This layer supports Rust development in Spacemacs.
- Auto-completion and navigation support through lsp or Racer
- support for the Rust package manager Cargo
To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs
. You will need to
add rust
to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
list in this
The backend is dependent upon the rust-backend
layer configuration variable.
The possible vaules for rust-backend
are lsp
or racer
with racer
being the default.
You must install Racer to use this backend. Make sure the racer
binary is available in
your PATH
and to set the environment variable RUST_SRC_PATH
, as described in
the installation instructions.
To enable auto-completion, ensure that the auto-completion
layer is enabled.
You must add lsp
to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
in your ~/.spacemacs
Consult the installation command for the desired language server found at lsp-mode for instructions.
To enable auto-completion, ensure that the auto-completion
layer is enabled.
Cargo is a project management command line tool for Rust. Installation instructions can be found on the main page of Cargo.
Format Rust code according to style guidelines using rustfmt.
cargo install rustfmt
To enable automatic buffer formatting on save, set the variable rust-format-on-save
to t
Key binding | Description |
SPC m = = | reformat the buffer |
SPC m c . | repeat the last Cargo command |
SPC m c C | remove build artifacts with Cargo |
SPC m c X | execute a project example with Cargo |
SPC m c c | compile project with Cargo |
SPC m c d | generate documentation with Cargo |
SPC m c e | run benchmarks with Cargo |
SPC m c f | format all project files with rustfmt |
SPC m c i | create a new project with Cargo (init) |
SPC m c l | run linter (cargo-clippy) with Cargo |
SPC m c n | create a new project with Cargo (new) |
SPC m c o | run all tests in current file with Cargo |
SPC m c s | search for packages on with Cargo |
SPC m c t | run the current test with Cargo |
SPC m c u | update dependencies with Cargo |
SPC m c x | execute a project with Cargo |
SPC m c v | check (verify) a project with Cargo |
SPC m g g | jump to definition |
SPC m h h | describe symbol at point |
SPC m t | run tests with Cargo |