Releases: Azure/azure-powershell
Az 12.1.0
Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell:
To install Az
from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:
Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force
To update from an older version of Az
, run the following command:
Update-Module -Name Az
Docker images
Release Notes
12.1.0 - July 2024
Az.Accounts 3.0.1
- Disable WAM when the customers login with device code flow or username password (ROPC) flow to prevent a potential issue with token cache.
- Fixed CVE-2024-35255
- Updated 'Microsoft.Identity.Client.NativeInterop' to fix the WAM pop window issue in elevated mode [#24967]
- Updated the reference of Azure PowerShell Common to 1.3.98-preview.
- Limited promotional message to interactive scenarios only
Az.Batch 3.6.2
- Fixed a bug where 'New-AzBatchApplicationPackage' wouldn't work if the application 'AllowUpdates' parameter was set to 'False'.
Az.Compute 8.1.0
- Added parameter '-SourceResourceId' to cmdlet 'Add-AzVMDataDisk'.
- Added parameter '-IdentityType' to cmdlet 'Update-AzDiskEncryptionSet'.
- Added 'Invoke-AzSpotPlacementScore' cmdlet, which calls the latest Spot Placement Score API. Set the original 'Invoke-AzSpotPlacementRecommender' as alias to avoid breaking changes.
Az.CosmosDB 1.14.4
- Fixed the issue that Azure.Core.AccessToken is used before assigned.
Az.Databricks 1.8.0
- Updated the Az Databricks cmdlets to 2024-05-01 api version.
Az.DataFactory 1.18.5
- Added UAMI in DynamicsCrm LinkedService
Az.DataLakeStore 1.3.2
- Updated signed 3rd party assembly NLog.dll to PSGallery
Az.FrontDoor 1.11.1
- Fixed a not converting from string to base in CustomBlockResponseBody bug in updating waf policy
Az.Functions 4.1.0
- Upgraded to Microsoft.Web API version 2023-12-01 [#25347]
- Added support for creating function apps on container app [#22736]
Az.KeyVault 6.0.1
- Fixed an issue during merging certificate process. [#24323]
Az.Maintenance 1.4.2
- Fixed bug where rebootSettings property wasn't updating.
Az.Migrate 2.4.0
- Removed 'at lease one NIC needs to be user selected' constrain when creating/updating server replication (protected item)
- Added retries for calls to internal Get commands
Az.MySql 1.2.0
- Added cmdlets: 'Get-AzMySqlFlexibleServerAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting' and 'Update-AzMySqlFlexibleServerAdvancedThreatProtectionSetting'
Az.Network 7.8.0
- Added new cmdlets to support Save & Commit (AzureFirewallPolicy draft)
- 'New-AzFirewallPolicyDraft'
- 'New-AzFirewallPolicyRuleCollectionGroupDraft'
- 'Get-AzFirewallPolicyDraft'
- 'Get-AzFirewallPolicyRuleCollectionGroupDraft'
- 'Set-AzFirewallPolicyDraft'
- 'Set-AzFirewallPolicyRuleCollectionGroupDraft'
- 'Remove-AzFirewallPolicyDraft'
- 'Remove-AzFirewallPolicyRuleCollectionGroupDraft'
- 'Deploy-AzFirewallPolicy'
- Added 'NoHealthyBackendsBehavior' to 'PSProbe', and updated corresponding cmdlets.
- 'New-AzLoadBalancerProbeConfig'
- 'Add-AzLoadBalancerProbeConfig'
- 'Set-AzLoadBalancerProbeConfig'
- Upgraded API version to '2024-01-01'
- Updated cmdlet to add 'Premium' as a valid value for 'Sku' parameter and 'enableSessionRecording' feature for Bastion resources
- 'New-AzBastion'
- 'Set-AzBastion'
- Updated cmdlet 'Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig', 'Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig' and 'New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig' to support Network Identifier for Subnet Service Endpoint.
- Added cmdlet 'Restart-AzNetworkVirtualAppliance' for allowing a restart of Network Virtual Appliance instances from the customer subscription.
- Fixed a bug in 'Update-AzNetworkVirtualApplianceConnection'
- Updated the Azure Firewall and Azure Firewall Policy setter for their respective Private Range properties
- Fixed a bug that prevented using /32 in private ranges on classic Azure Firewalls
- Updated the error message to provide a suggested private range when the supplied range is not correctly masked by the host identifier
- Added a new Allocate function for Azure Firewall that allows allocating customer public ip address to the firewall
- Fixed a bug that caused firewalls and policies to lose their private range property value when using their 'Get' cmdlets
Az.Resources 7.2.0
- Fixed 'Set-AzPolicyAssignment' loses description and Display Name [#25362]
- Fixed 'New-AzPolicyAssignment' string ID value handling for parameter '-PolicyDefinition'
- Fixed policy import issue with OP (requires serialization of null values)
- Fixed '-Scope' parameter handling at resource instance level
- Fixed error 'Get-AzPolicySetDefinition'cannot find matched parameter '-Name' [#25334]
- Fixed serialization issue with empty arrays in PolicyParameterObject
- Addressed a rare case where a service principal does not have AppId
- Introduced validation of MG scoped deployment stack during New/Set cmdlet execution.
- Updated Remove/New stack cmdlets with warnings for management groups ActionOnUnmanage and removed DeleteResourcesAndResourceGroups as valid ActionOnUnmanage value.
- Supported get and assign versioned policy definitions and sets
- Fixed syntax incompatible with windows powershell [#24971]
- Fixed bug with 'Get-AzPolicyExemption' requesting 'ParentResourcePath'
- Supported 'ServiceManagementReference' of Entra App
- 'Get-AzADApplication'
- 'New-AzADApplication'
- 'Update-AzADApplication'
- Fixed deployment stack validation error surfacing.
- Fixed default formatting for output objects
- Removed '-InputObject' for
- 'Get-AzPolicyAssignment'
- 'Get-AzPolicyDefinition'
- 'Get-AzPolicyExemption'
- 'Get-AzPolicySetDefinition'
- 'New-AzPolicyAssignment'
- 'New-AzPolicyDefinition'
- 'New-AzPolicySetDefinition'
- Implemented '-Version' and '-ListVersion' parameters on 'Get-AzPolicyDefinition' and 'Get-AzPolicySetDefinition'
Az.Sql 5.1.0
- Added cross-subscription support for 'Copy-AzSqlInstanceDatabase', 'Move-AzSqlInstanceDatabase'
- Added new parameter SecondaryType to 'Add-AzSqlDatabaseFromFailoverGroup'
Az.SqlVirtualMachine 2.3.0
- Enabled Microsoft entra id on SQL VM.
Az.Storage 7.1.0
- Fixed the issue that Azure.Core.AccessToken is used before assigned.
- Supported TLS1_3 when creating and updating a storage account
- 'New-AzStorageAccount'
- 'Set-AzStorageAccount'
- Fixed sync copy blob issue with -AsJob is specified [#25105]
- 'Copy-AzStorageBlob'
- Updated Storage.Management.Sdk to support API version 2023-05-01
- Updated 2 help examples of create storage account cmdlet, with MinimumTlsVersion as TLS1_2.
- 'New-AzStorageAccount'
Az.StorageMover 1.4.0
- Added input parameter validation set for UploadLimitWeeklyRecurrenceObject
- Supported Uploaded Limit Schedule
Az.Synapse 3.0.9
- Updated Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts to 1.0.0-preview.20.
- Fixed the issue that Azure.Core.AccessToken is used before assigned.
Thanks to our community contributors
- Felipe Andrade (@andradf), Use named parameter for appPackageUrl in CreateOrUpdateApplicationTypeVersion (#25113)
- JoshK (@jkonecki42), Update (#25080)
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- Az-Cmdlets-
- 93CBB4CFDBBC6B325F6F634523B31B90E1AD9EA553424029E256660901206C75
Az.Network v7.7.1-preview
Version 7.7.1-preview
- Updated cmdlet
to support for Inbound Rule of typeServiceTag
. - Updated cmdlet
to support for Inbound Rule of typeServiceTag
. - Added cmdlet
to Patch Tags for a NetworkSecurityPerimeter.
Az.Network v7.7.0-preview
Version 7.7.0-preview
- Updated cmdlet
to support for Inbound Rule of typeServiceTag
. - Updated cmdlet
to support for Inbound Rule of typeServiceTag
. - Added cmdlet
to Reconcile NetworkSecurityPerimeter access rules. - Added cmdlet
to Reconcile NetworkSecurityPerimeter association. - Added cmdlet
to Patch Tags for a NetworkSecurityPerimeter.
Az.DesktopVirtualization v5.2.1-preview
Version 5.2.1-preview
- Upgraded api version to 2024-01-16
Az.MySql v1.2.0
Version 1.2.0
- Added cmdlets:
Az.FrontDoor v1.11.0
Version 1.11.0
- Upgraded to api version 2024-02-01
- Added log scrubbing support and custom rules group by variable support
Az.ConnectedMachine v0.8.0
Version 0.8.0
- Updated the API version to 2024-03-31-preview.
- Added cmdlets
Az 12.0.0
Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell:
To install Az
from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:
Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force
To update from an older version of Az
, run the following command:
Update-Module -Name Az
Docker images
Release Notes
- Fixed CVE-2024-29992.
Az.Accounts 3.0.0
- Web Account Manager (WAM) was set the default experience of interactive login. For more details please refer to
- Enabled secrets detection option by default.
- Fixed a null reference issue during the process of 'Get-AzContext -ListAvailable' [#24854].
- Supported interactive subscription selection for user login flow. See more details at Announcing a new login experience with Azure PowerShell and Azure CLI
- Added config 'LoginExperienceV2' to allow customer to switch the default behavior of context selection back. Check the help document of 'Update-AzConfig' for more details.
- Supported auto-discovery of the endpoint of OperationalInsights (azure-powershell-common/pull/414)
- Updated the reference of Azure PowerShell Common to 1.3.94-preview.
- [Breaking Change] Removed config 'DisableErrorRecordsPersistence' to disable writing error records, error recording is now opt-in
- Added config 'EnableErrorRecordsPersistence' to enable writing error records to file system
Az.AnalysisServices 1.1.5
- Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.ApiManagement 4.0.3
- Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.Batch 3.6.1
- Removed the out-of-date breaking change message for 'Get-AzBatchCertificate' and 'New-AzBatchCertificate'.
Az.Billing 2.0.4
- Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.Compute 8.0.0
- Added new optional parameter 'SecureVMGuestStateSAS' to cmdlet 'Grant-AzDiskAccess'.
- [Breaking Change] Added ValidateNotNullOrEmpty for '-ResourceGroupName' and '-VMScaleSetName' parameters to 'Get-AzVmss' cmdlet. [#20095]
- Added 'Etag' property to PSVirtualMachine and PSVirtualMachineScaleSet objects.
- Added parameters '-IfMatch' and '-IfNoneMatch' to 'Update-AzVM', 'Update-AzVmss', 'New-AzVm', 'New-AzVmss', 'New-AzVmConfig', and 'New-AzVmssConfig' cmdlets.
- [Breaking Change] Cmdlet 'New-AzGalleryImageDefinition' will default parameter '-HyperVGeneration' to 'V2' if it is not set as 'V1' explicitly, and also default parameter '-Feature' by adding '@{Name='SecurityType';Value='TrustedLaunchSupported'}' if the 'SecurityType' feature is not set explicitly.
- Resolved the bug with 'New-AzVMConfig' for '-CommunityGalleryImageId' and '-SharedGalleryImageId' parameters.
- [Breaking Change] Added ValidateNotNullOrEmpty for '-ResourceGroupName' and '-VMScaleSetName' parameters to 'Get-AzVmss' cmdlet. [#20095]
- [Breaking Change] Added new business logic to 'New-AzVmss' and 'New-AzVM' cmdlets. When the user explicitly sets the 'SecurityType' to 'Standard', the Image alias defaults to 'Win2022AzureEdition' to make future migrations to Trusted Launch easier.
Az.CosmosDB 1.14.3
- Removed the out-of-date breaking change message for 'Get-AzCosmosDBAccountKey'.
Az.DataBoxEdge 1.1.1
- Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.DataFactory 1.18.4
- Updated ADF encryption client SDK version to 5.29.8499.2
Az.DataLakeStore 1.3.1
- Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.DataShare 1.0.2
- Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.DevTestLabs 1.0.3
- Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.DnsResolver 1.0.0
- General availability for module Az.DnsResolver
Az.EventGrid 2.0.0
- Updated to use the 2023-06-01-preview API version.
Az.EventHub 5.0.0
- Moved cmdlets to V4
Az.FrontDoor 1.10.1
- Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.IotHub 2.7.6
- Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.KeyVault 6.0.0
- [Breaking change] Removed the offline fallback policy if specify parameter 'UseDefaultCVMPolicy' in 'Add-AzKeyVaultKey'. Key creation will fail if unable to get regional default CVM SKR policy from MAA Service Discovery API.
- [Breaking change] Removed parameter 'Value' from 'Invoke-AzKeyVaultKeyOperation'.
- [Breaking change] Removed property 'Result' from the output type 'PSKeyOperationResult' of 'Invoke-AzKeyVaultKeyOperation'.
- [Breaking Change] Replaced parameter 'EnableRbacAuthorization' by 'DisableRbacAuthorization' in 'New-AzKeyVault' and 'Update-AzKeyVault'.
- RBAC will be enabled by default during the process of key vault creation.
Az.MachineLearning 1.1.4
- Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.MachineLearningServices 1.0.1
- Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.Monitor 5.2.1
- Removed breaking change warning messages for Metric Management Plane
- Get-AzMetric
- Get-AzMetricDefinition
- New-AzMetricFilter
Az.Network 7.6.0
- Added cmdlet 'New-AzVirtualApplianceNetworkProfile' to build network profile for network virtual appliance and pass as a parameter.
- Added cmdlet 'New-AzVirtualApplianceNetworkInterfaceConfiguration' and 'New-AzVirtualApplianceIpConfiguration' to build 'New-AzVirtualApplianceNetworkProfile'.
- Added support for ApplicationGatewaySkuFamily
- Updated cmdlet to add the property of JSChallengeCookieExpirationInMins
- 'New-AzApplicationGatewayFirewallPolicySetting'
- Added optional property 'HeaderValueMatcher' to 'New-AzApplicationGatewayRewriteRuleHeaderConfiguration'
- Added new cmdlet 'New-AzApplicationGatewayHeaderValueMatcher' to support for the new property 'HeaderValueMatcher'
- Added new cmdlet 'Update-AzVirtualApplianceInboundSecurityRule' to support Inbound Security Rule for Network Virtual Appliance
- Added new cmdlet 'New-AzVirtualApplianceInboundSecurityRulesProperty' to support for the property 'rules' of Inbound Security Rules
- Added AdminState parameter to Load Balancer Backend Address
- 'New-AzLoadBalancerBackendAddressConfig'
- Updated PS SDK to older SDK removing identity field
Az.OperationalInsights 3.2.1
- Fixed an issue that 'Invoke-AzOperationalInsightsQuery' timed out after 100 seconds. The timeout is now bound to the '-Wait' parameter. (#16553)
- Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.PrivateDns 1.0.5
- Removed the outdated deps.json file.
Az.RecoveryServices 7.0.0
- [Breaking Change] Renamed the property 'ResouceType' of 'ASRVaultSettings' to 'ResourceType'.
Az.RedisCache 1.9.1
- Fixed pattern for access policy resource names
Az.ResourceGraph 1.0.0
- General availability for module Az.ResourceGraph
Az.Resources 7.1.0
- Fixed deployment and deployment stack New/Set cmdlets to fail if template/parameter uri fails to downloads.
- Deployment Stack cmdlets GA release/updates.
- [Breaking Change] Redesigned CRUD cmdlets for 'PolicyAssignment', 'PolicyDefinition', 'PolicyExemption', 'PolicySetDefinition'. Please see Az 12 migration guide for more detail.
- Added null check to the permissions object in the ToPSRoleDefinition method to return if the whole permissions object array is null.
Az.ServiceBus 4.0.0
- Moved cmdlets to V4.
Az.ServiceFabric 3.3.3
- Updated location of nodeType to use cluster location in stead of resource group location
Az.Sql 5.0.0
- Added multi-secondary support for 'Get-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup', 'Remove-AzSqlDatabaseFromFailoverGroup' and 'Add-AzSqlDatabaseFromFailoverGroup'
- Changed default FailoverPolicy value for 'New-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup', 'Set-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup' from 'Automatic' to 'Manual'
- Added 'ManualCutover' and 'PerformCutover' parameters to 'Set-AzSqlInstance' for Azure Sql Sterling database to Azure Sql Hyperscale database
- Added 'OperationPhaseDetails' parameter to 'Get-AzSqlDatabaseActivity' and updated 'DatabaseOperations' Api to version '2022-11-01-preview' for .Net Sdk
Az.StackHCIVM 1.0.4
- Fixed the placeholder in psd1 file.
Az.Storage 7.0.0
- Added a prompt that needs confirmation when upgrading a storage account from StorageV1 or BlobStorage to StorageV2. Can be suppressed with -Force.
- 'Set-AzStorageAccount'
- Removed references to 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Queue' in Queue cmdlets
- 'Get-AzStorageQueue'
- 'New-AzStorageQueue'
- 'New-AzStorageQueueSASToken'
- When uploading an Azure File with write only SAS token, take the parameter -Path as destination file path, instead of destination directory path previously.
- 'Set-AzStorageFileContent'
Az.Support 2.0.0
- Converte...
Az.RedisCache v1.9.1
Version 1.9.1
- Fixed pattern for access policy resource names
Az 11.6.0
Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell:
To install Az
from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:
Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force
To update from an older version of Az
, run the following command:
Update-Module -Name Az
Docker images
Release Notes
11.6.0 - April 2024
- Introduced secrets detection feature to safeguard sensitive data.
Az.Accounts 2.19.0
Preannouncement: The default interactive login experience will change from browser based to Web Account Manager
(WAM) based on supported platforms, learn more. Only interactive login flow is influeced by WAM. This will take effect from the release of May 21st.
- Fixed secrets detection issues.
Az.Batch 3.6.0
- Added new properties 'ResourceTags' and 'UpgradePolicy' to 'PSCloudPool' and 'PSPoolSpecification'.
- Added new property 'UpgradingOS' to 'PSNodeCounts'.
- Added new properties 'Caching', 'DiskSizeGB', 'ManagedDisk' and 'WriteAcceleratorEnabled' to 'PSOSDisk'.
- Added new properties 'SecurityProfile' and 'ServiceArtifactReference' to 'PSVirtualMachineConfigurations'.
- Added new property 'ScaleSetVmResourceId' to 'PSVirtualMachineInfo'.
Az.Cdn 3.2.0
- Upgrade API version to 2024-02-01
- Added support to configure rules to scrub PII values from the AFDx logs when new or update a AFDx resource.
Az.Compute 7.3.0
- Added cmdlet 'Invoke-AzSpotPlacementRecommender'.
- Fixed 'Update-AzCapacityReservationGroup' to remove Subscriptions from SharingProfile.
Az.DataProtection 2.4.0
- Added vault tier restore and update backup instance for blobs.
- Added CmkEnryption parameters to Get-AzDataProtectionBackupVault, New-AzDataProtectionBackupVault and Update-AzDataProtectionBackupVault cmdlets.
- Added MUA support for DisableVaultImmutability, Restore, Stop-Protection, Suspend-backup, Disable soft delete operations.
Az.Functions 4.0.8
- Updated logic to populate tab completers and cache in the New-AzFunctionApp cmdlet
Az.KeyVault 5.3.0
- [Upcoming Breaking Change] Added breaking change warning message for parameter 'UseDefaultCVMPolicy' of 'Add-AzKeyVaultKey'.
- The offline fallback policy will be removed. Key creation will fail if unable to get regional default CVM SKR policy from MAA Service Discovery API.
- Added parameter 'PolicyPath' in 'Add-AzKeyVaultCertificate' to support custom policy in the process of certificate enrollment.
- Upgraded the API version of merging certificate to 7.5. [#24323]
Az.Monitor 5.2.0
- '-Location' parameter was removed from 'Update-AzActionGroup' and 'Update-AzDataCollectionRule' because they do not support updating the location.
Az.MySql 1.1.2
- Fixed for various docs erroneously pointing to Postgres instead of MySQL
Az.Network 7.5.0
- Added cmdlet 'Convert-AzNetworkWatcherClassicConnectionMonitor' for converting a classic connection monitor to V2 connection monitor.
Az.RecoveryServices 6.9.0
- Added support for MUA for disabling vault Immutability, increasing RPO for policy schedule, restore, stop protection with retain data.
- Added support for Enabling/Disabling the azure monitor and email notification alerts for site recovery in recovery services vault.
Az.Resources 6.16.2
- Migrated SDK generation from autorest csharp to autorest powershell.
Az.Sql 4.14.1
- Made 1.2 as default for MinimalTlsVersion when creating new Sql Server from Powershell
- Fixed an existing issue with 'Set-AzSqlInstanceActiveDirectoryAdministrator'
Az.Storage 6.2.0
- Fixed object replication policy time format parsing issue [#24434]
- Updated download offset and content length calculation logic for downloading files
- 'Get-AzStorageFileContent'
Thanks to our community contributors
- Danny Furnivall (@furnivall), updated checkout (#24634)
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- Az-Cmdlets-
- 94268FEAD4EC4860EC01402EA274B5F61145F860F6053B4F800D0306C6F67B1D