diff --git a/CHANGELOG.org b/CHANGELOG.org index f384ae2c11aa..a7898e1995a3 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.org +++ b/CHANGELOG.org @@ -1,4 +1,213 @@ * Release 0.200.x +** 0.200.8 (2017/04/01) +*** Convention changes +- Update debug conventions + - Step in and Step out are now, ~i~ and ~o~ respectively + - Inspect a value is now ~v~ + - Next step is now ~s~ +*** Dotspacemacs changes +- Improve variable =dotspacemacs-line-numbers=. The variable can now take a + property list with the following keywords supported: =:relative t= to turn on + relative lines, =:disabled-for-modes mode1 mode2 ...= to disable line numbers + in specific major modes and =:size-limit-kb n= to disable line numbers when + the size of the buffer is greater than n (thanks to deb0ch) +*** Core changes +- Import =quela=, =package-build=, =ido-vertical-mode= and =spacemacs-theme= in + =core/libs= +- Speedup ~SPC h SPC~ loading. +- Force installation of =org-contrib-plus= instead of =org= effectively avoiding + to install Org twice. +- Display some additional information message in mode-line at startup. +- Throw an error instead of a warning if emacs version is too old + (thanks to deb0ch) +- Refactor =rotate-windows= (thanks to bmag) +- Don’t toggle maximized window at startup if already maximized + (thanks to TheBB) +- Set default value of =dotspacemacs-enable-paste-transient-state= to nil to + reflect its value in the doftile template (tanks to toupeira) +- which-key: Update usage of replacement alists (thanks to justbur) +- which-key: Fix transient state descriptions (thanks to justbur) +- which-key: Implement combined select window keys (thanks to justbur) +- Maximize frame earlier in the startup process (thanks to deb0ch) +- Fix unbound holy-mode error (thanks to TheBB) +- Fix error on footer insertion when window is narrow (thanks to deb0ch) +- Fix encoding of =;= in issue report body (thanks to d12frosted) +- Fix variable is void: system-info in spacemacs/report-issue +- Fix delayed warning display in emacs 25.5 +- Fix computation of package installation lazyness +- Fix false warning about duplicate layers at startup. (thanks to puzl) +- Fix indentation rules for declare-prefix functions +- Add support for interpreter-mode-alist to layer lazy installation +- Add support for local elpa repositories +- Always return `t` from use-package pre/post hooks. (thanks to Stebalien) +- Jump-handers =:async= keyword can now take a predicate function +- home buffer: update quickhelp.txt in [?] (thanks to kccai) +- Filter out private vars in dotspacemacs/get-variable-string-list +- Add support for go to definition in other window with ~SPC m g G~ +- Scope minor-mode specific key bindings under major-mode leader +*** Distribution layer changes +- New key binding ~SPC w +~ to toggle between vertical and horizontal windows + layout (thanks to nixmaniack, bmag) +- New key binding ~SPC w TAB~ to go to last selected window (thanks to adelq) +- New key binding ~gf~ in compilation mode to find file at point + (thanks to FrancescElies) +- New key binding ~gD~ to jump to definition in another window + (thanks to quicknir) +- New key binding ~SPC x l S~ to reverse sort lines (duianto) +- New key bindings ~SPC x l c~ and ~SPC x l C~ to sort lines by column (duianto) +- New key binding ~SPC f T~ to jump to currently opened file in =neotree= + (thanks to arjun-urs) +- New key binding ~'~ in =neotree= to take a quick look at the currently + selected file (thanks to sdwolf) +- Overhaul the buffer transient state on ~SPC b .~ (thanks to quicknir) +- Improve =spacemacs/count-word-analysis= by including information from + =count-words= function +- Use use =winum.el= instead of =window-numbering.el= for window numbers + (thanks to deb0ch) +- Add copy key to neotree under ~C~ (thanks to lanejo01) +- Move generation of tags from ~SPC p C-g~ to easier ~SPC p G~ (thanks to TheBB) +- Add duplicate-line-or-region on ~SPC x l d~ (thanks to deb0ch) +- Integrate =auto-highlight-symbol= with =evil= as well as =isearch= + (thanks to TheBB) +- Change default fringe color for centered-buffer-mode. +- Use =helm= or =ivy= as completion framework for =dumb-jump= (thanks to deuill) +- Hide PROPERTIES drawers in space-doc-mode (thanks to nikolaiam) +- Disable auto-revert of =buffer-menu-mode= (thanks to bgamari) +- Fix spacemacs/rename-current-buffer-file on non-file buffers + (thanks to lislon) +*** Layer changes +**** Ansible +- Add support for =ansible-vault= (auto-de/encryption of files) +- Add support for =company= with =company-ansible= package +**** Auto-completion +- Add new package =fuzzy= for =auto-complete=. +**** Better defaults +- Add new package =unfill= (thanks to d12frosted) +**** Chinese +- Move =pyim= into the =.cache= directory (thanks to DCPRevere) +**** Chrome ++ Add package =flymd=. Flymd is a realtime markdown preview (hodge) +**** Clojure +- Update debugger key bindings to meet new conventions +- Add new key bindings to convert collections (thanks to benedekfazekas) +- Fix calls to =cider-test-xxxx= functions (thanks to mahinshaw) +**** Common Lisp +- Add neew key binding ~SPC m h i~ to inspect a definition +- Set jump handler to =slime-edit-definition= (thanks to phoe) +**** CSharp +- Fix Omnisharp jump handler by marking it async (thanks to razzmatazz) +**** Elixir +- Add support for =credo= (denin) +- Prevent from inserting too many "end"s in Elixir (thanks to michalmuskala) +**** Emacs Lisp +- Fix cursor position for =eval-last-sexp=. +- Add ~SPC m e c~ to evaluate current sexp. Evaluation of current =setq= or + =defun= form is under ~SPC m e C~. +- Add support for =debugger= and =edebug=, see tutorial in =README.org= file. +**** Extra-langs +- Add extension =.wl= for =wolfram-mode= (kenkangxgwe) +**** Finance +- Add new key bindings for ledger account reconciliation (thanks to timjaeger) +**** Games +- Add =sudoku= game. (thanks to et2010) +**** Go +- Fix void reference to =go--position-bytes= (thanks to db47h) +**** Haskell +- Update debugger key bindings to meet new conventions +**** Html +- Defer =company-web= loading (ralesi) +**** IBuffer +- New key bindings ~g r~ to update buffer, ~g j~ to move to next filter group + and ~g k~ to move to previous filter group (thanks to donm) +**** IPthon-notebook +- Fix =axes.color_cycle= warning in matplotlibrc (thanks to Retorz) +**** Ivy +- Rebind ~SPC f b~ to =counsel-bookmark= (thanks to gilbertw1) +- Add confirmation between deleting a file with ~d~ (thanks to d12frosted) +- Add C-c C-e to edit counsel-ag search results (thanks to aaronjensen) +- Correctly close =ivy= layout transient state when pressing ~b~ + (thanks to gilbertw1) +**** Javascript +- Fix jump handler using =tern= by marking it async (thanks to coreygrunewald) +**** LaTeX +- Add new key bindings for folding functions (thanks to nashamri) +**** Markdown +- Add new key binding ~SPC m i t~ to insert a Table of Contents +- Fix activation of =mmm-mode= +- Add support for ini files +- Hide =MMM= linter in mode-line +**** Org +- New key binding ~,~ for =org-edit-src-exit= (thanks to david-sawatzke) +- New key binding ~SPC m i a~ for =org-attach= (thanks to smile12341234) +- Move ~SPC m e~ to ~SPC m e e~ for =org-export-dispatch= +- Fix ~o~ on folded headings (thanks to dschoepe) +**** Prodigy +- Add new key binding ~R~ to refresh buffer (thanks to FrancescElies) +- Add new key binding ~gf~ to go to file at point (thanks to FrancescElies) +**** Python +- New layer variable =python-auto-set-local-pyvenv-virtualenv= to autoload + a virtual env with a =.venv= file (thanks to korayal) +- Simplify python test runner setup (thanks to TheBB) +- Fix debug string for python3 (thanks to yangguang760) +- Fix python path with virtualenv on Windows in Python nose package + (thanks to brenttaylor) +- Fix python-enable-yapf-format-on-save (thanks to magia) +**** Restclient +- Add package =ob-restclient= to add =org-babel= support to =restclient= +- Add helm support to jump to variable or request with ~SPC m j~ (thanks to tko) +- Add autocompletion for methods and headers (thanks to tko) +- Add key bindings for jump to next / previous query with ~SPC m n~ and + ~SPC m p~ (thanks to tko) +**** Ruby-On-Rails +- Use projectile-rails-global-mode if available (thanks to asok) +**** Rust +- Add binding for describing symbol at point under ~SPC m h h~ + (thanks to NJBS) +- Add key binding to run current Rust file under ~SPC m q~ + (thanks to swaroopch) +- Make Racer respect =help-window-select= (thanks to bmag) +**** Scala +- Update debugger key bindings to meet new conventions +- Update deprecated =ensime= variable name =user-emacs-ensime-directory= + (thanks to brakhane) +- Remove sbt-hydra rename wrapper (thanks to jdnavarro) +**** Scheme +- Fix void-variable =company-backends-scheme-mode= (thanks to pnagy) +**** Semantic +- Make Semantic fast (thanks to tudho) +**** Shaders +- Add support for =company= with =glsl-company= package (thanks to d12frosted) +**** Spell-checking +- Defer loading of =flyspell-correct-helm= and =flyspell-correct= + (thanks to ralesi and d12frosted) +**** Themes +- Add sourcerer theme to themes-megapack (thanks to gilbertw1) +- Added new base16 themes (thanks to bezhermoso and metamode) +- Add madhat2r theme to megapack (thanks to madhat2r) +**** Typescript +- Fix eldoc initialization in typescript layer. (thanks to Stebalien) +**** Version control +- New layer variable =version-control-diff-side= to set the fringe + side where to display version control info (thanks to emmanueltouzery) +- Add a transient state for =smerge-mode= on ~SPC g r~ (thanks to perfectayush) +**** Ymcd +- Add ycmd-eldoc to ycmd layer (thanks to quicknir) +*** Improvements +- Improve home buffer responsiveness, add centering for release notes and lists + (thanks to deb0ch) +- Add keybindings to move buffers by window number with ~SPC b #~ where + ~#~ is a number between 0 and 9 (thanks to quicknir) +- Add toggle to display time in modeline on ~SPC t m t~. Toggle of the modeline + is now in ~SPC t m T~. (thanks to jupl) +- Add toggle for syntax highlighting on ~SPC t h s~ (thanks to jupl) +- Message instead of warn on failed auto-evilify (thanks to TheBB) +- Warn if both helm and ivy are enabled (thanks to TheBB) +- Add new documentation file =doc/BEGINNERS_TUTORIAL.org= (nikolaiam) +- Various documentation improvements (thanks to antonshwab, benbotwin, bmag, + cyberxndr, d12frosted, duianto, erictapen, FrancescElies, idoo, jr0cket, + jgertm, jumarko, jwintz, LemmingAvalanche, lpenz, Melon-Bread, mineo, + nightuser, nikolaiam, primeos, rodonn, roryokane, rski, skade, smile12341234, + stratosgear, Trevoke, xiaohanyu, Wiliamvdv, zetok, zhexuany) ** 0.200.7 (2017/01/02) *** Fixes - More robust fix for error helm :config: ‘fuzzy-match’ not supported in async sources @@ -75,7 +284,7 @@ - Fix usage of =go-rename= on symlinked projects (thanks to grncdr) **** Helm - Add key binding ~M-RET~ (meta-return) to open the file =packages.el= - of a layer in =helm-spacemacs-help= under ~SPC h SPC~ (thansk to CestDiego) + of a layer in =helm-spacemacs-help= under ~SPC h SPC~ (thanks to CestDiego) **** Html - Fix hooks for CSS-mode since it now derives from =prog-mode= in Emacs 25 (thanks to TheBB) @@ -1196,11 +1405,11 @@ *** Core team members **** Current - Sylvain Benner (syl20bnr) -- Boris (d12frosted) -- Eivind Fonn (TheBB) +- Boris (thanks to d12frosted) +- Eivind Fonn (thanks to TheBB) **** Old - Fabien Dubosson (StreakyCobra) -- Justin Burkett (justbur) +- Justin Burkett (thanks to justbur) * Release 0.105.x ** 0.105.22 (2016/08/19) *** Fixes @@ -1927,7 +2136,7 @@ Improve loading robustness: - Add =company-css= backend in =web-mode= (thanks to TheBB) - Enable Emmet tab expansion in hybrid mode (thanks to geo7) - Expand to className when using Emmet, for =instance div.react-class= - expands to =
= (thanks to CestDegio) + expands to =< div className = "react-class">= (thanks to CestDegio) - Mark =css-indent-offset= as safe local variable (thanks to lunaryorn) - Fix =smartparens= loading (thanks to TheBB) - Fix erroneous micro-state key binding (thanks to StreakyCobra) @@ -2212,9 +2421,9 @@ Improve loading robustness: vijaykiran, xfq, xtian, ZachLiss) *** Core team members - Sylvain Benner (syl20bnr) -- Eivind Fonn (TheBB) +- Eivind Fonn (thanks to TheBB) - Fabien Dubosson (StreakyCobra) -- Justin Burkett (justbur) +- Justin Burkett (thanks to justbur) * Release 0.104.x ** 0.104.8 (2015/12/16) *** Hotfix diff --git a/init.el b/init.el index e32e5c41c8b7..0fcd7599fa87 100644 --- a/init.el +++ b/init.el @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ ;; lower value in your dotfile (function `dotspacemacs/user-config') (setq gc-cons-threshold 100000000) -(defconst spacemacs-version "0.200.7" "Spacemacs version.") +(defconst spacemacs-version "0.200.8" "Spacemacs version.") (defconst spacemacs-emacs-min-version "24.4" "Minimal version of Emacs.") (if (not (version<= spacemacs-emacs-min-version emacs-version))