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Tern layer


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This layer adds support for tern stand-alone code-analysis engine for JavaScript.


  • TODO: list the feature of tern supported by tern package


To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add tern to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.

You can install tern globally with the following command:

$ npm install -g tern


Custom tern command

Windows users may need to set the variable tern-command in order for emacs to locate and launch tern server successfully. See this open issue for more details. The variable can be set by adding the tern layer with this configuration layer:

(tern :variables tern-command '("node" "/path/to/tern/bin/tern"))

Note: tern-command must be a list of strings.

Re-use the server across multiple different editing sessions

By default tern is setup to not create multiple .tern-port files in your repository.

To make tern re-use the server across multiple different editing sessions (thus creating multiple .tern-port files for each document you have open see here for more details) set the variable tern-disable-port-files to nil:

(tern :variables tern-disable-port-files nil)

Key bindings

Key bindingDescription
SPC m C-gbrings you back to last place you were when you pressed M-..
SPC m g gjump to the definition of the thing under the cursor
SPC m g Gjump to definition for the given name
SPC m h dfind docs of the thing under the cursor. Press again to open the associated URL (if any)
SPC m h tfind the type of the thing under the cursor
SPC m r r Vrename variable under the cursor using tern