diff --git a/defaultconfigs/sophisticatedbackpacks-server.toml b/defaultconfigs/sophisticatedbackpacks-server.toml index f632a9b9..318a4d4f 100644 --- a/defaultconfigs/sophisticatedbackpacks-server.toml +++ b/defaultconfigs/sophisticatedbackpacks-server.toml @@ -401,39 +401,39 @@ [server.entityBackpackAdditions] #Chance of an entity spawning with Backpack #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 - chance = 0.01 + chance = 0.0 #Turns on/off addition of loot into backpacks - addLoot = true + addLoot = false #Turns on/off buffing the entity that wears backpack with potion effects. These are scaled based on how much loot is added. - buffWithPotionEffects = true + buffWithPotionEffects = false #Turns on/off buffing the entity that wears backpack with additional health. Health is scaled based on backpack tier the mob wears. - buffHealth = true + buffHealth = false #Turns on/off equiping the entity that wears backpack with armor. What armor material and how enchanted is scaled based on backpack tier the mob wears. - equipWithArmor = true + equipWithArmor = false #Map of entities that can spawn with backpack and related loot tables (if adding a loot is enabled) in format of "EntityRegistryName|LootTableName" entityLootTableList = ["minecraft:creeper|minecraft:chests/desert_pyramid", "minecraft:drowned|minecraft:chests/shipwreck_treasure", "minecraft:enderman|minecraft:chests/end_city_treasure", "minecraft:evoker|minecraft:chests/woodland_mansion", "minecraft:husk|minecraft:chests/desert_pyramid", "minecraft:piglin|minecraft:chests/bastion_bridge", "minecraft:piglin_brute|minecraft:chests/bastion_treasure", "minecraft:pillager|minecraft:chests/pillager_outpost", "minecraft:skeleton|minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon", "minecraft:stray|minecraft:chests/igloo_chest", "minecraft:vex|minecraft:chests/woodland_mansion", "minecraft:vindicator|minecraft:chests/woodland_mansion", "minecraft:witch|minecraft:chests/buried_treasure", "minecraft:wither_skeleton|minecraft:chests/nether_bridge", "minecraft:zombie|minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon", "minecraft:zombie_villager|minecraft:chests/village/village_armorer", "minecraft:zombified_piglin|minecraft:chests/bastion_other"] #List of music discs that are not supposed to be played by entities discBlockList = ["botania:record_gaia_1", "botania:record_gaia_2"] #Turns on/off a chance that the entity that wears backpack gets jukebox upgrade and plays a music disc. - playJukebox = true + playJukebox = false #Determines whether backpack drops to fake players if killed by them in addition to real ones that it always drops to dropToFakePlayers = false #Chance of mob dropping backpack when killed by player #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 - backpackDropChance = 0.5 + backpackDropChance = 0.0 #Chance increase per looting level of mob dropping backpack #Range: 0.0 ~ 0.3 lootingChanceIncreasePerLevel = 0.15 [server.nerfs] #Determines if too many backpacks in player's inventory cause slowness to the player - tooManyBackpacksSlowness = false + tooManyBackpacksSlowness = true #Maximum number of backpacks in player's inventory that will not cause slowness #Range: 1 ~ 27 - maxNumberOfBackpacks = 3 + maxNumberOfBackpacks = 2 #Ratio of slowness levels per every backpack above the maximum number allowed. (number of backpacks above the max gets multiplied by this number and ceiled) #Range: 0.1 ~ 5.0 slownessLevelsPerAdditionalBackpack = 1.0 #Determines if active upgrades will only work in the backpack that's worn by the player. Active upgrades are for example magnet, pickup, cooking, feeding upgrades. - onlyWornBackpackTriggersUpgrades = false + onlyWornBackpackTriggersUpgrades = true