This layer provides support for the Crystal language.
crystal tool format
on file save- integration using play-crystal.el
- Linting with flycheck
- test runner (
crystal spec
) crystal tool
integration- Interactive REPL (inf-crystal.el and icr)
- static code analysis using ameba
To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs
. You will need to
add crystal
to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
list in this
To be able to connect to inf-crystal, you need to make sure that icr is installed.
Installation instructions can be found on the main page of icr.
Although not in the installation instruction it seems that on macOS you can install it with Homebrew:
brew install crystal-icr
To be able to use ameba.el, you need to make sure that ameba is installed.
Installation instructions can be found on the main page of ameba.
To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs
. You will need to
add crystal
to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
list in this
Key binding | Description |
SPC m e b | play-crystal submit buffer |
SPC m e e | play-crystal show code in a browser |
SPC m e i | download play-crystal snippet |
SPC m e r | play-crystal submit region |
SPC m g G | jump to definition in other window |
SPC m g a | jump to matching spec file or back from spec to code file |
SPC m g g | jump to definition |
SPC m t b | run crystal spec for the current buffer |
SPC m t p | run crystal spec for the current project |
SPC m u c | show context |
SPC m u e | show macro expansion |
SPC m u f | format the current buffer |
SPC m u i | show implementations for given call |
SPC m x x | run crystal run for the current file |
Start a inferior crystal REPL process with SPC m '
or SPC m s i
Send code to inferior process commands:
Key binding | Description |
SPC m ' | start inferior REPL process |
SPC m s B | send buffer and switch to REPL |
SPC m s F | send function definition and switch to REPL |
SPC m s R | send region and switch to REPL |
SPC m s b | send buffer |
SPC m s f | send function definition |
SPC m s i | start inferior REPL process |
SPC m s r | send region |
SPC m s s | switch to REPL |
Key binding | Description |
SPC m a d | Prompts from a directory on which to run Ameba |
SPC m a f | Runs Ameba on the current visited file |
SPC m a p | Runs Ameba on the entire project |