- Fork project
- Implement a feature
- Write tests
- Make a pull-request to the core repo
Available CLI-commands:
yarn lint
lint whole project <- this command runs on CI
- Monorepo: prepare /packages/* and /apps/* folders
- Monorepo: requirements tree : /packages/* and /apps/* depends on /package.json
- Monorepo: reusable UI package example: /packages/ui
- Monorepo: docs how to add app or package
- Monorepo: TypeScript support
- Monorepo: add README.md for all packages
- NextJs: init with SSR (app router) + React Server Components
- Antd: init Ant Design support with custom theme
- CI: run tests
- CI: test build
- CI: linters
- i18n: init internationalization support
- i18n: add Antd i18n support
- Docker: docker-compose file for deploy and local development
- Docker: docker-compose docs
- readme: local setup
- readme: overview video guide
- E2E: init tests (framework?)
- Migrations: docs how to use it
- UploadFiles: Page (example)
- User: API, Tests
- Organization: API, Tests
- Organization: create Page (example)
- Organization: OrganizationRequired component
- Organization: invite user by email/phone: API, Tests
- Organization: invite user by email/phone: Page (example)
- Organization: invited users list: Page (example)
- Organization: bulk invite from excel file: Page (example)
- Organization: accept/reject invites: API, Tests
- Organization: accept/reject invites: Page (example)
- Auth: API, Test (by email/phone)
- Auth: SignIn/SignOut Page (example)
- Auth: AuthRequired component
- Auth: captcha support
- Register: API, Test (by email/phone)
- Register: Page (example)
- Register: Email/Phone verification
- Register: captcha support
- ForgotUserPassword: API, Tests
- ForgotUserPassword: Page (example)
- ForgotUserPassword: Email notification hook
- ForgotUserPassword: Options captcha support
- ChangePassword: API, Tests
- ChangePassword: Page (example)
- Permissions: API, Tests
- Permissions: Page (example)
- Layout: change site language widget
- Layout: change organization
- UserNotifications: API, Tests
- UserNotifications: Page (example from top menu)
- UserSettings: Page (example)
- Keystone: Realtime update support`
- Keystone: folder structure
- NextJs: Apollo cache
- Bull: init background tasks
- Bull: scheduled tasks
- Logging
- DX: command to add new API Schema
- DX: command to add new Web and Api app