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HPC Pack MESOS Framework

Build Status

A MESOS scheduler framework, which accepts offers from MESOS master and builds HPC Pack compute nodes for existing HPC cluster.

Why do I need HPC Pack MESOS Framework

With the help of HPC Pack MESOS Framework, resource allocation of Microsoft HPC Pack cluster can be managed by existing MESOS cluster, which increases resource utilization.

What can HPC Pack MESOS Framework do

HPC Pack Mesos Framework

  • Borrows HPC Pack compute nodes from Mesos cluster, if

    • HPC Pack has queueing tasks need more resource
    • Mesos cluster has available resource for HPC Pack
  • Returns HPC Pack compute nodes to Mesos cluster, if

    • The node reached idle time out of Mesos framework

Get Started

See HPC Pack Mesos Integration Step By Step

Simple Installation Guide


  • Python 2.7
  • pipenv

Installation Steps

  1. Clone this repository
  2. CD to the project folder
  3. Run command pipenv install
  4. (Optional) You can get Show help info by typing pipenv run python -h

Command-line usage

usage: [-h] [-g NODE_GROUP] script_path setup_path headnode ssl_thumbprint client_cert

HPC Pack Mesos framework

positional arguments:
script_path           Path of HPC Pack Mesos slave setup script (e.g. setupscript.ps1)
setup_path            Path of HPC Pack setup executable (e.g. setup.exe)
headnode              Hostname of HPC Pack cluster head node
ssl_thumbprint        Thumbprint of certificate which will be used in installation and communication with HPC Pack cluster
client_cert           .pem file of client cert used for HPC Management REST API authentication

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-g NODE_GROUP, --node_group NODE_GROUP
                        The node group in which we need to perform grow-shrink.


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This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.


Convert .pfx to .pem using OpenSSL

openssl pkcs12 -in file.pfx -out file.pem -nodes