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請填寫項目名稱: wormhole-aptos-native-token-transfer
請填寫項目詳情: wormhole ntt aptos 合约实现
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對共學、學習方式、目標、Aptos 文檔等建議: 暂无
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学习aptos文档 https://aptos.dev/en/network/blockchain
学习 aptos 账户
aptos 账户 有两个first-class features
- 更改认证密钥 类似于web2的改密码
- 原生多签支持
- 标准账户 Standard account 带有public/private keys
- Resource账户 没有private key,开发者用来存储资源或者发布模块到链上
- Object 一系列资源存储在一个地址上
Signer 里面有一个address module 0x1::signer { struct signer has drop { a: address } }
signer::address_of(&signer): address signer::borrow_address(&signer): &address
Global Storage move_to(&signer, T) move_from(address): T borrow_global_mut(address): &mut T borrow_global(address): &T exists(address): bool
Move Objects 可以往地址转入object
module my_addr::object_playground { use std::signer; use std::string::{Self, String}; use aptos_framework::object::{Self, ObjectCore};
struct MyStruct1 { message: String, }
struct MyStruct2 { message: String, }
entry fun create_and_transfer(caller: &signer, destination: address) { // Create object let caller_address = signer::address_of(caller); let constructor_ref = object::create_object(caller_address); let object_signer = object::generate_signer(constructor_ref);
// Set up the object by creating 2 resources in it
move_to(&object_signer, MyStruct1 {
message: string::utf8(b"hello")
move_to(&object_signer, MyStruct2 {
message: string::utf8(b"world")
// Transfer to destination
let object = object::object_from_constructor_ref<ObjectCore>(
object::transfer(caller, object, destination);
} }
创建object 有三种类型
normal Object 可删除、随机地址 let caller_address = signer::address_of(caller); let constructor_ref = object::create_object(caller_address);
named Object 自定义名字的object 不可删除、固定地址 const NAME: vector = b"MyAwesomeObject";
entry fun create_my_object(caller: &signer) { let caller_address = signer::address_of(caller); let constructor_ref = object::create_named_object(caller, NAME); // ... }
- sticky Object 不可删除、随机地址 let caller_address = signer::address_of(caller); let constructor_ref = object::create_sticky_object(caller_address);
通过object::generate_signer可以创建singer来允许你往object传递资源过去 let caller_address = signer::address_of(caller);
// Creates the object let constructor_ref = object::create_object(caller_address);
// Retrieves a signer for the object let object_signer = object::generate_signer(&constructor_ref);
// Moves the MyStruct resource into the object move_to(&object_signer, MyStruct { num: 0 });
扩展性 ExtendRef ContructorRef 只有创建object的时候存在,后面就销毁了 ExtendRef可以作为资源发给object储存下来,后面可以继续拿出来对object进行新的操作
// 往object传入一个extend_ref资源 let extend_ref = object::generate_extend_ref(&constructor_ref); move_to(&object_signer, ObjectController { extend_ref });
aptos sdk学习
async mintCoin(minter: AptosAccount, receiverAddress: HexString, amount: number | bigint): Promise {
const rawTxn = await this.generateTransaction(minter.address(), {
function: "0x1::managed_coin::mint",
type_arguments: [${minter.address()}::justin_coin::JustinCoin
arguments: [receiverAddress.hex(), amount],
}, customOpts);
await this.simulateTransaction(minter, rawTxn).then((sims) =>
sims.forEach((tx) => {
if (!tx.success) {
throw new Error(`Transaction failed: ${tx.vm_status}\n${JSON.stringify(tx, null, 2)}`);
const bcsTxn = await this.signTransaction(minter, rawTxn);
const pendingTxn = await this.submitTransaction(bcsTxn);
return pendingTxn.hash;
async transferCoin(sender: AptosAccount, receiverAddress: HexString, amount: number | bigint): Promise {
const rawTxn = await this.generateTransaction(sender.address(), {
function: "0x1::aptos_account::transfer_coins",
type_arguments: [${sender.address()}::justin_coin::JustinCoin
arguments: [receiverAddress.hex(), amount],
const bcsTxn = await this.signTransaction(sender, rawTxn);
const pendingTxn = await this.submitTransaction(bcsTxn);
return pendingTxn.hash;
Global Storage move_to(&signer, T) move_from(address): T borrow_global_mut(address): &mut T borrow_global(address): &T exists(address): bool
Global Storage返回的ref不能作为函数的参数返回
acquires 要求类型 m::f 要求 acquires T
- m::f 包含 move_from borrow_globnal_mut borrow_global
- m::f 调用的 m::g 在同一个模块中acquires T
const client = new AptosClient(NODE_URL); const faucetClient = new FaucetClient(NODE_URL, FAUCET_URL);
// Generates key pair for a new account
const account1 = new AptosAccount();
await faucetClient.fundAccount(account1.address(), 100_000_000);
let resources = await client.getAccountResources(account1.address());
let accountResource = resources.find((r) => r.type === aptosCoinStore);
let balance = parseInt((accountResource?.data as any).coin.value);
assert(balance === 100_000_000);
console.log(account1 coins: ${balance}. Should be 100000000!
const account2 = new AptosAccount(); // Creates the second account and fund the account with 0 AptosCoin await faucetClient.fundAccount(account2.address(), 0); resources = await client.getAccountResources(account2.address()); accountResource = resources.find((r) => r.type === aptosCoinStore); balance = parseInt((accountResource?.data as any).coin.value); assert(balance === 0);
public entry fun deploy_derived( deployer: &signer, metadata_serialized: vector, code: vector<vector>, seed: vector ) acquires DeployingSignerCapability { let deployer_address = signer::address_of(deployer); let resource = account::create_resource_address(&deployer_address, seed); let resource_signer: signer; if (exists(resource)) { let deploying_cap = borrow_global(resource); resource_signer = account::create_signer_with_capability(&deploying_cap.signer_cap); } else { let signer_cap: account::SignerCapability; (resource_signer, signer_cap) = account::create_resource_account(deployer, seed); move_to(&resource_signer, DeployingSignerCapability { signer_cap, deployer: deployer_address }); }; code::publish_package_txn(&resource_signer, metadata_serialized, code); }
public fun create_primary_store_enabled_fungible_asset( constructor_ref: &ConstructorRef, // This ensures total supply does not surpass this limit - however, // Setting this will prevent any parallel execution of mint and burn. maximum_supply: Option, // The fields below here are purely metadata and have no impact on-chain. name: String, symbol: String, decimals: u8, icon_uri: String, project_uri: String, )
use aptos_std::smart_table;
public entry fun main() { let table = smart_table::new<u64, u64>(); smart_table::add(&mut table, 1, 100); smart_table::add(&mut table, 2, 200);
let length = smart_table::length(&table);
assert!(length == 2, 0);
let value1 = smart_table::borrow(&table, 1);
assert!(*value1 == 100, 0);
let value2 = smart_table::borrow(&table, 2);
assert!(*value2 == 200, 0);
let removed_value = smart_table::remove(&mut table, 1);
assert!(removed_value == 100, 0);
use std::vector;
public entry fun main() { let v = vector::empty(); vector::push_back(&mut v, 10); vector::push_back(&mut v, 20);
let length = vector::length(&v);
assert!(length == 2, 0);
let first_elem = vector::borrow(&v, 0);
assert!(*first_elem == 10, 0);
let second_elem = vector::borrow(&v, 1);
assert!(*second_elem == 20, 0);
let last_elem = vector::pop_back(&mut v);
assert!(last_elem == 20, 0);