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Lightning Web ComponentのDatatableの罫線が正常に表示されないバグへの対処方法.md

File metadata and controls

431 lines (384 loc) · 20 KB

Lightning Web Component(LWC)で正常に罫線が表示されないバグ

バグなのか自分の実装方法が悪いのか、lightning web component標準のlightning-datatableを使うと正常に罫線が表示されてくれない。 筆者が現状確認できているバグ(?)とソリューションを考えた。 もしこの状況がバグでなく公式なソリューションを知っている方は教えて欲しい。


  1. lightning-datatableで実装してx軸スクロールすると一部の罫線が途切れる。下の画像のsample4とsample5の間で罫線が切れていることがわかる。

スクリーンショット 2020-02-13 19.34.08.png

  1. lightning-datatableでslds-table_col-borderedを実装しようとすると一列目だけ罫線が表示されない

スクリーンショット 2020-02-13 19.43.17.png

lightning web component標準のdatatableを実装したソースコード


    <div class="slds-table_col-bordered">
        <lightning-datatable data={sorted_data} columns={columns} key-field="id" sorted-by={sorted_by}
            onsort={handle_sort_data} sorted-direction={sorted_direction}>
import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';

const columns = [
    { label: 'sample1', fieldName: 'sample1', type: 'text', sortable: true, fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample2', fieldName: 'sample2', type: 'date', sortable: true, fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample3', fieldName: 'sample3', type: 'percent', sortable: true, fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample4', fieldName: 'sample4', type: 'currency', sortable: true, fixedWidth: 200 },

const data = [
    { sample1: 'sample3', sample2: '2020-01-10', sample3: 0.784, sample4: 321456 },
    { sample1: 'sample1', sample2: '2020-01-15', sample3: 0.3248, sample4: 3214 },
    { sample1: 'sample5', sample2: '2020-01-20', sample3: 0.321149, sample4: 356 },
    { sample1: 'sample3', sample2: '2020-01-2', sample3: 0.149, sample4: 35644444 },

export default class Qiita_sample_code_2 extends LightningElement {
    @track sorted_data = data;
    @track columns = columns;
    @track sorted_by;
    @track sorted_direction;

    handle_sort_data(event) {
        this.sorted_by = event.detail.fieldName;
        this.sorted_direction = event.detail.sortDirection;
        this.sort_data(event.detail.fieldName, event.detail.sortDirection);

    sort_data(fieldname, direction) {
        let sorting_data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.sorted_data));
        let keyValue = (a) => {
            return a[fieldname];
        let isReverse = direction === 'asc' ? 1 : -1;
        sorting_data.sort((x, y) => {
            x = keyValue(x) ? keyValue(x) : '';
            y = keyValue(y) ? keyValue(y) : '';
            return isReverse * ((x > y) - (y > x));
        this.sorted_data = sorting_data;


    <lightning-datatable data={sorted_data} columns={columns} key-field="id" sorted-by={sorted_by}
        onsort={handle_sort_data} sorted-direction={sorted_direction}>
import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';

const columns = [
    { label: 'sample1', fieldName: 'sample1', type: 'text', sortable: true, fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample2', fieldName: 'sample2', type: 'date', sortable: true, fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample3', fieldName: 'sample3', type: 'percent', sortable: true, fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample4', fieldName: 'sample4', type: 'currency', sortable: true, fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample5', fieldName: 'sample5', type: 'text', fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample6', fieldName: 'sample6', type: 'date', fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample7', fieldName: 'sample7', type: 'percent', fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample8', fieldName: 'sample8', type: 'currency', fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample9', fieldName: 'sample9', type: 'text', fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample10', fieldName: 'sample10', type: 'date', fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample11', fieldName: 'sample11', type: 'percent', fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample12', fieldName: 'sample12', type: 'currency', fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample13', fieldName: 'sample13', type: 'text', fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample14', fieldName: 'sample14', type: 'date', fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample15', fieldName: 'sample15', type: 'percent', fixedWidth: 200 },
    { label: 'sample16', fieldName: 'sample16', type: 'currency', fixedWidth: 200 },

const data = [
    { sample1: 'sample3', sample2: '2020-01-10', sample3: 0.784, sample4: 321456, sample5: 'sample', sample6: '2020-01-10', sample7: 50, sample8: 321456, sample9: 'sample', sample10: '2020-01-10', sample11: 50, sample12: 321456, sample13: 'sample', sample14: '2020-01-10', sample15: 50, sample16: 321456 },
    { sample1: 'sample1', sample2: '2020-01-15', sample3: 0.3248, sample4: 3214, sample5: 'sample', sample6: '2020-01-10', sample7: 50, sample8: 321456, sample9: 'sample', sample10: '2020-01-10', sample11: 50, sample12: 321456, sample13: 'sample', sample14: '2020-01-10', sample15: 50, sample16: 321456 },
    { sample1: 'sample5', sample2: '2020-01-20', sample3: 0.321149, sample4: 356, sample5: 'sample', sample6: '2020-01-10', sample7: 50, sample8: 321456, sample9: 'sample', sample10: '2020-01-10', sample11: 50, sample12: 321456, sample13: 'sample', sample14: '2020-01-10', sample15: 50, sample16: 321456 },

export default class Qiita_sample_code_2 extends LightningElement {
    @track sorted_data = data;
    @track columns = columns;
    @track sorted_by;
    @track sorted_direction;

    handle_sort_data(event) {
        this.sorted_by = event.detail.fieldName;
        this.sorted_direction = event.detail.sortDirection;
        this.sort_data(event.detail.fieldName, event.detail.sortDirection);

    sort_data(fieldname, direction) {
        let sorting_data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.sorted_data));
        let keyValue = (a) => {
            return a[fieldname];
        let isReverse = direction === 'asc' ? 1 : -1;
        sorting_data.sort((x, y) => {
            x = keyValue(x) ? keyValue(x) : '';
            y = keyValue(y) ? keyValue(y) : '';
            return isReverse * ((x > y) - (y > x));
        this.sorted_data = sorting_data;


  1. この場合の問題点は、x軸方向にスクロールした場合にのみ発生するので、そもそもスクロールしないようなdatatableであればLightning Web Component標準のdatatableを使用して良い 例としては、以下のような場合である。

スクリーンショット 2020-02-13 19.52.19.png


スクリーンショット 2020-02-14 13.19.08.png

  1. Lightning Design System(slds)のdatatableを使う その方法を以下に記す。

lightning design systemのdatatableを使う方法





lightning design systemのdatatableを実装したソースコード

        class="slds-table slds-table_cell-buffer slds-table_bordered slds-is-relative slds-table_col-bordered slds-scrollable --x">
                            <lightning-icon if:true={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowup" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:false={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowdown" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:true={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowup" size="x-small"
                                name="sample2" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:false={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowdown" size="x-small"
                                name="sample2" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:true={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowup" size="x-small"
                                name="sample3" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:false={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowdown" size="x-small"
                                name="sample3" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:true={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowup" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:false={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowdown" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:true={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowup" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:false={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowdown" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:true={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowup" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:false={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowdown" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:true={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowup" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:false={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowdown" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:true={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowup" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:false={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowdown" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:true={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowup" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:false={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowdown" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:true={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowup" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:false={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowdown" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:true={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowup" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:false={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowdown" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:true={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowup" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                            <lightning-icon if:false={arrow_direction} icon-name="utility:arrowdown" size="x-small"
                                name="sample1" onclick={handleSort}>
                <template for:each={sorted_data} for:item="element">
                    <tr key={} class="slds-hint-parent">
                            <div class="slds-truncate">
                            <div class="slds-truncate">
import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';

//単純にstringとしてソートしているためか日付の場合zero paddingが必須
const data = [
    { id: 1, sample1: '2020-10-01', sample2: 123132321, sample3: 'a' },
    { id: 2, sample1: '2020-10-02', sample2: 6544566, sample3: 'b' },
    { id: 3, sample1: '2020-10-03', sample2: 98744166, sample3: 'c' },
    { id: 4, sample1: '2020-10-04', sample2: 8716555, sample3: 'd' },
    { id: 5, sample1: '2020-10-05', sample2: 498743, sample3: 'e' },
    { id: 6, sample1: '2020-10-06', sample2: 41688446, sample3: 'c' },
    { id: 7, sample1: '2020-10-07', sample2: 4687, sample3: 'e' },
    { id: 8, sample1: '2020-10-08', sample2: 4687, sample3: 'd' },
    { id: 9, sample1: '2020-10-09', sample2: 7763734, sample3: 'b' },
    { id: 10, sample1: '2020-10-10', sample2: 468743, sample3: 'a' },

export default class activity_log extends LightningElement {
    @track sorted_data = [];
    sort_direction = 'asc';
    sort_column = 'sample1';

    get arrow_direction() {
        return this.sort_direction === 'asc' ? true : false;

    connectedCallback() {
        this.sorted_data = data;
        this.sort_data(this.sort_column, this.sort_direction);

    // カラムのクリックハンドラー
    handleSort(event) {
        this.sort_direction = (this.sort_direction === 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc';
        this.sort_column =;
        this.sort_data(this.sort_column, this.sort_direction);

    sort_data(sort_column, direction) {
        // JSON化しないとリアクティブにdatatableに反映されない
        let sorting_data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.sorted_data));

        // ソートするカラムの値を参照
        let keyValue = (a) => {
            return a[sort_column];

        let isReverse = direction === 'asc' ? 1 : -1;

        sorting_data.sort((x, y) => {
            x = keyValue(x) ? keyValue(x) : '';
            y = keyValue(y) ? keyValue(y) : '';
            return isReverse * ((x > y) - (y > x));

        this.sorted_data = sorting_data;
