0.12.2 (2016-02-24)
- tests: update all karma deps (80b10ab)
0.12.0 (2015-11-27)
- chore: properly create test task if only e2e tests are chosen (1be2f4b), closes #36
- security: remove hash and salt from default selection (5786757), closes #24
- tests: clean cookie after tests on auth (52f9707)
0.11.4 (2015-11-11)
- auth: use new expiresIn for jwt (2e9997b)
- karma: add view templates in karma conf (1ecf62d)
- preview: correct usage of gulp open (ad62d5c)
<a name"0.11.2">
- deps: lock gulp-rev-all to 0.8.18 (d50932d5)
<a name"0.11.1">
- build: use new rebase url plugin (af7420ba)
- inject: using angular sort plugin for injected files (3bf65ccf, closes #21)
<a name"0.11.0">
- tests: return error codes if we have (230dd87c)
- auth: improve auth service and route protection (8dfb37cc)
- docs: add apidoc support (bc36b9b7, closes #14)
- serve: server reload handled by dedicated dependency (f985e923)
- build: add exclude config for rev (4077cbb)
- gulp-serve: fix reloading after server crash (400ea6d0)
- build: prefix css with gulp-autoprefixer (25809d89)
- core: add optional browsersync (921f2344, closes #8)
- build: rev-all changes (42f70dc6)
- server: use secret env var by default (5b0593fe)
- tests:
- core: ability to customize the test suite (d2e096e7)
- tests: assertions on generated project (cf151271, closes #10)
- server: update mongo & mongoose dependencies (52a0d88d)
- gulp: major watch & inject improvements (26a86cdf)
- gulpfile: recompile scss on directive style changes (83b95055)
- route:
- build: rewrite urls in dist css file (7b4e1552)
- directive: prompt for style file creation (a24ea967)
- app: use correct config when file present (4844c57a)
- core: remove e2e specs from injects and watch (f70b5d8e)
- tests:
- anim: add animation generator (ad4025c0)
- app: prevent flickr effect for navbar, including it into directive (23d5c76f)
- api:
by default for socket file creation (257a7156) - build: update livereload regex to fit with indentation variations (42b3c8a4)
- control: pass jshint when scaffolding using sockets (36784905)
- core: cache templates of directives for dist (70b6b37a)
- gen: delay nodemon on start and restart changes (37aef08d, closes #4)
- gulp: bangular is too fast, need to slow down. ping gulp-inject? (5503e737)
- lint:
- readme: obvious things are obvious (2ab083bd)
- socket: remove unnecessary factory injection (b00d14e6)
- tests:
- typo: micro space fix (2804e807)
- api: allow to generate resource of endpoint (8ccff74a)
- app: add basic travis file (92829bbe)
- e2e:
- gen: open and reload only when express is ready (4298e270)
- jshint: major jshint improvements (3623e9bd)
- route: create & import style associated to view (7e90a4ab)
- sockets: improve service with on, emit and clean methods (6a8f1f6b)
- config: remove unnecessary code (3778dbcd)
- gen: usemin crash with sockets on build (28f3a2e3)
- readme: update logos placement (3cd7a4f5)
- template:
- tests: mock socket factory for karma (7dd071db)
- auth: add support for passport and authentication process purposal (ef0cc502)
- core: add factory gen (3246c9c6)
- api:
- app: dependency socket and test (4f577b6b)
- font: use needle if provided for font style inject (74acdffe)
- home: remove default socket injection (55cb3cf3)
- route: correct controller name in controller unit test (b620c9d2)
- sockets:
- tests: use timeout to assert file content in style (b75f1756)
- api: add socket support, major refactor of naming (b479b34a)
- sockets:
- build: prevent empty lines in index.html (41a3fb0c)
- core:
- favicon: increase favicon size for display purposes (2ee99874)
- gen:
- gitignore: ignore dist folder (f9f6c7af)
- karma: inject optional dependencies in karma tests (38971a5a)
- npm: prevent side effects of npmjs (8faed060)
- readme: purposed translation (23921f54)
- task-name: replace serve:dist by preview for clarity purpose (977e56e0)