- Arctos Google Group (arctos [at] googlegroups.com) - AWG COMMUNICATIONS CHAIR sends
- NHCOLL listserv (nhcoll [at] mailman.yale.edu) - WEBINAR MODERATOR sends
- iDigBio listserv (idigbio-l [at] lists.ufl.edu); includes Small Collections Network - WEBINAR MODERATOR sends
- AVECOL listserv (avecol-l [at] listserv.LSU.edu)
- Mammal-L (mammal-l [at] si-listserv.si.edu)
- Ornithology Exchange (http://ornithologyexchange.org/forums)
- Herbaria-L (herbaria [at] nacse.org)
- Entomological Collections Network (ECN-L [at] listserv.unl.edu)
- Biological Systematics Discussion List (taxacom [at] mailman.nhm.ku.edu)
- Twitter (@arctosdb) - AWG COMMUNICATIONS CHAIR posts
- Arctos.database.museum banner - AWG COMMUNICATIONS CHAIR posts
Arctos community members should also be encouraged to forward to any listservs or other groups they think would be interested.
A template for email announcements can be found here.