This layer enables support for plantuml-mode, which provides a major-mode for plantuml. PlantUML is a tool to generate UML diagrams from plain-text.
For help with how to use plantuml, see the plantuml website and the reference guide.
The official file extension supported by this layer is .pum
. If you want something else,
set it in your user-config
function of your ~/.spacemacs
For example, the following diagram can be defined as follows:
JAremko->robbyoconnor : I think the docs can benefit from some kind of illustration
JAremko<-robbyoconnor : I'm too lazy -- I have actual work to do. I link to the docs. If you can write me a diagram in plantuml, I'll gladly compile and add it.
JAremko->robbyoconnor : *gives ths diagram*
robbyoconnor<-JAremko : *robbyoconnor adds it and JAremko is happy*
robbyoconnor->theOtherPerson : And they thinks it's funny? Yup, they definitely finds it funny. Right?
- Syntax highlighting
- Diagram preview in various output formats
- Embedding into org documents
- Controlling the
compiler directly from emacs
To use this contribution add it to your ~/.spacemacs
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(plantuml))
To control the Plantuml
compiler you also need to download the Plantuml jar
and configure the plantuml-jar-path
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((plantuml :variables plantuml-jar-path "~/plantUml.jar")))
To get the full range of Plantuml
compilations working, you will also need
the native package graphviz installed on your system.
To enable the execution of embedded plantuml code blocks within Org-Mode
documents, define a value for org-plantuml-jar-path
in your ~/.spacemacs
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((plantuml :variables org-plantuml-jar-path "~/plantUml.jar")))
Key binding | Description |
SPC m c c or C-c C-c | Build diagram from the text in the current buffer |
SPC m c o | Set the output type (unicode text , svg , or png ) |