- Use Terraform to create infrastructure as code for the application's environment on **DigitalOcean**
DO for cost savings
- Include necessary components like **VPCs** and any other resources you deem essential
Not much needed
- Provision **Kubernetes** cluster with separate node pools for infrastructure and applications
2 simple nodepools enough for the example. Used taints to separate infra + apps. To improve and harden affinity and anti-affinity setup needed.
- Ensure that the infrastructure is scalable and follows best practices for security
Autoscaling is off, since this is a 1 person project no extra roles/serviceaccounts created. I.e. would be using superadmin for manual kubectl and second SA with superadmin for CI
- Implement GitOps practices using tools like **Flux** to manage cluster deployments(you can use minikub for this task)
- Utilize **Helm** or **Kustomize** to manage Kubernetes configurations for the abstract or echo microservice
- Implement a deployment strategy that ensures zero downtime during updates
used provisioned k8s, podinfo + flask-hello-world deployed Helm for podinfo, Kustomize for flask Downtime 90% handled by native k8s objects, i.e. deployment rollingUpdate strategies, adding readiness probs.
to improve:
- ingress with external domains and TLS setup (added basic examples, but didnt do any configurations)
- adding Service Mesh like Istio for observability, Netwrok Rules, VirtualService instead or in addition to ingress
- monitoring
- enhance the repo structure. Flask hello world app should be packaged as helm on the repo level, then on the monorepo level helm chart to be used.
- Design and implement a **CI/CD pipeline** for the microservice application
- Integrate the pipeline with version control (e.g., GitHub) and trigger automatic deployments upon code changes
- Incorporate testing stages and ensure the pipeline is resilient and easily maintainable
to improve:
- improve sem versions strategy, for ex deciding on tag names, using latest versions
- add branch stages. i.e. build and lint on branches only (easy to implement, but decided to cut it to save time)
- add stage/dev/prod envs
- add dependencies checks/ use dependabot from github
- CODEOWNERS setup for code review: i.e https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/managing-your-repositorys-settings-and-features/customizing-your-repository/about-code-owners#codeowners-and-branch-protection
- package as a helm chart if needed