- Always return JSON to native HTTP clients
- Listen host can now be passed to cli with the
flag - berkshelf-api user will now be created as a system user
- Update many dependent gems
Bug fixes
- Fix race condition when creating the user's home directory in cookbook
- Gracefully handle results from the community site which are empty
Backwards incompatible changes
- Renamed cookbook from
- Renamed cookbook from
- Enhancements
- Fix cookbook issue when installing on
> Ubuntu 12.04
- Fix cookbook issue when installing on
- Added warning messages to startup when using github/file_store endpoints
- Bump Octokit dependency to ~> 3.0
Bug Fix
- Fixed issue with GH indexing where there were a high number of repositories in an organization
- Bump to Reel 0.5
- Set Celluloid log level to ERROR
Bug Fixes
- Include full URL to Github location in items cached by Github builder
- Loosen constraints and bump versions of various gems
Bug Fixes
- Fix issue with default configuration where home path was not being set
- Added /status endpoint to REST API
Bug Fixes
- Github cache builder will autopaginate to get all repos
- Fix dependency issues with Faraday
- Added Github cache builder and Github endpoint. You can now add Github organization's as endpoints and the cache builder will crawl each repository looking for repositories which contain SemVer tags and raw cookbook metadata.
Bug Fixes
- Fix cache builder crashes when builder encounters a cookbook with invalid or missing metadata.
- Invalid cookbooks won't be added to cache.
- Prioritize Cache Builders so their entries do not clobber one another
- An entire config file is checksumed so that when it changes, the cache is rebuilt