Last edited: December 4th, 2023
In 2023, I became a part of the Tech4Agro team, where my role involves connecting geophysics with remote sensing (RS). I concentrate on root zone soil moisture, specifically delving into the possibilities of utilizing electrical conductivity to enhance evapotranspiration estimates.
I contribute to 3 projects:
- GRwater: Multiscale earth critical zone monitoring for post-fire forest ecosystem management
- EO4WUE: Earth observation tools for the evaluation and management of water efficiency and productivity in Mediterranean grasslands and cereal crops
- [EOMAJI](Projects/project_list_others.html#EO AFRICA EO-MAJI (🗓️ 2023-2024)): Earth Observation system to Manage Africa’s food systems by Joint-knowledge of crop production and Irrigation digitization
- MULTIWATER: MULTI-sensor WATer resource management and Sentinel Expansion missions End-user Readiness
Since the end of my phd in 2015, my research interests mainly focus on improving our understanding of the role of the roots in regulating water in the {term}SPAC
using experimental non-destructive approaches (see {numref}rhizo_neons
I contributed to 5 projects:
- [EOMAJI](Projects/project_list_others.html#EO AFRICA EO-MAJI (🗓️ 2023-2024)): Earth Observation system to Manage Africa’s food systems by Joint-knowledge of crop production and Irrigation digitization
- WWV: Wallonia Water Vineyard
- GROWING: Geophysical Roots Obervations for Water SavING
- WASA: Water Saving in Agriculture (2016 - 2019)
- ROOTS: Rhizosphere Observations Optimizing Terrestrial Sequestration
- SoCoRisk : Implementation of soil compaction risk assessment system – end-user’s evaluation of potentials and barriers
name: rhizo_neons
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Artistic picture of the vine plant growing under neons'lights during a lab experiment
© B. Mary
- GRwater: Multiscale earth critical zone monitoring for post-fire forest ecosystem management
- ECZ-DRY: New Technologies to monitor the earth critical zone in water-limited ecosystems
- WATSON : WATer isotopeS in the critical zONe: from groundwater recharge to plant transpiration
I also like to solve other typical geophysical problematic such as geohazard assessment (landslide monitoring, landfill leakage detection).
Field work is a great opportunity to make some sport and change its point of view (see {numref}valfredda
name: valfredda
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Picture at the top of the val fredda catchment in Italy during EM imaging method trial.
© B. Mary
Finally, I'm really enthusiastic with all the splendid initiatives and tools towards a more . I'm trying to join the movement building reproducible research (see {numref}logoCAGS
I contributed to open source codes
name: logoCAGS
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Logo of the CAGS (Catalog of Agrogeophysical Studies) promoting FAIR practicies in agrogeophysic
© B. Mary
The soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) is the pathway for water moving from soil through plants to the atmosphere. (source wikipedia)