Repo provides various exploratory analysis on the dataset to get insight on data. As an example, I have taken the Titanic dataset from Kaggle ( Titanic DataSet )
The code is generalized for other dataset also. You can use the script for other dataset with minimal changes.
python code/ datasetName train_file targetAttribute outDirectory
datasetName: Name of the dataset.
train_file: Path of the Test data
targetAttribute: Target Attribute
outDirectory: directory where the reports and plot images generated
python code/ Titanic /opt/ML/titan/train.csv Survived /opt/Exploratory-Data-Analysis-with-python/output
Sample output is uploaded to output folder.
Provides an overview of No# of Attributes, Name of the Attributes, Type of Attribute, Mean/Max/Range for each Attributes, Attributes with no# of missing values, Possible categorial Attributes, Unique value for these categorial values etc.
Instance Count : 891
Attribute count (X,y) : 12
Attribute Names (X,y) : ['PassengerId', 'Survived', 'Pclass', 'Name', 'Sex', 'Age', 'SibSp', 'Parch', 'Ticket', 'Fare', 'Cabin', 'Embarked']
Most likely cataegorial values : ['Survived', 'Pclass', 'Sex', 'Age', 'SibSp', 'Parch', 'Embarked']
Most likely **Non cataegorial values : ['PassengerId', 'Name', 'Ticket', 'Fare', 'Cabin']
Sum of Missing Values for each attributes :
PassengerId 0
Age 177
Cabin 687
Embarked 2
Unique values for cataegorial column : Survived [0 1]
Unique values for cataegorial column : Pclass [3 1 2]
Refer the file for detailed output.
2) Histogram and Box ploting of all attributes in a single image to get the overall view of data
Histogram plotting of all Attributes | Box plotting of all Attributes |
3) Ploting the Density and box plot with various additional information on catagorial attributes
Plotting of Attributes - Age | Plotting of Attributes - Fare |
You can refer the ploting for other catagorial attributes under output/4_*_density_box_plot.png
4) Ploting the Categorial Attributes grouped by Target Attribute
Plotting of Age grouped by Survived | Plotting of Pclass grouped by Survived |
You can refer the ploting for other catagorial attributes under output/5_*_GroupBy_Survived_Histogram_plot.png
5) Pairwise plotting of Attribute
Pairwise plotting of Attributes |
6) Ploting the Attributes by generalized values
Ploting Age_group | Plotting Cabin_group | Plotting Fare_group |
7) Ploting generalized Attributes with respect to Target attribute
Ploting Age_group with Survived | Plotting Cabin_group with Survived | Plotting Fare_group with Survived |
The file records provides the count of each attribute with respect to Target attribute.
Group by on Attribute : Sex
Dictionary Mapping : {'male': 0, 'female': 1}
Sex count Survived
0 0 468 0
1 0 109 1
2 1 81 0
3 1 233 1
Group by on Attribute : Age_group
Age_group count Survived
0 0-10 26 0
1 0-10 38 1
2 10-20 71 0
3 10-20 44 1
4 20-30 271 0
5 20-30 136 1
6 30-40 86 0
7 30-40 69 1
8 40-50 53 0
9 40-50 33 1
10 50-60 25 0
11 50-60 17 1
12 60-70 13 0
13 60-70 4 1
14 70-80 4 0
15 70-80 1 1
Refer the file for other attributes.
The file records provides the count of each attribute with respect to other attribute.
Frequency with respect to Pclass and Fare_group
Pclass Fare_group
1 0-50 77
50-100 86
100-150 24
150-200 9
200-250 11
250-300 6
500-550 3
2 0-50 177
50-100 7
3 0-50 477
50-100 14
Frequency with respect to Sex & Embarked
Dictionary Mapping : {'male': 0, 'female': 1}
Dictionary Mapping : {'S': 1, 'C': 2, 'Q': 3}
Sex Embarked
0 1 441
2 95
3 41
1 1 205
2 73
3 36
Refer the file for other attributes.
10) Ploting the Categorial Attributes with respect to other Attributes
Plotting the Pclass & Fare group | Plotting the Fare group & Embarked |
You can refer the ploting for other catagorial attributes under output/10_CrossAttributeAnalysis/2_CrossAttribute___Count.png
The file records provides the count of each attribute with other attribute along with target attribute
Frequency with respect to Pclass & Sex & Survived
Dictionary Mapping : {'male': 0, 'female': 1}
Pclass Sex Survived
1 0 0 77
1 45
1 0 3
1 91
2 0 0 91
1 17
1 0 6
1 70
3 0 0 300
1 47
1 0 72
1 72
Frequency with respect to Sex & Embarked & Survived
Dictionary Mapping : {'male': 0, 'female': 1}
Dictionary Mapping : {'S': 1, 'C': 2, 'Q': 3}
Sex Embarked Survived
0 1 0 364
1 77
2 0 66
1 29
3 0 38
1 3
1 1 0 63
1 142
2 0 9
1 64
3 0 9
1 27
Refer the file for other attributes.
12) Ploting the Categorial Attributes with respect to other Attributes and Target Attribute
Plotting the Pclass & Age group & Survived | Plotting the Pclass & Fare group & Survived |
You can refer the ploting for other catagorial attributes under output/11_CrossAttributeWithTargetAnalysis/2_CrossAttribute___Survived.png
Nisanth Simon - NisanthSimon@LinkedIn