3.1.0 (2020-02-11)
- add errorFilter (a230ed7)
- add filterError and Test (b928327)
- change coverage of functions to 82 (efa0902)
- delete unused function (54c6c15)
- eslint changes (d923c78)
- eslint warnings (3e4755f)
- fix coverage script for push (58400cd)
- fix unit test (62b6c22)
- pR comments (adb7796)
- reset test (e55b5f9)
3.0.0 (2020-02-06)
- 🐛 comentario adri (61d269f)
- 🐛 comentario adri (6443da7)
- 🐛 coverage (d63b07c)
- 🐛 fix (fd274f4)
- 🐛 name test (2fc0734)
- addon does not longer propogate non-error instances to bugsnag
2.0.1 (2019-11-28)
- release: restore npm without publish (8f0b7fe)
2.0.0 (2019-11-28)
- metadata: convert getMetadata to async