Designed a starbucks page with the focus on a home, menu, and rewards page.
The code was made easy for populating pages with content. The code for the menu items:
function addIconLabel(parent, arrText, arrPic){
for (let i=0; i<arrText.length; i++){
const element = document.createElement('div');
function addDivForImg (){
const imgMask = document.createElement('div');
const drink = new Image();
drink.src = arrPic[i];
imgMask.className = 'imgMask'
const text = document.createElement('p');
text.textContent = arrText[i];
element.className = `menuIcon`; = arrText[i];
It calls for the location of where to append the menu icons, the array of strings for the labels, and the array of links for the pictures. With this small code, I was able to fill the menu page with the Starbucks menu items.
I also wanted to improve the interface for the menu page. On the actual Starbucks Page, the user experience was improved to smaller windows by making the left navigation sticky and overflow scroll.
All images used from the Starbucks website.