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File metadata and controls

143 lines (115 loc) · 6.38 KB

Neotree layer


Table of Contents


This layer setups a file tree navigator buffer using Neotree (replacing the Treemacs layer).


  • intuitive evil key bindings integration
  • supports multiple themes
  • transient state by pressing on ?
  • version-control integration


To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add neotree to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.


NeoTree Theme

You can change the NeoTree theme by using the setting neo-theme. Possible values are:

classicUse an icon to display items - only suitable for gui mode.
asciiThe simplest style, it will use x, - to display fold status.
arrowUse unicode arrows to display fold status.
iconsUse all-the-icons packages and fonts
nerdUse the NERDTree indentation mode and arrows.

The default is classic.

Use nerd if you want it to look most like NERDTree in VIM. For example:

(setq neo-theme 'nerd)

NeoTree Source Control Integration

If you would like NeoTree to show source control information, you can use the setting neo-vc-integration. It is a list containing the possible values:

faceShow information by changing the color of the file/directory name.
charShow information with a character to the left of the file/directory name.

The default is nil (do not show source control information), which is recommended.

For example,

(setq neo-vc-integration '(face))

Note: At this time, it is not recommended to set this to anything other than nil. Otherwise, it will become very slow with larger source trees. See jaypei/emacs-neotree#126 for more information.


This layer provides a quick and simple way to navigate in an unknown project file tree with NeoTree.

To toggle the NeoTree buffer, press SPC f t or SPC p t (the latter opens NeoTree with the root set to the projectile project root).

To select the NeoTree window, press SPC 0. The NeoTree window always has the number 0 so it does not shift the current number of the other windows.

VCS integration is supported, the file color will change depending on its current state. With default spacemacs-dark theme:

  • green: new file
  • purple: modified file

NeoTree mode-line

The mode-line has the following format [x/y] d (D:a, F:b) where:

  • x is the index of the current selected file or directory
  • y the total number of items (file and directory) in the current directory
  • d the name of the current directory
  • a the number of directories in the current directory
  • b the number of files in the current directory

Key bindings

NeoTree navigation

Navigation is centered on the hjkl keys with the hope of providing a fast navigation experience like in ranger:

Key bindingDescription
hcollapse expanded directory or go to parent node
Hselect previous sibling
jselect next file or directory
Jselect next expanded directory on level down
kselect previous file or directory
Kselect parent directory, when reaching the root change it to parent directory
l or RETexpand directory
Lselect next sibling
Rmake a directory the root directory

Note: Point is automatically set to the first letter of a node for a smoother experience.

Opening files with NeoTree

By default a file is opened in the last active window. It is possible to choose window number where to open a file by using a numeric argument, for instance 2 l or 2 RET will open the current file in window 2. It is also possible to open the file in a split window with | and -:

Key bindingDescription
l or RETopen file in last active window
# l or # RETopen file in window number #
¦open file in an vertically split window
-open file in an horizontally split window

Other NeoTree key bindings

Key bindingDescription
TABtoggle stretching of the buffer
ccreate a node
Ccopy a node
ddelete a node
stoggle showing of hidden files
q or fdhide NeoTree buffer
rrename a node
?show help