variant_3", + "self:variant_4", + "self:variant_5", + "self:variant_6", + "self:variant_7", + ]) + ); }); it("property names", () => { const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Dataset); - expect(keys.length).to.equal(8); + expect(keys).toHaveLength(8); }); }); diff --git a/test/Types/Text.test.ts b/test/Types/Text.test.ts index 046421f6..05c5dbb7 100644 --- a/test/Types/Text.test.ts +++ b/test/Types/Text.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import { expect } from "chai"; import { Text } from "../../src/Lib/Types/Text"; describe("Text", () => { @@ -12,7 +11,7 @@ describe("Text", () => { tests.forEach((test) => { const [from, to] = test; it(`${from} => ${to}`, () => { - expect(Text.UnQuote(from)).to.equal(to); + expect(Text.UnQuote(from)).toEqual(to); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/Types/PackCollection.test.ts b/test/Types/pack-collection.test.ts similarity index 72% rename from test/Types/PackCollection.test.ts rename to test/Types/pack-collection.test.ts index 1d865181..8dee566a 100644 --- a/test/Types/PackCollection.test.ts +++ b/test/Types/pack-collection.test.ts @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ import { Types } from "bc-minecraft-bedrock-types"; import { MCProject } from "bc-minecraft-project"; -import { expect } from "chai"; import { PackType } from "../../src/Lib/Project/PackType"; import { PackCollection } from "../../src/Lib/Types"; import { Pack } from "../../src/Lib/Types/Pack"; @@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ class TestPack implements Pack { this.folder = folder ?? defaultFolder; this.context = context ?? defaultContext; this.docFilter = docFilter; - this.manifest = { + this.manifest = manifest ?? { format_version: "1.0.0", header: { description: "description", @@ -65,8 +64,8 @@ class TestPack implements Pack { * @param predicate * @returns */ - find(predicate: (value: Types.BaseObject, key: string) => boolean): Types.BaseObject | undefined { - let value = undefined; + find(): Types.BaseObject | undefined { + const value = undefined; return value; } @@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ class TestPack implements Pack { * @param callbackfn * @returns */ - forEach(callbackfn: (value: Types.BaseObject) => boolean): void {} + forEach(): void {} } class TestPackCollection extends PackCollection { @@ -109,48 +108,48 @@ describe("PackCollectionTest", () => { it("sanity check", () => { const pc = new TestPackCollection(); - expect(pc.packs).to.not.be.undefined; - expect(pc.packs.length).to.be.equal(0); + expect(pc.packs).toBeDefined(); + expect(pc.packs).toHaveLength(0); pc.packs.push(new TestPack(undefined, "c:\\project\\")); - expect(pc.packs).to.not.be.undefined; - expect(pc.packs.length).to.be.equal(1); + expect(pc.packs).toBeDefined(); + expect(pc.packs).toHaveLength(1); - expect(pc.delete("c:\\project\\")).to.be.true; + expect(pc.delete("c:\\project\\")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(pc.packs).to.not.be.undefined; - expect(pc.packs.length).to.be.equal(0); + expect(pc.packs).toBeDefined(); + expect(pc.packs).toHaveLength(0); }); it("count", () => { const pc = new TestPackCollection(); - expect(pc.count()).to.be.equal(0); + expect(pc.count()).toEqual(0); pc.packs.push(new TestPack(undefined, "c:\\project\\")); - expect(pc.count()).to.be.equal(1); + expect(pc.count()).toEqual(1); }); it("delete1", () => { const pc = new TestPackCollection(); pc.packs.push(new TestPack(undefined, "c:\\project\\")); - expect(pc.count()).to.be.equal(1); + expect(pc.count()).toEqual(1); pc.delete("c:\\project\\"); - expect(pc.count()).to.be.equal(0); + expect(pc.count()).toEqual(0); }); it("delete2", () => { const pc = new TestPackCollection(); pc.packs.push(new TestPack(undefined, "c:\\project\\")); - expect(pc.count()).to.be.equal(1); + expect(pc.count()).toEqual(1); pc.deleteFolder("c:\\project\\"); - expect(pc.count()).to.be.equal(0); + expect(pc.count()).toEqual(0); }); it("process", () => { @@ -165,13 +164,13 @@ describe("PackCollectionTest", () => { getText: () => "", }; - expect(pack1.docs.length).to.equal(0); - expect(pack2.docs.length).to.equal(0); + expect(pack1.docs).toHaveLength(0); + expect(pack2.docs).toHaveLength(0); pc.process(doc); - expect(pack1.docs.length).to.equal(0); - expect(pack2.docs.length).to.equal(1); + expect(pack1.docs).toHaveLength(0); + expect(pack2.docs).toHaveLength(1); }); it("get", () => { @@ -186,14 +185,14 @@ describe("PackCollectionTest", () => { getText: () => "", }; - expect(doc.uri.startsWith(pack2.folder)).to.true; + expect(doc.uri.startsWith(pack2.folder)).toBeTruthy(); const p = pc.get(doc); if (!p) { - expect.fail("returned no pack"); + throw new Error("returned no pack"); } else { - expect(p.folder).to.equal(pack2.folder); + expect(p.folder).toEqual(pack2.folder); } }); @@ -209,12 +208,12 @@ describe("PackCollectionTest", () => { getText: () => "", }; - expect(doc.uri.startsWith(pack2.folder)).to.true; + expect(doc.uri.startsWith(pack2.folder)).toBeTruthy(); let p = undefined; const packs = pc.packs; - for (let I = 0; I < pc.packs.length; I++) { + for (let I = 0; I < packs.length; I++) { if (doc.uri.startsWith(pc.packs[I].folder)) { p = pc.packs[I]; break; @@ -222,9 +221,9 @@ describe("PackCollectionTest", () => { } if (!p) { - expect.fail("returned no pack"); + throw new Error("returned no pack"); } else { - expect(p.folder).to.equal(pack2.folder); + expect(p.folder).toEqual(pack2.folder); } }); @@ -241,13 +240,13 @@ describe("PackCollectionTest", () => { }; pc.process(doc); - expect(pack2.docs.length).to.equal(1); - expect(pack1.docs.length).to.equal(0); + expect(pack2.docs).toHaveLength(1); + expect(pack1.docs).toHaveLength(0); - expect(pc.deleteFile(doc.uri)).to.be.true; + expect(pc.deleteFile(doc.uri)).toBeTruthy(); - expect(pack2.docs.length).to.equal(0); - expect(pack1.docs.length).to.equal(0); + expect(pack2.docs).toHaveLength(0); + expect(pack1.docs).toHaveLength(0); }); it("deleteFolder", () => { @@ -263,13 +262,13 @@ describe("PackCollectionTest", () => { }; pc.process(doc); - expect(pack2.docs.length).to.equal(1); - expect(pack1.docs.length).to.equal(0); + expect(pack2.docs).toHaveLength(1); + expect(pack1.docs).toHaveLength(0); - expect(pc.deleteFolder("c:\\project2\\loot")).to.be.true; + expect(pc.deleteFolder("c:\\project2\\loot")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(pack2.docs.length).to.equal(0); - expect(pack1.docs.length).to.equal(0); + expect(pack2.docs).toHaveLength(0); + expect(pack1.docs).toHaveLength(0); }); it("deleteFolder", () => { @@ -285,14 +284,14 @@ describe("PackCollectionTest", () => { }; pc.process(doc); - expect(pack2.docs.length).to.equal(1); - expect(pack1.docs.length).to.equal(0); - expect(pc.count()).to.equal(2); + expect(pack2.docs).toHaveLength(1); + expect(pack1.docs).toHaveLength(0); + expect(pc.count()).toEqual(2); - expect(pc.deleteFolder("c:\\project2\\")).to.be.true; + expect(pc.deleteFolder("c:\\project2\\")).toBeTruthy(); - expect(pack2.docs.length).to.equal(1); - expect(pack1.docs.length).to.equal(0); - expect(pc.count()).to.equal(1); + expect(pack2.docs).toHaveLength(1); + expect(pack1.docs).toHaveLength(0); + expect(pc.count()).toEqual(1); }); }); diff --git a/test/Utility.ts b/test/Utility.ts index 85d41631..a1cc90c2 100644 --- a/test/Utility.ts +++ b/test/Utility.ts @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import { MCIgnore } from "bc-minecraft-project"; import { readFileSync } from "fs"; import { Documents } from "../src/Lib/Types/ProjectContext"; import { TextDocument } from "../src/Lib/Types/TextDocument"; @@ -6,12 +5,12 @@ import { TextDocument } from "../src/Lib/Types/TextDocument"; export class TextProjectContext implements Documents { getDocument(uri: string): TextDocument { return { - getText: (range) => readFileSync(uri).toString(), + getText: () => readFileSync(uri).toString(), uri: uri, }; } - getFiles(folder: string, pattern : string[], ignores: MCIgnore): string[] { + getFiles(): string[] { return []; } }