All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
This file was based on this template.
- Checks if an item is in common between two arrays;Strings/capitalize
- Capitalizes the first letter of a string;
- Move repository to a new Github organization;
- DataStructures/BinarySearchTree;
- DataStructures/DoublyLinkedList;
- DataStructures/LinkedList;
- DataStructures/Queue;
- DataStructures/Stack;
- randomWalk function;
- step function;
- Maths/isDecimal;
- DataStructures/DoublyLinkedList;
- DataStructures/Queue;
- DataStructures/Stack;
- DataStructures/BinarySearchTree;
- DataStructures/LinkedList;
- Removed: randomWalk1d, randomWalk3d, randomWalk3d functions;
- Add tests to the code;
- Arrays/chunk;
- Arrays/removeDuplicatesObj;
- DataStructures/LinkedList;
- Maths/isValidNumber;
- Maths/roundNumber;
- Organize project;
- Change lib/project name;
- Fixed multiple function based on the tests;
- Multiple files was organized!
- Removed: SortingAlgorithms - Moved sort function to the play-code project;
- Add some Sorting Algorithm;
- Array New Sort - Return a new array sorted based in the given one;
- Array Is Sorted - Check if the array is sorted;
- Get Position With Angle Distance;
- Is Falsy #84;
- Is Truthy #84;
- getBrowser - Returns the browser name #44;
- getBrowserVersion - Returns the browser version #44;
- getOS - Returns the OS name #44;
- getOSVersion - Returns the OS version #44;
- isMobile - Check if is in a mobile device #44;
- Move project from GitLab to GitHub;
- Change some functions names to array function;
- Move
; - Only export
function fromgetDate
file; - Removed
#88; - Move array functions to a folder #89;
- Move date function to device folder/namespace;
- Removed Games;
- Random Walk #46;
- Binary Search Tree #11;
change toarrayFindBigObject
change toarrayFindLowObject
change toarraySortAscending
change toarraySortAscendingObject
change toarraySortDescending
change toarraySortDescendingObject
- (DOM) KeyboardManager - A basic keyboard manager (like check if the key is pressed) #3;
- (DOM) MouseManager - A basic mouse manager (like check if a button is pressed) #4;
- divideEvenly - Returns a array with the dived evenly between the two numbers #55;
- isObjectEmpty - check if a array is empty;
- Median - Returns the median of the givens numbers #53;
- Mode #53;
- moved random numbers functions to the randomNumber.js file;
- moved random colors functions to the randomColor.js file;
- randomInt - Fix return a number between the given min and max;
- arrayChoice - Fixed not returning the last element;
- isObjectEmpty - Check is the given object is empty;
- Full Screen #41;
- arrayRandom;
- recursiveFibonacci;
- factorial;
- randomString #50;
- Array Choice #38;
- Array Shuffle #48;
- Vector2 - fixed some formulas and add new functions
This is the first version of the change log, so kinda is the first off all :)
- All functions, classes, etc...