- Description
- Install
- Backends
- Additional tools
- Configuration
- Management of Python versions and virtual environments
- Key bindings
This layer adds support for the Python language.
- Support for the following backends:
- anaconda (default),
- Language Server Protocol (experimental),
- Auto-completion
- Code Navigation
- Documentation Lookup using anaconda-mode and pylookup
- Test Runners using nose.el or pytest
- Virtual Environment using pyvenv and pyenv
- semantic mode is enabled
- PEP8 compliant formatting via YAPF
- PEP8 checks with flake8 or pylint
- Suppression of unused import with autoflake
- Use the
key to jump between blocks with evil-matchit - Sort imports with isort
- Fix a missing import statement with importmagic
- Pip package manager with pippel
To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs
. You will need to
add python
to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
list in this
To choose a default backend set the layer variable python-backend
(python :variables python-backend 'anaconda)
Backend can be chosen on a per project basis using directory local variables
(files named .dir-locals.el
at the root of a project), an example to use the
;;; Directory Local Variables
;;; For more information see (info "(emacs) Directory Variables")
((python-mode (python-backend . lsp)))
Note: you can easily add a directory local variable with SPC f v d
tries to install the dependencies itself but sometimes
it does not work and you may encounter the following message when
opening a python buffer:
Blocking call to accept-process-output with quit inhibited!!
To fix this, install the anaconda-mode
anaconda-deps by hand:
pip install --upgrade "jedi>=0.9.0" "json-rpc>=1.8.1" "service_factory>=0.1.5"
If you encounter problems with Jedi 1.0 consider downgrading to 0.9.0. See this issue for details.
Source: https://github.com/proofit404/anaconda-mode#issues
If you are facing errors such as “Unable to run anaconda-mode server”, try
setting your PYTHONPATH
as explained at
You just have to install python language server package:
pip install python-language-server
Additionally you can install the following other packages:
# for import sorting
pip install pyls-isort
# for mypy checking (python 3.4+ is needed)
pip install pyls-mypy
If you’ve installed the language server and related packages as development
dependencies in a pipenv environment, you’ll want to set the python-pipenv-activate
config variable to t
. This activates your pipenv before enabling the
lsp backend.
Syntax checking uses flake8
pip install flake8
Both nose
and pytest
are supported. By default nose
is used.
To choose your test runner set the layer variable python-test-runner
either nose
or pytest
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
'((python :variables python-test-runner 'pytest)))
If you need both then you can set python-test-runner
to a list like this:
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
'((python :variables python-test-runner '(pytest nose))))
This means that pytest
is your primary test runner. To use the secondary test
runner you can call the test functions with a prefix argument e.g. SPC u SPC m
t t
to run one test with nose
To set project specific test runners you can set python-test-runner
in a
directory local variable in your project root. SPC f v d
in Spacemacs. See
the official documentation for more information.
The root of the project is detected with a .git
directory or a setup.cfg
To enable automatic buffer formatting on save with YAPF set the variable
to t
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(
(python :variables python-enable-yapf-format-on-save t)))
By default a buffer is automatically saved before tests are executed upon it,
you can disable this feature by setting python-save-before-test
to nil
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(
(python :variables python-save-before-test nil)))
To be able to suppress unused imports easily, install autoflake:
pip install autoflake
To use pylookup
on SPC m h H
, make sure you update the database first, using
SPC SPC pylookup-update
If you want to customize the fill column value, use something like this inside
the user-init
function in your .spacemacs
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(
(python :variables python-fill-column 99)))
If you want imports to be automatically sorted when you save a file (using
isort), set the python-sort-imports-on-save
variable in the python layer
config section:
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
'((python :variables python-sort-imports-on-save t)))
or as a directory-local variable (for per-project settings).
A virtual environment provides isolation of your Python package versions. For a
general overview see this site. Virtualenvwrapper which is also explained in the
previous link, is a program which manages your virtual environments in a central
location set by the WORKON_HOME
environment variable.
Spacemacs integration of virtual environments and virtualenvwrapper is provided by the pyvenv package. It provides the following key bindings:
Key binding | Description |
SPC m V a | activate a virtual environment in any directory |
SPC m V d | deactivate active virtual environment |
SPC m V w | work on virtual environment in WORKON_HOME |
If you need multiple Python versions (e.g. Python 2 and Python 3) then take a look at pyenv. It enables the installation and managment of multiple Python versions. This blogpost gives a good overview on how to use the tool. Spacemacs integration is provided by pyenv mode which has the following key bindings.
Key binding | Description |
SPC m v s | set a pyenv environment with pyenv |
SPC m v u | unset a pyenv environment with pyenv |
Pyenv can also manage virtual environments for each of the Python versions it has installed. Those will be listed alongside your Python versions.
A project-specific pyenv version may be written to a file called
using the pyenv local command.
Spacemacs can search in parent directories for this file, and automatically set
the pyenv version. The behavior can be set with the variable
(default) set the version when you visit a python buffer,on-project-switch
set the version when you switch projects,nil
to disable.
The same is also possible on pyvenv with a file called .venv
. The behavior
can be set with the variable python-auto-set-local-pyvenv-virtualenv=
(default) set the virtualenv when you visit a python buffer,on-project-switch
set the virtualenv when you switch projects,nil
to disable.
Start a Python or iPython inferior REPL process with SPC m s i
If ipython
is available in system executable search paths, ipython
will be used to launch python shell; otherwise, default python
interpreter will be used. You may change your system executable
search path by activating a virtual environment.
Send code to inferior process commands:
Key binding | Description |
SPC m s b | send buffer and keep code buffer focused |
SPC m s B | send buffer and switch to REPL in insert mode |
SPC m s f | send function and keep code buffer focused |
SPC m s F | send function and switch to REPL in insert mode |
SPC m s i | start inferior REPL process |
SPC m s r | send region and keep code buffer focused |
SPC m s R | send region and switch to REPL in insert mode |
CTRL+j | next item in REPL history |
CTRL+k | previous item in REPL history |
To run a Python script like you would in the shell press SPC m c c
to start the Python script in comint mode. This is useful when working with
multiple Python files since the REPL does not reload changes made in other
Key binding | Description |
SPC m c c | Execute current file in a comint shell |
SPC m c C | Execute current file in a comint shell and switch to it in insert state |
Note: With the universal argument SPC u
you can enter a new
compilation command.
Test commands start with m t
. To use the secondary test runner call the
function with a prefix argument, for example SPC u SPC m t a
No Debug | Description |
SPC m t a | launch all tests of the project |
SPC m t b | launch all tests of the current buffer (same as module) |
SPC m t l | launch last tests |
SPC m t m | launch all tests of the current module |
SPC m t s | launch all tests of the current suite (only with nose ) |
SPC m t t | launch the current test (function) |
Debug | Description |
SPC m t A | launch all tests of the project in debug mode |
SPC m t B | launch all tests of the current buffer (module) in debug mode |
SPC m t M | launch all tests of the current module in debug mode |
SPC m t S | launch all tests of the current suite in debug mode (only with nose ) |
SPC m t T | launch the current test (function) in debug mode |
Key binding | Description |
SPC m r f | fix a missing import statement with importmagic |
SPC m r i | remove unused imports with autoflake |
SPC m r I | sort imports with isort |
In python buffer type SPC m P
to open buffer listing all installed pip
packages in the currently activated virtual environment.
Note: To open this menu from outside a python buffer type
SPC SPC pippel-list-packages RET
In the package list buffer:
Key binding | Description |
RET | follow link (pippel-menu-visit-homepage ) |
d | mark for deletion (pippel-menu-mark-delete ) |
i | prompt user for packages (pippel-install-package ) |
m | remove mark (pippel-menu-mark-unmark ) |
r | refresh package list (pippel-list-packages ) |
U | mark all upgradable (pippel-menu-mark-all-upgrades ) |
u | mark for upgrade (pippel-menu-mark-upgrade ) |
x | perform marked package menu actions (pippel-menu-execute ) |
Live coding is provided by the live-py-plugin.
Key binding | Description |
SPC m l | Toggle live-py-mode |
Key binding | Description |
SPC m = | Reformat the buffer according to PEP8 using YAPF |
SPC m d b | toggle a breakpoint using wdb , ipdb , pudb , pdb or python3.7 (and above) |
SPC m g a | go to assignment using anaconda-mode-find-assignments (C-o to jump back) |
SPC m g b | jump back |
SPC m g g | go to definition using anaconda-mode-find-definitions (C-o to jump back) |
SPC m g u | navigate between usages with anaconda-mode-find-references |
SPC m h d | look for documentation using helm-pydoc |
SPC m h h | quick documentation using anaconda |
SPC m h H | open documentation in firefox using pylookup |
SPC m v a | activate a virtual environment in any directory |
SPC m v d | deactivate active virtual environment |
SPC m v s | set a pyenv environment with pyenv |
SPC m v u | unset a pyenv environment with pyenv |
SPC m v w | work on virtual environment in WORKON_HOME |
SPC m v p a | activate pipenv in current project |
SPC m v p d | deactivate pipenv in current project |
SPC m v p i | install module into pipenv environment |
SPC m v p o | open pipenv module in buffer |
SPC m v p s | launch pipenv shell in current project |
SPC m v p u | uninstall module from pipenv environment |