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Using AREPL with GUI's

Almenon edited this page Feb 23, 2019 · 18 revisions

You can use Arepl with gui's like turtle and many others. Each time you edit the code the gui restarts, so to make it less annoying AREPL automatically uses a longer delay after typing before restarting. The extra delay can be controlled in the settings. Or you can switch to execute on save/keybinding.

I suggest coding it so the gui appears on the side (not blocking your view of your code), like so:

import turtle

turtle.setup(width=500, height=500, startx=-1, starty=0)


Note that the GUI will steal focus from vscode, so if you do not already know it I highly suggest memorizing the shortcut to switch focus back to the previous application. (alt-tab on windows, command-tab on mac)

With PySimpleGui you can use the location paramater to control where the window appears:

import PySimpleGUI as sg

# 0,0 is top left
startx = 1000 # A higher value will make the window appear more on the right side of the screen
starty = 0

# window layout - see PySimpleGui documentation for more info
layout = [[sg.Text('Input:')], [sg.Input()], [sg.OK(), sg.Cancel()]]

# spawn the window
event, (input,) = sg.Window('Title', location=(startx,starty)).Layout(layout).Read()


f.canvas.manager.window.wm_geometry("+1200+0") #right-hand side


There are some outstanding bugs that will cause p5 animation library to fail. See
