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TUlib is Klarna's standard Erlang libary.
ALPHA -- work in progress
BETA -- not used in production
Written by Jakob Sievers, with contributions by
- Bjorn Jensen-Urstad (/b3rnie)
- Daniel K. Lee (/dklee)
- Thomas Jarvstrand (/tjarvstrand)
[email protected]:~/git/klarna/tulib$ gmake
[email protected]:~/git/klarna/tulib$ gmake test
- assert.hrl -- Assertions
- bit.hrl -- Bit manipulation
- guards.hrl -- Predicate macros
- logging.hrl -- Wrappers for various logging packages
- metrics.hrl -- Wrappers for various metrics packages
- prelude.hrl -- Convenience
- types.hrl -- Common types
- tulib_atoms.erl -- Atom utilities
- tulib_call.erl -- Wrappers around erlang:apply/2,3
- tulib_combinators.erl -- Some standard higher-order functions
- tulib_csets.erl -- Counting sets
- tulib_deployer.erl -- A gen_server which loads code on remote nodes
- tulib_dlogs.erl -- A simplified interface to disk_log
- tulib_export.erl -- Some hacks for calling functions which aren't exported
- tulib_fs.erl -- Filesystem utilities
- tulib_gen_cache.erl -- Generic cache
- tulib_gen_db.erl -- A behaviour for simple, fault-tolerant data stores
- tulib_gen_lb.erl -- Generic load-balancer
- tulib_gen_proxy.erl -- Generic proxy
- tulib_lists.erl -- List utilities
- tulib_loops.erl -- Iteration-related higher-order functions
- tulib_maybe.erl -- Disciplined error handling
- tulib_nodes.erl -- Start and stop Erlang nodes from Erlang
- tulib_par.erl -- Parallel computation
- tulib_predicates.erl -- Functions which return true or false
- tulib_processes.erl -- Wrappers around !/receive
- tulib_random.erl -- Random numbers and such
- tulib_sh.erl -- Shell commands
- tulib_sockets.erl -- A simplified interface to gen_tcp
- tulib_strings.erl -- String utilities
- tulib_util.erl -- Misc
- tulib_vclocks.erl -- Generic vector clocks