9/23/2021 12:00 PM EDT Google Hangout Link
- Attendance: Andy, Ben, Anna, Ashley, Debie, Katie, Alex, George, Brant, Others?
- Discussion of the Friday meeting.
- Questions about OpenScapes or about the paper?
- Discuss the GitHub intro
- Direction of the eFISHiency group
- Black sea bass repo idea? (AM)
- Folder in repo for different TORs:
- TOR 1 ) Ecosystem and Climate
- TOR 2) Fishery Data
- Standardized CPUE (VTR, Observer, Study Fleet)
- Stakeholder perspectives - question
- TOR 3 ) Survey Data
- VAST model
- Paper idea? (AJ)
- Paper on using fishery dependent data - all different sources
- Other group projects?
- Other business