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Auto wiring

Ilya Puchka edited this page Aug 25, 2016 · 5 revisions

When you use constructor injection to inject dependencies of your component and they are also registered in the container auto-wiring enables you to resolve this components just with one call to resolve method without providing its dependencies as arguments - container will resolve them for you.

class PresenterImp: Presenter {
    init(view: ViewOutput, interactor: Interactor, router: Router) { ... }

container.register { RouterImp() as Router }
container.register { View() as ViewOutput }
container.register { InteractorImp() as Interactor }
container.register { PresenterImp(view: $0, interactor: $1, router: $2) as Presenter }

let presenter = try! container.resolve() as Presenter

Auto-wiring uses Swift Type Inference to infer types of constructor arguments and if they all are registered in container, they will be automatically resolved.

Note: it also can handle optional dependencies

At the same time you are able to resolve the component using runtime arguments:

let view = try! container.resolve() as ViewOutput
let interactor = try! container.resolve() as Interactor
let router = try! container.resolve() as Router

//without auto-wiring
let presenter = try! container.resolve(withArguments: view, interactor, router) as Presenter

Auto-wiring saves all these calls to resolve each constructor argument.

Alternatively you could register factory that does not accept runtime arguments but resolves constructor arguments by itself:

container.register { 
    try PresenterImp(
        view: container.resolve(), 
        interactor: container.resolve(),
        router: container.resolve()
    ) as Presenter 

In this case auto-wiring again lets you avoid this repetitive calls to resolve method.