This layer integrates a web feed reader into spacemacs.
- Support for reading RSS and Atom feeds directly within emacs via Elfeed.
- Support for managing feeds via org files supplied by elfeed-org.
- Support for displaying feed database content in the browser via web interface.
To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs
. You will need to
add elfeed
to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
list in this
By default, elfeed
stores its database under ~/.elfeed
It is recommended to manage your feeds list and tags via org files, this is possible thanks to elfeed-org package. To define a list of org files:
(elfeed :variables rmh-elfeed-org-files (list "~/.emacs.d/private/"
Checkout elfeed-org documentation to see the format of that file.
Here is an example of such a file (note the usage of org tags to tag your feeds)
* Blogs :elfeed:
** entry-title: \(linux\|linus\|ubuntu\|kde\|gnome\) :linux:
** :mustread:
** [[][Org Mode Links supported as well]]
** Software Development :dev:
*** Emacs :emacs:mustread:
**** entry-title: \(emacs\|org-mode\)
*** Web Development :web:
*** Eclipse :eclipse:
To explicitly setup the list of feeds, set the value of elfeed-feeds
in your .spacemacs
(elfeed :variables
elfeed-feeds '(("" blog emacs)
"" ; no autotagging
("" webcomic)))
Check documentation for elfeed-feeds
for more information about this variable
(SPC h d v elfeed-feeds RET
Elfeed comes with a simple web interface to browse its database. You can manually
start it by calling elfeed-web-start
or by setting elfeed-enable-web-interface
to t
which will start the web automatically when Emacs starts.
(elfeed :variables elfeed-enable-web-interface t)
By default web interface is available on localhost:8080/elfeed. You can change
the default port by changing the value of httpd-port
Key binding | Description |
SPC a f | start elfeed |
Use SPC ?
to discover major-mode key bindings.
Key binding | Description |
c | compact feed db |
gr | update all the feeds |
gR | force refresh view of the feed listing |
gu | unjam elfeed if it is slow due to slow connection |
o | load OPML |
q | quit main window, or item view buffer. |
w | start web server |
W | stop web server |
In elfeed-show
mode, you can use the following bindings:
Key binding | Description |
q | quit show window |
C-j | Next entry |
C-k | Previous entry |
Be sure that you added some feeds first then load your feeds with gr
in evilified buffer. Or M-x elfeed-update
If you are getting “Queue timeout exceeded” errors, try increasing
the value of url-queue-timeout
(elfeed :variables url-queue-timeout 30)