This layer adds support for the Mu4e email client.
- Search, read, reply, move, and delete email.
- Search-based: no folders, only queries.
- UI optimized for speed: quick keystrokes for common actions.
- Very extendable and costumizable.
- Integration with Helm.
- Maildir summary using mu4e-mailidrs-extension
- Notifications using mu4e-alert
In order to use this layer you must install mu and mu4e separately. Typically mu4e will be bundled with mu (this is the case on many Linux distributions).
If you’re on OS X and install mu using Homebrew, you must specify the
location of your Emacs binary at install time using the EMACS environment
variable, as well as passing the --with-emacs
brew install mu --with-emacs
If the installation directory of mu4e is not in Emacs’ load path, you can set
the layer variable mu4e-installation-path
, for example:
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
'((mu4e :variables
mu4e-installation-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp")))
Then add this layer to your ~/.spacemacs
. You will need to add mu4e
to the
existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
list in this file.
Key binding | Command |
SPC a M | Start mu4e |
SPC m S or SPC m / | Search emails (requires helm) |
SPC m C | Search contacts (requires helm) |
C-x m | Compose new message |
Key binding | Command |
J | Go to next unread thread marking other mail read on the way |
C-j | Next header |
C-k | Previous header |
Key binding | Command |
J | Go to next unread thread marking other mail read on the way |
C-j | Next header |
C-k | Previous header |
Configuration varies too much to give precise instructions. What follows is one example configuration. Refer to mu4e’s manual for more detailed configuration instructions.
The maildirs extension adds a list of all your maildirs to the main mu4e view that by default shows the unread and total mail counts for all your mail under your base mail directory.
The maildirs extension is not enabled by default. To activate it, change the
variable mu4e-use-maildirs-extension
to a non-nil value:
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
'((mu4e :variables
mu4e-use-maildirs-extension t)))
With `mu 0.9.16`, mu4e comes with a native contexts feature for managing multiple accounts.
The following example is taken from the manual:
(setq mu4e-contexts
`( ,(make-mu4e-context
:name "Private"
:enter-func (lambda () (mu4e-message "Switch to the Private context"))
;; leave-func not defined
:match-func (lambda (msg)
(when msg
(mu4e-message-contact-field-matches msg
:to "[email protected]")))
:vars '( ( user-mail-address . "[email protected]" )
( user-full-name . "Alice Derleth" )
( mu4e-compose-signature .
"Alice Derleth\n"
"Lauttasaari, Finland\n"))))
:name "Work"
:enter-func (lambda () (mu4e-message "Switch to the Work context"))
;; leave-fun not defined
:match-func (lambda (msg)
(when msg
(mu4e-message-contact-field-matches msg
:to "[email protected]")))
:vars '( ( user-mail-address . "[email protected]" )
( user-full-name . "Alice Derleth" )
( mu4e-compose-signature .
"Prof. Alice Derleth\n"
"Miskatonic University, Dept. of Occult Sciences\n"))))))
;; set `mu4e-context-policy` and `mu4e-compose-policy` to tweak when mu4e should
;; guess or ask the correct context, e.g.
;; start with the first (default) context;
;; default is to ask-if-none (ask when there's no context yet, and none match)
;; (setq mu4e-context-policy 'pick-first)
;; compose with the current context is no context matches;
;; default is to ask
;; '(setq mu4e-compose-context-policy nil)
Note: We used to have a hack to support multiple accounts with older version of `mu` but we removed it to encourage people to update their version and use the new contexts feature.
mu4e can send mails in async mode, which speeds up sending as you do not have
to wait for the email to be sent. This is off by default but you can enable
it by setting the mu4e-enable-async-operations
variable when including the
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
'((mu4e :variables
mu4e-enable-async-operations t)))
By default mu4e will save attachment files to $HOME, but this layer changes that to $HOME/Downloads if it exists. You can override this in your user-config:
(setq mu4e-attachment-dir "~/files")
;;; Set up some common mu4e variables
(setq mu4e-maildir "~/.mail"
mu4e-trash-folder "/Trash"
mu4e-refile-folder "/Archive"
mu4e-get-mail-command "mbsync -a"
mu4e-update-interval nil
mu4e-compose-signature-auto-include nil
mu4e-view-show-images t
mu4e-view-show-addresses t)
;;; Mail directory shortcuts
(setq mu4e-maildir-shortcuts
'(("/gmail/INBOX" . ?g)
("/college/INBOX" . ?c)))
;;; Bookmarks
(setq mu4e-bookmarks
`(("flag:unread AND NOT flag:trashed" "Unread messages" ?u)
("" "Today's messages" ?t)
("" "Last 7 days" ?w)
("mime:image/*" "Messages with images" ?p)
(,(mapconcat 'identity
(lambda (maildir)
(concat "maildir:" (car maildir)))
mu4e-maildir-shortcuts) " OR ")
"All inboxes" ?i)))
is an extension that provides desktop notifications and adds the
count of unread messages to the modeline.
For an extended documentation of the available customizations please refer to mu4e-alert’s documentation
To enable notifications about new messages, add the following line to your
(setq mu4e-enable-notifications t)
or use layer variables when you add the layer to
(mu4e :variables mu4e-enable-notifications t)
By default, notifications will be shown in the *Messages*
buffer. To enable
desktop notifications about new messages, add the following lines to
your dotspacemacs/user-config
, according to your operating system and the
installed libraries:
(with-eval-after-load 'mu4e-alert
;; Enable Desktop notifications
(mu4e-alert-set-default-style 'notifications)) ; For linux
;; (mu4e-alert-set-default-style 'libnotify)) ; Alternative for linux
;; (mu4e-alert-set-default-style 'notifier)) ; For Mac OSX (through the
; terminal notifier app)
;; (mu4e-alert-set-default-style 'growl)) ; Alternative for Mac OSX
To enable mode-line display about new messages, add the following line to
your dotspacemacs/user-config
(setq mu4e-enable-mode-line t)
or use layer variables when you add the layer to
(mu4e :variables mu4e-enable-mode-line t)
A Spacemacs custom layout is defined by the layer. The name and the key binding for it can be customized with the following layer variables:
for the layout name,mu4e-spacemacs-layout-binding
for the key binding.mu4e-spacemacs-kill-layout-on-exit
for automatically removing layout when quitting mu4e.
By default the values are:
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
'((mu4e :variables mu4e-spacemacs-layout-name "@Mu4e"
mu4e-spacemacs-layout-binding "m"
mu4e-spacemacs-kill-layout-on-exit t)))
Refer to the official mu and mu4e documentation for additional info.