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Alchemy offers several enhanced API methods on top of the existing web3.js calls.

Enhanced Web3 API

**Get access to **Alchemy for free here.

To learn more about the standard web3.js API calls, check out their documentation here.

😎 Enhanced API Calls

web3.alchemy.getTokenAllowance({contract, owner, spender})

Returns token balances for a specific address given a list of contracts.


An object with the following fields:

  • contract: The address of the token contract.
  • owner: The address of the token owner.
  • spender: The address of the token spender.


The allowance amount, as a string representing a base-10 number.

web3.alchemy.getTokenBalances(address, contractAddresses)

Returns token balances for a specific address given a list of contracts.


  1. address: The address for which token balances will be checked.
  2. contractAddresses: An array of contract addresses.


An object with the following fields:

  • address: The address for which token balances were checked.
  • tokenBalances: An array of token balance objects. Each object contains:
    • contractAddress: The address of the contract.
    • tokenBalance: The balance of the contract, as a string representing a base-10 number.
    • error: An error string. One of this or tokenBalance will be null.


Returns metadata (name, symbol, decimals, logo) for a given token contract address.


address: The address of the token contract.


An object with the following fields:

  • name: The token's name. null if not defined in the contract and not available from other sources.
  • symbol: The token's symbol. null if not defined in the contract and not available from other sources.
  • decimals: The token's decimals. null if not defined in the contract and not available from other sources.
  • logo: URL of the token's logo image. null if not available.


Subscribes to pending transactions, similar to the standard Web3 call web3.eth.subscribe("pendingTransactions"), but differs in that it emits full transaction information rather than just transaction hashes.

Note that the argument passed to this function is "alchemy_fullPendingTransactions", which is different from the string used in raw eth_subscribe JSON-RPC calls, where it is "alchemy_newFullPendingTransactions" instead. This is confusing, but it is also consistent with the existing Web3 subscription APIs (for example: web3.eth.subscribe("pendingTransactions") vs "newPendingTransactions" in raw JSON-RPC).

web3.alchemy.getAssetTransfers({fromBlock, toBlock, fromAddress, toAddress, contractAddresses, excludeZeroValue, maxCount, category, pageKey})

Returns an array of asset transfers based on the specified parameters.


  • Parameters:
    • Object - An object with the following fields (required):
      • fromBlock: in hex string or "latest". optional (default to latest)
      • toBlock: in hex string or "latest". optional (default to latest)
      • fromAddress: in hex string. optional
      • toAddress: in hex string. optional.
      • contractAddresses: list of hex strings. optional.
      • category: list of any combination of external, token. optional, if blank, would include both.
      • excludeZeroValue: aBoolean . optional (default true)
      • maxCount: max number of results to return per call. optional (default 1000)
      • pageKey: for pagination. optional
  • fromBlock and toBlock are inclusive. Both default to latest if not specified.
  • fromAddress and toAddress will be ANDed together when filtering. If left blank, will indicate a wildcard (any address).
  • contractAddresses only applies to token category transfers (eth log events). The list of addresses are ORed together. This filter will be ANDed with fromAddress and toAddress for eth log events. If empty, or unspecified, it will be taken as a wildcard (any contract addresses).
  • category: external for primary level eth transfers, token for contract event transfers.
  • excludeZeroValue: an optional Boolean to exclude asset transfers with a value field of zero (defaults to true)
  • maxCount: The maximum number of results to return per call. Default and max will be 1000.
  • pageKey: If left blank, will return the first 1000 or maxCount number of results. If more results are available, a uuid pageKey will be returned in the response. Pass that uuid into pageKey to fetch the next 1000 or maxCount. See section on pagination.

EIP 1559

web3.eth.getFeeHistory(blockRange, startingBlock, percentiles[])

Fetches the fee history for the given block range as per the eth spec.


  • blockRange: The number of blocks for which to fetch historical fees. Can be an integer or a hex string.
  • startingBlock: The block to start the search. The result will look backwards from here. Can be a hex string or a predefined block string e.g. "latest".
  • percentiles: (Optional) An array of numbers that define which percentiles of reward values you want to see for each block.


An object with the following fields:

  • oldestBlock: The oldest block in the range that the fee history is being returned for.
  • baseFeePerGas: An array of base fees for each block in the range that was looked up. These are the same values that would be returned on a block for the eth_getBlockByNumber method.
  • gasUsedRatio: An array of the ratio of gas used to gas limit for each block.
  • reward: Only returned if a percentiles parameter was provided. Each block will have an array corresponding to the percentiles provided. Each element of the nested array will have the tip provided to miners for the percentile given. So if you provide [50, 90] as the percentiles then each block will have a 50th percentile reward and a 90th percentile reward.


Method call

web3.eth.getFeeHistory(4, "latest", [25, 50, 75]).then(console.log);

Logged response

  oldestBlock: 12930639,
  reward: [
    [ '0x649534e00', '0x66720b300', '0x826299e00' ],
    [ '0x649534e00', '0x684ee1800', '0x7ea8ed400' ],
    [ '0x5ea8dd480', '0x60db88400', '0x684ee1800' ],
    [ '0x59682f000', '0x5d21dba00', '0x5d21dba00' ]
  baseFeePerGas: [ '0x0', '0x0', '0x0', '0x0', '0x0' ],
  gasUsedRatio: [ 0.9992898398856537, 0.9999566454373825, 0.9999516, 0.9999378 ]


Returns a quick estimate for maxPriorityFeePerGas in EIP 1559 transactions. Rather than using feeHistory and making a calculation yourself you can just use this method to get a quick estimate. Note: this is a geth-only method, but Alchemy handles that for you behind the scenes.




A hex, which is the maxPriorityFeePerGas suggestion. You can plug this directly into your transaction field.


Method call


Logged response

