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-To deploy, run `./scripts/deployment/deploy.sh >> mainnet_deployment.ansi`
\ No newline at end of file
+To deploy, run `./scripts/deployment/deploy.sh >> mainnet_deployment.ansi`
+Check individual folders for `README.md` files for more information on how the smart contracts work.
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-# Realms Bridge technical guide
-Realms Bridge is a suite of tools for developers to easily bridge asset between Ethereum and Starknet.
-It should not be seen as a very generic tool as Starkgate provides. As the considerations and implications of bridging a NFT are very different.
-The current implementation of Realms Bridge is aiming at supporting both [ERC721](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-721) and [ERC1155](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1155). In the case of ERC1155, there are economics implications of bridging assets that are beyond the scope of this document. The ERC721 is easier to handle due to the inherent uniqueness of a token.
-# Considerations
-Working with ERC721 and ERC1155 contracts has different constraints on Ethereum and Starknet. Indeed, Ethereum being more standardized at the moment of this writing, it’s easier to have some assumptions on what a contract must implement/expose using the [ERC165](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-165) specification.
-- **ERC721**: The metadata (Token URI most importantly) for a token can be implemented in diverse manners. Using a base URI concatenating the token id, or having a string stored for each token. Even if the base URI is often use, we still see some URIs being stored.
-We can see here the first choice to make when a token is bridged. Is the URI required to be explicit bridged for each token, or only bridging the base URI is sufficient.
-This is then tied to what is the design choice made by the developer / collection owner. Realms Bridge supports both.
-- **ERC1155**: Metadata for ERC1155 is from the beginning using a base URI. Which is implemented in this same fashion for every contracts. However, with ERC1155, the consideration is about economics and how to keep track of tokens amounts being bridge.
-In fact, as token may not be unique - and even unique token are not guaranteed to be unique, the escrow mechanism to hold the tokens when bridged can’t follow the same logic as ERC721 escrow does.
-This topic is still under discussion at Screenshot Labs, but the most viable option seems to be a burn of the tokens being bridged, and mint them again if they are bridged from the other chain.
-But again, this is more about economics than technical consideration.
-- **Cairo version**: Realms Bridge is being updated to be compliant with `v2.4.0`.
-- **Starknet messaging asymmetry**: The native messaging proposed by Starknet is working differently based on which direction assets are bridged.
-L1→L2: From a single transaction on Ethereum, the message is registered and emitted as an event by the Starknet Core Contract, and the sequencer is responsible of gathering those events to then send (automatically) a `L1Handler` transaction to the destination contract on Starknet.
-L2→L1: When a transaction is made on Starknet with a message for Ethereum, the message is included in a block (Ethereum is not listening to events). Once this block is proven, Starknet Core Contract is capable of taking this message in account, and at this moment a transaction on Ethereum must be realized to actually consume the message (and thus execute the logic associated to it).
-At the moment of this writing, the proving time is quite long for a good UX. For this reason, we propose to developer to use an indexer that is able to fire transactions on Ethereum reacting on the `requests` being included in a block (and emitted in an event). This transaction has more cost, and the developer / collection owner can choose to pay the costs upfront for his users, charge more fees at the moment of the deposit, or simply let the user do the withdraw when the block is proven without firing this transaction.
-Important to note that this transaction to “consume the message before the block is being proved” is implemented in a way that even when the block is proven later, the “consume message” proposed by Starknet Core will be invalid. This ensure the tokens can’t be withdrawn two times.
-- **Auto-deploy of contracts**: As some collection owner that are bridging may not have deployed a collection on the other chain to receive the token, Realms Bridge is auto-deploying a contract to receive the tokens if no collection address on the destination chain is given in the request. This contract is proxied on Ethereum, and upgradable on Starknet, to ensure that the owner can take back the full control without loosing the data.
-Those auto-deployed contract implements the `IBridgeBridgeable` interface, which ensures that the contract can receive/send token through Realms Bridge.
-If the collection owner / developer already deployed a contract, this contract must implement `IBridgeBridgeable` to interact with the bridge.
-# Request protocol
-Realms Bridge has a protocol designed to work around a `request` to bridge assets. A `request` is self explanatory about the collection and tokens to bridge.
-A single `request` can bridge one or more tokens for **ONE** collection. To bridge assets of different collections, several `request` must be made.
-The protocol is designed to allow evolution, and can also be customized by the developers to fit their needs. But the core functionality, logic and security is ensured by the `request` content and how it is handled on Ethereum and on Starknet.
-This is the `request` that is serialized and sent as the payload of Starknet messaging. The type compatibility between Ethereum and Starknet is ensured by the `Cairo.sol` library, which is in charge to serialize / deserialize Cairo types into solidity associated types.
-struct Request {
- // Header of the request with protocol information.
- // Defines the type of collection (ERC721/ERC1155), the deposit and withdraw strategies.
- header: felt252;
- // Unique hash of the request.
- hash: u256;
- // Address of the collection on Ethereum.
- collection_l1: EthAddress;
- // Address of the collection on Starknet.
- collection_l2: ContractAddress;
- // Owner on Ethereum (for all the tokens in the request).
- owner_l1: EthAddress;
- // Owners on Starknet (for all the tokens in the request).
- owner_l2: ContractAddress;
- // Collection name (ERC1155: not used).
- name: string;
- // Collection symbol (ERC1155: not used).
- symbol: string;
- // Base URI for the collection.
- base_uri: string;
- // Tokens to be bridged.
- ids: u256[];
- // Amounts for each token
- // ERC721: not used.
- // ERC1155: if empty, the amount is 1 for each token id, else length must match `ids`.
- values: u256[];
- // URIs for each individual token
- // ERC721: must be empty if `base_uri` is provided, else length must match `ids`.
- // ERC1155: not used.
- uris: string;
- // New owners on the destination layer. This allows a batch migration of the tokens to different owners.
- // Must be empty if `owner_l1` (arriving on Ethereum) or `owner_l2` (arriving on Starknet)
- // is not 0. Otherwise, length must match `ids`.
- new_owners: felt252[];
-- Withdraw strategies: When assets are bridge from Ethereum to Starknet, the withdraw is always `auto` as the transaction `L1Handler` is fired by the sequencer.
-When transferring assets from Starknet to Ethereum, the withdraw strategies are:
-`auto` ⇒ The indexer fires a transaction on Ethereum when the `request` is included in a block produced on starknet (but not yet proven) which triggers the automatic withdraw of the assets on L1.
-`manual` ⇒ The withdraw of the assets will be possible only when the block in which the `request` was included is being proven. At this moment, the user must send a transaction to Realms Bridge contract on Ethereum to withdraw the assets.
-- Deposit strategies:
-`escrow` ⇒ The token is held on escrow by Realms Bridge contract. A token held on escrow by Realms Bridge contract may also be burnt by the collection owner (i.e.: When the token is safely bridge, and the collection owner wants to burn the collection after being bridged).
-`burn-auto` ⇒ This one uses the same approach as the `withdraw-auto`, when the request is successfully processed (assets are bridged), the indexer fires a transaction on the other chain to burn the tokens. This works for both Ethereum and Starknet, as the messaging is asynchronous.
-This is the safest way to automatically handle the burn, even if the cost is a bit higher.
-TODO: May we consider separating a `burn` and `burn-auto`? To allow the same transaction to burn then bridge? But it’s very risky, for ERC721 especially as a burnt token can’t be minted again.
-A `request` is identified by a `hash`. This hash is derived from the content of the request (token ids, owners, etc..), but also depends on a salt provided by the originator of the transaction. This salt is here because as some tokens may be in escrow, they can be bridge several time, in several directions. So the request may have the exact same content as a previous request. To ensure uniqueness of each request, this salt is used. An any attempt to replay a request with the same salt is denied.
-The hash computation includes only one collection address, the collection address on the chain where tokens are deposited. This ensures uniqueness between chains without having to consult an external database.
-# FSM
-You can find a first representation of the FMS on this [figma](https://www.figma.com/file/esIDAZS1UySOAtq7hMa5xQ/FSM-For-Realms Bridge---L1---L2?type=whiteboard&node-id=0-1&t=LqPt9ELDlcVdz29t-0).
-We're currently reviewing and we will detail more some steps to ensure a better preparation for the audit and easier for someone to dive into the project.
-# TODOs
-- [ ] Review linear / github issue.
-- [ ] Add forge binary with l2_handler_caller for CI (waiting the PR to be merged).
-- [ ] Rework ethereum to optimize size of contrat.
-- [ ] Terminate indexer to allow withdraw auto on ethereum + burn auto both side.
-- [ ] Check metadata for ERC1155 and ERC721 (how to allow all strategies to be included).
-- [ ] Connect UI both sides with new contract interface.
-- [ ] Validate new implementation in Katana to submit PR.
+# Realms Bridge Technical Guide
+Realms Bridge is the suite of contracts for easily bridging Realms NFTs between Ethereum and Starknet.
+# How it works
+Some notations used in this document:
+- `L1` refers to Ethereum
+- `L2` refers to Starknet
+- `Deposit` refers to the process of sending NFTs from L1 to L2
+- `Withdrawal` refers to the process of sending NFTs from L2 to L1
+### Bridging Realms NFTs from Ethereum to Starknet
+1. **Deposit Process, what happens on Ethereum** (`ethereum/src/Bridge.sol`)
+ **User Actions:**
+ - Approve L1 bridge contract to spend/transfer NFTs
+ - Call `depositTokens()` with:
+ - Salt value
+ - L2 (Starknet) destination address
+ - Array of token IDs to bridge
+ **Internal Process:**
+ - Contract collects NFTs from bridger into escrow via `_depositIntoEscrow()`
+ - Generates request hash using salt and transfer details
+ - Sends message to L2 bridge contract through Starknet Core contract
+2. **Deposit Process, what happens on Starknet** (`starknet/src/bridge.cairo`)
+ **Internal Process:**
+ - the `withdraw_auto_from_l1` function is called by the Starknet Core contract (because of the #[l1_handler] attribute) with the request object and the sender address (the ethereum bridge contract address)
+ - the contract verifies that the sender is the actual ethereum bridge contract address we know of. If not, it reverts.
+ - the contract then iterates over the token ids, and for each id:
+ - calls the `safe_mint()` function on the L2 token contract to mint the token to the destination address. This means that the starknet bridge contract must have permission to mint tokens on the starknet realms contract.
+ - we then emit a `WithdrawRequestCompleted` event with the request hash, timestamp and the request object
+3. **Cancellation Process**
+ It is possible to cancel a request if a deposit is not processed on starknet for whatever reason. e.g there is a bug in the starknet contract which causes the `withdraw_auto_from_l1` function to revert with an error.
+ If the message sent from the L1 bridge contract to the L2 bridge contract fails to process:
+ - The previous token owner or bridge admin can call `startRequestCancellation()` with the request object and nonce used by the starknet core contract when processing the message that failed.
+ - This process starts a waiting period (currently 5 days ) more here: [Starknet docs](https://docs.starknet.io/architecture-and-concepts/network-architecture/messaging-mechanism/#l2-l1_message_cancellation)
+ - After waiting the required period, anyone can call the `cancelRequest()` function to return the tokens from escrow to the original owner
+### Bridging from Starknet to Ethereum
+1. **Withdrawal Process, what happens on Starknet** (`starknet/src/bridge.cairo`)
+ **User Actions:**
+ - Approve L2 bridge contract to spend/transfer NFTs
+ - User calls `deposit_tokens()` function with:
+ - Salt value
+ - L1 (Ethereum) destination address
+ - Array of token IDs to bridge
+ **Internal Process:**
+ - the contract collects the NFTs from the user and burns them
+ - sends a message to the L1 bridge contract through the Starknet Core contract
+2. **Withdrawal Process, what happens on Ethereum** (`ethereum/src/Bridge.sol`)
+ **User Actions:**
+ - withdrawal is not done automatically, so the user must call the `withdrawTokens()` function
+ **Internal Process:**
+ - inside the `withdrawTokens()` function, the contract consumes a starknet message and verifies that the sender is the actual starknet bridge contract address we know of. If not, it reverts.
+ - the contract then iterates over the token ids, and transfers each nft to the specified recipient address
+ - emits a `WithdrawRequestCompleted` event with the request hash, timestamp and the request object
+some more notes:
+- the l1 bridge contract is upgradeable and deployed behind a proxy
+- the l2 bridge contract is upgradeable
+- both bridge contracts are owned by a trusted admin
+# Contract Addresses:
+- ethereum (L1) bridge: https://etherscan.io/address/0xa425fa1678f7a5dafe775bea3f225c4129cdbd25
+- starknet (L2) bridge: https://starkscan.co/contract/0x013ae4e41ff29ee8311c84b024ac59a0c13f73fa1ba0cea02fbbf7880ec4835a#transactions
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+# Realms L2 Contract
+> A technical guide to the Realms NFT contract on Starknet.
+The Realms L2 contract implements a token streaming mechanism for Realms NFT holders on Starknet, enabling continuous per-second distribution of `$LORDS` tokens to delegated NFT holders.
+## Architecture Overview
+### Core Components
+#### 1. StRealmComponent
+*Location: `src/components/strealm.cairo`*
+The heart of the token streaming system, implementing the core streaming logic and reward distribution mechanisms. It manages:
+- Token stream initialization and updates
+- Reward calculations and claims
+- Stream Flow rate management
+- Individual streamed reward state tracking
+#### 2. ERC721VotesComponent
+*Location: `src/components/erc721/extensions/erc721_votes.cairo`*
+An enhanced version of OpenZeppelin's ERC20Votes component (v0.13.0), adapted for ERC721 tokens with custom delegation hooks, allowing for pre/post delegation event handling.
+### Primary Contracts
+#### 1. StRealm Contract
+*Location: `src/contracts/strealm.cairo`*
+The main contract orchestrating all components:
+- Integrates AccessControlComponent
+- Integrates UpgradeableComponent
+- Integrates ERC721Component
+- Implements ERC721VotesComponent
+- Manages StRealmComponent
+- Interfaces with RealmMetadata contract
+#### 2. RealmMetadata Contract
+*Location: `src/contracts/metadata/metadata.cairo`*
+A separate contract handling all metadata operations:
+- Metadata encoding/decoding
+- Token URI management
+- Separated from main contract to avoid size constraints
+## Technical Overview
+## Stream Mechanics
+#### Flows and Streams
+The streaming system operates on two key structures:
+##### 1. Flow Structure
+struct Flow {
+ rate: u256, // Tokens streamed per second
+ end_at: u64 // Flow expiration timestamp
+**Key Characteristics:**
+- Unique `flow_id` increments with each rate change
+- Previous flows are terminated when new rates are set
+- Global configuration affecting all streams
+##### 2. Stream Structure
+struct Stream {
+ flow_id: u64, // Active flow rate identifier
+ start_at: u64 // Stream start timestamp
+**Key Characteristics:**
+- One active stream per address
+- Links to current flow configuration
+- Automatically updates on transfers/delegations
+### Stream Lifecycle
+#### 1. Stream Activation
+- Triggered by Realm NFT delegation
+- Uses current global flow rate
+- Multiple NFTs multiply streaming rate
+#### 2. Stream Updates
+When global flow rate changes:
+- All existing streams are forced to stop
+- Users must reactivate their streams:
+ **For Previously Delegated Users:**
+ - Option A: Delegate to zero address then re-delegate
+ - Option B: Transfer any one of their NFTs (even to self)
+ **For New Users:**
+ - Simply delegate their token
+#### 3. Reward Calculation
+reward = num_staked_realms × stream_duration × flow_rate
+- `num_staked_realms`: Delegated Realms NFT count
+- `stream_duration`: Time since stream start
+- `flow_rate`: Current tokens per second rate
+### Stream State Management
+- Automatic balance updates on transfers
+- Stream resets after reward claims
+- Flow rate changes require stream reactivation
+- Delegation status affects stream activity
+## Metadata Mechanics
+All metadata is stored on chain and retrieved via the `RealmMetadata` contract.
+The actual data can be found in `stRealms/realms/src/data/metadata.cairo` and the compression algorithims can be found in `stRealms/_scripts/metadata`.
+The Realms metadata system uses a compression and encoding scheme to efficiently store and serve the NFT's metadata on-chain. The system splits metadata into three main components:
+- Name and Attributes
+- URL Part A
+- URL Part B
+#### Architecture
+##### Core Components
+1. **RealmMetadata Contract**
+ - Main contract coordinating metadata retrieval
+ - Interfaces with three separate metadata storage contracts:
+ - NameAndAttrsMetadata
+ - URLPartAMetadata
+ - URLPartBMetadata
+ - The metadata is separated into three contracts to avoid the contract size limit on Starknet.
+2. **Metadata Storage Contracts**
+Each storage contract holds a portion of the compressed metadata:
+mod NameAndAttrsMetadata {
+ fn data(self: @ContractState, token_id: u16) -> felt252 {
+ compressed_name_and_attrs(token_id.into())
+ }
+mod URLPartAMetadata {
+ fn data(self: @ContractState, token_id: u16) -> felt252 {
+ compressed_url_first(token_id.into())
+ }
+mod URLPartBMetadata {
+ fn data(self: @ContractState, token_id: u16) -> felt252 {
+ compressed_url_second(token_id.into())
+ }
+#### Data Structure
+##### Name and Attributes Encoding
+The name and attributes are packed into a single felt252 with the following structure:
+[name (bytes of variable length)] [attributes (bytes of variable length)] [name_len (1 byte)][attrs_len (1 byte)]
+- `name`: The realm name string
+- `attributes`: Packed attribute values
+- `name_len`: Length of the name in bytes (1 byte)
+- `attrs_len`: Number of attributes (1 byte)
+e.g using `0x53746f6c736c69010102011a1108060708` as an example encoded felt252 containing the name and metadat for the realm named `Stolsli`, it would be decoded as so
+0x53746f6c736c69 // name
+0x010102011a110806 // attributes
+0x07 // name_len
+0x08 // attrs_len
+##### Attributes Format
+Attributes are further split (per byte) and reversed and encoded as follows:
+--> The split attributes would be
+`[0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x1a, 0x11, 0x08, 0x06]`
+--> The reversed attributes would be
+`[0x06, 0x08, 0x11, 0x1a, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01]`
+The attributes are then further decoded as follows:
+- Region (1 byte) <--- always the first byte (0x06)
+- Cities (1 byte) <--- always the second byte (0x08)
+- Harbors (1 byte) <--- always the third byte (0x11)
+- Rivers (1 byte) <--- always the fourth byte (0x1a)
+- Resources (bytes of variable length) <--- the remaining bytes (0x01, 0x02)
+- Order (1 byte) <--- always the second to last byte (0x01)
+- Wonder (1 byte) <--- always the last byte (0x01)
+The system includes mappings for:
+- Orders (16 different types)
+- Wonders (51 different types)
+- Resources (22 different types)
+as defined in `src/contracts/metadata/utils.cairo`
+Each mapping converts numeric values to their corresponding string representations.e.g `order_mapping` shows that order (0x01) is `The Order of Giants`.
+##### Image URL Encoding
+The IPFS URL is split into two parts (URL_Part_A and URL_Part_B) of 23 bytes (e.g "0x516d56567770376f657544396635467643593543336a6f", "0x3836336d324c547a735a656359384e58777678756b5564") which are concatenated to form a full token identifier (e.g QmVVwp7oeuD9f5FvCY5C3jo863m2LTzsZecY8NXwvxukUd) which is later converted to a full URL e.g https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmVVwp7oeuD9f5FvCY5C3jo863m2LTzsZecY8NXwvxukUd. They were split this way because of size constraints on Starknet.
+the urls are concatenated by creating a ByteArray and appending the two felt252 parts: i.e
+ // create url
+ let (url_part_a, url_part_b) = url;
+ let mut url_str: ByteArray = "";
+ url_str.append_word(url_part_a, URL_PART_LEN); // URL_PART_LEN is 23 bytes
+ url_str.append_word(url_part_b, URL_PART_LEN); // URL_PART_LEN is 23 bytes
+#### Full Metadata Retrieval Process
+In order to get the full decoded metadata, we can use the following function:
+fn get_decoded_metadata(self: @ContractState, token_id: u16) -> ByteArray {
+ let (encoded_name_and_attrs, encoded_url_a, encoded_url_b) = self.get_encoded_metadata(token_id);
+ make_json_and_base64_encode_metadata(
+ encoded_name_and_attrs,
+ (encoded_url_a, encoded_url_b)
+ )
+which first gets the three encoded felt252 parts and then uses them to construct a JSON in the following format:
+ "name": "",
+ "image": "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/",
+ "attributes": [
+ {"trait_type": "Regions", "value": ""},
+ {"trait_type": "Cities", "value": ""},
+ {"trait_type": "Harbors", "value": ""},
+ {"trait_type": "Rivers", "value": ""},
+ {"trait_type": "Resource", "value": ""},
+ {"trait_type": "Wonder", "value": ""},
+ {"trait_type": "Order", "value": ""}
+ ]
+then this JSON is base64 encoded and returned in the following format:
+which will work on any browser.
+This metadata system provides an efficient way to store and serve Realms NFT metadata entirely on-chain while maintaining gas efficiency through careful compression and encoding.
+## Contract Addresses
+### Starknet Mainnet
+Realms L2 Contract:
+Realms Metadata:
diff --git a/stRealms/realms/Scarb.toml b/stRealms/realms/Scarb.toml
index e2b7461..901d544 100644
--- a/stRealms/realms/Scarb.toml
+++ b/stRealms/realms/Scarb.toml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ version = "0.1.0"
starknet = "2.6.3"
-openzeppelin = { git = "https://github.com/openzeppelin/cairo-contracts", rev = "e190e55" }
+openzeppelin = { git = "https://github.com/openzeppelin/cairo-contracts", rev = "e190e55" } # https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/cairo-contracts/compare/v0.12.0...v0.13.0
alexandria_math = { git = "https://github.com/keep-starknet-strange/alexandria.git", tag="cairo-v2.6.0" }
graffiti = { git = "https://github.com/ponderingdemocritus/graffiti", rev = "bc569531791dbc71c6cd8d9bc154c34eedad31fe" }
diff --git a/stRealms/realms/src/components/erc721/extensions/erc721_votes.cairo b/stRealms/realms/src/components/erc721/extensions/erc721_votes.cairo
index 30f5dbd..ee82ef2 100644
--- a/stRealms/realms/src/components/erc721/extensions/erc721_votes.cairo
+++ b/stRealms/realms/src/components/erc721/extensions/erc721_votes.cairo
@@ -6,6 +6,13 @@ use starknet::ContractAddress;
/// # ERC721Votes Component
+/// This contract is an exact copy of OpenZeppelin's ERC20Votes component, in version v0.13.0. (https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/cairo-contracts/blob/978b4e75209da355667d8954d2450e32bd71fe49/src/token/erc20/extensions/erc20_votes.cairo)
+/// Except:
+/// - every occurence of ERC20 has been replaced with ERC721
+/// - the unused internal `num_checkpoints` and `checkpoints` functions were removed
+/// - Hooks were added to allow for custom logic to be executed before and after delegations
/// The ERC721Votes component tracks voting units from ERC721 balances, which are a measure of voting power that can be
/// transferred, and provides a system of vote delegation, where an account can delegate its voting units to a sort of
/// "representative" that will pool delegated voting units from different accounts and can then use it to vote in
diff --git a/stRealms/realms/src/contracts/metadata/utils.cairo b/stRealms/realms/src/contracts/metadata/utils.cairo
index 94b82dd..a2d4f3f 100644
--- a/stRealms/realms/src/contracts/metadata/utils.cairo
+++ b/stRealms/realms/src/contracts/metadata/utils.cairo
@@ -37,13 +37,18 @@ fn make_json_and_base64_encode_metadata(
let attributes: u256 = name_and_attrs_only & attrs_mask;
let mut attrs_arr: Span = encoded_attributes_to_array(attributes);
+ // pop front
let region = attrs_arr.pop_front().unwrap();
let cities = attrs_arr.pop_front().unwrap();
let harbors = attrs_arr.pop_front().unwrap();
let rivers = attrs_arr.pop_front().unwrap();
+ // pop back
let wonder = attrs_arr.pop_back().unwrap();
let order = attrs_arr.pop_back().unwrap();
+ // note: after all pop_front and pop_back,
+ // what's left are the resources
let mut attrs: Array = array![];
diff --git a/stRealms/realms/src/contracts/strealm.cairo b/stRealms/realms/src/contracts/strealm.cairo
index b4a961b..a92eb13 100644
--- a/stRealms/realms/src/contracts/strealm.cairo
+++ b/stRealms/realms/src/contracts/strealm.cairo
@@ -236,6 +236,8 @@ mod StRealm {
// transfer voting units
+ // note: we call transfer_voting_units here because the owner_before_transfer
+ // can not be retrieved from inside the after_update hook
let mut erc721_votes_component = get_dep_component_mut!(ref self, ERC721Votes);
erc721_votes_component.transfer_voting_units(owner_before_transfer, to, 1);
diff --git a/veLords/README.md b/veLords/README.md
index e69de29..cfe1a7c 100644
--- a/veLords/README.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+TODO: Add more information about velords contract
+TODO: Add more information about reward pool contract
+# LORDS Burner Contract (veLords/src/burner.cairo)
+A simple, upgradeable smart contract designed to burn LORDS tokens by sending them to the reward pool.
+## Overview
+The LORDS Burner contract serves as an intermediary contract that can receive LORDS tokens and allows anyone to trigger the burning mechanism, which transfers the tokens to a designated reward pool.
+## Features
+- **Upgradeable**: The contract can be upgraded to add new functionality in the future
+- **Access Control**: Uses OpenZeppelin's Ownable pattern for administrative functions
+- **Permissionless Burning**: Anyone can call the burn function to transfer LORDS to the reward pool
+### Public Functions
+- `burn_lords()`
+ - Burns all LORDS tokens held by the contract by sending them to the reward pool
+ - Can be called by anyone
+ - Requires the contract to have a non-zero LORDS balance
+## Usage
+1. Send LORDS tokens to the contract address
+2. Call `burn_lords()` to transfer the tokens to the reward pool
+## Contract Addresses
+### Mainnet
+VeLords: https://starkscan.co/contract/0x047230028629128ac5bfbb384d32f925e70e329b624fc5d82e9c60f5746795cd
+Reward Pool: https://starkscan.co/contract/0x0091b13b83e5c34112aa066a844d4cbe6af99b3d134293829ca1730ea4869a71
+Lords Burner: https://starkscan.co/contract/0x045c587318c9ebcf2fbe21febf288ee2e3597a21cd48676005a5770a50d433c5