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F T AND i I a FBI nxsc or g A IN mo J wI Iiiv V l ElIQC IF rgn II ox Pr PM sas vA Lu BM t mu c rm onnzn vfJUxxxLAcgN EM Bmoonnnn pNYY L rcounucrgrr nvsIcgThQjus jfgtnzia go oh ENAZINATZI zursor orncz cmcmmgx ADVISE wicnTrmn nzoussr wouw Anvsn TODAY LOCATION stony BREAK ATTEMPTING omzns BROADCASTINGCOI rmrxoum nmr mar Amnu PRESS ASSOCIATED PANY NAfIIlAINTIREST orjpacsc PRonnTis ImQBMAIIN EXUIIKJATI ron PLANE aygg Up URI TiANSEQRIn BALLOON TWOFf szwgggn TELPHNWNVRSTQN THAT BUT Eikisxna wITAnR AgLOON wQlg AQIITUDE HLGH REsgBLs rouun ADVISEFEET FURTHER DIAMIIIIR OBJECT nrmruxz bJIIiJIY APPROXIMATELY ms wmcn CABLE gv HEXAGONAL IS rmnxsc iDaII susprmaznllGO was snap NRRO OyRED psgwR rINc QfBEA PJRPQBIm CT TELEPHO iFLYLIM nzcroneanns z mm UYIGENT CINCINNATI sv s LLAS n P e O Oi sw WRIGHT MID CONCERNING INFORMATION DIN r u Q TELEIYPE of Part UFO
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Homework: Content extraction and search using Apache Tika Due: March 25, 2014 1. Objective In April 2011, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation launched its Vault site (http://vault.fbi.gov). The site contains over 6000 declassified documents that have been scanned from paper and made available via a digital content management system. One of the many documents on the FBI web site having to do with the subject of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) We went to the search portion of the site and did a query for UFO: 23 hits come back from the search1. Of the 6000 or more documents, 23 is a fairly small number (it amounts to less than 0.5% of the total corpus) and it seems like there would be a larger number of documents in the FBI’s vault concerning the subject of UFOs. In this assignment, you are going to use Apache Tika to help us test our theory. 2. Preliminaries 2.1 Downloading the dataset The entire corpus of PDF files from the FBI’s vault web site has already been collected and packaged into a tarball. Download it from http://baron.pagemewhen.com/~chris/vault.tar.gz8and unzip it onto your local hard drive.2 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 In January 2012 when this query was first entered, 269 hits came back. 2 Note: this is a 13GB file – ensure that you have sufficient disk space. A wired internet connection is recommended. 2.2 Downloading provided source code and files Some skeletal source code (TikaSkeleton.java) has been provided to get you started on this assignment. An initial set of search keywords (keywords.txt) is also available. Obtain both from the “Assignments” section of our course webpage at http://www-scf.usc.edu/~csci572/. 2.3 Downloading Apache Tika The quickest and best way to get Apache Tika up and running on your machine is to grab the tika-app.jar from: http://tika.apache.org/download.html. You should obtain a jar file called tika-app-1.4.jar. This jar contains all of the necessary dependencies to get up and running with Tika by calling it your Java program. Documentation is available on the Apache Tika webpage at http://tika.apache.org/. API documentation can be found at http://tika.apache.org/1.4/api. You can also get more information about Tika by checking out the book written by Professor Mattmann called “Tika in Action”, available from: http://manning.com/mattmann/. 2.4 Environment Setup Place the provided source code and files along with the Tika jar file that you have downloaded into your desired working directory. Rename the source code for the program to TikaHW.java. Unpack the corpus of PDF files in the same location. You should now have a directory structure looking like this: <working directory>� +-- TikaHW.java // rename the file! +-- tika-app-1.4.jar +-- keywords.txt +-- vault� +-- <2000+ files> You should compile your program like this3: javac -classpath .:tika-app-1.3.jar *.java And execute it like this: java -classpath .:tika-app-1.4.jar TikaHW The grading environment will be set up in an identical fashion, so please ensure that your program compiles and executes correctly under this setup. 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 3 Windows users: use semicolon (;) in place of colon (:) in the classpath. 3. Task description With the corpus of PDF files in hand, you are going to write a Java program TikaHW.java that will: • Accept an input file containing any number of search keyword(s) and/or phrase(s) • Iterate through the corpus of data on your local computer. • Call Apache Tika to extract all of the text from each PDF file • Scan the extracted text to search for the given search keyword(s) • Count and output statistics about o the number of documents that contain the keywords o the total number occurrences of the keywords o list of files containing the keywords You will run the program that you have written and analyze the results to help us decide whether or not the FBI’s search is telling us the truth when it says < 1% of its vault corpus has to do with UFOs, or whether or not something more is hiding in that rich treasure trove of information. 3.1 Using Tika from within your Java program To use Tika in your Java program, simply include the tika-app-1.4.jar jar file in the classpath when you compile and execute your program, as has been demonstrated in Section 2.4. 3.2 Input file The provided source code will read in a text file keywords.txt containing the search keywords or phrases to be used. This file can contain any number of keywords or phrases, each on a separate line. You do not need to modify this part of the program. This file should be placed in the same working directory as the rest of your program, as described in Section 2.4. The provided keywords.txt file already contains an initial six keywords. You will need to come up with additional keywords, append them to the file, and include it with your submission. See Section 3.6. 3.3 Iterating8through the corpus The provided source code will iterate through the vault subdirectory and process each PDF file that it finds. You do not need to modify this part of the program. 3.4 Extracting text from PDF files using Tika You will need to modify the processfile procedure in TikaHW.java so that it will take each PDF file that is passed to it, and extract its textual content using Tika. Refer to Professor Mattmann’s presentation in class for details: http://www-scf.usc.edu/~csci572/Slides/Mattmann_Tika.pdf. keywords.txt UFO flying disc disc saucer extraterrestrial craft flying saucer Additionally, you may find these resources useful: Parser interface documentation: http://tika.apache.org/1.4/parser.html PDFParser API: http://tika.apache.org/1.4/api/org/apache/tika/parser/pdf/PDFParser.html BodyContentHandler API: http://tika.apache.org/1.4/api/org/apache/tika/sax/BodyContentHandler.html 3.5 Counting statistics and program output Once the text has been extracted from the PDF file, you will need to search through it for the keywords from the keywords.txt file. How you do this is up to you – you may use Java’s built-in String functions, regular expressions, etc. Your program should keep track of statistics and output the following: Output.txt – will contain 1) List of keyword(s) used 2) No of files processed 3) No of files containing keyword(s) 4) No of occurrences (count) of each keyword(s) Log.txt – will contain an entry every time a keyword is found in a file: 1) Filename of PDF file containing keyword 2) Timestamp (time when the file was processed) Much of the output functionality has already been implemented for you. You do not need to modify those parts of the program that have already been provided. However, you will need to increment the counters num_fileswithkeywords and in keyword_counts when your program finds one of the keywords in the extracted text. You should also call the updatelog procedure to update the log file with each found keyword. 3.6 UFO, Saucer, Flying Disc? You might see that there is not a direct mention of the word “UFO”. That’s because it wasn’t widely used until later history. Terms used to describe UFOs back in the 1940’s including “flying saucers”4, “flying discs”, “discs”, “saucers”, “extraterrestrial craft”, and the like. We’d like you to include these terms as well in your search. You should also come up with an additional 5 aliases for UFOs, bringing your total to at least 11 total words that you scan for in the extracted text per document. Append your search terms to the provided keywords.txt and include the file in your submission. 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 4 Which coincidentally was a term first coined by reporters after speaking with Kenneth Arnold regarding a set of 7-9 flying triangles he saw on a routine flight to Washington state, referring to the triangles as “saucers, skipping on a pond.”. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Arnold_UFO_sighting 3.7 Hints Tika might not extract fully-formed text on each of the documents, depending on the quality of the OCR scanning that was used. You will encounter a wide variety in the extracted text, depending on the nature of the original files – ranging from those with clean, embedded text, to those with some OCR errors, to files filled with OCR noise. This is expected given the unsanitized nature of this “realistic” data set. 4. Report Write a short 1 page report describing your observations, i.e. what you noticed about the dataset as you tweaked your program and tried to search different keywords. Did the corpus really only contain 23 documents about UFOs? What do you think are some reasons for the discrepancy between the number of documents you found as compared to the reported figure of 23? Also include your thoughts about Apache Tika – what was easy about using it? What wasn’t? 5. Options (Extra Credit) For extra credit, you may consider using a string edit-distance computation (such as Levensthein distance http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance) to find words similar to UFO or saucer, but perhaps not exactly in your list of 11 and use that to increase the possibility of detecting documents that truly contain information about UFOs. Note that you do not have to implement the Levenshtein distance algorithm yourself – it’s freely available in the Apache Commons Lang library, here: http://commons.apache.org/lang/apidocs/org/apache/commons/lang3/StringUtils.html You should also prepare a short write-up briefly describing the additional features that you implemented, and quantify their impact – did they help improve your program’s ability to find UFO-related documents? What new documents did your improved program find (that were not found by your original program)? Why? Other ideas are also welcome – however please consult Professor Mattmann about viability before proceeding with any original ideas. Note that extra credit submissions are handled separately, so if you choose to do the extra credit, you should first keep a copy of your original program for the standard submission – do not overwrite the original with the extra credit! 6. Submission Guidelines This assignment is to be submitted electronically, by 12pm PT on the specified due date, via Gmail to [email protected]. Use the subject line: CSCI 572: <Horowitz|Mattmann>: Spring 2014: Tika Homework: <Your Lastname>: <Your Firstname>. So if your name was Lord Voldemort, and you were taking Dr. Horowitz’s course, you would submit an email to [email protected] with the subject “CSCI 572: Horowitz: Spring 2014: Tika Homework: Voldemort: Lord” (no quotes). • All source code is expected to be commented, to compile, and to run. You should have (at least) one Java source file: TikaHW.java. You should also include other java source files that you added, if any. Do not submit *.class files. We will compile your program from submitted source. • Include your keywords.txt containing the 11 keywords that you scanned, along with your output files output.txt and log.txt. • Also prepare a readme.txt containing any notes you’d like to submit. • Do not include tika-app-1.4.jar and the PDF repository in your submission. We already have these. Your code will be compiled and executed according to the environment described in Section 2.4. • However, if you have used any external libraries other than Tika, you should include those jar files in your submission, and include in your readme.txt a detailed explanation of how to use these libraries when compiling and executing your program. • Save your report as a PDF file (Lastname_Firstname_TIKA.pdf) and include it in your submission. • Compress all of the above into a single zip archive and name it according to the following filename convention: <lastname>_<firstname>_CSCI572_HW_TIKA.zip Use only standard zip format. Do not use other formats such as zipx, rar, ace, etc. Important)Note:)) • Make sure that you have attached the file the when submitting. Failure to do so will be treated as non-submission. • Successful submission will be indicated in the assignment’s submission history. We advise that you check to verify the timestamp, download and double check your zip file for good measure. 6.1 Late Assignment Policy • -10% if submitted within the first 24 hours • -15% for each additional 24 hours or part thereof 6.2 Extra Credit Submissions Extra credit submissions should be according to the previous submission guidelines and included with the delivered aggregated zip file mentioned in Section 6 above.
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I A the i II Q v r a to of V and l J M L Mr K W w is t s n e F f E T as III AA that in u Y x FBI H he an June y was AND Z b U Kennedy N THE for advised are TO this The j Senator at by not with be p on AI m Unknown o Service S OF c or it if P R C IA been Secret one In g ii has have D X had LHM no also z IIII Bureau Boston furnished O Michigan Detroit It Edward IbC your copies TWO B WFO DETROIT which k you Miss subject Office DIRECTOR AT ADVISED Sheriffs his oi This who vi vI ll AAA d from letter unknown G PAGE ma am concerning JUN THAT SERVICE white Subjects RM KENNEDY call If labor IIIII Iv h did brother him No would York New matter NOTE local STATES FROM THIS ON DEPARTMENT County Re INFORMATION EDWARD Enc information captioned Toledo HE OFFICE their th De true will Pope but into Ii IQ er made mi IIIIII VA may were Your Bobbie Church copy we me card dated being SA teletype UNITED INVESTIGATION DC THREAT PRESIDENT SECRET BY Transmit Subject Tele Gale hair years male known above SENATOR Enclosed BOSTON WASH authorities received agency Ohio telephone Cass WAS CALL HAD ONE MICHIGAN any But Sen ing social all lines these KI right rr WI Al q Ir aw bC WF aka Mrs our against picture Ted now get results letters Laboratory investigation threats ta mam SEE its Bowers mm HS ed original DATE FORM DE UNSUBS SAC EIGHT BE END FORMER Date Tolson From Room Conrad Callahan Casper ms age pounds On assassinate two individual Lapeer Assassinate Felt DeLoach Gandy code plaintext Type following Rev JUNE BUREAU BEING NO IN Newark caller stated States SUBJECT Cleveland person someone sent Mafia CHARLOTTE Kennedys WOULD ASSASSINATE ti there LI Cesar posed presence fields boss ideal far Christian class called man so fast Christ accord ac each position place op until lie anyone quite should conflict along face market la Pius Catholic people Chavez rz ever unions union only encyclical therefore necessity under frorn then na regard page fl MI Il rq Ki iI IF ir IfII fr IL NI VI IAI AJ Ar up ff ha 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IIomesto Rom nir El MT iii eCa AjicfQzca ElE aki UNS FRO RETEL CONTENTS FORTYFOUR INSTANT THIRTEEN AL TEL LOUISVILLE RE SENATOREDNARDAKENNEDY JgRNSON VPRESIDENT POSSIBLE NCERNING OIvLzFIiNFORMTION gigcg sgk ANTONlQ KZ MISS Cawper wp Toson Tel BM QNEEOIQOQ IELENJPEEJ magi PS sw nc wasn ANTONIO SAN TAKEN ACTION SUBMITTED FREDERICKSBURG JOHNSONLOCAL Vaonusow EXECUTIVE oF ABSENCE TIN SPECIAL MIDDLETON HARRY NFO OUISVILLE ALEXANDRIA BBM SANANTON EEDFEI oiDED Ngm FMMjg eQi Ens Bumau disseminate concerninr negative indices NHJPD Chief Deputy yeInformation concefning informsion Se vs ServiceOn LEM copyy copyg wk RESIDEil NEYIABK Priority AIRTELVm iFBl szsin PD ENlSUaiL foregoing office Department suitcase hat shoes suit blue navy wearing arms both tattoos gray inches feet old himself either identify refused identity knowing admitted KENNEDYJ killing purpose express bus evening alleged revolver caliber decided Hill Hamburger remarks KENNEDYs incensed became thirty veteran subjecta Agency 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use specific mt part None same Location area HI Symbol so Case Character Title Memorandum GOVERNMENT FOR SUBJECT mm Date such oi its United racial President assassination concerning lulu Huh Callahan may than ew headquarters City Negro feasible both z pm coverage Negroes conducted Sullivan Belmont am provide members following action tar leader national Elmhurst Number S Rev former telephone Conrad fl us Masque ac case IL BUREAU AL il Is Council July fight Harlem African Philadelphia Cairo received resiience given airtel bring Husli urge people Kegro He Islamic article August middle rally mass returning stated tr ea until source club rifle Africa can Re Chicago him advise day HALCOLMs attempt order Cit indicated material expected fact particularly figure view scarce Personnel Gi tram pages insert what State report examples symbol answer Previous authorization initial plant monitoring single covered room exact Also Address ff placed whom Name iv DATE ar sac MICROPHONE OR JUSTIFICATION UL DIRECTOR Ia lat III ax bl violation Security Internal requested determine black league speakers By Iron low Trotter additional That Il nave ts returns photographic This Ration maa mi located full maintained anti mg comm microphone points regarding We HUI last Baumgardner gt uf MARTIN Omaha MALCOLMs go plans travel AfroAmerican formed being threat Boston arrest Phoenix furnished Iii war right Littla these raeial ha clubs announced rm un Ra name LG Field Us IS iu Iosque possession activities participate more up suspended Kennedy re SECURITY ENVELOPE MI IJ ms Wu nun my But Strut ties Nation lnlcoln ia NY YGRK ROUTE luau y Director authority Provided business muslim activity own Cost would conduct felt split relative YHIHPIN dL urH MM EGHRS PIRK QKD ilh HKsat kTHERED ELRS YIGS RH Ajii satin eeeE Jmczumieous Fl EOT SUBJ HLE DESCRlPTlN inAnia IaIn mhm UM apr cwarallzad Eeen arq LAnforants ate lPfQTi coxrnserate senent usm IQCl LR livz Bqreau Alrtel Gff amr aog itharefre card kodex nmw ara 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illegitiate woren two rtel IHile Lonion Center Islait reoresentative neat London over stop Igypt Airport International JFK leaving Halcol fG HALCOLKI stunt publicity complaint believed Police support Hegro get RALCOLMs reoorte issue big make attempting were IIIJCUlIi attept Department liCI notifiei IlI IIfOTlliO IIIII inwwr inforation folloinvaEe furnishe EFHIIQ JMnt decryptin cuntinue sufficienzlyImportant decrypted statement include cryplmnclysis involves wrveillmcz DirectorIf Recommendation nuanuY nIrOnQriCn snout nETiCn IyT tc qualifia ans afairs gsverning Souncil thuprema Beard appsinta bash llilf Haw Gevernwent Egyntian exaense te Julv Qgypt bear HALCGLH avise recently Plus Enity AfroAnerican Qrganization Rescue leaet fiali militant prominence continue recmnxendad RmauaEw uL IIlIIIIIllIlI Seats GLk IIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIllluIlllllllIlllIlllr uiFQL mat Khu sn llilIun jogz xvi iEwSmi lit nsemyi nama Qutside aurveillance requeat Any Qkher scurces nbtained ouldabova Ad eaen reeeivad date vulua inication previoua infsnmationnbtaine Specifia cambinatisni aimle sew instmliiv locatinn used actually micraphanea state involve miczuphnna li mnnmW quetion follong iI sug sq LITTL ILCLLC aces nstallations ptiC Instale Mfp QK ifnthOCZC WDates CL Jr JJ fn AZ dLJ dwalling farzily Yor lier usofzs Zurst Bast treat mow suweillance SF definate iicaiion Desi SurveianDate Iype NumberI lama LLField Ml IlCLI CONWNTXAL Bufile DIRLCTUR noun lllklll loin Iglncmn Flew oe nsw neg ZT gie pun ga iiiI SURVEILLANCE TECHNICAL CONTINUATION owl bb LZBYE Mom Ep mam nrntm wn AAuJ WTNNEU noon dscontneud BPtioned sscmury rrm muucom uzw Og FROM Priority Vi IIRTEL ae lIFtf OCT iU Vin cbiig pininzext fllgwinq rTYTSit Ew UNfIAa QlUOQ surcagq ire nwtuuca taintad olilinata Littleno covarngu rvnnvu ndviaable doenmd lagistratian lBnta Ibruixl thm ands preeeention Lagan under ittle praucution possibility TIiW RAIQ mms LITE Yark EB iirtnl mlg ELTl gntio lllfllt evidenceduring continuyiltciiy roguontod Innan 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Holman Huom Tile Tun iullmn Mun Evan Cunrud Caper Dooh Iclmua KL initiated photographze cmntinnous autharized coveyage nicrmphene Qr techniaal bTDiTIQx QQ zgibi useg phatographia sgat when instamces alart remain instruated Ken residenca covarage aitional recnnsider forcing actiun ccurt alert itructed alsa IKE iar Qbtnized era naw whan situation ihi reevnuate instructe Nam surreillnazcz techuical recaxmends Ork Rem JL zI ah fT type covarags mare bettergcsition mava fcsd event tk courts Ymrk pening currently actiaa iunis gurchase resience tanave erce Isiam beiag Eiferts neighborhac Hegrm ineame censidersd hauses tfily Gf cnsistmsty nighcrhoc dwellings reasans aecurity far basis but csnuate surveillanses Yer Rw Sectian Quesns borgno Lites Spat neigh preaminantly assure ream hf ancther photegraphic conduau net alse entrance nial bf nut irzffic heavy yrouce Hwel lobby restaurants colored large Ciy few Section Theresa Eatei oauld photsgraphic groiuctivs available lscntion hysica There Thei Hmtel Lit se phetogrgphic Lcate conducte Surveys grpus Zia iTALlie CGNF CGRFQRETEE ivan lIIIlDIImm rs bio Ciased DR hsmj nnY avPORDID jmg Hicrophone neighborhood inediate handled Monitoring harm bodily threats receiving guards around constantly poin Yw co lc Ne nearby illiorei noi conic iicroihone instaa soon moved MEI hotel residenceh Littles installing bility feasi Nev pr wou tions DeLoach LMr Room actical inf considerable producing presently about nations tour Malcoln noted matter connection ZQu Euslimmosque Xittle age cove surveiflance andphotographic additna establishment recommendation specifically Riots Racial captioned Bohr Dehoach memorandum Reference Ponohue IJMI sicvnlrr IIIEIL mr Mhf ONFPlAL KZJITTTI Evonsi DrLoci fZYldZ coxRNMNTR swrs Tomor om ribbon nil IQ HO OVHUNLE INCORPCRATED HOSQUE YUSLIM summer TO FOM anr OJ ATlHUI lairtglAagqnHMLlh Orleans Jacksonville protection troops federal does government defense self teach send offering FOREMAN JAMES KING LUTHER Dr leaders telegrams speak Nebraska trip Details UFO convention theNAAC observer DC Washington determined subsequently MALCODM LHM altercation charge weapons some een HUHAMAD legal institute publicize planned They MUHAMMAD ELIJAH women moo assistant sending TWHfwmAu raxTA tgibgh aanthl additioanl eantinuod fork roaenneadxtian Quasar Eiviaian Intslliaaace Bnnaitie aianeia ntQrsatcd Bupartncnt hQ disleninntad BtQlvln tht illedigtoly turniahud iniorlstian shown protnetian traepa Inarnl previae axe avirnaut saltdeisnne tuach tolleuura uand otturing Foramnn James King Luther lartin Br andru aivil telagrnns aunt rocnivud ill infatuation Ga HQ between Qxistant now stain virtual caused chilren nnnouneunent Public Iuhammad Eligah aha omen Angalaa Phocnix asuiltant lQding turninhed alas liteby iniornation aembere Bestma sith atereatea xollewiag gharse Ieapuns Boatnn nambera coneerning facts LroAsariean nit Littaa inforuatian aurvulance feahnical daysthin Sn past necessary theme using ntrationa demon angnge Iuuld Nations Unitud batara problem tztea wwuld aim Evrk heaquarters HM Arenercnn thaOrganiatan called nnwhite haw iarnation announsed HE pelien timely only averted baen violence masher gunwialding involving ricontly inciantn numerous bean rixlea nrnmd guarda hinaeli surroundnd baa rallies At property livna prataet ritla fern ihould Kograea advucatod nonviolence datrina abandon iagrnaa urged Liftie aniy Kugroas movement nntiennliat blank based broadly vouid Ineorporntad Muslin broke uho Rattan official fornar Littli inntallod tirst Tori Kev Quaena Lkggggaglnhurlt Strnet Littlc inleolm acaupiad iilli fnnil ningla nurvaillanco ttchnicnl Thin uvcrypmsgq cuaiihue mgoriw ujaent ecrycd Hm smsem imaiueir rypmaZrus inxoivss zwveiitmzz fPu Directzrrz Recamendatian Llnl Ca Ziinnnuu fkL Bnity Clrganizatixm Iiwc asque Fiuslim tiie ieader fiald txe miitant LITILE prwmnence Qf View centinued remmmended aysA Hemarks oats QKrs Fm wall qIursnI mnr matsirie hy nurveiLlams request Jny inatallatinn change fazztor Ems rather ami suurces either fmm ubtaineei informaion Gmil inmvef infazmation ante vaiue imiicatian previous obtainmi infawtian Epecific IlIn combinatian side aymbnl gve installatisn lvcatian aciaually microphones atate invelve miempbnne wiw Hail FARegistered vr faiHn qjLc XL places ates Que installations sas Installed Jq Authorized Dates cfa Iwuumun MALCOIRI ame mix Surveillanc xanW ISMMI KLlITTLE SUHVEILIANCE MICRQPHOHE UH ZEIHNICAL QF CGNTINUATIUN SUirCTr eaxix Mvm aseaz wile mnscroa JUE TQM inn Pb dwelling family ID code lea plain Tfhlmii nsel afnaaaqf orlelhod Priarity FlEITERED WAIRTEL Vic isstap ssthoritv Eested vu ccNFrrAl onqi inata proposed authogity requesting General Lx Jzichsea isz lttornez aeaorandua eu OiBiCllNDATI Iusl intorna furnish sedeIensekA purposes recommended Be denonstrat aggressive Iillig states supremacy preaches Iwhich sen all ious eli Iosquef Iuslim setting separated luhasaad Elijah nuzzled roost houeto coning chickens described voluble nest Illnl vho lusliu ainister Ialcoln Ralcola SZU Yorktelephone llnhurst ct hes Qitice Iorz Ben ROI Gmy Holmes Floom Tale Glaecock Rosack wHaas Donahue AJ Bland CONyNTIAU rams llv MT sun Ev DeLooch Casper Tolaon Bnd uI xr uncoml FJE OUE Memvmwwn GO loan omouu utili rTA cum caver BtImatis damage eriom agensult czauld nf disclaaure umamnrizea iachnieii prapsw iifii ifmsmtiw mniais because mriasm fhisleIonndun Micah enptmmd ulliwm alum newrandu CQgfTL Gwen Attnrmey fer lmaraadm IIIlv jinn earn Attonq iiQjnlllfl ym rw gfowyqlm Yuma qqnmm fILI iSQ ETb Es HiF ipoI Qtii Vfl Tw mz zmm lagITF Icvu IQfl azzlU FY rivsirt wt BHBGI GJ hLbffItfJv pg fiT WH iau iij esf amt qsgr rx uw QM lygff tilQIruviHiEhlqzLmtqTt umqr fondfu asIcAna nalsnu album QJ runursum ALSO JNERE RJ runs LlllrF FlIlIl DUUEHIS INK ou SQ Ptvasr Tr LzF CIiLjl IAnFonAacsvnuvuvranagsnurmsiav scan rut mar ixmons rsmrcaun id ooamswr newesawu Nu HELWCF ci CQMWUEE llEC KNDOI iSSCl COMHITTEE SELECT ariiIHitrvrrramnI mrwv Annan Aecus uauuacoun IOTABQNS WI nrnwr DILNERYJIQS IIIOI Incas anmall fIIlll TLf nomun bI lJ ya Tar Ru COMUDJ LM lvilgwm Bf iemE atff wtq auti riI DTr lnfkr nmcms TiJ fri lllpectfuly future whicla addnai qllecm Elalmrat Idlcoh dance nurvoillanco imstnll granted authbriti rcanncndthat HH investigation unit ntoriall nsidence ofLttcs cclurttI ulizprotecrtion nanu ricolnundcd nth demonstrations Yarticlpato Iof afgrus non autos Nationwhich hr Malia fornlnf break RIjlIlIltOlu tgnpletod Llllllxhli llprucy Sign ctuchu oK lhtion Nler bane lull nlgistcg YT Lmu uuzuun Glascock React lack Bbnohlle Bllld ivar Bcllont uuL mun llnhnrst resides ouBTA qu cc tW XQ MAL lU GL telephane autnarizing Reuairtel QNAL LIILE mLcLx svmacr Chara Agent SentSpeizfi WT Arveywy jli WhamQ Yrk Egg ammm igipriiin pa fallow izrmmusnw mmsw NGI nzw FRUH Fax nrascroa apqqmqq VsTT rmfs arr test pmm ffype KKKKK AIRTEL ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ iulicminq Twsmitvihe Bme IQI iiuwe wifiTAI rz rmM cp OPE ENVEJ wnran Zqqi wga LfrY CI arm awe lnENTAL PE ENVEL JTE qrllU Qolwygmpi izcd auth TEAL HOT Mlone VEDPE En OUTE Qfj oxmN Encosuraa Hoover dz John MEIR ant mains Qawmum yours truly Very status current bemntzLnc reccrcs notified should surmllncesl utilize ynu reason gQwENTlAL IZalone Dear Yuri Ilass Investigation DlGCGOFerleral JissisEna grrfqfLrTTIi April iglcne llIVLOPE MMWIROUTE FlI zszm GnPa commrs Iv lulauai Token Ramon Gala Bvqnl Cum APR omtnwase sum mum uni Iiuiiuy EfI comum iivr URCiIu naazzx CiTlIEq RlTI gy EDIE thenon imtullatiog after Slllctjustification amber data Advise Blnhurat nsldcnce tun install grantedto anund CNFNm sacunnv Mmum ILmu Iuuzoua Difrgctcr Ion JPfm ACIIYrkL hie Mm cnTF Serial File Complete pp Removed GMEIIWSE Ai SH Hake uitCLl alt WbJet oNT FHQ Survqillgk Eluctmnic cwiy INnonul Our Chmgg Rumovcl mial KmJ Directar Recommendeton Remarks approval Recommend rr pl rii Not xbki gflcyyi fficial Beques outside illance surve knrmrnw surveillana length Probable torone Negligible detection Risks jin Since plausible Only detail Explain obtaining Possibilities meanll infomation desired xTIzB themselves defend egroas fermaticn suggests field entered nationalism philasophy Grganization Impcrtance frwm cmmducts fLA thatechnical attained secifc believing Reasons growth cmttacs cunaerning Informatin sought nfmnaticsn perIfic founder Leaer shatus Cmmacizisn srganization nationalist biack newlyforme Musiim casn internal CLCNTL bkllv QQIIQQ HrtHJiSE gggm ILL operation EIG lalassme secured Believed Berity cuuTAL RcQQ aLkManpower nstalle manpower fwgg Mb urns PflTMEU weqqn cw Other address TechniceaSyXgxyolpdz Surveillance NumberType CE EECHNICAL INSTAILATION RECOIMENDAIION LBEcr CONFRNTWJ NEW sAC OM fJr DATEI Bule Inmaceoa gk NTEfJ WU lOIl DGn san inup ngwMW zifiii lg iiiL ot connectionnun nctiv concernin interaction nnild nnrveillancibnLittlen believes ffice rvgjf tnenthe nilitnnt oriented politically rennrks Muhammad indefinitely nho Runner ster IiV ect Hl QIrf Eli inntelletion recenendltien your together result advice Pronptly Nn QueenM Elnhurat hone en inntellntion tourd looking iced eutlor you assured fall lenrnirtel Culldnu loll Ecilbii Tnlnu nuan nI Gama pNFDNTlAL sacuam mrmw LITTLEI HHLCOLI nlh lien Tn weM thetelepyhnvne teur placing feasibility requests NEG telephnne avar home most apaceand working deprived Frther value therein sources Bream NQI Becaus arganization establish whether anyand supporters role pnopesed invaluable telephcne tesur DQNW mmuair Jlif JaAZf lLQ BU AU BUR EscRPTN iT DIIPliiFvN TIQ ATII lI iIIQ BUFILE PART mvEsrIcAToN FEDERAL
<float name="lat">33.91843</float>
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the I of to that and in a be mutilations i r is Q have J f FBI an this would on E for been was T by Mexico are The cattle New A F or l u Albuquerque L conference at said H from were with v not these if V W he P e investigation He had n s which it as has g S we Attorney Indian his State Senator Z all could Office animals but some into o information Bureau mutilation c will j ii t so jurisdiction p unit its THOMPSON Santa U any explained K O It mutilated they Police US law h matter no years such because occurred Officer M w there also three Fe should those lands States VALDEZ This q efforts found out April type Department can conduct In If II being District investigative made appropriate enforcement during who investigating animal Y C past occurring stated SCHMITT federal b B y Division investi investigators session predators carcasses done their During agencies within most Colorado state RE problem only six persons United Dulce grant purpose given your assistance N z Federal ta our ti County submitted examination pointed LEAA data officials determine up place told mutiliations Laboratory Alamos other since whether might investigate investigations attended received AQ d what time effort General iii R carcass previous January examined evidence future coordinate University cases conclusion Grant responsibility two concluded Attorneys investigated Investigation did MUTILATIONS Dr Los Scientific agency theories do m An manner held where further Justice pf full coordinating over very expected matters x ll act computer needed call Iv Valdez Torrance nu ca ss Stolen muscle bull recommended gation areas collection present Montana opinion Lab work obtain group MARTINEZ approval regarding decided solution representatives At afternoon near unidentified results reports scope early sharp death findings mutiliation recently responsible possibility cults similar look approach identifying helicopters area about Director reported approved established funds surrounding PUTMAN SAC same occur authority violations possible aircraft identified violation limited approximately until news On G gative designated article FBIHQ feels available jurisdictional without necessary additional LE criticism misdemeanor question SCHHITT however CIDDIO HARRISON ALBUQUERQUE DOJ taken reservations OF k bank believed th performed D Ir nutilations around discuss advised Criminal gone four blood surgical seen country steer fI Ea oi rm you heart hf hr liver qualified Also expressed Forensic Arkansas headquarters receive weeks one approaching way attempt placed Nebraska attendance officers numerous special met Post cooperation set even WHITESIDE pranksters nine make enough recent laboratory unable helicopter Animal conducted between lost TAFOYA Chief DASHENO Governor spoke each Apache suggested horses date Texas CATTLE rI after HIBBS RICHARD Satanic visitors possibly theory advanced systematic take Assistant observed always almost shown sense making contained ra GOMEZ MANUEL ranch several GABE hearing Mr both coordinated order developed serve hope Law application gathered resolved noted operation connection FORREST statutes under code others violated statute Congress involved opened morning Approximately public general am st STATES cooperate coordinator money states Mutilation Cattle captioned appeared Executive either recommend ie probably kept record extremely fact reportedly authorized estimated manpower eu dt Ln utilized couldbe proper Under through FBIs felony discussed Hr felt Government BELL GRIFFIN dated Enclosed SUBJECT cm FROM TO ID Date Routine Priority Facsimile TOP Teletype CLASSIFICATION PRECEDENCE enclosed accordance instructed Schmitt part Airtel ET MAR rec au correspondence amount obvious appears response situation furnish requested attention give assume USA SCHHITTs aware my capacity loss office although fully seeking role infor solve reservation telephone contacted him instances anticoagulant mi fa just indicate tn ts according instrument tongue legs broken drawn rs ro may Adams first III apparently removed Board Livestock Gabe notifie Crime intestines tests helpful following ODel qI cam ma iv rsa ft VJ fl ff Soc fr qv Br TYPE NO Si support cysts observation infection contamination pathological infiltration No fibers tissue significance changes microscopic new qr pl far ite ms bf WW iF pathologist veterinary They adopted form procedure standard central daring All deliberate investigator Oklahoma mutilators intentional clearance Washington mutiletions agencys primary determination next applied direction emphasis meeting CATTLETMUTLATIONS gin qFea nil assist resulted theDenver program witness secret organization willful mined deter vintage deemed subitted Only ground air vehicle produced Sadly WHITBSIDE probe monitored flights military civilian Hospital Large pieces resolve undercover addition December Investigator CARL threats elaborate threatened livestock people extent concerned respective Both briefly Pueblo Clara WALTER Tribe Jicarilla RALEIGH individuals trained technologically equipment technological access urging ways speakers Other international nationwide rabbits sheep dogs incidents cited confined Scotland England ls back twelve twentytwo activities UFO studying Lewisville BLAND TOMY WY ji Er Epp seq instruments scavengers killed categories fell Kansas prior came Cruces Las Diagnostic Veterinary representative CLAIRE anything discounted LASL Veterinarian PRINE government unknown members extraterrestrial expounding presentations Numerous UFOs activity related argument presented Boulder Scientist Social SIGISMUND extraterrestri propounded discounting types Denver Anthropology Professor PhD ARSDALE VAN PETER altitudes illegal unsafe abnormal fly markings examining independently Paris ADAMS TOM makes thing challenge greater never commented sites Research pins colored hundreds map exhibited Farasita School Libre PERKINS DAVID omens rJ Di ifs issis anguish mental fear experiencing family Further last condition win deaths unexplained addressed GOMZ cuts precise convinced well determining photographs lab submissions handle properly repository particular view resolving sole Administratior Assistance Enforcement district judicial ELOY computerized facts methods especially control comparison offIndian Charge Agent Special MUTILATIQNS QATTLE lg FF gm Jl wn afr outside distributed contents loaned property conclusions nor recomendations neither contains document miql mu ofcattle having Sections Title searched staff marked appropriately requiring attending how examine basisfor andthe define explaining noon lasted media various convened wI wt vanuuwwwa cw noununauvvan Ivanw RlDhlitElhon RCTFlMll IIEPDTROLI Qnnaf hv chairr cgnfereiace Library Public HI Ray INVESTIGATION BUREAU nzmzluu JUSTICE DEPARTMENT umrsn restrict exchanging liaison maintain investiqaons recomends THMPSON backing According Tuesday award awarded Probe Coordinate DA Wednesday Journal unless does granting av ily Avi QH vehe sight iT MTL wcL upon depending madewdthhatwo decision attached adecision bylawenforcementofficials afternoonsessionofgheconferenceh rt PPQpratex handled ofinvestigative coordination furnishing prosecute Such absence best brief records ity author int looked determined compile inquiry served destroyed impossibility Furtheri toinvestigate Reairtel Agents number cope assigned currently manpowerg broad andcccrdinaticn vast mutiliaon broaden ER pm rfE gk JnffQ Jag alZ hee QQQ vIII QIv effective resources anticipation undue expectation conditions jurisdictiongranted whichthe Order Congressional secure beimade isdesiredbyhthe ofcattlemutilations participationin seem wherein ourselves opening asked point recommends priority concentrate current keeping simply dead mere arose laws amounted problems showed elsewhere account conducting extended resr limitation apprised insure AD aim cIJ asaw IIIO Time Number Per Transmitted APPIOved yv Uifm ad ABM Frau Albuquerq Tr lbdmti Enc wsr BWJB inqIII EB heaib receivediuthnitgfrom Mexicotha Aide Administrative ITTs WAYNE Prior nOtar Qecause theigation entered peg now theFBI involvement conferred attendees charge interested mediggify enfcrcementy Albuquerquehf SCHMIT directed Mutilations LHM copies airtel Re ANIMAIS Qurrmwrons snc DIRECTOR nuQn FDGWF AIRTEL CLEAR conrmswrm sscanrr SECRET Immediate vim TftANSMPT BI ev anM aI Iar IFf FT memorandumfrom nto appropriateinvesitigation Divisionhasbeen yon tV andhas interest romNew negative havebeen variousJurisdictions Investigative ritualistic asgenerally characterized period sametime thepnited southwestern ofthe These NewMexico thepast involves case NOTE ANIMALS THE Ierv Tf awnup nQ OfVl Tool till Enclosures basis timely apprisedon IBIHQ samci forward Aonal gja ldditi Justification shoudbe quest re iill placing preliminary conducts After Newdexico il ion Divisi ilbuquerque nemcrancu attachments March iustice apartment tho nemorsnoum copy Remairtal CIR eon gugo lllwlelrlr Smith lb ks lllell lieu Cub Sern Con egd Ldeclleq Th Dim swanAm JM egg lu Tl cF tri lIr large Is ZL BOVHUT name suggest ivIII Jr rH sass km key lrl VP become going reguested mightproperly thatwe assessnent Qounsels Legal desired including whole guidance coments reached rapid Ian consideration coursebecomes areathematteroflmanpower posture aninvestigative flyingobjects thatthey wildest ritualsresulting religious There cover attempting run beliefs reason main His warfare biological research connected probability Energy CIA clandestine adamantin BABE why whatsoever Since participant chair THOMPSOwill invitations submit invitation when travel field expert recomendation regard off better sooner official solely elf atute ata USAs thisoffice participate belief task impossible achieve position believe vation reser toward direct merely Whether synchronized analyzed material need solved ofthese pattern trend determinea padeinan andanabaiysis printouts computerbank beplacedin imation mostbeneficial thatit capacityi theFBIwould ongoing steps matterto suffered involving year wastgreed metto myself JONES SAMUEL SA Wain heseanimals based requesting forthcoming letter assistan contact advising head urgent outset allowofficers superstitious Pueblos particularly Indians unreported thataany know Reservations yearsapproximately tranquilizer OJ iur rzweT ny Pfgl sf EJAlbuqueg dZr awlzfizcac determinii able assistants VALDZ predatory investigationmR nduct requestedLos gggsed distance oirolinghe coyotes tracks pJ scavenger predator attacked ar ge instance EZIthat Pr Pg VALD proc prggress VALDBZ professionally appearance witnesses surrounded mystery Much organs sexual lip lower gland lymph removal consist primarily pasture original returned then taking remote lifted cows clamps theorizes vicinity numbers anda cattles injection drug paralyzing shot indicates furnished lnfornation withinNew handling throughout mysteriousoattle eigfyEars seven orthe ov EL PCts FA srArs wzstrsnu lLUNLJLlFSLNU nmaass sac rnor nrnscrox uncuas moms CONFIDENTIAL sscnzrr smcam ill iate Immad AlBIEL El VIA TRANSMIT sossqwaswqwa NFI JJ ENCLOSURE QY Mi mat Attadhment concerning mation Section crimes Roger andEj crime indication report ceremony ritual acts phenomenon For indicating Harrison portion Attached PQLEQLS utilation Indianfneservationa tqrcrime unnscr nMtcriminal Heymann Philip PR RcAmac ALB PBH nutsji Iarc vlI Mama Nr fvrrsn IQIIL GPII llll Ill IDITIOII JULY IO DO PQIU OHIQIAL Bil uEI occurre horse cattie Fortyfive utilations grse anT putiletions rcEEEnitoilT here Pueb lara Seseryatioaendseven Jicerille iscovered autilations eight iniorns onfeerallQOIficer QC Torrence Lo inc Shsriif Yorrence later rozc interim oonths la pest outilatioos bi iavestigate offir Chase Dfiicer Hexico Rev Departzent Fish Gtoe DDel beveed ears insides outilations es wes directly Ooe isturoeo cut scrotun bole rezove steers notilttio cotton feature another bounced ropoeo inicata seemed hair patches indicated ell cctzon ietture precision btenremovedvith srotuanpenisha steerls tsJODel subject ezstine lotion ruti fresh invetgatOr thought cle Be discovere ever freshest outiietion Arribe Rio zutiletions iniceted snow melt viii still Was sei Oell mutiiate zeceotiy apperently old ssnth ac et nuranL village location arrived De Hini Saoouel resoonse ODe called SFDOH regort whom wanted zutilation ciscovere reoort Albuqucrqte celled Deptrttent Sheriff county Sergeant RH Steer EFDGH Ry John EEEJEAKDUH uIn JcJ LT cv CLrIn TL CafltiqpLg IlBncsthq sstis zAQ urn infly Ga Eco fz JDC Iu llI foil iir tcecIjs drce vse icuelJr matilatians ez gqigt ig dilfSTiisTIf rffi IFlrjcw hjrl Ejrli ifBr em cl cIt cgeatimr lGigt Eor msrxnaihla wheerWis IT op sra RT siswrgmmn REPORTE Igyomcmu rPff iiii TIE NAI NUvR PE CM TrotaaPoPe oliil Junn lpusm rmunas RecovL clues vztnsa EieIt Tg fg ri Ig gmu Tq Ql ranan uwnow GH vrpr HL ei usrFae ennse fm Ijrishblqg qge adgt Fig cniitfs wa id tI gnrQ nceahis tcn Ll Gncwez ZIr contzctaai NAMm Pnliza iiW 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doubt examinatio careful region beef remarkable Sarcosporidia cause Prevents diagnosis inconsistent While potential ascribed definitively cannot similarly chambers glostridium demonstration postmortem bacterial definite IlITljITATION fication classi Definitive ltriiEspecies organism rodshaped contain cultured chamber obtained specimen LlncErilgg rcospridia occasional Hustle connective infiltrating bacteria Rodshaped letalule Ho Fragment gpne Vie Muscle lhart IIIDI fragment bone skeletal consisting specimens studies bacteriologic Microscopic incident samples nowcomplete Examination fiU Box May MAusTor HDO REFER REPLY MEXICO NEW ALAHOS nox wwastscso coracr oar LQSALAMOSSCENTHUCLABL CALIA UNlRITY Qn va Ifj InI og gn Iq rvJ gx dI af fIg ubnittada Res YT fE mL aY IEjLgssuquq Ctt Qtzs Assisting mam cttlo team gig named viabelq rIRgyg fv pa xv lf ghJ nrPoarl RIGINALREParIIIsurErimiL Srau PI LILVJERI rzIr vfiPfdvv Rf Qo onN sEY REPR LjTIISUPPLEhENTAL tr xzrraccicata than us fazest irgidnts 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I i W H J A L M r j l ll V II Q E T f F e a Z u n ii an and w if P us g m C U t the ms in III nu K Ill y to v as D s it N of In mu March Mr q mm May February at S d Wednesday no Saturday Y ff Friday iii um PM k If mi Iii IO Ii is p Tour mg B we o meet Thursday IQ c Hi O h HI Ia Il on Ir Mrs by from General Tuesday Monday City Director G It aw ill WW Sunday ml my Service am will his x iI january accompanied their mo Division Clerk une Court gm New Attorney with SA Hm IF IN sun LI AM Award Year Communications Files age her z ti lg Ji York BBO IM R Au IA IL WM IE hi uesday April was Ea IS ir oi Police lI er AAA llll ai Hill fa rm il Washington today Li fun ma llI so ea sa photographed Conferences b LJ EM up la Wm Eli EL Bill who cu fl Illl SI hr lf fanuary Office june ri Department parents are or re IIi un Im rt LII llllll ij fune scheduled Ti He return for AI HM qi lll MM NI fill X The es Be commemorating Bar Legat Mdy ad pg President Ml NJ El Ma WFO Am mil Diego San Beach Palm LQ lb leaving cl iL ta JP lL LL Lg INS DAY AP WI Mm Inn em QM av Wu inn gr nun lJ BL Al Mday lli OF Baltimore ni Australia Commissioner South children State lz zs AL Union wo Charles IX Nil fans sou Hr ur kl IIH Present uu pk Jack be plane arriving gun mother uI iiW HA BM lT Dunn ard Miss xi family Oklahoma Tulsa Tribune group admission James beiore Supreme zoo ew ji fi TwoDay Clark JI WJ lF House present pi Vi INI Zli Saturda Edgar ui Directors tr jg rom Cw Mexico Assistant may AQ Ian vv Patrol Edward West fI Macy Joseph Pl John ORMATIVE Jersey Atlantic Naturalization leave DA AW Fm rf Ll pkg Iv Ki Clubs Club Dinner uII MQ SAC ul Murphy Jr luv Lf ig Ail iq Basic lo gt awn FI anu APIII AF lzno li Two LAST Day Three TedJ cm Mary Ar Iprzl moo Jpn WV fJ IQI Iom Iin nus sf ano ML Tm Mi Iw riday ee PI Ht fir fr znn WL nr Ziii Tl rW My IT rr yl ie BI Ig Jl Wf IIIIUAII muary January anuary iv HOOVER EDGAR CALENDARS ridelZaFBv dauBhtTM one Rdaughters argareti bY Field Clerkenogmpher Esther wiie DuBii Maurice sA zuKey cmmtya VanCeaiI Guy Clerke Hunter Glen Darwin Territorymf Northern Graham Clive accompani Adelaide tlieDirectr Alabama Florence RuthOwen ed McKinna QI flail Owen Bobby nephew Hunters aHT Jmu Fd Milll new lFiU qillitJ Ccci cImtii Completionoitourandmeetthenire TrffIiTI ctor Maureen Shaun StafiordJr three Grady Stafford Chip Lloyd Cathy EDI uJl hertwo Protocol Lloy Chietoi wiieofthe GHEIIII iP IiretrInuJliiM nn GardenQ tnnily Pelletier Howard andMre Michigan nuIlP Communicationsibiviaion iles lIorthCgna Roanoie Mission inthe Clerks wieSayboth SpargoJrandhie Pa iE Blanton Carson Diviaion mveetigativp Hdgler Faye Virginia ZL CJC iti TJTF CharlesJF grandson Aj ch rnmicz fA andjneetthe rage BE nir Ilibllli IIIIJI riiIIII Sun ptrVaqpg Unis rrjtlm nL inill JE Zf Ili suAC zno Mandayfjmw INl iiiZ lUI SM TZ fej flli jz WT fQef js wf llIi EI IIIQAI Examiner Fingerprint Forester RobertD lzli ugui Wifiki Vii TU ISIOUIIIPI lliillill JIM fIii zme unI toM fly Gneral suny iM INFORMAIVE Roaenthal trip approximately returning Hotel Plaza Park Chase meeting attend Ariport Mupal Lambert Louis St eeioe urine Gil ilICIDllOi wCmmnmlm RdJBIUlrIllI IIll Brmhaall wilt cmnnclIIIDlviicnl jggn lIlIlcholtIIilnl nadnnurlu geeI fmi jj pI IIIIi aJ iw Ax ju inll fWM JCzZg nQui LA CAM TugiQl Wfi hmsday AK ini llJ pirector lersoy NewH Ramsey oseph DVd both SuePIt Betty nansee Ls me rQQ DvdJ eF et Douglas Reporter tormer hie Dakota District Fred Judge tour Colorado cministrative Stenographe Kay hara mfe dBsmgwsimt ccom state winner Vage Kerpan Earl Michael Dyaper Ccarles INFORMAIY Waldor League Defamation Anti betore tonight speak toW EgoI Philip SSpreme before practice Administrative Adams prafctice Investigative Special Sheridan zum Robert rmlv lZ gq iiv Republic Dominican ls Dgmingo Andersqnaito June SIN paudnllL Nz Kl ZlI IHI fllil Ilkvi JIIII IIA uslzll fzme sJI idfiwnu lgli snd diu iinan rbdrr eLach CI ccompanied White ivlian Distinguished fur residents TolsonfFe Clyde 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plnumgigp andbe Meet Ondavi fn limo ress sociation BedelYKaneas Dwight Plane Immigration via usH schedad andI law father Shirley wile ltiItY Bounds Kenneth Mt IOICII AIHD vMaw lZlQLjfH Cowlfr sznoj afw LJA Inu EFFW bursday nj JN awi iil Le sulI leig klllisqig waamnswn worm FuomArv wmelv ChicB Dues Uni tiAirlnert School Law Chicago ymg UniverslwTa address hdChic AttornY nrIZ gs IHJU sc QIo jjm Zjm Moznwsuvy Ai Egg jm mp mki ltd ltil zw aoo jA Egi fpuvn inI kw IJIIIIN IIIIIQ tL mdgQ ShdAU Wwm jw nrn ks gapmrmmMA pholn oicials iive accompnmeigy plaque Vice Executive KachleinJ CZLV unrealp uunsgi George tion Automobile American sponsored which HPatrols members Baiety USchoolboy lPMior Safety Schoolboy member honorary naming IItI young irom Illheeeiveeplaquae pmtr incinnati Judicial Circuit tli going Sixth speech make EDST Airport RCLSOII National Iminigration ictian Cincinnati travelto nwrM Tr rsLo Mailshclzson irector exas Frzday anpw BJfv mll lQ sW mmJ MHII LU usZgal lh Lmkmnivr TIE BLACK iAmerica Boy Cole Albert Invitation Street th Welt University America Clube Boys Board Meeting ng eireehmenta upo hwlil flu unday IIilllixut Lii IFIID Eda Quan lcuu wllllf tte lviurphy RI aso EIIo danapoLs BIIowar liTlOf aC Mgr INFORMATIVE Quzmtico De Starnes Joe troit APl dJ Gerald Malyniak Orleans sw iEl Hoveson Ronald Antonio Ban Carlson SAsGeorgeW Apnl sqro nwi fllqIv qQua Qrnllli hqr BIw Bulb Qua Io Ni Du rpiiunu ISIOUIIQS IIIIHIIITIII WgdngjdayjPf TldTlI PhA zrsdma uie AD Zii Fhght Airlines tEastern Ft Bestontoday travel Em Ktlebch Cklahoma kI Ile Ho Kim JlI Lth Dallas Plnkston isn KeytSANat lko vf Presnidcnt Qdson Hmn nfa ApriL oiCommerce Chalnber Presdent Vce Exiiv Jhea Tennessee Nashville Chamber lea ril Samrday par LX lIlI Genorareomce Civlilmtl AuornoyGononJohnDoar AmndnaarlnammremnwlorAuishnt MI ruh Moore Harris Quantico that Class Blame neth ary UFO Hamer Robberyschool wF aney GergdQGrebl CIIIIOUIQTID RM Beale Howarmmdlampolllsl Thurtdnu lIll vT Eeeoo gig Tlzu sE 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szagg anal EIQ TL TY vmdl GWlIfl IIIIIIJ IIIOII IIHIISI IIICTO IIIOIDIIIIHH Tlllfjday QITUIFI lIClI jabQ lgunp iQDK lIe lIKli Irwe Pan qe ran iinf Eilis nML Eqfg YT FAY IAfIlCKS AH ICIJ IAICII LC rHLllza JQEliSunday Sil IPII lair lJI IHS IHJIJ crvr awymiW nunb swTm LemJifLI TD SIC ens qI vI zls Zllll Ce llJCiFi Zr lzllll All SdJ mud uHI ZJAM Illj Wl llifltJr ETl hf smr Us zm EQ VAu fL pm uuunn iulwlli rpm iillj HAH UP llllunn IIrum InnC llnnu Lm JMm IWf rg mmmmmmutmmummwnmeuu gawm kZ NW Innii TI Tunl IIOnI llmnu uwmlaj IIwe ccvdB ivL IIaw uls IIW IIIIII Bun JU HIE eza nusfl fmRtm An Qiljzl Izil ZivQ iThursday sgg eI ssu iri fhr niflucncu hill srban gWIfT glam jIl Jnu Iun AtI inL IvyI VOI iV uh uIIu qun Was zuo JJI Eq Qiif dnexda Allll ki WWLSnday lznn HialL TiH iII IUU iijiiiif zI IMIU Wma ygg rj ka wuvi arena nao IIIIOIIIIII IIIOSO IIIWIII MAICI wint MondayMarch IfJ yr viL CTV pL gz LIv Faun VTI IBI IUAIV ayrI Illi Wi jF DP any za xS raid ya Pf Fivt KQ Qm rlz iPI zzzm fAH gguf qqi alP lhi tn Pll wI mtnonyi wumuorovra wFm vmiJ caywunnln gg Ju usf lcli lzll Februar bur Qwsa llM FIT putt sCgrub Vnon ull nlk Ci lFIFYiWI Qv JA Msllr ggjlzli Tj Fday xT iimiI hwy IQQH aIi QFL lt LMi sir IIQ snow Wt ZJ EIIVUUI Illillll laiiII ancn IIIIIIII EanoI uT cn IIIIIIIII iIIll rIii JJLW ama Jaw QJ ho agg mncn ALJ fSfQvYI jun unQlZ uuCwI IIOIIIIIInlulalrunzo FJI Februaryll va qa vlIl iPT zun slS man Qgwq miii Int gu llS ltll IIII jdj rP ebraary lAGd Qlj ljh IZ lJII Febum FT imig Bi Jzgs jjg Rl arznm lZlgLt smQ Qpl cAcat gW fan Sf AiI igaas zi ld Jyz cJl JZ Aim JQ iiE JG Febraary Turyday ifr uhjZAzr Aum Fiii TuesdayFebruary IOU vi wqlIIIL walk iah Slfturday Gawn tZ liH jhQ saIz soo Iull icP CL Nvii bi inII IIIH rrI zk Inf IiIlllplr lili AJQ lil muIA jr sin RX lkli llzl git lLiv TT nF IUD pr mun Jk lfl eon Qgrgfjii fzmuary ZIEIJEI fw ooL bAOA azraaaazsuv Hlllllfll IIOIIHII FIIIUAIY Um uiuui KBJeE IMUM nin Vr Frulayanuary TurrdaJb LJL uWang Agmugb WE Maj jliztlgjL vw wu ia zL IIS Wededay unlunv nuunv snK JJQ IIIIIJAIV lllllll gzI wl VI IIIIUAI znuary lzurjday IlibiiVii ruemy ZZo Qrurl llgli GT iFH qw Jp miam aM lu Zwl Rh LiAI Eiim nsigr wr UL IlI ininan saw ILi IP noun rzday mrsday Illlllll LiATH Ur xL WN AE wmwwihUJ Wan WnmHhl PK jt mmEhm JmihWF Hq JH amA Ej IH KW mF iummguw iW mR Nu NH Illa jgM aQ mmummum idWm VJ WiWi iiZ Ifj mjg Lj uMJ iIHi lq ET Wj kn rUrC wwwm Iq qW uwlmvu umfluu SJ DAIH liq tj JIum mH htIF NIH MJWHM iHHmuIql luuIlkn HPvhHHr Jig OM nAWwJl ht iJ jl ix Ln HAApLHH but iin ChlI ldai Milli Jffff PJ IlL Run JWfliJ lAlllAII IMt Lisa IZJI sso WeI iie Ru Ul jus IIIIIIL IIIS SIS lllllw zo ou mE Nus fer nuuuv YIAI NIW asuzrazvso IIIIIUIIIIIJ December lzursday AUGUSI JO lw IIY Hf rwr uZ Alll IWI MARCH gInIInIIIIInnnuIIIInIIIInIIIIIIIIIIIIInnnnnIIIIIIIIIIunIJIIIIIIIFFHfjfj TIW IWW FEIIUAIY IllIll id COIFOIAIION FAFII EATON DIVISION FIODUCIS NAICON gWWII DAvAIA lJl AlI La Yr Zgr DIRECTOR FBI FORMER CALENDAR APPOINTMENT DESCRIPTION FILE SUMMARY LOGSAPPOINTMENTS TELEPHONE TNVESTIGATION BUREAU FEDERAL Part Logs Phone Appointment
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Senatorlccarthyinthetutmesould suchsreportinasmuchas olainedhcneeded Burins OIL Isl inibrnation puths nther ONI eports ottices tlelve approzimateilq preeuaed tinors getaeopyoitheBureanssunmaryrsp thathewouldlike IIO enator oIgegpoed fieldOtce Ieshington tuber Ion SulllnaryoI alleged llccuthy floorotthesenateinthecsse usedbySenatorlloGethyonthe Interit Sumary scion tocc pertaining inrormation IEO Ininolude Plli HIPLOYEES GOUEHINIERI IUIiLTI oper ermen amng marirnaire JosepvioOart QGzgource Emn lJ Memorandum TTii Lat SIIBIE Ef ilk uw Iniomat aam iifL aunduuu kpeaita Db CT aas snr npmg uu Na iwV nIBiPiIbp mhp Ieur SUBJET WEIR mzwzaor Held aahixgtun Octobtr aroma rmtn instructad hnntIII Irw gI xv IvL fIlib ut inforti Lv io Ilit rH vvr lQ Jy Lu IvliiaZrfifI Fg ncTai iiazcobbZrK LJ Fwit smn mcam sur TI BY ADVICQ iduh Quilt jhieh infomatiqn ban nmmumnguaupmnunu tmraltigdatm hntant rnguvding pouusiun ing aggrav mason nmwa vaod tneb qttieo Hold Iadxington Ha intervisnd eaaaboadviaodthdmOctobe ISO IStlt hn Invutiptor Dominion lnrvioo ail interrier hrun roqnestng nalopbariB harencsndatoyaur isy db Jalhll nnnneo lam summa Govermne Randin nfornut swam zY Dinactur mimbgr Fbyhon hyi houl hm BIIUMZ lllrb Tn BblI qu ulnlt cnq Tr Em IOITQIZ ranrmrnnnsll ISTII ILSHFIILD EJ IWm Igk FEB RECORDED gges tongue advising hereto ECGMENDATION sincebnae tm Dx own ton ciuyzmoo illegallyobtained Bl zine nailylorker reooumendatio ladsubsequently ago years hmdled developed questi interna suggesting omoo Iashington gationo inverti order regendig helpful llro mcxoaolmnt Commisaim iTo iuuu EIIPIJJIEESPURPEg CF LOYALTY Removal sunm uzio ciart Joeaph douroe summer gxmonn mlwM CH smEs Oiti qI Yv gT rag gffiai rav rew Tfilei Gg fix nFl LCs Iivmollm nvssrmulol IBTAI Ilromuurroi Possmsml nmmltm BESSIE eeuwee felt exam ante urine peeelbity repute Ineeu ken qpnreny etee AIocqaIe vJ Lf iYf zrF eerenedtt thetthieueeeuresyeeaunedenduehuve Ieregret lIaonttonedntectoberhS tblnenerendsntronlre Ippeued eelrent Ire Buon mmoh Gite vfthe eI Qerreetneee accruing etaanon Ink IwerneneyIeeTaIltInlI blrlltylf qper ernnent ppgne mms lnpeued deouentoidhich Iocarthre netor MinQ equated iuveetigluen untonation year tltaeentgvIn eerniag nzgeeted reepeetully view et IOIIOI dtuleee Go lupin elmcl rened IIIlocnrthy regsdn reluee pron eeeanplnied ennugecertlgyenngututotheeouruottbdacunnatdch newe Mtoruy emuum thinking thaws ihe lppllr tnther keI lqitnbnf int darn peptenber deeaent uzlne tirthr peel cal peeeeeetou ecerbrueeenJuSOmaa neanendn polnlllen led Illf Oplrin Omolrling tunIoGuwIhJIlIIllhtlmnnt llllMIBBIlwfl nlIldJnlt unmnuumQmu kttinorl valunkuwd Iuruuanmnrynputnhttinuoudna lguntatthoiuahinmlioldluuhovunld aaIanlnlopuin xncnmrxd ncxcaoum hfI Kt nsnaa Llnlttpn tIn niuu bahtone InIu UIL Vx Kjl yr ST smL nnw Ili gIl QpI Cr TIP sFfji Aer lagJiAi Hii rIF rmTr fP uhf LiT Qzrf ELIuT HIV chi JETPl mmm guam jpfll utm amulet Ilildl maMP Smullb qaoberjiui uunnW jIi rM FI Ml law iI Vl inaaun otlarrinI Iocarw luster nwlrl uac mmu nwnnn gr ugun bIc gfY FYr aiA jl nii IW wvi Tu qV intontldnrulatin mwmmmnjw urththltno mdhnoouldlntdiaelnlciil Pqtonlud joltthat lntolnodlimaln thqynnabunt ZIIIIIIIM lctuninod FannieI Robert Ilotnr madI awning apart ionape namrnndun nantionad IAh intanin Please thnt athr Blnltor captioned Domld trunttadtoAJ orpndtnn conaidnnd hing sui IBIJYAL IBEH Sumtor SUBJIBI acwungu iiA arrange IIlrHII invaatiga infomatin Sevim mentioned caeo refers IDQ Bnployees Qyzy RenoivulofUovruJiEt GoYgPF fnTmETionfggrdpg osg Source Subject Qm sumac JllGIIiIgem rmq oovnimsn srrEs unran Nlemomdum fOfive IaeeaQPOIlIIIll Clv writI FIe upqtDqqn innbn pqiInnngnI onQnip nL EM urn yrcJ HF lEED onJf llouthy infonotion supplying USC Sootion Section violated elee anyone whothe logioe evelop propitious deemed inoluding mentiogd Ifliohnr interew Ploese lyp ulI ttorney refere mrlmrsns OFiIIVklllEI umuxrr PROPEIRTY GOVkRlMEN DHIOVLL RBqwIHwwmmLnrmnEL HHIwIw vEIfiRseBrnrLa SUI ifHnIIl rou PTclIf Inveltlgotion otor gLn Zemorandum ksZ iureius unless makes voluntarily sci receivesuch continue ui otoe eiticial Id formal continued Contact jurisdiction Bnreenls Iithin country security internal bearing iaich loARTHI pondence corres general ofice Cseee trmm investigstimof durilg oice Iitn sveildale Ioold oixrensrk st onlycmment citation entirety volunteered foregoing sBureeu eninfornau inmaldng Case sIere uecmmx Benet thrt lilmvise obtain nor onis ask specically token inronnation cletemine observer impossible seldqg ptrlpblIOd ccnpletely inessuch proved infcrmetion respect gorernsent owed onee gorerment tlms IIn rcfy uLw rl IF Pk EimEj TL rE HA ixht QW ul ierL FTjliar otr goremeat ride eumary USO Gen inemud nag bavioltting Inveid Inthie rather CS eeoured ottioe nmay tun appeuirg infometion nizg epuL thecaee nh touldbe Htmrepwt IADD rteted corwrrrg Betgetive aeri irdfomation dot IoCLRTHI how detemine ation FakeeedthatheIeeIarethattheBureauhndiniinre Bule inLth exglaInLrg lgencg auiuveeuigeeive goremoi another iniomaticn gatione Inch mpport eble beilg legatione lake oolii fite HoiiRnf nitor inairuoh fepcrt thlt OBI lei intormat acne past oicstecl Amy GDepartment dietributed eleo iel otrioee tuelve lpprodnaely IAEIIIOREI eumargrreport Bureue aoopyotthe toget QeiloulQlike bu Beptunber oioe tnent node ioCIIHY AA imestitor enpl LTZCEe HEREEEI umm ru lFlLDEI HIPLUIEES ourmus PRDPERTI lN nfmnt kn Iaehizgion HUITE GUI Iadnl Ruben Ae SUBJHJTS HNENUIN WEI DATE TBI fjirqgha IfunnIoauIoq llz IGoqq EIdi tj Tracy Roaen Harbo Glavin Clegg Ladd lr irector gATIOI IHVES BUHEAU Ag EjZrr arv rT uJivm WvJLE vv ray spFcontenpated fgtggizquiry lecting investi transmitting lenorandun approval Attached EEQQQQLEDATIOE qficials appropriate examined provide wen doubtful Canada permit attach suferingfron Ueloy civilization touch woods theMine camping ornr VIeloy hairnanLoyalty Ebnorable iIf Lra iNl erI bV iji LfF IVH awe awv Ve Unnerigan sition special Beeerdi Files Buzean Ilefqnaoiion nods eat etill da physical effort Boar turned Gewwuniete reweve nts propriate vernment mmunisl ees noon home departed ned que concerningqto Efurnished eahean atteepted cf Qlive hen rrsd occ incident excited nervous extremely vadvised transmittedthe approzinately SenatorUcarthy rv theHWIiie wigg position materialobtained cabinets ten eiairitained alee ihad carde practica established Boardhas Qlioyalty laces othersources CUJ ron deal spends Bursell Reese Busbey eewor Uongressmen fTVTi ePrvtav ljl jtig nqj PR fii miL suspec ial hl rovided ormation Ba furnish ecause toward ave lO llarch whichphad ehibit eaists therefore possibiliety lancy ard SA ered OBcoula FIRE oncernin inquir osse glinpse entonly Olanc Richard JosephKelly recognized session Baltinar came annel investigativereports aparently quotedhgaterial ys apparentlyrom At expo ncarthy aaenator EhI usth rec access gained thereby concerned desk box incoming ioae eatinet hey Goombe ile haiman Ohio Oxford toIf perio Hay tola dll lpril cabinet custody ExaminerInspector Uoombs Cyril prepare far ealle EaaminerInepeator suehtime Inspections Grover iL Ilfff IIi IfA VElrffTI JTf Iif From against charges began SenatorHcCarthy Iay interesting back traveling These enatorHcCarthys sequence arranged tatement interestini wasparticulary statementqf contain mile itself sourceis SenatoruicCarthys never adjudicationof artment De stat erhibit mU AH AWMwt whereas characterizes onIcCarthys ppedrinp No luision gations Investi ehibitbears icCarthy agenQQe representatives thetateDepartmentor theCSC preparedby anydocumnt copyaf authentic SenatorUcCarthyfgPewhibitf points significant administrative revealed gathered Our constitute socalled extensive initial investigate wanted March Efgicf QI Mi fel sin zaterial tanyto natter isinformation Fsource glhn iQ di refused ardin press accompanied ehibitrohich enatoriicarthy lccordingly views inter plete chad Gran call Hcdarthy Ie removal unlawful theftsmbelement UEL Secjiel Titlel thereiaT fin fehi obtginedthi SenatorIfUarthy todetergnine anifvestigation Posniah theinvsstigation oinmission Bervi aivi gurported whieh bit shi docwnentjfhereafteroeJerred enatoHcCathy ureau fijveslgatfon jIlfield ef eulgigt wassubegkgentiied SenatTaoingat gs gisggatenggtgn lOhnggi Julywf enatorllcOarthy action nvestigation infnrntinn amHi reportssultano suggest cwvcerning weedvuauwwuwvwnv wII wees IID To IRPO iLGE PEil FARM FIIQO ax JwgH INFOEIATIOH RcCARTHTS JOSEPH SENATOR SOURCE SUETEST JKHT eIR nArn rsenrsscros SUIJECI FROM sTAs Memontrzdum emi vnursJl Kev Iir inu VV ah nuuepnw IVVVjf iiiiiia llI rnulin IIWIW DIP oVazsuv vw lial fg antic NI Prnucl fh Mn unclean anui fufailh farther Nun qonurni formation cM umJulph Icart leaner thhI AWc Iff amnu mmad na TVVV lpcotcl zPVVba WmllP lug lamb Int lputcl Qf LIv TAI PVV VVVVVVV uun VVVVVVlfVl ij igJ TPZTfSYrTFaIEViFTw tBChTlt UL letivitiee riocn Jiii eta emit tiiwahgia Jiaeitiea oneidered tiQ Inqirpeonducted ecialA reparte fallen herewith Iaucerniagphereiraaenitted einee Ity thatthe li recovering bane IeehiAngtm aveayfrap eince iaveetigaticn flllbbvt uotinterviewed LoyaltyBevin Ienn oberi Eeecutive Ielap DepartnertfL Biaieiaa Iiehalean aaaieeianonadL Bervice Divieiaa potions Iiweeti Butcher Janet eelanel Ghairlaa ingtan Bpwil eVIEB Augtwt dtd tau ogrrczs ennrmn egentc eclilctmeepart unmmrnn fallenieg once eadertaten ehauld inveetigatiaa aaaplete Iu aithgpu qliaeueeed Uherein abovecaptioned QAugust ueeamada de lepton lode eference Gm ovmmrNewwrewr revere eorsmrmn eerwrrre eaorsaxzcsrr esemnrm rxroaturzox xeceererw JOSIPH ensures saunas AW Direct LP eri Iurt JZ IA LG luguai dnto iu wro gi iwa yt Rapert REFERENCE bg vif Kj GARIHI IIC ocmpreheneive VHVk ixn Hem while tten anticipated investigauuu second eee Lnterviaeed Die Building aeeiwente caridng hotel Iuuld BuLcng Dffice enate basement alsigned thatmzfficially lcncnrn day night project Ierlrin Lgent andwonfidentielly typing dictation pin activity idemable There voluminous quarters living epparently female unidentified Byln GARHYs ID nf oooupiedby mmusmmn IFD ik Tm eve AL Iz egent reqmsted setbe eppomsment occasion bed recently Wisconsin llilwaulcee let resumed severed staff GARTH cticmormerly Annapolie employed sently employmen left etaft CARTII aoendie leek botf Sezietor ettcbed hes PliFR Jo definite opinions intfozmetion lattera FGLD PEITON merely FORD PEYTON ccndaltial Jmo eport ippiirii mede might free PAIlERindicated llr lashington lesistant PNMER CLIVE photostetic Bureaus completion eeparatelqffor Thereere BSO forexamination ieouied iefo Tihi oena EEHT fienator around peeled oriinJ interpretationg oes Ihe thetelephone over ource himbya read ps zit tE understood ehe reportedly matteivy addreae preeenting she father Villi daughter ref Ce Cw receipt contributor Ilill exlmination assumed herein Lutuet By Lty illneee IIEIDY individuale Thole Gumnieeion HLTGIER JAMIE Miami handled specific NICHOLSON MNAID MELOY RIGHRIISOH SE exception uiththe reiferenced tihio inatituting specifically All lead Accordingly instructione accordance euhnitted beingli closing TTTuISFJIVE IFOl Hi rYe sit jgv origiml placed first impression conclusions denite reach typewriterg CAREY KC vru tie LC sgqg ieachibit elevenpage rimpressionim resulted rubherpstemp eleiren Invetigations laboratory Also parison characteristics eertagi obscures CARHY ment CARE typewritefthe wes thesame resAted ClRTHI JSJH GARIIY obtainable readily sheets mionskin likewise Ta lYIIL IllEJ ia IIAQAGU Inlain ULIID VW hv unnn Chi IlI IIIIQ rrlrlrn Innrice tub rn ori lII nuu Stamp Because nachines multilith establishment printing reproduced nothing mere lbs lmultiith photolithographic aboveris HThe identify characteIiBii seas IPlOdCbtIfl mimeographed ggj UFO Ila mag tF mtilith GLHTHY EC ipage mimeographedcopy lar Type Large Royal machine balance iutepage Bed typeIritJer uidLfAfermt jIhch lioiaeless iith sitep IIritten fseven hut Pages Homeless typeuriterequipped Ithe ype Noiseless yes line Toe stetemati iriting typeiters concluded IaborateryIhere wereby ditIibldIihh Ccmmissions socaledsCivilService eleven fp Beptember Hey vrro YY Jt JR Fr lgq eaieii fq wg gsY Eg la Sf Ki itll Sil ifT ters lmong member EGA Gcnmiseion Inveetigator GcImieion oye emp epplice lo aeu Luguet Of Telephone Born TM IEP IFoh eivo foJoying indlviduels ebpvementiozied neccrdsccncernngthe Depearu lj tv ssJ iw nugim umio born iiml serving Ierred Speciel With Specill ntfilea Depar associates ierredto individualt sting Baitere associated pg referr contacts Club Beitera Red nbted tebe soqelled ienn JIItiOle Reserve ldministraticli Comneroe TWINE Agency mn erce Health Public States UnAmerican Juetica iiF ldminiatretion omnittee Unqlmxicen llustice Employees Federation Ctffice Revenue Internal Defcnle Administration lIII ofJustice amt extent maintain lcnoenreliability Ireh AV contlct uii jfj ZrfT jV rig inoot iun laa smug omeludod intoraant ourvial govormnt Ganmiata ova EU Ianatioail Hg iifrIRri illaaarvaRBVBIIUIQ ooultIRoaoumoa suunqpuuat Itfl varvoo Dapohunt hptrtn sup Gployoho ooIin includa tlntormnt noting ocki Sanator Iatarial fmmamng observa opinion hum lataszlal thatBEAIEatlaactuaaaktoSanatorIoARTHIotha aporta oopioa actual photoutatio inoludao natezial probabdt fllll politic dbyroaaonotlio Ihohhahaa honaanotaaouutotinfoznation ubtodJhaInhl Itiothainolnntaopdmthat rc atop appopnlate hill gonrmont ona Germain thoao dioounod Dapartnant Gonlmnian Cubandatlha ugroupknowntohnaatloRadBatara aloalngIaahadatahomoono minthogonrnlnnt attention oalling par oarlior Ipoooh rat IoGlRlHIo adviaad pll Jfri jv pereonal jfcr neinteined photoetatic intomant emptied hue morning hasupontarn Intorlant eveninle Ms reqxire eaid though packed telly carrying paactiee agode leameshort info crcas Iere srxuiee docnmnte Conclusion Ilth poeitim eloa oueente menus crtentile Iymdinhie crcee plecea eonrceephich Uhdnarlcan Oelttee Iouee true infcraacn alcmt furtheradvised Infornnt Ccdeaicns relation apparent keepe ceeee idle alecheard actlvltyaadhehas vaeamedapnthietype aa taheck lad infonant tnmiahing person aat eighty cernin cen sane IcGaRlHI ecbetantlate cpdmton tt intcraaut JIIIIl STIIIBS JGII lath Gcngroaslens caa ceteInhep intoraatiua suspected heen iniornticn scarce Ioamia me speeche IcGlRH tpprorlmtely tranenitted decieclon mic BtIRlVlIBld dcan deciaicn atatonmtsin aade IcGlHH qperently copdee amber copyeencfdadccunentIhereaeenetorloGlhaepaeeedcuta iigogiftt fEts iiPit zi lP cw frut saqg eeaee writing oelvvene famleh prohehlilw infomntIonld nueber understanding ineeeuch tarnished enother deomjen believes typed nieeograph excellent recollection beet docneent Heetetedthetthiecopy etetionerye etthetypeneedensenete neoteneegle Ietenerk eeen hoe intorlnt Exhhlt utilised euch peper copying doee Counieeion oeeeee enmeriee egente butnottotheneeeeotthespeciel ereeedetollreporte onnlanan entry yrepering Bhihltlf ehovn manner Gonieelon Divil doeueeute oiciel ehoen Iletzibution recopyingtrcnenotherdootxnte hietheinornantetatedeouldeppeartoheetypogrephicelennrmdeAwhile DivieiI ilnveetigetione ineeeech error thiet intonent Poeitionk Inveetlgetlone mder Gadsden Bteteeivil nnta nwno eecret eteq notutiee Ocnieeioe Ocmdeeimq Diviliuno ReviwBoardendeetheok Preeidente eent heve eeee Bond DepsntIIly ection Liter pabut Iee eteteeeut thioh etetenent ttm conteine inaauch steeped clocueent intorant Invvltigatiene beenreceived eeid months eeven eoee Bennel group tbie feet ettentlcn eelled intoltnt lttoneey ugpcup jnnen Gittee leerioenSpanish eede lhihit Hp era pep septum cerriee lppetnl etup Oolaielion vro ifl qIE aLif rsi wiv nwwnwry does oard flaunwr IDKTJITD ITTII lttonsy retoraaoe Inhibit IeGlIHI ln ooncami laintainsdtnezactlythaaaneorderasaintonntten thelBIrao tolbra tlo described Statsepartaentiebrotea asitenetatodayinths algzleaatthe eoaaidersd onthsreixaaaaaahasitwas painted JBU GI gin eertain tilt interested ocnsldaratien ailultanaous ompllste mae ntsrial reviewed try theLuyaJtyRoawBsardiaons tilensrsoeivedby sonsidering ioard ioyalty duplica sonsisting dean broken asually toltbr large traneaitted eW ifii aIsi airI Wra afdsvit acoonpawing transcript eases handling experience OClIBS jsia QiL lPf chm worked Oolmel ebnary oIieateiy served zsported follows wcnen icientixiea iie elericai Tllfi serssdololel Oollllel nintainsd legitieste IQIIJJB proedheehnsrnih sears eaployees waintsined key knew swpleyses unable OOOIBS desks hexE Iin incsing aaintained oios beep thatGOCIBSwud Under legitiaate Loyty CIBS neoessarg tslt ghiis wasninteIne anon thesile osbinets tting astothsleintensnoeethe endROBERERHlssistsntIectve secretary IILOI themselves slang hihean pwwune adis vuuue Bi nnioon sndkeye lock nder aeintained lsuhsd ezmspt eseurity sexism establish attempted eeees sensitive OOCIBS aaintain allaed insisted md cases eightyone Ravi Ltyalty aatiina oieee responsihiIItty iuoes IIVIB Oelonel attics asintained awn fro coams Iehruary Dvisw IaysItr therestter sad thee fs rjgF Fl Jrn iT KrVTj pe hale aaintaimd eumry preparation Iortle aaed period Durirg Boanh considered Ihenthe Th mti EIVIS colonel oftioe oaaa eunaary ntil zmgnle notoall mom reoalle commas hr propanogthe suohtlneaeanxannehIaepeetoroleortheeouthepupone nintained ahae llhrieion Inspection GROVER Ottioe directly go GOQBS MB Ioyoltyleviei Orine records Deparhent loudomtntleotthedateottheoriginalreodptetae DuOtllIBShaaadveedthattheeeordeottheLoyaJ oolpetedlytheLoatyBeveIBoal aotbeen DeparhentandaeotthiedatethepoeteodtoItheeaeeIaa ChIqStheeeaereturnedtotheState atthelaite review pemitted Boboonnittee TIDIIIGS nedaere shortly recalled hot directed aooez Thetfile eoneidpreti aenbere thelilet panelohairaanhooere tothenrloue eechoaee decided officials noved otthe beeauee waeeenttoamwpaneleadeepotthetollolingaeaberez program participation cu hineeli dlequieo linoe Pnealdentie pursuant penele aee tree diequaliiy bd Pro aooordanoe oaeee union onem lccordlllllh Preoideht toetud proposed Ihieh eeeee consideration cone mF oMafzrrIa fqT Ai uiA PI xeviei voted Binoe HcGARH indthiduel verioue consider tb requeet celled bviewjYBQg Ioyelty eeebere meeting pOlBibJ eooeidered oxIgnaJy pene Iede attempt Ioyaltyloerdyo thenelbere together umnu Depertmnt Deparknt cmemm Deceeher sun lede Ida determination inch nenbere tarnish thet equeet eoneideretion loJoIn onu Iolloling consisted pun Ioyaltyneeiew eunlary pnparetion thmtoll eitneeeeee character thelr lite executed newum saw Iovenber Me afforded transcriptor Iell ooncerningm reviewing beganby responsibility dis OOCIIBS Beviewicerda Imlw etetedhehandedtheoaseIorthe thatbyxeeeonottheabovetcouJdhe COCIBS Ioyaltyeiiesrloerde ticm subsequent postaudit esponebdty ehazrged Inspector Boer leview IxaallnerInspector UIRIL Mmmmcme IeGaRlHIe indication gave naterial elll unent nmnu cuncenrlng laintained reeentJy bile CI ix wF fx fT grow dI nr fyi Imngbpn EETgEE SEP Bunatn LMLlPPFfg roavumID IRlIIIIllillEE EIPIITIlIEE povmE QME cE Pil Ihr igi nc ELSE uh tamthy Inbl Insults Dparhenb gj Personnel Otco qployud YA roflrdiI backgromid eaneemi Iniiiiii foxii Elii LE Emm uwull mIdyiJbyRlYOIBolI npuum Iovelentoie wv uwl npliea Imht svuorslsorrAcrs IIPJOYQ Governnnnt inrorlation npmxms Goaovmmaul movm REG sunmct WW msarmrw INVESTIGATION fu iW QII iE ExFEI EES Mg IEEEj np uQ hfj Fllf EEf EP LJJ INDEX aecoRm AqiZT jEzL pcr ld ITU meanwhile issued presen naned relative instructions inforued business oj subnittedto XI begun uiry sick een suspect asare lty Tenn Land aseth vidualo indi adll tl enatorIcCarthys fraudulent thedocunent show bepossible neans Through ofthe promptly mill FBIsecured spAugust onIt frou ecinens bt GongressiondIIteIEIlIqTice roon uses particularly cQarthys understands Eb CongressionalHotel specimens obtaining possibility IN rapidly bring power everything do full working nen replied iax ofttention Ilmlt syrnorszs comauymvr YLUYALTI PROPERTY oovzeznzenr today tocoaplete given ehou gaticn status Fletcher Eottel SAG concern inquired Supervisor mh roe sweeter venom LAU new semen eovennusnr srgres Memoiwndum Vt ITllXPIIi vfa ekr fiwtlfir wT hFreo lfoH ale fhe aP inW ziiifg fQIice aaglgtt EDI iF IIII VA eJfJf iIIifIL ivaF nI wA kDH knUHwh mvJ VP PH fd Jp Kr JL Lqif QF FMJ HP Wk nM WWW Mkkm iMWWMa Mb hmMmWMmMMMmwmmmmm MWMWMWWMM mw Nu gwmummnhd nMW uhwmwMM mnmmmmwwwmmmm MWMWUMMWWDMmumwmMmmmnmmmm mummmumwmmmwwmmgm MmmmMwm Mmmm mmwm gMLWWWM Mr bh hruwHH HUwHwdhh JIM ktHUwHf HwW MHMJhMm kJPw Yw mHhU nA fag gMHMM HHH wwrwat WJ wmcMHMHA lAA HIJ dJ SM identity Iotaorotlagh klliMiIl sitll eIa Innauptun Input countaninn BuIla GU Iourlilwnu Scatter auburn rgqllllhd Ennnuma anlsn Hm PUIIIII IINQIAIOI Eu SIPWIE IIMIBIT OP IDYALH avif gn fllflalill UJIl URL KI vgn necmmm mam sunawmans IIidInIIlTliiiuWfiiiiliniibnqwvl mnmzupnmmLuugumuusm halt Phil mmnu WASHINGTON IIVESTIGAIIOII OIAIOIT rrE vLA THIS gFOR FEE DUPLICATION SgNO XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX reasonlslz Pagelsl ofavailability agencyliesl pvemment Doeumentfs lnforrnation segregable exemptionfst Eleleted Fm sneer iarnuunou mar lIVTltilIlllI sunsau rsnrnn xxxxxx iiil Pi fIQ rA gg neasontslz Pagetsl availability iesl govemment Dgcumenttsl acgrcgumc witIt Pagets jrT tiff IIFUMITWI FIFE IIELETEU FUIFI IIVESUGITIUI IUIEIU FEDEHIL exemptiontsi Deleted SIB aian iea lhhk iikllIii iIiI ill vcl rlf Part Joe
<float name="lat">32.40498</float>
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